232 research outputs found

    Time resolution of the Atlas Tile calorimeter and its performance for a measurement of heavy stable particles

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    Time resolution of the Atlas Tile calorimeter modules has been measured using the test beam data. The resolution depends on an energy deposited in a given cell and is equal to about 1.5 nsns at EE = 1 GeVGeV, 270 psps at EE = 25 GeVGeV (high gain), 700 psps at EE = 25 GeVGeV (low gain) and 170 psps at EE = 150 GeVGeV. These values have to be compared to the time of flight of relativistic particles to reach first samples of Tile calorimeter (from 8.3 nsns to 20 nsns). Time of Flight measurement using Tile Calorimeter can be used to identify, and combined with momentum measurements by Atlas inner detector, to measure the mass of exotic heavy stable particles. The results are compared to previous analysis using the Atlas muon spectrometercite{KRAAN2}

    Comparative anatomical and physiological characteristics of Ranunculus glacialis and estimation of its adaptive potential in natural habitats and the PABGI nursery (Murmansk region)

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    Ranunculus glacialis (L.) A. Löve & D. Löve is a rare species that is included in the Red Data Book of the Murmansk region. It belongs to a group of northern species that, under climate change conditions, will be exposed to a reduction of range and loss of genetic diversity. The objective of this study was to estimate the adaptive potential of this species in the Khibiny Mountains, which is the edge of the eastern limit of its range. Plants growing in natural conditions of the Khibiny Mountains and in the nurseries of the  Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute (PABGI) were compared in terms of leaf mesostructure and pigment content. Under nursery conditions, at higher temperature than in the field, R. glacialis plants showed quantitative rearrangement of leaf mesostructure. Changes associated with increases in internal leaf volume and disturbance of ontogeny, changes in morphometric indicators of assimilating organs (mass and leaf area), reduced productivity and, consequently, reduced resistance to growing conditions were also found in the PABGI-cultivated plants. In this study, we show that this species has a low level of genetic diversity and a limited adaptive potential in the extreme eastern edge of its range in Russia (Kola Peninsula), as evidenced by numerous experiments on acclimatization of R. glacialis under nursery conditions in the Khibiny Mountains

    Analysis of the regional “green” finances and identification of their vulnerable areas: Republic of Bashkortostan case study

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    This article systematizes approaches to the management of public finances directed to the environmental sphere both at the national and regional levels. The author highlights the main trends based on the use of synchronous (within the framework of the analysis of the structure of the management system) and diachronic (in terms of studying the dynamics of financing) analysis of the public administration system in the field of ecology and natural resources in the Republic of Bashkortostan, carried out on the materials of the state program Ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated 18 February 2014 No. 61 in its 20 editions. The study identifies vulnerable areas in terms of financing the management of the environmental sphere and natural resources at the regional level (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Leveling the identified negative factors will increase the economic connectivity of the place, and also contributes to the strengthening of the resilience of the territory. Improving the existing mechanism for financing the environmental sector is achievable by applying best practices, including tax incentives for introducing environmental innovations and investing in environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies, environmental insurance, grants, debt swaps, national and international climate funds, public procurement of environmental goods and other

    Focalisation linéaire d'ondes internes par un tore oscillant

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    Parmi les phénomènes susceptibles de provoquer localement une intensification de l'amplitude des ondes internes dans un fluide stratifié, et ainsi de conduire au mélange, figure un phénomène spécifiquement tridimensionnel : la focalisation géométrique causée par la forme de l'émetteu

    Ефективність застосування резонансної магнітоквантової терапії (РМКТ) у комплексному відновлювальному лікуванні хворих, які перенесли ішемічний інсульт (ІІ)

