1,206 research outputs found

    Evidence of the Zn Vacancy Acting as the Dominant Acceptor in n-Type ZnO

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    We have used positron annihilation spectroscopy to determine the nature and the concentrations of the open volume defects in as-grown and electron irradiated (Eel=2   MeV, fluence 6×10 exp 17   cm exp −2) ZnO samples. The Zn vacancies are identified at concentrations of [VZn]≃2×10 exp 15   cm exp −3 in the as-grown material and [VZn]≃2×10 exp 16   cm exp −3 in the irradiated ZnO. These concentrations are in very good agreement with the total acceptor density determined by temperature dependent Hall experiments. Thus, the Zn vacancies are dominant acceptors in both as-grown and irradiated ZnO.Peer reviewe

    Business Models for Electronic Commerce - Analysis of Grocery Retailing Industry

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    Electronic commerce can dramatically alter the current delivery and sales channels, as well as value chains in many industries. Accordingly, consumers will change or supplement their channel preferences with increasing amount of electronic services available. This study focuses on the different types of business models used in the grocery retailing industry, to serve consumers. The empirical part of he analysis is based on a longitudinal analysis of existing EGS’ in 1998 and 1999 in Europe, North America and Pacific Asia. The analysis shows that the majority of the electronic grocery shops are extensions of existing physical stores. There are, however, some signs of interesting new business strategies. These strategies are compared to the theoretical alternatives proposed by the model of Customer Channels and conclusions are drawn regarding the development of electronic commerce in grocery industry

    ”Ope, voiko kuunnella samalla musaa kun tekee tehtäviä?”:taustamusiikin vaikutus keskittymiseen oppimisen aikana

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan taustamusiikin vaikutusta oppimiseen. Aihetta käsitellään tutkielmassa suomalaisen peruskoulun näkökulmasta, jossa oppilailla on mahdollisuus itsenäisesti tai opettajajohtoisesti mahdollisuus vaikuttaa ympäristöönsä luoden paremmat olosuhteet keskittymiselleen. Vaikka aihetta käsitellään suomalaisen peruskoulun näkökulmasta, määritellään tässä tutkielmassa taustamusiikin käsite sekä sen vaikutukset keskittymiseen ja oppimiseen kansainvälisen tutkimustiedon pohjalta. Taustamusiikin hyödyntämisestä oppimisen ja keskittymisen tukena ei ole selkeää konsensusta opettajien kesken, tulisiko musiikkia hyödyntää oppimisen taustalla vai ei. On yhä epäselvää, onko musiikista hyötyä vai haittaa opiskelun taustalla, vaikka se on niin yleisesti käytetty väline oppimisen aikana ja yleisesti uskotaan, että musiikista on ehdottomasti hyötyä keskittymisen tukena. Tutkimuskysymykseni tälle tutkielmalle ovat: ”Mitä taustamusiikki on?” sekä ”Miten taustamusiikki vaikuttaa keskittymiseen ja tunteisiin oppimisen aikana?”. Taustamusiikin hyödyntämisessä keskittymisen ja oppimisen tukijana ei ole tutkimustiedon mukaan merkittävää hyötyä oppimisen aikana verrattuna opiskeluun hiljaisuudessa. Pahimmillaan musiikista opiskelun taustalla voi olla merkittävää haittaa oppimistuloksille. Eniten haittaa oppimistuloksille ja keskittymiselle muodostuu tilanteissa, jossa musiikki oppimisen taustalla sisältää lyriikoita ja vahvoja dynamiikan vaihteluita. Oikein hyödynnettynä ja oikeanlaatuisella taustamusiikilla voidaan kuitenkin tarjota syvälle keskittymiselle suotuisa tunnetila, jolloin musiikin luoma positiivinen tunnetila voi parhaimmillaan laajentaa käytettävissä olevia keskittymisen resursseja. On kuitenkin suositeltavaa, että taustamusiikkia hyödynnettäisiin oppimisen ja keskittymisen tukijana tilanteissa, joissa opiskeltava aines ei ole haastavaa. Tällaisia tilanteita ovat esimerkiksi paljon toistoja vaativat oppimistehtävät

