313 research outputs found

    Криміналістичні наукові дослідження Національної академії внутрішніх справ: доробок наукових шкіл (оглядова стаття)

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    The Article purpose is to disclose the process of the formation of forensic scientific schools in the National Academy of Internal Affairs on the basis of the study of its historical development; to emphasize the role of heads of departments and leading professors of the National Academy of Internal Affairs in formation of forensic scientific schools, identify the main research directions of forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, highlight their contribution in training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff; to emphasize achievements of forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs and their significance for advancement of legal science and education in Ukraine. When covering the article content, historical, historiographic, terminological, systemic-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal and statistical methods have been applied.  It is substantiated that the center for the development of forensic scientific schools in the National Academy of Internal Affairs is the Department of Criminalistics. Main directions of research of forensic scientific schools in the National Academy of Internal Affairs have been systematized and shown. It has been proved that forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs are developing according to two scientific directions: innovative research of non-traditional traces of crime (the school of Professor M. V. Saltevskij); advancement of investigative activities and methods of investigating criminal offenses based on studying tactics applied by criminals, current achievements in science and technology (school of Professor V. P. Bahin). Scientific links between forensic schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs and other forensic schools and centers of research institutions, higher educational institutions, law enforcement agencies have been demonstrated. Forensic scientific schools of the National Academy of Internal Affairs play a crucial role in the development of legal science and education, contribute to the formation of the high level of professionalism in law enforcement agencies and lawyers, ensure the unity of law enforcement practice and educational-scientific activity in higher education institutions.Проаналізовано розвиток криміналістичних досліджень наукових шкіл Національної академії внутрішніх справ (далі — НАВС). Показано роль керівників кафедр і провідних професорів НАВС у розвитку наукових досліджень; розкрито напрями криміналістичних досліджень наукових шкіл НАВС. Криміналістичні дослідження НАВС розвиваються за двома векторами — інноваційні дослідження нетрадиційних слідів злочину (школа професора М. В. Салтевського) і вдосконалення слідчої діяльності й ме-тодик розслідування злочинів (школа професора В. П. Бахіна)

    Laser Printing of Gel Microdrops with Living Cells and Microorganisms

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    We report the results of experiments on laser printing (wavelength λ=1064 nm) with gel microdrops acting as carriers of living microbial and cellular objects. The dynamics of transport processes with the help of high-speed optical video was studied, which allows to determine characteristics of the formed gel jets and to optimize the operating mode of the laser. It is shown that laser pulses of 4 to 20 ns duration and energy E ≤ 20 μJ should be used to minimize the negative effect on living systems. The results can be used to optimize the technologies of cellular printing and laser engineering of microbial systems (LEMS). LEMS technology is used to isolate hard-cultivated and non-cultivated by classical methods of microorganisms that can act as producers of new biologically active substances and antibiotics. Keywords: laser printing, gel, microdrop, living cell, microbia

    Diagrams of the formation of In2S3 and In 2Se3 films on vitroceramic upon precipitation, according to potentiometric titration

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    Boundary conditions and ranges of the formation of indium(III) sulfide and selenide upon precipitation by thiocarbamide and selenocarbamide are determined. Potentiometric titration of indium chloride (InCl3) in the concentration range of 0.0001 to 0.100 mol/L by a solution of sodium hydroxide is performed. It is found that the following pH ranges are optimal for In 2S3 and In2Se3 film precipitation: from 3.0 to 4.5 and from 9.0 to 14.0. Indium selenide layers 100 to 300 nm thick are prepared on vitroceramic by hydrochemcial precipitation. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Coupled Dynamics of Spin Qubits in Optical Dipole Microtraps: Application to the Error Analysis of a Rydberg-Blockade Gate

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    Single atoms in dipole microtraps or optical tweezers have recently become a promising platform for quantum computing and simulation. Here we report a detailed theoretical analysis of the physics underlying an implementation of a Rydberg two-qubit gate in such a system—a cornerstone protocol in quantum computing with single atoms. We focus on a blockade-type entangling gate and consider various decoherence processes limiting its performance in a real system. We provide numerical estimates for the limits on fidelity of the maximally entangled states and predict the full process matrix corresponding to the noisy two-qubit gate. We consider different excitation geometries and show certain advantages for the gate realization with linearly polarized driving beams. Our methods and results may find implementation in numerical models for simulation and optimization of neutral atom based quantum processors

    Non-Thermal Absorption and Quantum Efficiency of SINIS Bolometer

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    We study mechanisms of absorption in two essentially different types of superconductor-insulator-normal metal-insulator-superconductor (SINIS) bolometers with absorber directly placed on Si wafer and with absorber suspended above the substrate. The figure of merit for quantum photon absorption is quantum efficiency equal to the number of detected electrons for one photon. The efficiency of absorption is dramatically dependent on phonon losses to substrate and electrodes, and electron energy losses to electrodes through tunnel junctions. The maximum quantum efficiency can approach n = hf/kT = 160 at f = 350 GHz T = 0.1 K, and current responsivity dI/dP = e/kT in quantum gain bolometer case, contrary to photon counter mode with quantum efficiency of n = 1 and responsivity dI/dP = e/hf. In experiments, we approach intrinsic quantum efficiency up to n = 80 electrons per photon in bolometer with suspended absorber, contrary to quantum efficiency of about one for absorber on the substrate. In the case of suspended Cu and Pd absorber, Kapitsa resistance protect from power leak to Al electrodes

    Magnetic and spectral properties of multi-sublattice oxides SrY2O4:Er3+ and SrEr2O4

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    SrEr2O4 is a geometrically frustrated magnet which demonstrates rather unusual properties at low temperatures including a coexistence of long- and short-range magnetic order, characterized by two different propagation vectors. In the present work, the effects of crystal fields (CF) in this compound containing four magnetically inequivalent erbium sublattices are investigated experimentally and theoretically. We combine the measurements of the CF levels of the Er3+ ions made on a powder sample of SrEr2O4 using neutron spectroscopy with site-selective optical and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements performed on single crystal samples of the lightly Er-doped nonmagnetic analogue, SrY2O4. Two sets of CF parameters corresponding to the Er3+ ions at the crystallographically inequivalent lattice sites are derived which fit all the available experimental data well, including the magnetization and dc susceptibility data for both lightly doped and concentrated samples.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Selective laser spectroscopy of Mn4+-Mn4+ pair centers in SrTiO3 crystal

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    Zero-phonon lines of a pair center of Mn4+ ions are observed in the luminescence and luminescence-excitation spectra of SrTiO3:Mn crystal. Based on the experimental data, the energy-level structure of the ground state |4 A2g,4 A2g〉 and excited state |4 A2g,2 Eg〉 of the Mn4+-Mn4+ pair center is constructed. It is shown that the exchange interaction in the ground state of the Mn4+-Mn 4+ pair is antiferromagnetic. Energies of the levels are calculated assuming that the pair is formed by Mn4+ ions occupying neighboring octahedral positions of Ti4+ ions along the [110] axis. Experimental values of the exchange integral in the ground state |4 A 2g,4 A2g〉 and energies of spin multiplets in the excited state |4 A2g,2 E g〉 agree well with calculation of the exchange interaction carried out within the framework of the channel model with the parameters J ξη = 32 cm4-1 and Jζζ = -45.5 cm4-1. Experimental data and calculations unambiguously demonstrate that zero-phonon lines in the luminescence and luminescence-excitation spectra have magnetic-dipole nature. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd