461 research outputs found


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    In this research the results of analytical studies are presented, which prove the lack of data on influence of aging process on dispersion of structural elements in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6% or less, and experimental studies on definition of dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in milk ice cream. It was found that the process of the mix aging doesn’t significantly affect the dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 3%. In ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6%, made from a mix, the dispersion of the air phase increased along with the aging process, and the size of almost all air bubbles were less than 50 microns. At the same time the dispersion of ice crystals increased by no more than 10%. The decrease in dispersion of the air phase during the storage period was observed, mostly in ice cream with a fat mass fraction of 6% produced of the cured mix. The research results have the practical importance as they justify the need for the aging process in the production of ice cream with a low mass fraction of fat and determine the necessity of further research in this area.In this research the results of analytical studies are presented, which prove the lack of data on influence of aging process on dispersion of structural elements in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6% or less, and experimental studies on definition of dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in milk ice cream. It was found that the process of the mix aging doesn’t significantly affect the dispersion of air phase and ice crystals in ice cream with fat mass fraction of 3%. In ice cream with fat mass fraction of 6%, made from a mix, the dispersion of the air phase increased along with the aging process, and the size of almost all air bubbles were less than 50 microns. At the same time the dispersion of ice crystals increased by no more than 10%. The decrease in dispersion of the air phase during the storage period was observed, mostly in ice cream with a fat mass fraction of 6% produced of the cured mix. The research results have the practical importance as they justify the need for the aging process in the production of ice cream with a low mass fraction of fat and determine the necessity of further research in this area

    Review of Hydrological Peculiarities of the Flooding in the Amur Region with the Purpose to Establish a Complex of Sanitary-Anti-Epidemic Actions for Minimization of Social Implications

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    Described are the chronology and main peculiarities of floods in the Amur Region within the historical period since 1872 till present time. Given are the data on the damage to the Amur-river territory economy as a result of catastrophic high waters in 1928, 1950s, 1984, 2007. Comprehensively discussed are the peculiarities of the flooding, August-September 2013 as one of the most intense and prolonged in the history of the hydro-meteorological observations in the Far East. It is found out that Zeisk and Bureisk hydroelectric power stations turned out to be the only buffer storage restraining two thirds of the water volume of Zeya and Bureya rivers inflow in their flowages over a period of flood. Outlined are the general guidelines for emergency response activities under high water conditions for the Rospotrebnadzor Administration Quarters in the Amur Region. Implementation of the complex of actions through the offices of the territorial Rospotrebnadzor institutions in cooperation with the executive authorities has allowed for the prevention of epidemiological implications, providing for favorable sanitary-epidemiologic situation at the time of high water


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    Objective: to reveal the features of chronic heart failure (CHF) of ischemic genesis concurrent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and to investigate the effect of the cardioselective β1-adrenoblocker (β1-AB) nebivolol on the course of COPD and the parameters of the bronchopulmonary system in patients with CHF of ischemic genesis during treatment.Subjects and methods.The investigation enrolled 63 patients aged 40–70 years, including 43 patients with functional class (FC) II–IV CHF with a Simpson left ventricular ejection fraction of 45 % concurrent with COPD (a study group) and 20 patients with CHF and no bronchopulmonary pathology (a control group). The study group patients were randomly divided into 2 subgroups: 1) 23 patients who received nebivolol in addition to background therapy; 2) 20 patients in whom the therapy ruled out the use of β1-AB. The control patients were switched to nebivolol therapy. During 6-month follow-up, the authors made clinical examination, recorded the rate, duration, and severity of COPD exacerbations, performed a 6-minute walking test (6MWT), and used a clinical status scale modified by R. Cody, a dyspnea 0–10 category ratio (Borg scale), and a Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale (MRS scale). Besides, quality of life in patients was assessed using the specific Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire. All the patients underwent echocardiography, bronchodilatation-induced external respiratory function test, peak flowmetry, and blood brain natriuretic peptide quantification. These studies were conducted at baseline and at 1 and 6 months of therapy.Results. During the investigation, the patients with CHF concurrent with COPD were found to have a high rate of hypertensive disease, prior myocardial infarctions, atrial fibrillations, and higher FC exertional angina. These patients also showed a delayed optimal result achievement during the combination therapy involving the use of β1-AB. The group of patients without concomitant COPD was observedto have lower FV CHF and significantly reduced dyspnea during exercise (Borg scale) immediately following 1-month therapy whereas these were seen only after 6 months. Nebivolol (mean dose 5 mg) included in the treatment regimen for patients with CHF concurrent with COPD failed to have a significant effect on spirometric and peak flowmetric readings, but had a clear-cut positive effect on the health indicators of CHF patients, such as FC of the disease, heart rate, 6MWT distance, degree of dyspnea degree, and quality of life.Conclusion. Combination cardiopulmonary therapy including β1-AB leads to more effective control of comorbidity symptoms and to improvementof patient functional status.</p

