177 research outputs found

    Penghargaan Hak Berpendapat Anak di Pengadilan: Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Semarang

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    The right of children to be heard are guaranteed by the Child Protection Act in Indonesia. This is very principle as the main factor for judges to make decisions regarding disputes over child custody. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of laws in Indonesia that regulate children's rights to be heard in court. Data was taken by conducting documentary research and field research by collecting several decisions from the District Court of Semarang and interviewing the judges who handled this matter. This research shows that children are rarely asked for their opinions in the courtroom; Their opinions are only considered information, not as witness statements. As a result, their opinions and expectations have no effect on court decisions. The study also shows that the law in Indonesia has regulated the obligation of judges to listen to the opinions of children in court, but judges never consider it

    Penghargaan Hak Berpendapat Anak di Pengadilan: Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Semarang

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    The right of children to be heard are guaranteed by the Child Protection Act in Indonesia. This is very principle as the main factor for judges to make decisions regarding disputes over child custody. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of laws in Indonesia that regulate children's rights to be heard in court. Data was taken by conducting documentary research and field research by collecting several decisions from the District Court of Semarang and interviewing the judges who handled this matter. This research shows that children are rarely asked for their opinions in the courtroom; Their opinions are only considered information, not as witness statements. As a result, their opinions and expectations have no effect on court decisions. The study also shows that the law in Indonesia has regulated the obligation of judges to listen to the opinions of children in court, but judges never consider it

    Penghargaan Hak Berpendapat Anak di Pengadilan: Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Semarang

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    The right of children to be heard are guaranteed by the Child Protection Act in Indonesia. This is very principle as the main factor for judges to make decisions regarding disputes over child custody. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of laws in Indonesia that regulate children's rights to be heard in court. Data was taken by conducting documentary research and field research by collecting several decisions from the District Court of Semarang and interviewing the judges who handled this matter. This research shows that children are rarely asked for their opinions in the courtroom; Their opinions are only considered information, not as witness statements. As a result, their opinions and expectations have no effect on court decisions. The study also shows that the law in Indonesia has regulated the obligation of judges to listen to the opinions of children in court, but judges never consider it

    Comparison of CART and discriminant analysis of morphometric data in foraminiferal taxonomy

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    Paleontologists use statistical methods for prediction and classification of taxa. Over the years, the statistical analyses of morphometric data are carried out under the assumption of multivariate normality. In an earlier study, three closely resembling species of a biostratigraphically important genus Nummulites were discriminated by multi-group discrimination. Two discriminant functions that used diameter and thickness of the tests and height and length of chambers in the final whorl accounted for nearly 100% discrimination. In this paper Classification and Regression Tree (CART), a non-parametric method, is used for classification and prediction of the same data set. In all 111 iterations of CART methodology are performed by splitting the data set of 55 observations into training, validation and test data sets in varying proportions. In the validation data sets 40% of the iterations are correctly classified and only one case of misclassification in 49% of the iterations is noted. As regards test data sets, nearly 70% contain no misclassification cases whereas in about 25% test data sets only one case of misclassification is found. The results suggest that the method is highly successful in assigning an individual to a particular species. The key variables on the basis of which tree models are built are combinations of thickness of the test (T), height of the chambers in the final whorl (HL) and diameter of the test (D). Both discriminant analysis and CART thus appear to be comparable in discriminating the three species. However, CART reduces the number of requisite variables without increasing the misclassification error. The method is very useful for professional geologists for quick identification of species


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    Based on Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 on the Mediation Procedurel in Court, mediation is a step that must undertaken before the court hearing process. Therefore, it is important to know the implementation of mediation in Semarang Religious Court and Semarang District Court, especially its role to resolve marriage disputes and child custody cases. The question of the study is how is the role of mediators (both judge and non-judge) in the mediation process of divorce and child custody disputes, and how the role of mediators in implementating of children's rights on the mediation process is. Data was obtained through a documentary research and distributed questionnaires to 3 (three) District Court Judges and 2 (two) Semarang Religious Court Judges, and 3 (three) mediators at Walisongo Mediation Centre (WMC). The findings demonstrated that the role of judge and non-judge mediators in the mediation process of divorce and child custody cases was only as a facilitator. The non-judge mediators held more strict principle of not giving advice in order to maintenance of their neutrality than that of the judge mediators. The mediator has implemented their role by conveying and explaining children's rights, encouraging the parties to put forward the best interests of the child, facilitating women disputant to be able to fight for themselves and their children’s interests and needs, and reminding the obligation of both parties to fulfil the needs and the cost of their children’s lives if divorce was undertaken as a final solution

    Penggunaan Protein Akibat Pemberian Porsi Ransum Berbeda Dikombinasikan Dengan Lama Pencahayaan Pada Ayam Broiler (the Use of Protein Due to Combination of Feed Serving and Lighting Period on Broiler)

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    The research was aimed to determine the combining effect of dietary restrictions and lighting periode at day and night on protein digestibility, nitrogen retention and body weight gain in broiler chickens. The experimental animals were 320 bird of day old chicks (DOC) broilers with average weight gain 95,34±4,12 g, given feed containing protein19% and metabolizable energy 3007,70 kcal/ kg. Experiment was assigned in a completely randomized design of 3x2 split plot pattern with five replicates (10 bird each). Main plot was lighting periode (T1 4 hours, T2 6 hours, and T3 2D:2L) and sub-plots was different ration portion (R1 30% at day:70% at night and R2 40% at day:60% at night). The results showed that the treatment T2 (6 hours lighting at night) produced protein digestibility, nitrogen retention, protein efficiency ratio and body weight gain better than T1(4 hours lighting periode) and T3 (intermittent lighting). However, restriction of ration portion showed similar result for all parameters. Protein digestibility and broiler perform shows the highest result due to 6 hours lighting periode

