158 research outputs found
Učinak druge faze topologije čestica pri početnoj temperaturi abnormalnog rasta zrna kod Fe – 3% Si čelika
The relations between regimes of dynamic annealing, state of secondary particles system and the onset temperature of abnormal grain growth are investigated. Two distinguish types of Fe-3%Si grain-oriented steels, after one and two stage cold rolling, were studied. The second phase particles remain unaffected in first type of steel during the heat treatment. Vice versa, the increased density of second phases was observed after annealing in the second type of the investigated materials. It is shown that start/onset of abnormal grain growth strongly depends on both volume fraction of second phase particles and annealing temperature. Texture and magnetic properties of the investigated samples are investigated within the current study.Istraživani su odnosi između režima dinamičkog žarenja, stanja sustava sekundarnih čestica i
početne temperature abnormalnog rasta zrna. Analizirane su dvije različite vrste Fe-3%Si zrnato usmjerenih čelika, nakon prve i druge faze hladnog valjanja. Čestice druge faze ostaju nepromijenjene kod prve vrste čelika tijekom toplinske obrade. Obrnuto, uočena je povećana gustoća u drugoj fazi nakon žarenja kod druge vrste ispitanih materijala. Prikazano je da početak abnormalnog rasta zrna uvelike ovisi i o opsegu čestica druge faze i o temperaturi žarenja. Ova analiza istražuje teksturu i magnetska svojstva ispitanih uzoraka
High-field magnetoexcitons in unstrained GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots
The magnetic field dependence of the excitonic states in unstrained GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The diamagnetic shift for the ground and the excited states are studied in magnetic fields of varying orientation. In the theoretical study, calculations are performed within the single band effective mass approximation, including band nonparabolicity, the full experimental three-dimensional dot shape and the electron-hole Coulomb interaction. These calculations are compared with the experimental results for both the ground and the excited states in fields up to 50 Tesla. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment
Sekundarna rekristalizacija u ne orijentiranim elektročelicima
Modelling of kinetics of grain growth process after primary recrystallisation in different types of non-oriented electrical steels is discussed. The ferrite grain growth behaviour during secondary recrystallization was analysed by applying the general equation for grain growth. The activation energy for grain boundary motion in both semi-processed and fully processed steels was calculated. An idea of anisotropic mobilities is applied to the columnar grain growth description. It is shown that the value of activation energy for columnar grain development along progress normal direction is higher than the one for rolling direction.Raspravljeno je modeliranje kinetike procesa rasta zrna nakon primarne rekristalizacije za različite vrste neorijetiranih elektročelika. Rast feritnog zrna tijekom sekundarne rekristalizacije analiziran je uporabom opće jednadžbe rasta zrna. Izračunata je energija aktivacije za gibanje granice zrna za poluobrađene i potpuno obrađene čelike. Za opis rasta stubičastih zrna korištena je ideja anizotropne pokretljivosti. Pokazana je da je vrijednost energije aktivacije za nastajanje stubičastog zrna veća u smjeru okomitom na smjer valjanja nego u smjeru valjanja
Інкорпорація та консолідація земельного законодавства України
Сидор В. Д. Інкорпорація та консолідація земельного законодавства України / В. Д. Сидор // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 595-597
Договір застави земельних ділянок сільськогосподарського призначення
Сидор В. Д. Договір застави земельних ділянок сільськогосподарського призначення / В. Д. Сидор // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Ю. М. Оборотов (заст. голов. ред.), Л. Р. Біла (відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; ОНЮА. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2005. – Вип. 25. – С. 395-399
Differential Mueller matrix imaging of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues
Since recently, a number of innovative polarization-based optical imaging modalities have been introduced and extensively used in various biomedical applications, with an ultimate aim to attain the practical tool for the optical biopsy and functional characterization of biological tissues. The techniques utilize polarization properties of light and Mueller matrix mapping of microscopic images of histological sections of biological tissues or polycrystalline films of biological fluids. The main drawback of currently developed laser polarimetry approaches and Mueller matrix mapping techniques is poor reproducibility of experimental data. This is due to azimuthal dependence of polarization and ellipticity values of most matrix elements to sample orientation in respect to incidence light polarization. Current study aims to generalize the methods of laser polarimetry for diagnosis of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues. A method of differential Mueller matrix mapping for reconstruction of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameter distributions of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structure is introduced and practically implemented. The coordinate distributions of the value of the first-order differential matrix elements of histological sections of brain tissue with spatially structured, optically anisotropic fibrillar network, as well as of parenchymatous tissue of the rectum wall with an “islet” polycrystalline structure are determined. Within the statistical analysis of polarization reproduced distributions of the averaged parameters of phase and amplitude anisotropy, the significant sensitivity of the statistical moments of the third and fourth orders to changes in the polycrystalline structure of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissue is observed. The differentiation of female reproductive sphere connective tissue is realized with excellent accuracy. The differential Mueller matrix mapping method for reconstruction of distributions of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameters of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structures is proposed and substantiated. Differential diagnostics of changes in the phase (good balanced accuracy) and amplitude (excellent balanced accuracy) of the anisotropy of the partially depolarizing layers of the vagina wall tissue with prolapse of the genitals is realized. The maximum diagnostic efficiency of the first-order differential matrix method was demonstrated in comparison with the traditional methods of polarization and Mueller matrix mapping of histological sections of light-scattering biological tissues