    Экспрессия провоспалительных и костимулирующих молекул на макрофагах in vitro у больных туберкулезом легких

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    The aim of this study was to identify features of the expression of pro-inflammatory and co-stimulatory molecules on the surface of macrophages in vitro in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, depending on the clinical form of the disease and sensitivity of the pathogen to anti-TB drugs.Materials and methods. 40 patients (36 men and 4 women) with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) were examined: 18 patients (16 men and 2 women, average age (44.56 ± 8.10) years) with disseminated tuberculosis (DTB) and  22 patients (20 men and 2 women, average age (46.54 ± 5.24) years) with infiltrative tuberculosis (ITB). Of those, 30 patients secreted Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) sensitive to the basic anti-TB drugs (ATBD), and 10 patients secreted MBT resistant to first-line anti-TB drugs. Venous blood was the study material. To isolate monocytes from the whole blood in order to transform them into macrophages, ficoll density gradient centrifugation with gradient density of 1.077 g/cm3 was used followed by immunomagnetic separation of CD14+ cells. Monocytes were cultured in a complete culture medium X-VIVO 10 with gentamicin and phenol red with the addition of the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) (5 ng/ml) at a concentration of 1×106 cells/ml with the following stimulators: interleukin (IL) 4 (10 ng/ml) and interferon (IFN) γ (100 ng/ml). Immunophenotyping of macrophages was performed using monoclonal antibodies to CD80, CD86, and HLA-DR on a Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX LX flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter, USA). The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the CytExpert 2.0 software application. The results were analyzed using statistical methods.Results. The number of intact and cytokine-stimulated (IL-4 and IFNγ) CD80-positive macrophages in patients with ITB and drug-resistant TB (DR TB) exceeded their number not only in healthy donors, but also in patients with DTB and drug-sensitive TB (DS TB), respectively. In addition, an increase in CD86 expression on the surface of macrophages was registered in patients with ITB and DR TB after adding IFNγ (M1-activation inducer) to the suspension culture. In contrast, in patients with DTB and DS TB, the number of macrophages with expression of B7 family co-stimulating molecules decreased or remained within the normal values in the absence of a reaction to cytokines during cytokine induction. Deficiency of HLA-DR-positive macrophages was found in all TB patients. The minimal number of macrophages expressing HLA-DR was found in patients with DTB and DS TB after cell incubation with IL-4 (M2-activation inducer).Conclusion. Evaluation of the expression of B7 (CD80/86) and HLA-DR membrane molecules on macrophages in TB patients allows to conclude that anti-TB immune response is impaired at stages of antigen presentation (in all examined patients with TB) and co-stimulation (in DTB and DS TB). An increase in the expression of macrophage surface molecules CD80 (with M1- and M2-stimulation) and CD86 (with M1-stimulation) in patients with ITB and DR TB indicates an increase in cell reactivity in these forms of TB. In addition, deficit of expression of HLA-DR (a key marker of pro-inflammatory cell activation) on the surface of macrophages in TB can be considered as a general (independent of the clinical form of the disease and drug sensitivity of the pathogen) pathogenetic factor of immune imbalance in pulmonary tuberculosis.Цель работы – установить особенности экспрессии провоспалительных и костимулирующих молекул на макрофагах in vitro у больных туберкулезом легких в зависимости от клинической формы заболевания и чувствительности возбудителя к противотуберкулезным лекарственным средствам.