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    The effectiveness of the application of RMQT in addition to drug therapy was studied in 98 patients who had had IS at the early stage of rehabilitation. Based on the performed clinical, neurofunctional, biochemical studies, life quality assessment, there were established the features of the action of RMQT at the stage of early rehabilitation on the pathological and sanogenetic mechanisms in the patients having had IS: improvement of the state of cerebral hemodynamics; brain electrogenesis; liquor dynamics; lipid metabolism, rheological properties of blood, which contributed to the regression of neurological symptoms, namely, an increase in the range of active motions and muscle strength, a reduction in the muscle tone, a decrease in the arterial pressure (AP), an improvement in cognitive, intellectual-mnetic functions. It has been established that the patients having had IS were characterized by subjective and neurological manifestations of the disease, changes in the functional state of the nervous system (disturbance of cognitive and intellectual-mnemonic functions, brain electrogenesis, liquor dynamics) and cardiovascular system, cerebral circulation (hyperperfusion in all vascular basins, asymmetry of the blood circulation, increase in the peripheral vascular resistance), biochemical indices and quality of life. It has been shown that the use of the RMQT complex by a multilevel method in addition to basic medical therapy of the patients who have had IS at the stage of early rehabilitation can reduce the subjective and neurological manifestations of the disease, improve cognitive and intellectual-mnestic functions, improve intracardiac hemodynamics, cerebral circulation through the main head vessels and intracranial arteries, which characterized by an increase in the linear velocity of blood circulation, decreased hyperperfusion, peripheral vascular resistance and their asymmetry. It allows to improve significantly bioelectric activity of the brain, liquor dynamics, rheological-coagulation properties of blood and lipid metabolism. The effectiveness of RMQT was obtained in the patients with IS in 3 weeks and significantly increased after 3 months. The effectiveness of the application of RMQT by a multilevel method facilitates the achievement of a fairly high quality of life of the patients who have had IS, followed by reservation of it for 3 and 6 months according to the indices of working capacity, general well-being, intellectual-mnestic functions, and social activity.В дослідженнях на 98 хворих, які перенесли ІІ, на етапі ранньої реабілітації вивчена ефективність застосування РМКТ додатково до медикаментозної терапії. На підставі проведених клінічних, нейрофункціональних, біохімічних досліджень, оцінки якості життя встановлено особливості дії РМКТ на етапі ранньої реабілітації на пато- та саногенетичні механізми у хворих, які перенесли ІІ: покращання стану церебральної гемодинаміки; електрогенезу головного мозку; ліквородинаміки; ліпідного обміну, реологічних властивостей крові, що сприяло, регресу неврологічної симптоматики, а саме – збільшенню обсягу активних рухів і м’язової сили, зменшенню м’язового тонусу, зниженню артеріального тиску (AT), покращенню когнітивних, інтелектуальномнестичних функцій. Встановлено, що для хворих, які перенесли ІІ, в ранньому реабілітаційному періоді характерні суб'єктивні і неврологічні прояви захворювання, зміни функціонального стану нервової (порушення когнітивних і інтелектуально-мнестичних функцій, електрогенезу головного мозку, ліквародинаміки) і серцево-судинної систем, мозкового кровообігу (гіперперфузія у всіх судинних басейнах, асиметрії кровообігу, підвищення периферичного судинного опору), біохімічних показників та якості життя. Показано, що використання комплексу РМКТ за багаторівневою методикою додатково до базової медикаментозної терапії хворих, які перенесли ІІ, на етапі ранньої реабілітації дозволяє зменшити суб’єктивні і неврологічні прояви захворювання, поліпшити когнітивні і інтелектуально-мнестичні функції, покращити внутрішньосерцеву гемодинаміку, мозковий кровообіг по магістральних судинах голови і інтракраніальних артеріях, що характеризується збільшенням лінійної швидкості кровообігу, зниженням гіперперфузії, периферичного судинного опору і їх асиметрій, дозволяє значно поліпшити біоелектричну активність головного мозку, ліквородинаміку, реологічно-коагуляційні властивості крові і ліпідний обмін. Ефективність застосування РМКТ отримана у хворих з ІІ через З тижні і значно збільшується через 3 місяці. Ефективність застосування РМКТ за багаторівневою методикою сприяє досягненню відразу після лікування досить високого рівня якості життя хворих, які перенесли ІІ, з подальшим збереженням його протягом 3 і 6 місяців за параметрами працездатності, загального самопочуття, інтелектуально-мнестичних функцій, соціальної активності

    Effectiveness of the application of resonant magnetoquantum therapy in complex restorative treatment of patients who have had ischemic stroke

