2,007 research outputs found

    Controlling antiferromagnetic domains in patterned La0.7Sr0.3FeO3 thin films

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    Transition metal oxide thin films and heterostructures are promising platforms to achieve full control of the antiferromagnetic (AFM) domain structure in patterned features as needed for AFM spintronic devices. In this work, soft x-ray photoemission electron microscopy was utilized to image AFM domains in micromagnets patterned into La0.7Sr0.3FeO3 (LSFO) thin films and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO)/LSFO superlattices. A delicate balance exists between magnetocrystalline anisotropy, shape anisotropy, and exchange interactions such that the AFM domain structure can be controlled using parameters such as LSFO and LSMO layer thickness, micromagnet shape, and temperature. In LSFO thin films, shape anisotropy gains importance only in micromagnets where at least one extended edge is aligned parallel to an AFM easy axis. In contrast, in the limit of ultrathin LSFO layers in the LSMO/LSFO superlattice, shape anisotropy effects dominate such that the AFM spin axes at micromagnet edges can be aligned along any in-plane crystallographic direction

    Triaxiality and the determination of the cubic shape parameter K3 from five observables

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    The absolute and the relative quadrupole shape invariants q3 and K3 provide a model independent measure of triaxiality for beta-rigid nuclei. We will show that one can obtain q3 and K3 from a small number of observables. The approximations which are made will be shown to hold within a few percent both in the rigid triaxial rotor model and the interacting boson model. The shape parameter K3 is given for an exemplary set of nuclei and is translated into effective values of the geometrical deformation parameters beta and gamma.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Periodic chiral magnetic domains in single-crystal nickel nanowires

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    We report on experimental and computational investigations of the domain structure of ~0.2 x 0.2 x 8 {\mu}m single-crystal Ni nanowires (NWs). The Ni NWs were grown by a thermal chemical vapor deposition technique that results in highly-oriented single-crystal structures on amorphous SiOx coated Si substrates. Magnetoresistance measurements of the Ni NWs suggest the average magnetization points largely off the NW long axis at zero field. X-ray photoemission electron microscopy images show a well-defined periodic magnetization pattern along the surface of the nanowires with a period of {\lambda} = 250 nm. Finite element micromagnetic simulations reveal that an oscillatory magnetization configuration with a period closely matching experimental observation ({\lambda} = 240 nm) is obtainable at remanence. This magnetization configuration involves a periodic array of alternating chirality vortex domains distributed along the length of the NW. Vortex formation is attributable to the cubic anisotropy of the single crystal Ni NW system and its reduced structural dimensions. The periodic alternating chirality vortex state is a topologically protected metastable state, analogous to an array of 360{\deg} domain walls in a thin strip. Simulations show that other remanent states are also possible, depending on the field history. Effects of material properties and strain on the vortex pattern are investigated. It is shown that at reduced cubic anisotropy vortices are no longer stable, while negative uniaxial anisotropy and magnetoelastic effects in the presence of compressive biaxial strain contribute to vortex formation.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Transient magnetoconductivity of photoexcited electrons

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    Transient magnetotransport of two-dimensional electrons with partially-inverted distribution excited by an ultrashort optical pulse is studied theoretically. The time-dependent photoconductivity is calculated for GaAs-based quantum wells by taking into account the relaxation of electron distribution caused by non-elastic electron-phonon interaction and the retardation of the response due to momentum relaxation and due to a finite capacitance of the sample. We predict large-amplitude transient oscillations of the current density and Hall field (Hall oscillations) with frequencies corresponding to magnetoplasmon range, which are initiated by the instability owing to the absolute negative conductivity effect.Comment: 21 pages, 6 fig

    Weights for relative motives; relation with mixed complexes of sheaves

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    The main goal of this paper is to define the so-called Chow weight structure for the category of Beilinson motives over any 'reasonable' base scheme SS (this is the version of Voevodsky's motives over SS defined by Cisinski and Deglise). We also study the functoriality properties of the Chow weight structure (they are very similar to the well-known functoriality of weights for mixed complexes of sheaves). As shown in a preceding paper, the Chow weight structure automatically yields an exact conservative weight complex functor (with values in Kb(Chow(S))K^b(Chow(S))). Here Chow(S)Chow(S) is the heart of the Chow weight structure; it is 'generated' by motives of regular schemes that are projective over SS. Besides, Grothendiek's group of SS-motives is isomorphic to K0(Chow(S))K_0(Chow(S)); we also define a certain 'motivic Euler characteristic' for SS-schemes. We obtain (Chow)-weight spectral sequences and filtrations for any cohomology of motives; we discuss their relation to Beilinson's 'integral part' of motivic cohomology and to weights of mixed complexes of sheaves. For the study of the latter we introduce a new formalism of relative weight structures.Comment: a few minor corrections mad