    Keadaan Gizi Dan Kesehatan Balita Kurang Energi Protein Yang Berobat Jalan Ke Enam Puskesmas Di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Pada penelitian uji coba paket penanggulangan gizi buruk yang dilakukan oleh tenaga pelaksana gizi di enam puskesmas terpilih, tercatat 83 anak Balita kurang energi protein yang berobat jalan ke puskesmas yang dapat diamati Perubahan keadaan gizi dan kesehatan. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pemulihan di puskesmas selama enam bulan ternyata terdapat Perubahan keadaan gizi anak Balita dari 83 anak, 35 anak (42.2%) mengalami perbaikan keadaan gizi, dengan 4 anak (4.82%) menjadi keadaan gizi baik. 44 anak (53.0%) tidak mengalami Perubahan keadaan gizi dan 4 anak (4.8%) mengalami penurunan keadaan gizi. Dari 83 anak Balita tersebut yang berkunjung ke puskesmas ternyata lebih banyak disertai penyakit. Jenis penyakit yang banyak diderita adalah infeksi saluran pernapasan (55.5%), penyakit kulit 20.5%, infeksi saluran pernapasan atas disertai diare 20.5% dan diare 7.3%

    Kualitas Garam, Perilaku Pembelian Garam, Serta Kadar Yodium dalam Urin Ibu Hamil di Jawa Barat

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    Pengalaman di berbagai negara menunjukkan bahwa yodisasi garam secara universal terbukti menurunkan prevalensi gondok. Indonesia bertekad menurunkan prevalensi gondok dan bebas kretin baru pada tahun 2000. Dalam jangka panjang Indonesia bertekad melakukan yodisasi garam secara universal. Selama yodisasi garam secara universal belum tercapai perilaku ibu dalam membeli garam akan banyak menentukan konsumsi yodium rumahtangga. Selain itu beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian yodium hilang dalam pemasakan. Untuk itu diperlukan informasi status yodisasi garam, perilaku pemilihan garam serta hubungannya dengan kadar yodium yang diekskresi di urin ibu hamil. Karena itu telah dilakukan penelitian di 20% desa di setiap kecamatan di Propinsi Jawa Barat. Di setiap desa terpilih dilakukan wawancara terhadap 30 ibu hamil dan menyusui yang dipilih secara acak. Sub sampel ibu hamil dipilih secara acak sekitar 4 orang per desa terpilih untuk pengukuran eksekusi yodium di dalam urin. Di desa tersebut dilakukan uji kadar yodium dalam 4-5 macam sampel garam yang dijual di beberapa warung. Dari 4153 sampel garam yang diperiksa 27.1% mempunyai kadar yodium >30 ppm, 70% mengandung yodium <30 ppm dan 2.9% tidak mengandung yodium. Dari 45928 ibu hamil sampel pada saat membeli garam, 57% memilih garam beryodium, 8.7% sengaja memilih garam tidak beryodium dan 34.3% tidak peduli. Sebesar 89.6% ibu hamil membeli garam di warung-warung desa. Median ekskresi yodium di dalam urin 70 ug/L yang menunjukkan status kekurangan yodium. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara proporsi garam yodium >30 ppm, proporsi ibu-ibu yang sengaja membeli garam beryodium dengan proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin >100 ug/L yang menunjukkan status kekurangan yodium. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara proporsi garam yodium >30 ppm, proporsi ibu-ibu yang sengaja membeli garam beryodium dengan proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium dalam urin >100 ug/L ataupun proporsi ibu hamil dengan ekskresi yodium <50 ug/L

    BRCA1: linking HOX to breast cancer suppression

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    Homeobox (HOX) genes play key roles in embryogenesis and tissue differentiation. Recently, a number of groups have reported altered HOX gene expression in breast cancer. However, the mechanism of HOX gene regulation and the search for direct targets of its transcriptional regulatory function have been minimally fruitful. Recently, Gilbert and colleagues reported that HOXA9 restrains breast cancer progression by upregulation of BRCA1, a tumor suppressor. This finding raises our hope that more, rather elusive targets of HOX genes important in tumor progression or suppression will be found in the future

    Strong Association of 677 C>T Substitution in the MTHFR Gene with Male Infertility - A Study on an Indian Population and a Meta-Analysis

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    Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an important enzyme of folate and methionine metabolism, making it crucial for DNA synthesis and methylation. The objective of this study was to analyze MTHFR gene 677C>T polymorphism in infertile male individuals from North India, followed by a meta-analysis on our data and published studies.We undertook genotyping on a total of 837 individuals including well characterized infertile (N = 522) and confirmed fertile (N = 315) individuals. The SNP was typed by direct DNA sequencing. Chi square test was done for statistical analysis. Published studies were searched using appropriate keywords. Source of data collection for meta-analysis included 'Pubmed', 'Ovid' and 'Google Scholar'. Those studies analyzing 677C>T polymorphism in male infertility and presenting all relevant data were included in meta-analysis. The genotype data for infertile subjects and fertile controls was extracted from each study. Chi square test was done to obtain odds ratio (OR) and p-value. Meta-analysis was performed using Comprehensive Meta-analysis software (Version 2). The frequency of mutant (T) allele (p = 0.0025) and genotypes (CT+TT) (p = 0.0187) was significantly higher in infertile individuals in comparison to fertile controls in our case-control study. The overall summary estimate (OR) for allele and genotype meta-analysis were 1.304 (p = 0.000), 1.310 (p = 0.000), respectively, establishing significant association of 677C>T polymorphism with male infertility.677C>T substitution associated strongly with male infertility in Indian population. Allele and genotype meta-analysis also supported its strong correlation with male infertility, thus establishing it as a risk factor
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