Материалы и методы. Обследованы 40 пациентов (36 мужчин и 4 женщины): 18  пациентов с диссеминированным туберкулезом легких (ДТБ) (16 мужчин и 2 женщины,  средний возраст (44,56 ± 8,10) лет) и 22 пациента с инфильтративным туберкулезом легких (ИТБ) (20 мужчин и 2 женщины, средний возраст (46,54 ± 5,24) лет) c туберкулезом легких (ТБ). Из них было 30 пациентов, выделяющих Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT), чувствительные к основным противотуберкулезным средствам (ПТС), и 10 пациентов, выделяющих MBT, устойчивые к лекарственным  средствам основного ряда противотуберкулезной терапии. Группу сравнения составили 15 здоровых доноров с сопоставимыми характеристиками по полу и возрасту.Материалом исследования являлась венозная кровь. Для выделения моноцитов из цельной крови с целью их трансформации в макрофаги использовали метод центрифугирования в градиенте фиколла плотностью 1,077 г/см3 с последующей иммуномагнитной сепарацией CD14+ клеток. Моноциты культивировали в полной питательной среде X-VIVO 10 с добавлением колониестимулирующего фактора макрофагов (M-CSF) (5 нг/мл) в концентрации 1×106 клеток/мл со стимуляторами: интерлейкином (IL) 4 (10 нг/мл) и интерфероном (IFN) γ (100 нг/мл).  Иммунофенотипирование макрофагов проводили с использованием моноклональныхантител к CD80, CD86, HLA-DR на проточном цитометре Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX LX (Beckman Coulter, США). Анализ полученных данных осуществляли при помощи программного приложения CytExpert 2.0 (Beckman Coulter, США). Полученные результаты анализировали статистическими методами.Результаты. Количество интактных и стимулированных цитокинами (IL-4 и IFNγ) CD80- позитивных макрофагов у больных ИТБ и с лекарственно-устойчивым ТБ (ЛУ ТБ)  превышало их число не только у здоровых доноров, но и у больных ДТБ и с лекарственно-чувствительным ТБ (ЛЧ ТБ) соответственно. Кроме того, у больных ИТБ и ЛУ ТБ регистрировалось повышение экспрессии CD86 на макрофагах после добавления в суспензионную культуру IFNγ (индуктор М1-активации). У больных ДТБ и ЛЧ ТБ количество макрофагов с экспрессией костимулирующих молекул семейства В7 при индукции цитокинами, напротив, снижалось или сохранялось в пределах нормы в отсутствие реакции на цитокины. Дефицит HLA-DR-позитивных макрофагов обнаруживался у всех больных ТБ. Минимальное число макрофагов, экспрессирующих  HLADR, установлено у больных ДТБ и ЛЧ ТБ после инкубации клеток с IL-4 (индуктор  М2-активации).Заключение. Оценка экспрессии мембранных молекул B7 (CD80/86) и HLA-DR на макрофагах у больных ТБ позволяет сделать вывод о нарушениях  противотуберкулезного иммунного ответа на стадии презентации антигена (у всех обследованных больных ТБ) и костимуляции (при ДТБ и ЛЧ ТБ). Увеличение экспрессии макрофагами поверхностных молекул CD80 (при М1- и М2-стимуляции) и  CD86 (при М1-стимуляции) у больных ИТБ и ЛУ ТБ свидетельствует о повышении реактивности клеток при данных формах течения ТБ. Наряду с этим дефицит экспрессии на макрофагах HLA-DR (ключевого маркера провоспалительной активации клеток) при ТБ можно рассматривать как общий (не зависящий от клинической формы болезни и  лекарственной чувствительности возбудителя) патогенетический фактор иммунного  дисбаланса при туберкулезе легких.

    ECInvestigation of NO2 Pollutions on Board of Research Aircraft (Some Results of QUANTIFY and POLARCAT Field Campaigns)

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    The results of investigation of NO2 pollutions on board of research aircraft Falcon (DLR, Germany) are presented. The measurements have been carried out by chemiluminescent nitrogen dioxide analyzer developed in Central Aerological Observatory (Russia). The data of NO2 distribution have been obtained during QUANTIFY (West Europe, July 2007) and POLARCAT (Greenland, July 2008) field campaigns. NO2 measurements over Greenland during POLARCAT field campaign have been carried out using ACCENT support. Different sources of nitrogen oxides are investigated. Some aspects of nitrogen dioxide distribution and transport are considered. Chemical transformation of nitrogen oxides inside ship plumes is observed and analyzed

