1,453 research outputs found

    The influence of Galactic aberration on precession parameters determined from VLBI observations

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    The influence of proper motions of sources due to Galactic aberration on precession models based on VLBI data is determined. Comparisons of the linear trends in the coordinates of the celestial pole obtained with and without taking into account Galactic aberration indicate that this effect can reach 20 ÎĽ\muas per century, which is important for modern precession models. It is also shown that correcting for Galactic aberration influences the derived parameters of low-frequency nutation terms. It is therefore necessary to correct for Galactic aberration in the reduction of modern astrometric observations

    Noether's Theorem and time-dependent quantum invariants

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    The time dependent-integrals of motion, linear in position and momentum operators, of a quantum system are extracted from Noether's theorem prescription by means of special time-dependent variations of coordinates. For the stationary case of the generalized two-dimensional harmonic oscillator, the time-independent integrals of motion are shown to correspond to special Bragg-type symmetry properties. A detailed study for the non-stationary case of this quantum system is presented. The linear integrals of motion are constructed explicitly for the case of varying mass and coupling strength. They are obtained also from Noether's theorem. The general treatment for a multi-dimensional quadratic system is indicated, and it is shown that the time-dependent variations that give rise to the linear invariants, as conserved quantities, satisfy the corresponding classical homogeneous equations of motion for the coordinates.Comment: Plain TeX, 23 pages, preprint of Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM Departamento de F\ii sica and Matem\'aticas Aplicadas, No. 01 (1994

    Coherent States for Generalized Laguerre Functions

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    We explicitly construct a Hamiltonian whose exact eigenfunctions are the generalized Laguerre functions. Moreover, we present the related raising and lowering operators. We investigate the corresponding coherent states by adopting the Gazeau-Klauder approach, where resolution of unity and overlapping properties are examined. Coherent states are found to be similar to those found for a particle trapped in a P\"oschl-Teller potential of the trigonometric type. Some comparisons with Barut-Girardello and Klauder-Perelomov methods are noticed.Comment: 12 pages, clarifications and references added, misprints correcte

    Analysis of the Accuracy of Prediction of the Celestial Pole Motion

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    VLBI observations carried out by global networks provide the most accurate values of the precession-nutation angles determining the position of the celestial pole; as a rule, these results become available two to four weeks after the observations. Therefore, numerous applications, such as satellite navigation systems, operational determination of Universal Time, and space navigation, use predictions of the coordinates of the celestial pole. In connection with this, the accuracy of predictions of the precession- nutation angles based on observational data obtained over the last three years is analyzed for the first time, using three empiric nutation models---namely, those developed at the US Naval Observatory, the Paris Observatory, and the Pulkovo Observatory. This analysis shows that the last model has the best of accuracy in predicting the coordinates of the celestial pole. The rms error for a one-month prediction proposed by this model is below 100 microarcsecond.Comment: 13 p

    Supersymmetry and a Time-Dependent Landau System

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    A general technique is outlined for investigating supersymmetry properties of a charged spin-\half quantum particle in time-varying electromagnetic fields. The case of a time-varying uniform magnetic induction is examined and shown to provide a physical realization of a supersymmetric quantum-mechanical system. Group-theoretic methods are used to factorize the relevant Schr\"odinger equations and obtain eigensolutions. The supercoherent states for this system are constructed.Comment: 47 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, LaTeX, IUHET 243 and LA-UR-93-20

    Simulations of magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of Tb2Ti2O7 in paramagnetic phase

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    Magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of terbium titanate pyrochlore in paramagnetic phase are simulated. The magnetic field and temperature dependences of magnetization and forced magnetostriction in Tb2Ti2O7 single crystals and polycrystalline samples are calculated in the framework of exchange charge model of crystal field theory and a mean field approximation. The set of electron-deformation coupling constants has been determined. Variations of elastic constants with temperature and applied magnetic field are discussed. Additional strong softening of the crystal lattice at liquid helium temperatures in the magnetic field directed along the rhombic symmetry axis is predicted.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Topochemical differences in the amount of RNA in the motoneurons of the spinal chord in hypoxia and hypokinesia

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    Reactions to hypoxia and hypoknesia were compared by measuring charges in the amount of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the cytoplasm of neurons of the intumescentia cervicalis and lumbalis. Animals were subjected to hypoxia, hypokinesia and both combined and a control group to neither. A total of two groups of motoneurons were compared, one innervating the respiratory musculature, the other the musculature of the lower extremities, so that hypoxic hypoxia would probably affect the first group primarily and hypokinesia the second. Results indicate that neither affect the amount of RNA in the neurons of the first group but a significant increase is noted in neurons of the second group. Other significant results are reported

    Space-Time Complexity in Hamiltonian Dynamics

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    New notions of the complexity function C(epsilon;t,s) and entropy function S(epsilon;t,s) are introduced to describe systems with nonzero or zero Lyapunov exponents or systems that exhibit strong intermittent behavior with ``flights'', trappings, weak mixing, etc. The important part of the new notions is the first appearance of epsilon-separation of initially close trajectories. The complexity function is similar to the propagator p(t0,x0;t,x) with a replacement of x by the natural lengths s of trajectories, and its introduction does not assume of the space-time independence in the process of evolution of the system. A special stress is done on the choice of variables and the replacement t by eta=ln(t), s by xi=ln(s) makes it possible to consider time-algebraic and space-algebraic complexity and some mixed cases. It is shown that for typical cases the entropy function S(epsilon;xi,eta) possesses invariants (alpha,beta) that describe the fractal dimensions of the space-time structures of trajectories. The invariants (alpha,beta) can be linked to the transport properties of the system, from one side, and to the Riemann invariants for simple waves, from the other side. This analog provides a new meaning for the transport exponent mu that can be considered as the speed of a Riemann wave in the log-phase space of the log-space-time variables. Some other applications of new notions are considered and numerical examples are presented.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Cross-relaxation and phonon bottleneck effects on magnetization dynamics in LiYF4:Ho3+

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    Frequency and dc magnetic field dependences of dynamic susceptibility in diluted paramagnets LiYF4_4:Ho3+^{3+} have been measured at liquid helium temperatures in the ac and dc magnetic fields parallel to the symmetry axis of a tetragonal crystal lattice. Experimental data are analyzed in the framework of microscopic theory of relaxation rates in the manifold of 24 electron-nuclear sublevels of the lowest non-Kramers doublet and the first excited singlet in the Ho3+^{3+} ground multiplet 5I8^5I_8 split by the crystal field of S4_4 symmetry. The one-phonon transition probabilities were computed using electron-phonon coupling constants calculated in the framework of exchange charge model and were checked by optical piezospectroscopic measurements. The specific features observed in field dependences of the in- and out-of-phase susceptibilities (humps and dips, respectively) at the crossings (anti-crossings) of the electron-nuclear sublevels are well reproduced by simulations when the phonon bottleneck effect and the cross-spin relaxation are taken into account
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