267 research outputs found

    Microbial contamination of laboratory constructed removable orthodontic appliances

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    Circadian rhythms of histatin 1, histatin 3, histatin 5, statherin and uric acid in whole human saliva secretion

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    The circadian rhythms of histatins 1, 3, 5, of statherin and uric acid were investigated in whole human saliva. Histatins showed a rhythm approximately synchronous with salivary flow rate (acrophase around 5 pm), the higher amplitude pertaining to histatin 1 (about 50% of the mesor). Uric acid showed a large rhythm asynchronous with flow rate and histatin concentrations (4.4 ± 1.4 am). Statherin did not show a significant circadian rhythm on five of six volunteers. This finding confirms that the secretion route of statherin is different from that of histatins

    Epidemio-clinical study of the first iterative cesarean in the gynecology-obstetric service at the teaching hospital of Cocody

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    Background: The iterative caesarean section, is a caesarean section that is performed on a uterus already healed, therefore for fear of maternal and perinatal risks, is recognized as one of the main causes of the inflation of caesarean section in the world. One in three caesarean sections is performed because of a scar uterus. Objective of this study was to analyse the epidemiological and clinical factors of iterative caesarean sections in the gynecology-obstetrics department at the Teaching Hospital of Cocody (Abidjan).Methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive study conducted from June 1st, 2018 to May 31st, 2019, including 349 iterative caesarean section cases.Results: The first iterative C-section accounted for 16.1% of the C-section indications during the study period. The average age of the patients was 30 years. Nearly half of the patients practiced in the informal sector 47.9%, were uneducated in 38.1% of cases and lived with a partner in 73.1% of cases. The majority of patients in this series 75.1% performed at least 4 ANCs. Patients were followed by prenatal visits in 61% of cases by midwives and in 8.6% of cases had an inter-reproductive space of less than 18 months. This study patients were evacuated in 46.4% of cases. Acute fetal distress was the first indication of first iterative caesarean section with 20.3% of cases. Emergency caesarean sections accounted for 84.4% of the cases in this series. Authors found maternal death 0.3% and 6.7% perinatal mortality.Conclusions: The iterative caesarean section is a caesarean section likely to cause difficulties and complications per- operative. Although in constant improvement the prognosis of the mother-child couple still remains a problem in this context, prenatal monitoring should be the prerogative of obstetrician gynecologists

    Intervención arqueológica en la escombrera del taller de vasos de alabastro de Rodén (Fuentes de Ebro, Zaragoza)

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    Se presentan las excavaciones realizadas en la escombrera del taller de vasos de alabastro de Rodén (Zaragoza). Se exponen las características de la actuación, se analiza la estratigrafía y cronología del yacimiento, los rasgos técnicos del tipo de artesanía documentada y se estudian los elementos asociados, especialmente las cerámicas, con producciones prehistóricas, medievales y modernas registradas a lo largo de una secuencia que se extiende desde el siglo v a.C. hasta el xviii. Como resultado ha sido posible determinar la naturaleza del hallazgo —una escombrera de desechos de producción—, fijar la cronología del taller en la primera mitad del siglo xi, coincidiendo con el desarrollo de la taifa de Zaragoza, y explicar la evolución del yacimiento entre los siglos xiv y xviii a partir de las cerámicas entre las que resultan especialmente significativas las producciones esmaltadas


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    The present works is interested in the study of the fatty acid composition of cocoa butter extracted from dried beans from a solar device (experimental tray) and a microwave oven (MO) at three power levels (2400W, 2800W and 3200W). The results showed that the cocoa butter is essentially composed of three fatty acids close to 90%. These are palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid respectively for the extracts from the tray (24.41 ± 0.01%, 31.89 ± 0.02 and 32.22 ± 0.02%), the MO 2400W (23.64 ± 0.01%, 32.21 ± 0.02 and 32.31% ± 0.02%), the MO 2800W (24.87 ± 0.00%, 33.96 ± 0.01% and 33.18 ± 0.03%) and MO 3200W (22.38 ± 0.10, 33.00 ± 0.06% and 32.42 ± 0.05%). The variance analysis did not identify any significant difference in the effect of the two devices on the composition of major methyl esters constituent fatty acids (P≄0.05)

    Validating a measure for eco-anxiety in Portuguese young adults and exploring its associations with environmental action

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    Background: Worsening environmental conditions may amplify people’s emotional responses to an environmental crisis (eco-anxiety). In Portugal, young people seem to be especially concerned about climate change. However, this phenomenon needs to be interpreted using accurate instruments. Thus, this study aimed to validate the Portuguese version of the Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale (HEAS) in young adults and examine the associations among eco-anxiety, sociodemographic characteristics, and pro-environmental behaviours. Methods: A survey was administered to 623 Portuguese university students aged between 18 and 25 years. The survey included our Portuguese translation of the HEAS (obtained through a back-translation and pretesting process), a sociodemographic assessment, and questions related to pro-environmental behaviours. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the construct validity of the Portuguese version of the HEAS, and global fit indices were used to assess whether the original four-dimensional structure of the scale was reproduced. The reliability of the Portuguese version of the HEAS was evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha and the intraclass correlation coefficient. Measurement invariance examined sex differences in scale interpretation. Linear regressions were used to detect whether sociodemographic variables predict eco-anxiety and whether eco-anxiety predicts pro-environmental behaviours. Results: The factorial structure of the original scale was replicated in the Portuguese version of the HEAS, showing good internal consistency, reliability over time and strict invariance between men and women. A higher paternal education level predicted greater eco-anxiety in children. Two dimensions of eco-anxiety—namely, rumination and anxiety about personal impacts on the environment—predicted higher engagement in pro-environmental behaviours. Conclusions: The translated scale is an appropriate tool to measure eco-anxiety in the Portuguese context and should be used to collect evidence to drive environmental and health policies. An individual’s education level should be considered a determinant of their emotional response to environmental conditions. Importantly, eco-anxiety can act as a protective emotional response to preserving the planet