On parasite fauna of the European beaver
The purpose of the research is identification of the current parasitological situation for Eurasian beavers inhabiting the Central Russia.Materials and methods. The work was carried out on hunting farms and in specially protected areas of the Central Russia. Potentially infective material was collected, recorded and preserved from animals during 2015–2021. The age of the animals was determined by their weight and physiological state of the rodents’ teeth and internal organs, and the sex was determined by their genitals. The animals were examined according to the method of complete and partial helminthological dissection per Skryabin.Results and discussion. A total of 41 animals were examined. Three forms of parasitism on animals were identified in natural habitat, namely, the trematode Stichorchis subtriquetrus, the nematode Travassosius rufus, and the ectoparasite Platypsyllus castoris. The stichorchosis causative agent localized in the animal’s large intestine was diagnosed in 35 rodents (85.4%). The helminth infection was 96% in the Eurasian beaver and 68.7% in the Canadian beaver. The nematode infection in stomach was detected in 31 animals (75.6%). The infection by T. rufus was 88% in the Eurasian beaver, and 56.3% in the Canadian beaver. The infected animals were delivered from the Vladimir, Moscow, Ryazan, Tula and Yaroslavl Regions. The beaver beetle P. castoris was found in 6 animals (14.6%). The infection rate was 8% in the Eurasian beaver, and 25% in the Canadian beaver. Animals with wingless arthropods have been identified in the Moscow and Ryazan Regions
Differential Mueller matrix imaging of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues
Since recently, a number of innovative polarization-based optical imaging modalities have been introduced and extensively used in various biomedical applications, with an ultimate aim to attain the practical tool for the optical biopsy and functional characterization of biological tissues. The techniques utilize polarization properties of light and Mueller matrix mapping of microscopic imagesof histological sectionsof biological tissues or polycrystalline films ofbiologicalfluids. The main drawback of currently developed laser polarimetry approaches and Mueller matrix mapping techniques is poor reproducibility of experi-mental data. This is due to azimuthal dependence of polarization and ellipticity values of most matrix elements to sample orientation in respect to incidence light polarization. Current study aims to generalize the methods of laser polarimetry for
diagnosis of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues. A method of differential Mueller matrix mapping for reconstruction of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameter distributions of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structure is introduced and practically implemented. The coordinate distributions of the value of the first-order differential matrix elements of histological sections of brain tissue with spatially structured, optically anisotropic fibrillar network, as well as of parenchymatous tissue of the rectum wall with an “islet” polycrystalline structure are determined. Within the statistical analysis of polarization reproduced distributions of the averaged parameters of phase and amplitude anisotropy, the significant sensitivity of the statistical moments of the third and fourth orders to changes in the polycrystalline structure of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissue is observed. The differentiation of female reproductive sphere connective tissue is realized with excellent accuracy. The differential Mueller matrix mapping method for reconstruction of distributions of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameters of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structures is proposed and substantiated. Differential diagnostics of changes in the phase (good balanced accuracy) and amplitude (excellent balanced accuracy) of the anisotropy of the partially depolarizing layers of the vagina wall tissue with prolapse of the genital sisrealized. The maximum diagnostic efficiency of the first-order differential matrix method was demonstrated in comparison with the traditional methods of polarization and Mueller matrix mapping of histological sections of light-scattering biological tissues
Sub-threshold depression and antidepressants use in a community sample: searching anxiety and finding bipolar disorder
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the use of antidepressants (ADs) in people with sub-threshold depression (SD); the lifetime prevalence of mania and hypomania in SD and the link between ADs use, bipolarity and anxiety disorders in SD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study design: community survey. Study population: samples randomly drawn, after stratification from the adult population of municipal records. Sample size: 4999 people from seven areas within six Italian regions. Tools: Questionnaire on psychotropic drug consumption, prescription; Structured Clinical Interview NP for DSM-IV modified (ANTAS); Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D); Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ); Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). SD definition: HAM-D > 10 without lifetime diagnosis of Depressive Episode (DE).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SD point prevalence is 5.0%. The lifetime prevalence of mania and hypomania episodes in SD is 7.3%. Benzodiazepines (BDZ) consumption in SD is 24.1%, followed by ADs (19.7%). In SD, positive for MDQ and comorbidity with Panic Disorder (PD) or Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) are associated with ADs use, whereas the association between a positive MDQ and ADs use, without a diagnosis of PD or GAD, is not significant. Only in people with DE the well-being (SF-12) is higher among those using first-line antidepressants compared to those not using any medication. In people with SD no significant differences were found in terms of SF-12 score according to drug use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study suggests caution in prescribing ADs to people with SD. In people with concomitant anxiety disorders and SD, it should be mandatory to perform a well-designed assessment and evaluate the presence of previous manic or hypomanic symptoms prior to prescribing ADs.</p
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