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    The effectiveness of the application of RMQT in addition to drug therapy was studied in 98 patients who had had IS at the early stage of rehabilitation. Based on the performed clinical, neurofunctional, biochemical studies, life quality assessment, there were established the features of the action of RMQT at the stage of early rehabilitation on the pathological and sanogenetic mechanisms in the patients having had IS: improvement of the state of cerebral hemodynamics; brain electrogenesis; liquor dynamics; lipid metabolism, rheological properties of blood, which contributed to the regression of neurological symptoms, namely, an increase in the range of active motions and muscle strength, a reduction in the muscle tone, a decrease in the arterial pressure (AP), an improvement in cognitive, intellectual-mnetic functions. It has been established that the patients having had IS were characterized by subjective and neurological manifestations of the disease, changes in the functional state of the nervous system (disturbance of cognitive and intellectual-mnemonic functions, brain electrogenesis, liquor dynamics) and cardiovascular system, cerebral circulation (hyperperfusion in all vascular basins, asymmetry of the blood circulation, increase in the peripheral vascular resistance), biochemical indices and quality of life. It has been shown that the use of the RMQT complex by a multilevel method in addition to basic medical therapy of the patients who have had IS at the stage of early rehabilitation can reduce the subjective and neurological manifestations of the disease, improve cognitive and intellectual-mnestic functions, improve intracardiac hemodynamics, cerebral circulation through the main head vessels and intracranial arteries, which characterized by an increase in the linear velocity of blood circulation, decreased hyperperfusion, peripheral vascular resistance and their asymmetry. It allows to improve significantly bioelectric activity of the brain, liquor dynamics, rheological-coagulation properties of blood and lipid metabolism. The effectiveness of RMQT was obtained in the patients with IS in 3 weeks and significantly increased after 3 months. The effectiveness of the application of RMQT by a multilevel method facilitates the achievement of a fairly high quality of life of the patients who have had IS, followed by preservation of it for 3 and 6 months according to the indices of working capacity, general well-being, intellectual-mnestic functions, and social activity

    The impact of updating the list of professions and specialties of secondary professional education the content of the training of teachers of vocational education

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    The article deals with the approach to the design of the content of training of teachers of vocational training on the basis of the actualization of the lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational educationВ статье рассматривается подход к проектированию содержания подготовки педагогов профессионального обучения на основе учета актуализации перечней профессий и специальностей среднего профессионального образовани

    Training of teachers of professional training in the field of design on the basis of requirements of professional standards

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    The article discusses the approach to the implementation of the process of designing the content of educational programs based on the requirements professional standards, ensuring the process of training of specialists is of a leading characterВ статье рассматривается подход к осуществлению процесса проектирования содержания образовательных программ на основе требований профессиональных стандартов, обеспечивая процессу подготовки специалистов опережающий характе


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    This work is devoted to the thermal stability and thermal expansion of dual-phase AlFeCoNiCu as-cast high-entropy alloy of equiatomic composition. The high entropy alloy AlFeCoNiCu is mix of FCC + BCC phases. According to characterized by EDSanalysis, Fe and Co are almost uniformly distributed in both phases in comparison with other elements. The BCC phase is rich in Ni and Al, and the FCC phase is Cu. Our measurement results of hardness and elastic modulus values for inter dendrites (FCC phase) and dendrites (BCC phase) of as-cast AlFeCoNiCu alloy showed the difference between there. Hardness values for inter dendrites and dendrites: 3.4±0.4GPa and 4.1±0.6GPa. Elastic modulus values for inter dendrites and dendrites: 130.5±2.0GPa and 166.5±5.6GPa. The thermal stability of the phases presented in AlFeCoNiCu as-cast high-entropy alloy has been studied with dilatometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC thermogram shows an endothermic peak at 1000K. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) increases linear from (10.6 ± 0.3)×10-6K−1 at room temperature to (27.7 ± 0.3) ×10-6K−1 at 370K. The CTE temperature curve also shows the peak at 1000K. The peaks in the CTE temperature and the DSC curve suggest a phase transformation with increasing temperature up to~1000K. © 2022, Technical University of Kosice. All rights reserved.Ural Federal University, UrFU, (FEUZ-0836-0020)Funding text 1: Acknowledgments: The work was performed using the equipment of the UCKP "Modern Nanotechnologies" of the Ural Federal University. This work was supported by state work № FEUZ-0836-0020.Funding text 2: The work was performed using the equipment of the UCKP "Modern Nanotechnologies" of the Ural Federal University. This work was supported by state work № FEUZ-0836-0020

    Role of metallurgical factors in structure and property formation for thick plates of alloys of the Al-Cu-Mg-Mn system

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    The role of chemical composition is studied in thick plate structure and property formation for alloys of the Al-Cu-Mg-Mn system. It is shown that in order to correct the chemical composition of aluminum alloys it is necessary to consider the alloying element compatible solubility limit within an aluminum matrix at the heating temperature for hardening and the proportion of alloying elements participating in forming almost insoluble phases with impurity elements. An important role is also played by alloying elements formed with reaction of excess phases, although they are soluble but cannot be dissolved during heating for hardening due to saturation of α-solid solution with alloying elements. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York