42 research outputs found

    Dark Energy: Observational Evidence and Theoretical Models

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    The book elucidates the current state of the dark energy problem and presents the results of the authors, who work in this area. It describes the observational evidence for the existence of dark energy, the methods and results of constraining of its parameters, modeling of dark energy by scalar fields, the space-times with extra spatial dimensions, especially Kaluza---Klein models, the braneworld models with a single extra dimension as well as the problems of positive definition of gravitational energy in General Relativity, energy conditions and consequences of their violation in the presence of dark energy. This monograph is intended for science professionals, educators and graduate students, specializing in general relativity, cosmology, field theory and particle physics.Comment: Book, 380 p., 88 figs., 7 tables; 1st volume of three-volume book "Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe", ed. V. Shulga, Kyiv, Academperiodyka, 2013; ISBN 978-966-360-239-4, ISBN 978-966-360-240-0 (vol. 1). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0706.0033, arXiv:1104.3029 by other author

    Changes of electrocardiograms and heart morphology of animals with different resistance to hypoxia under influences of stress

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    Stress is a process that increases a person’s adaptive capacity and leads to the various diseases, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke, mental disorders such as depression and anxiety and even sudden death. Individual response to stress may depend on age, gender, features of autonomic regulation, state of the central nervous system, endocrine systems, higher nervous activity. With excessive stress, the work of internal organs is disturbed, in particular, the cardiovascular system. Determination of the damaging effect of stress on the cardiovascular system in individuals with different reactivity will contribute to the development of individual correction methods. The aim of the study was to analyze the changes in electrocardiograms (ECG) and morphological feachers after stress in animals with different resistance to hypoxia. Material and methods of investigation. Experiments were performed on 48 Wistar rats, with high and low resistance to hypoxia (HRH, LRH), aged 5–6 months. Animals were divided into two groups – control and experimental (after immobilization stress). Individuals with different resistance to hypoxia were selected by method of V. Ya. Berezovsky. Stress was modeled by three one-hour immobilization of rats, which were immobilized on their backs with an interval of 24 hours between each stressful episode. Investigation we did after 24 hours after third immobilization. Under anesthesia were registrated ECG and taken heart for morphological investigation. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Results. In examining the ECG in control HRH and LRH animals, no significant difference in the analyzed ECG indicators was established. 24 hours after the last 1 hour three-time immobilization in HRH rats were noted an increase in heart rate, a decrease of the duration of the RR interval, a decrease of the amplitude of the R wave, an increase of QTc interval, an increase of the amplitude of the T wave, an increase in the deviation of the ST segment from the isoline. In LRH rats, stress caused an increase in heart rate, a decrease in the duration of the RR interval, a decrease in the duration of the PQ interval, a decrease in the amplitude of the R wave, an increase in the amplitude of the T wave, an increase in the deviation of the ST segment from the isoline. When comparing the parameters of НRH and LRH rats, in LRH were found a smaller amplitude of the P wave, a smaller amplitude of the R wave, a smaller value of the QTc interval, greater deviation of the ST segment from the isoline. Physiological changes on ECG can also connected with morphological feaches. Conclusions. Stress leads to changes in functional and histological properties of heart, which depends on resistance to hypoxia. In the ECG 24 hours after the last 1 hour three-time immobilization in HRH and LRH rats were noted an increase in heart rate, a decrease of the duration of the RR interval, a decrease of the amplitude of the R wave, an increase of the amplitude of the T wave, an increase in the deviation of the ST segment from the isoline. In HRH rats were also an increase of QTc interval, in LRH rats – a decrease in the duration of the PQ interval. Indxes changes were grater in LRH rats. Mophological changes was higher also in LRH animals

    Squared Weyl and Dirac fields with the Sommers-Sen connection associated with V³₄ distributions

