858 research outputs found

    Perception of Dynamic Social and Non-social Stimuli in Preterm and Full-term Children: Neurocognitive Correlates in Early Childhood

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of newborn deaths in almost all countries around the world. Whilst survivors encounter severe motor, cognitive and behavioral impairments during infancy or later in their lives, the studies of the recent years have demonstrated that the social development serving a basis for learning and cognition of the environment in human infants can be severely affected even in normally developing preterm born children (gestational age < 37 weeks). The current article presents a discussion on the behavioral as well as the neuroimaging aspects of the social maturation in preterm and full-term children, depicting complexity of theimpairments and focusing on the involved brain structures. Further, authors perform the design of the longitudinal study of social and non-social perception in early childhood, implemented on the base of the Laboratory for Brain and Neurocognitive Development (Ural Federal University). Keywords: prematurity, social development, early childhood, neurocognitive correlate

    Issues in the study of utero-placental blood flow in severe gestosis

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    The complications of pregnancy, gestosis particularly, are still important aspects on the modern stage of development of obstetrics, as it influences on development of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. One hundred and twenty-five patients with severe gestosis were studied. The conditions of myometrium, endometrium, placenta, umbilical chord as well as erythrocytes of maternal blood were explored with help of atomic power microscopy, light microscopy as well as electron microscop

    Morphofunctional features of erythrocytes in oncourological patients

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    The malignant tumors are one of the most important problems of urology. The blood sampling was conducted before treatment for research of erythrocytes in patients with cancer of kidney (25 patients), bladder, prostate (25) and in healthy patients (10). The samples of tissue of damaged organs were taken during surgery. The samples were studied with help of raster and scanning electron microscopy with elemental analysis, atomic power microscopy and confocal microscop

    LPDs – «Linked to penumbra» discharges or EEG correlate of excitotoxicity: A review based hypothesis

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    Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) or lateralized periodic discharges (LPDs) are a well-known variant of pathological EEG activity. However, the mechanisms underpinning the appearance of this pattern are not completely understood. The heterogeneity of the features derived from LPDs patterns, and the wide range of pathological conditions in which they occur, raise a question about the unifying mechanisms underlying these phenomena. This paper reassesses the current opinion surrounding LPDs which considers glutamate excitotoxicity to be the primary pathophysiological basis, and the penumbral region to be the main morphological substrate. Arguments in favour of this hypothesis are presented, with interpretations supported by evidence from recent literature involving clinical and experimental data. Presently, no single hypothesis places considerable emphasis on the pathochemical properties of LPDs, which are implicitly meaningful towards better understanding of the clinical significance of this pattern. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation [grant number 16-18-10371 ]

    Index insurance as a tool to improve the Russian system of insuring risks of agricultural organizations with state support

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    The Russian system of insuring risks of agricultural organizations requires a qualitative restructuring based on the increased responsibility of insurers and state participation. Low rates of developing the system of insuring risks of agricultural organizations with state support require seeking for new forms of insurance in the current conditions. The article points out that the use of the index insurance is currently one of the priority directions for the development of the country's agribusiness in general. An algorithm for creating an index insurance service is presented, the purpose of which is to substantiate the possibility of applying index insurance under the conditions of risky farming. A comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of index insurance of the regional grain crops and insurance of grain crops with state support was conducted. It was concluded that the use of index insurance could be useful for other regions that were identical to Kalmykia in terms of natural and climatic environment. The theoretical results obtained by the author can be considered as one of the priority directions for the development of the theoretical and methodological toolkit for insuring risks of agricultural organizations, can become a theoretical and empirical factual foundation for the formation of scientific grounds for regional economic policy in relation to agricultural organizations based on coordinating the interests of the triad of participants: state authorities, agricultural organizations, insurance organizations, as well as program forecasting and project developments.peer-reviewe


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    The article outlines that creative process can be consistent, simultaneous, parallel or indirect. This process requires two conditions: personal demand for creativity and implementation where axiomatic component assumes needs and possibilities for creativity. Axiomatic method proves that effect produced by fulfilment of creative potential can contribute to implementation of personal potential in case of creative attitude to further training. The article reveals the sources and reasons of appearance of creative abilities through further training. The article specifies the order of reviews for creative implementation of abilities where creative process is the core. Creative process assumes the demand of a person for being involved in creative activity, as many technical, material, social and other opportunities are available. The author explores the nature of educational culture of further training in creativity by means of interaction with Vista culture as it reveals the development and changes in further training socialization in Vista retrospective. The article shows that relations that make changes in a person are regarded as recognition and change of possibilities for personal self-fulfillment in creativity in all spheres of life, i.e. social, conceptual, spiritual and material. It is efficient to apply all the possibilities for fulfillment of creative personal abilities by means of creative attitude to further training.В рамках статьи показано, что в творческом процессе всегда необходимы последовательно, одновременно, параллельно или в обратном порядке следования творческому процессу два условия: потребность личности в творчестве и возможности воплощения, где условием неоспоримого аксиоматического составляющего будет непременно наличие потребностей и возможностей для творчества. При помощи аксиома тического метода доказано, что прогрессирующий эффект удовлетворения творческого потенциала может обеспечить воплощение потребностей индивидуума только при творческом отношении к дополнительному образованию. Выявлены истоки и причины возникновения творческих потребностей через дополнительное образование. Определен порядок рассуждений для творческого исполнения потребности, где первостепенным звеном является сам процесс творчества, т. е. желание заниматься каким-либо творчеством. Также это возможность заняться творческим процессом в связи с наличием технических, материальных, социальных или иных возможностей. Для раскрытия темы в статье рассмотрено явление образовательной культуры дополнительного получения знаний и навыков творчества во взаимодействии с культурой Vista как отображение развития и изменения социализации дополнительного образования в проекции Vista. Показано, что смысл образования связей, образующих реальные изменения в жизни индивидуума, есть осмысление и направленное изменение возможностей для удовле-творения потребностей в творчестве во всех областях жизнедеятельности человека, а именно в социальной, понятийной, духовной и материальной сферах. Доказано, что целесообразно и следует использовать все возможности для удовлетворения творческих потребностей человека с помощью творческого отношения к дополнительному образованию

    Variability of Semantic Structure of Oral Spontaneous Monologues “About Myself” depending on “Gender” Factor

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    The influence of the social factor “gender of speakers” on the semantic structure of spontaneous monological texts generated by them is considered. A review of sociolinguistic studies on the influence of this social factor on the processes of text formation is made. The conclusion is made about the expediency of applying the methods of sociolinguistics and cognitive linguistics in the study of the problem of gender conditionality of the generation of oral spontaneous texts. The authors highlight the existing linguistics views on the text and its structure. A new understanding of semantic structure of a text is proposed as a set of semantic components of a text at different levels (micro-topics of a text and lexical units, semantics of which implements these micro-topics), and the hierarchical system of various relations (semantic and grammatical) between lexical units and micro-topics forming a unity deep and surface structures of the text. The author’s method of semantic analysis of the linked text fields is used, based on the method of graphosemantic modelling implemented in the IS “Semograph.” The material of the study was 48 oral spontaneous monologues “About myself,” the sample is balanced in terms of “gender,” “age” and “education.” Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of the factor “gender” on the variability of the semantic structure of the oral spontaneous monologues “About myself,” which interacts with other social parameters of speakers (age and education)