    Evaluation of a smartphone app for forest sample plot measurements

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    We evaluated a smartphone app (TRESTIMA(TM)) for forest sample plot measurements. The app interprets imagery collected from the sample plots using the camera in the smartphone and then estimates forest inventory attributes, including species-specific basal areas (G) as well as the diameter (D-gM) and height (H-gM) of basal area median trees. The estimates from the smartphone app were compared to forest inventory attributes derived from tree-wise measurements using calipers and a Vertex height measurement device. The data consist of 2169 measured trees from 25 sample plots (32 m x 32 m), dominated by Scots pine and Norway spruce from southern Finland. The root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) in the basal area varied from 19.7% to 29.3% and the biases from 11.4% to 18.4% depending on the number of images per sample plot and image shooting location. D-gM measurement bias varied from -1.4% to 3.1% and RMSE from 5.2% to 11.6% depending on the tree species. Respectively, H-gM bias varied from 5.0% to 8.3% and RMSE 10.0% to 13.6%. In general, four images captured toward the center of the plot provided more accurate results than four images captured away from the plot center. Increasing the number of captured images per plot to the analyses yielded only marginal improvement to the results.Peer reviewe

    Vacancy-Impurity Complexes in Highly Sb-Doped Si Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Positron annihilation measurements, supported by first-principles electron-structure calculations, identify vacancies and vacancy clusters decorated by 1–2 dopant impurities in highly Sb-doped Si. The concentration of vacancy defects increases with Sb doping and contributes significantly to the electrical compensation. Annealings at low temperatures of 400–500 K convert the defects to larger complexes where the open volume is neighbored by 2–3 Sb atoms. This behavior is attributed to the migration of vacancy-Sb pairs and demonstrates at atomic level the metastability of the material grown by epitaxy at low temperature.Peer reviewe

    Multiplexed High-Throughput Serological Assay for Human Enteroviruses

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    Immunological assays detecting antibodies against enteroviruses typically use a single enterovirus serotype as antigen. This limits the ability of such assays to detect antibodies against different enterovirus types and to detect possible type-specific variation in antibody responses. We set out to develop a multiplexed assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against multiple enterovirus and rhinovirus types encompassing all human infecting species. Seven recombinant VP1 proteins from enteroviruses EV-A to EV-D and rhinoviruses RV-A to RV-C species were produced. Using Meso Scale Diagnostics U-PLEX platform we were able to study antibody reactions against these proteins as well as non-structural enterovirus proteins in a single well with 140 human serum samples. Adults had on average 33-fold stronger antibody responses to these antigens (p < 10−11) compared to children, but children had less cross-reactivity between different enterovirus types. The results suggest that this new high-throughput assay offers clear benefits in the evaluation of humoral enterovirus immunity in children, giving more exact information than assays that are based on a single enterovirus type as antigen

    Multiplexed High-Throughput Serological Assay for Human Enteroviruses

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    Immunological assays detecting antibodies against enteroviruses typically use a single enterovirus serotype as antigen. This limits the ability of such assays to detect antibodies against different enterovirus types and to detect possible type-specific variation in antibody responses. We set out to develop a multiplexed assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against multiple enterovirus and rhinovirus types encompassing all human infecting species. Seven recombinant VP1 proteins from enteroviruses EV-A to EV-D and rhinoviruses RV-A to RV-C species were produced. Using Meso Scale Diagnostics U-PLEX platform we were able to study antibody reactions against these proteins as well as non-structural enterovirus proteins in a single well with 140 human serum samples. Adults had on average 33-fold stronger antibody responses to these antigens (p < 10−11) compared to children, but children had less cross-reactivity between different enterovirus types. The results suggest that this new high-throughput assay offers clear benefits in the evaluation of humoral enterovirus immunity in children, giving more exact information than assays that are based on a single enterovirus type as antigen