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    Generalization of the Sommers–Sen spinor connection for spinor fields, associated with the distribution V³₄ is made and on its basis the equations for Weyl and Dirac null vector fields on complexificated V³₄ are obtained. We interpret the obtained results by examining the interaction of spinor fields with inertial forces.На основі узагальнення спінорної зв’язності Соммерса-Сена для полів, асоційованих із розподілом V³₄ , отримано рівняння для нульових полів Вейля і Дірака у комплексифікованому розподілі V³₄ . Отримані рівняння дозволяють описати взаємодію нульових полів із полями інерції

    Изменения цитокинового профиля крови при экспериментальном диффузном кардиосклерозе у крыс с различной устойчивостью к гипоксии = Changes of cytokine blood profile in experimental diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia

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    Saturska H. S., Bondarenko Yu. I., Pelykh V. E. Изменения цитокинового профиля крови при экспериментальном диффузном кардиосклерозе у крыс с различной устойчивостью к гипоксии = Changes of cytokine blood profile in experimental diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(2):66-78. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.15412http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%282%29%3A66-78https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/536525http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.15412Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011 – 2014 http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Deklaracja.Specyfika i zawartość merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie.Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., że w roku 2014 nie będzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r.The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014).© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.10.2014. Revised 18.01.2015. Accepted: 25.01.2015. УДК 616.12-004-097-02:616.152.21]-092.9UDC 616.12-004-097-02:616.152.21]-092.9ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ЦИТОКИНОВОГО ПРОФИЛЯ КРОВИ ПРИ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОМ ДИФФУЗНОМ КАРДИОСКЛЕРОЗЕ У КРЫС С РАЗЛИЧНОЙ УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬЮ К ГИПОКСИИ Changes of cytokine blood profile in experimental diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia Сатурская А. С., Бондаренко Ю. И., Пелых В. Е.Saturska H. S., Bondarenko Yu. I., Pelykh V. E.ГВУЗ «Тернопольский государственный медицинский университет имени И.Я. Горбачевского МЗ Украины», г. ТернопольSHEI “I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine”, Ternopil, [email protected] Ключевые слова: гипоксия, диффузный кардиосклероз, цитокины. Key words: hypoxia, diffuse myocardial fibrosis, cytokines. Резюме В работе изложены особенности изменений цитокинового статуса в динамике развития экспериментального кардиосклероза у лабораторных животных (белых крыс) с различной устойчивостью к гипоксии на этапах моделирования данной патологии (7, 14, 30 суток наблюдения). Выявлено, что развитие кардиосклеротического процесса сопровождается различным по степени повышением синтеза цитокинов – ИЛ-1β, ИЛ-6 в зависимости от чувствительности животных к гипоксии, а также от периода наблюдения. Особенностями реакции противовоспалительного звена на моделирование диффузного кардиосклероза является повышение содержания ИЛ-10 на всех этапах развития патологии, за исключением низкоустойчивых к гипоксии животных, у которых содержание ИЛ-10 немного снижено. Abstract The article presents peculiarities of changes of cytokine status in the dynamics of experimental cardiosclerosis in laboratory animals (white rats) with different resistance to hypoxia at stages of modeling of the disease (7, 14, 30 days of observation). It has been discovered that the development of experimental diffuse ischemic necrotic cardiosclerosis is accompanied by different degrees of increase of synthesis of IL-1β and IL-6 cytokines in blood serum depending on the sensitivity of animals to hypoxia and on the observation period.Increased level of IL-10 inblood serum in animals with high and medium resistance to hypoxia at all stages of the disease, and decreased level of IL-10 inblood serum in animals with low resistance to hypoxia are the main peculiarities of an anti-inflammatory response due to diffuse cardiosclerosis modeling

    On some method of the fatigue lifetime calculation under combined completely reversed cyclic bending and torsion

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    Розв’язується задача розрахунку довговічності суцільних зразків та тонкостінних трубчатих зразків металевих матеріалів внаслідок втоми за умов одночасного навантаження симетричним циклічним згином та симетричним циклічним крученням. Розв’язок будується виходячи із нелінійної моделі граничного стану, що задає залежність між амплітудами напружень циклу у формі степеневої трансцендентної функції. Розв’язки апробовано експериментально на прикладі розрахунку довговічності внаслідок втоми зразків із кольорових сплавів, легованих сталей та жароміцних сплавівThe problem of fatigue lifetime calculation of material specimens under combined completely reversed cyclic bending and torsion loading is solved. Solid prismatic and thin walled tubular specimens made of isotropic metal materials have been the subject of this investigation. The method for solving of the problem considered is based on a nonlinear model of the boundary state under combined bending and torsion. The model establishes the relation between bending stress and torsion stress amplitudes is given by an exponential transcendental function. The resolving equations for the fatigue lifetime calculation have been formulated within the frame work of the boundary state model suggested. The material constants of the model were determined from pure cyclic bending and pure cyclic torsion test data as well as from identity combined bending and torsion test. The number of cycles to failure of specimens made of non-ferrous alloys, alloy steel and heat-resistant steel under combined bending and torsion as a function of bending stress amplitude, shear stress amplitude and maximum shear stress have been calculated. Calculation results have been approved experimentally.Решается задача расчета долговечности сплошных образцов и тонкостенных трубчатых образцов металлических материалов вследствие усталости при условии одновременного нагружения симметричным циклическим изгибом и симметричным циклическим кручением. Решение строится исходя из нелинейной модели предельного состояния, которая определяет зависимость между амплитудами напряжений цикла в форме степенной трансцендентной функции. Решения апробированы экспериментально на примере расчета долговечности вследствие усталости образцов из цветных сплавов, легированных сталей и жаропрочных сплавов

    Analysis of the dynamics of the nomenclature of medicines in the government program «Available medicines»

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    The availability of medicines the public is a problem with the most acute health care systems. Not only the issue of physical availability of medicines, their availability in pharmacies, but also the economic assistance of the population to purchase drugs is relevant. To overcome these problems, the Government has recognized the introduction of a reimbursement process in the pharmaceutical sector. The content of improving the quality and life expectancy of the population, with increasing physical and economic accessibility of drugs for the treatment of the most socially significant diseases, April 1, 2017 the Government introduced a reimbursement program «Available medicines». In the beginning there were spreads with cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and bronchial asthma. From October 1, 2021, the program includes drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, mental and behavioral disorders, epilepsy. The aim of the work is to study the dynamics of the range of drugs included in the government programs «Available medicines» for 2017–2022. The content analysis of 13 issues of Registers of medicines subject to reimbursement shows the updating and growth of the number of international non-proprietary names and in accordance with the trade names of drugs for the treatment of nosologies, which countries have recognized as the best. The nomenclature of medicines has been updated twice with international non-proprietary names and in almost 3 varieties – by trade names compared to the first issue, which is associated with both the expansion of names for the treatment of the disease, which were in programs since 2017 and the emergence of new nosology from 2021. On average, the share of drugs of domestic pharmaceutical companies is only 60%, which opens a significant prospect of import substitution, reduces drug prices under the government program «Available medicines» and, for example, increase the physical and economic availability of drugs. The conducted studies allow us to conclude that there is a need to improve the assortment policy of the government program «Available medicines» using the population of Ukraine available drugs in accordance with the needs of the population and the standards for the treatment socially significant diseases


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    A new method of acetylcholine content in tissues measuring by biological method, allowing greatly decrease amount of factors that influence test accuracy, as well as time spent by automatization of greater part of test with using of new information technologies.В статье приведён новый способ определения содержания ацетилхолина биологическим методом в тканях, который позволяет максимально уменьшить количество факторов, влияющих на точность исследования, а также значительно уменьшить затраты времени, путем автоматизации большей части исследования с использованием новейших информационных технологий.У статті наведено новий спосіб визначення вмісту ацетилхоліну біологічним методом в тканинах, який дозволяє максимально зменшити кількість факторів, що впливають на точність дослідження, а також значно зменшити затрати часу шляхом автоматизації більшої частини дослідження з використанням новітніх інформаційних технологій