    К вопросу об оценке нутритивного статуса недоношенных новорожденных детей

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    Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) plays an important role in the energy balance of the newborn baby's body, is associated with protein stores, which allows us to consider its level as an indicator of nutritional status.Objective: to study the value of insulin-like growth factor 1 and basic nutrients in the blood in premature infants in the process of neonatal adaptation.Materials and methods. Dynamics blood levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 in premature newborns included two trends: decrease (1 group) and increase (2 group). During a pregnancy most mothers of newborns from 1 group had been nonspecific respiratory and urinary-sexual organs’sinfectious diseases, in mothers of newborns from 2 group prevailed disorders which carried high risk of fetal hypoxia. During a neonatal period blood levels of albumen of newborns from 1 group decreased and blood levels of glucose increased; blood levels of nutrients in newborns from 2 group did not change.Conclusions. Dynamics blood levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 in premature newborns are markers of metabolism’s processes which were originated in fetal stage and continue in the neonatal period.Инсулиноподобный фактор роста 1 (ИФР-1) играет важную роль в энергетическом балансе организма новорожденного ребенка, связан с запасами белка, что позволяет рассматривать его уровень как индикатор нутритивного статуса.Цель исследования: изучение значения содержания в крови инсулиноподобного фактора роста 1 и основных нутриентов у недоношенных детей в процессе неонатальной адаптации.Материалы и методы. У 39 недоношенных новорожденных детей дважды определялось содержание в крови инсулиноподобного фактора роста 1 (ИФР-1) и основных показателей нутритивного статуса (далее — исследуемых нутриентов). Среди этих детей выделена 1 группа, в которой отмечен первоначально относительно высокий уровень гормона с последующим его сниже-нием, 2 группу составили дети с противоположной динамикой данного показателя. В течение неонатального периода у детей 1 группы снижалось содержание альбуминов и повышалось с первоначально низких значений содержание глюкозы, тогда как у детей 2 группы эти показатели были относительно стабильны. Во время беременности у матерей новорожденных 1 группы чаще возникали острые или обострения хронических неспецифических инфекционных респираторных и урогенитальных заболеваний, а у матерей новорожденных 2 группы преобладали патологические состояния, обусловливавшие высокий риск хронической гипоксии плода.Выводы. Динамика уровня ИФР-1 в крови отражает определенные тренды метаболических процессов, формирование которых начинается антенатально и продолжается у преждевременно родившихся детей в периоде новорожденност

    Management of heart failure patients in Russia: perspectives and realities of the second decade of the XXI century

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    The article highlights the central components of Russian heart failure (HF) management programs in actual clinical practice. The experience of the Competence Center of Almazov National Medical Research Center, as well as opportunities and prospects for improving the monitoring of decompensated HF

    К патогенезу синдрома общего угнетения центральной нервной системы у недоношенных новорожденных детей

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     The study of the neurological status and heart rate variability (HRV) of 65 premature newborns was carried out, of which 25 children had no symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction. In 40 children, the neurological status was characterized by symptoms of general CNS depression. Based on the spectral parameters of heart rate variability (HRV), two groups of children with high and low activity of subcortical systems were identified among the latter. In the latter, the syndrome of general CNS depression was characterized by stable symptoms.It is assumed that in this group of premature newborns, this syndrome was caused by insufficient stimulation of the cerebral cortex by subcortical systems due to antenatal inhibition of their activity by exogenous adrenomimetics.  Проводилось изучение неврологического статуса и вариабельности сердечного ритма (ВСР) 40 недоношенных новорожденных, у которых неврологический статус характеризовался симптомами общего угнетения (СОУ) центральной нервной системы (ЦНС). На основе спектральных показателей вариабельности сердечного  ритма среди последних была выделена группа детей с низкой активностью субкортикальных стимулирующих  систем, генерирующих катехоламины (СССк), у которых СОУ  ЦНС имел определенные отличия клинической картины.Предполагается, что в этой группе недоношенных  новорожденных детей данный синдром был обусловлен  недостаточной постнатальной активностью СССк вследствие  её антенатального ингибирования экзогенными  адреномиметиками.