    Alternative Interpretation of Sharply Rising E0 Strengths in Transitional Regions

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    It is shown that strong 0+2 -> 0+1 E0 transitions provide a clear signature of phase transitional behavior in finite nuclei. Calculations using the IBA show that these transition strengths exhibit a dramatic and robust increase in spherical-deformed shape transition regions, that this rise matches well the existing data, that the predictions of these E0 transitions remain large in deformed nuclei, and that these properties are intrinsic to the way that collectivity and deformation develop through the phase transitional region in the model, arising from the specific d-boson coherence in the wave functions, and that they do not necessarily require the explicit mixing of normal and intruder configurations from different IBA spaces.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Hanle effect in the solar Ba II D2 line: a diagnostic tool for chromospheric weak magnetic fields

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    The physics of the solar chromosphere depends in a crucial way on its magnetic structure. However there are presently very few direct magnetic field diagnostics available for this region. Here we investigate the diagnostic potential of the Hanle effect on the Ba II D2 line resonance polarization for the determination of weak chromospheric turbulent magnetic fields......Comment: In press in astronomy and astrophysic

    Thermoelectric properties of the bismuth telluride nanowires in the constant-relaxation-time approximation

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    Electronic structure of bismuth telluride nanowires with the growth directions [110] and [015] is studied in the framework of anisotropic effective mass method using the parabolic band approximation. The components of the electron and hole effective mass tensor for six valleys are calculated for both growth directions. For a square nanowire, in the temperature range from 77 K to 500 K, the dependence of the Seebeck coefficient, the electron thermal and electrical conductivity as well as the figure of merit ZT on the nanowire thickness and on the excess hole concentration are investigated in the constant-relaxation-time approximation. The carrier confinement is shown to play essential role for square nanowires with thickness less than 30 nm. The confinement decreases both the carrier concentration and the thermal conductivity but increases the maximum value of Seebeck coefficient in contrast to the excess holes (impurities). The confinement effect is stronger for the direction [015] than for the direction [110] due to the carrier mass difference for these directions. The carrier confinement increases maximum value of ZT and shifts it towards high temperatures. For the p-type bismuth telluride nanowires with growth direction [110], the maximum value of the figure of merit is equal to 1.3, 1.6, and 2.8, correspondingly, at temperatures 310 K, 390 K, 480 K and the nanowire thicknesses 30 nm, 15 nm, and 7 nm. At the room temperature, the figure of merit equals 1.2, 1.3, and 1.7, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, typos added, added references for sections 2-

    The Hanle Effect in 1D, 2D and 3D

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    This paper addresses the problem of scattering line polarization and the Hanle effect in one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) media for the case of a two-level model atom without lower-level polarization and assuming complete frequency redistribution. The theoretical framework chosen for its formulation is the QED theory of Landi Degl'Innocenti (1983), which specifies the excitation state of the atoms in terms of the irreducible tensor components of the atomic density matrix. The self-consistent values of these density-matrix elements is to be determined by solving jointly the kinetic and radiative transfer equations for the Stokes parameters. We show how to achieve this by generalizing to Non-LTE polarization transfer the Jacobi-based ALI method of Olson et al. (1986) and the iterative schemes based on Gauss-Seidel iteration of Trujillo Bueno and Fabiani Bendicho (1995). These methods essentially maintain the simplicity of the Lambda-iteration method, but their convergence rate is extremely high. Finally, some 1D and 2D model calculations are presented that illustrate the effect of horizontal atmospheric inhomogeneities on magnetic and non-magnetic resonance line polarization signals.Comment: 14 pages and 5 figure

    Hanle effect in the CN violet system with LTE modeling

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    Weak entangled magnetic fields with mixed polarity occupy the main part of the quiet Sun. The Zeeman effect diagnostics fails to measure such fields because of cancellation in circular polarization. However, the Hanle effect diagnostics, accessible through the second solar spectrum, provides us with a very sensitive tool for studying the distribution of weak magnetic fields on the Sun. Molecular lines are very strong and even dominate in some regions of the second solar spectrum. The CN B2ΣX2ΣB {}^{2} \Sigma - X {}^{2} \Sigma system is one of the richest and most promising systems for molecular diagnostics and well suited for the application of the differential Hanle effect method. The aim is to interpret observations of the CN B2ΣX2ΣB {}^{2} \Sigma - X {}^{2} \Sigma system using the Hanle effect and to obtain an estimation of the magnetic field strength. We assume that the CN molecular layer is situated above the region where the continuum radiation is formed and employ the single-scattering approximation. Together with the Hanle effect theory this provides us with a model that can diagnose turbulent magnetic fields. We have succeeded in fitting modeled CN lines in several regions of the second solar spectrum to observations and obtained a magnetic field strength in the range from 10--30 G in the upper solar photosphere depending on the considered lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic