402 research outputs found

    Improving the quality of the industrial enterprise management based on the network-centric approach

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    The article examines the network-centric approach to the industrial enterprise management to improve the ef ciency and effectiveness in the implementation of production plans and maximize responsiveness to customers. A network-centric management means the decentralized enterprise group management. A group means a set of enterprise divisions, which should solve by joint efforts a certain case that occurs in the production process. The network-centric management involves more delegation of authority to the lower elements of the enterprise’s organizational structure. The industrial enterprise is considered as a large complex system (production system) functioning and controlled amidst various types of uncertainty: information support uncertainty and goal uncertainty or multicriteria uncertainty. The information support uncertainty occurs because the complex system functioning always takes place in the context of incomplete and fuzzy information. Goal uncertainty or multicriteria uncertainty caused by a great number of goalsestablished for the production system. The network-centric management task de nition by the production system is formulated. The authors offer a mathematical model for optimal planning of consumers’ orders production with the participation of the main enterprise divisions. The methods of formalization of various types of uncertainty in production planning tasks are considered on the basis of the application of the fuzzy sets theory. An enterprise command center is offered as an effective tool for making management decisions by divisions. The article demonstrates that decentralized group management methods can improve the ef ciency and effectiveness of the implementation of production plans through the self-organization mechanisms of enterprise divisions.The work has been prepared with the financial support from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Contract No. 02.G25.31.0068 of 23.05.2013 as part of the measure to implement Decision of the Russian Government No. 218)

    Analysis of Structure Destroyed Metal after Diffusion Heat Treatment

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    It was accomplished research of the structure steel which carbonitriding and subsequent heat treatment was exposed for its cause's destruction to discover. For measure quality field of metal were used methods optical, appearing electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Therefore one of the principal problems were research phase composition, grain and dislocation structure of a metal the gear teeth. Mechanism of rising hear cracks in the gear teeth on different stages her making and their trajectories of evolution were determined

    Effect of local Coulomb interaction on Majorana corner modes: weak and strong correlation limits

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    Here we present an analysis of the evolution of Majorana corner modes realizing in a higher-order topological superconductor (HOTSC) on a square lattice under the influence of local Coulomb repulsion. The HOTSC spectral properties were considered in two regimes: when the intensities of many-body interactions are either weak or strong. The weak regime was studied using the mean-field approximation with self-consistent solutions carried out both in the uniform case and taking into account of the boundary of the finite square-shaped system. It is shown that in the uniform case the topologically nontrivial phase on the phase diagram is widened by the Coulomb repulsion. The boundary effect, resulting in an inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the correlators, leads to the appearance of the crossover from the symmetric spin-independent solution to the spin-dependent one characterized by a spontaneously broken symmetry. In the former the corner states have energies that are determined by the overlap of the excitation wave functions localized at the different corners. In the latter the corner excitation energy is defined by the Coulomb repulsion intensity with a quadratic law. The crossover is a finite size effect, i.e. the larger the system the lesser the critical value of the Coulomb repulsion. In the strong repulsion regime we derive the effective HOTSC Hamiltonian in the atomic representation and found a rich variety of interactions induced by virtual processes between the lower and upper Hubbard subbands. It is shown that Majorana corner modes still can be realized in the limit of the infinite repulsion. Although the boundaries of the topologically nontrivial phase are strongly renormalized by Hubbard corrections.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Influence of multiple scattering on parametric X-Ray radiation excited by a beam of relativistic electrons in a single crystal

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    Parametric X-ray radiation generated by a beam of relativistic electrons in a single-crystal wafer is studied in the Bragg geometry under conditions of multiple electron scattering at target atoms. Expressions are obtained that describe the spectral-angular and angular radiation density under conditions of multiple electron scatterin

    A non-energetic mechanism for glycine formation in the interstellar medium

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    The detection of the amino acid glycine and its amine precursor methylamine on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the Rosetta mission provides strong evidence for a cosmic origin of amino acids on Earth. How and when such molecules form along the process of star formation remains debated. Here we report the laboratory detection of glycine formed in the solid phase through atom and radical–radical addition surface reactions under dark interstellar cloud conditions. Our experiments, supported by astrochemical models, suggest that glycine forms without the need for ‘energetic’ irradiation (such as ultraviolet photons and cosmic rays) in interstellar water-rich ices, where it remains preserved, during a much earlier star-formation stage than previously assumed. We also confirm that solid methylamine is an important side-reaction product. A prestellar formation of glycine on ice grains provides the basis for a complex and ubiquitous prebiotic chemistry in space enriching the chemical content of planet-forming material

    Overview of metabolomic markers used for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases

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    At present, metabolomics is an intensively developing approach to the specific diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Metabolic analysis allows the study of complete metabolomic profiles and their deviations resulting from changes, for example, gene and RNA expression, protein activity, or environmental factors. Analysis of the metabolomic blood profile helps in solving a large number of scientific and clinical problems, one of which is the search for markers of diseases, in particular, cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Aim of the study was to investigate metabolomic markers used for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases on the basis of literature data. Material and methods. The literature data was analyzed for key words: cardiovascular diseases, metabolomics, metabolic profile, metabolomic markers in da- tabases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CyberLeninka, PatentDB, Science Direct Open Access, eLibrary. Results. Analysis of literature data and patent search confirms the high importance of metabolomic markers in the diagnosis of CVD. In the patent literature, BNP/NT-proBNP is most common used as a metabolic marker of CVD (11.27 %). The use of CRP (8.99 %) and troponin (8.49 %) is also common. PICP (0.02 %), sVCAM-1 (0.09 %), stimulating growth factor ST-2 (0.12 %) and thrombomodulin (0.12 %) as metabolic markers of CVD. Conclusions. Against the backdrop of analytical methods, metabolomics is the most important diagnostic area. At the same time, it should be noted that by combining the results of the analysis of metabolic studies with others, for example, genomic and proteomic, one can get a complete picture of the pathogenesis of diseases, assess the risk of complications, and also determine the effectiveness of the treatment

    Хламидийная инфекция и аспириновая бронхиальная астма

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    A frequency of C.pneumoniae and C.trachomatis infection was studied in 44 aspirin-induced asthma (AsBA) patients and 65 asthma patients with no aspirin intolerance (NBA) compared with certain immune system parameters and clinical course of the disease. The controls were 21 healthy persons. Each second bronchial asthma patient was found to have chronic Chlamydia infection that was confirmed by secretory IgA level >1:8. AsBA patients prevalently have IgA titre >1:32, an increased sera immune complexes level and a decreased monocyte migration inhibition index. A reduction in melatonin synthesis and associated immune disorders in AsBA patients probably facilitate the infection to transform to chronic state as soon as 91.7% of the patients younger 50 years show a high IgA-antibodies level associated with early occurrence of bronchial asthma. These data display a necessity of timely detection of Chlamydia infection and differentiated approach to antibiotics administration for asthma exacerbations in such the patients.Изучена частота инфицирования С.pneumoniae и С .trachomatis в сопоставлении с некоторыми показателями системы иммунитета и клиническим течением заболевания у 44 больных аспириновой бронхиальной астмой (АсБА) и 65 больных бронхиальной астмой без непереносимости аспирина (НБА). Контрольную группу составил 21 здоровый человек. Установлено, что у каждого второго больного бронхиальной астмой имеется хроническая хламидийная инфекция, о чем свидетельствует наличие секреторных IgA в титрах >1:8. У больных АсБА доминирует титр антител 1дА>1:32, что сочетается с увеличением в крови циркулирующих иммунных комплексов и снижением индекса торможения миграции моноцитов. Возможно, у больных АсБА снижение продукции мелатонина и связанные с этим изменения системы иммунитета способствуют ранней хронизации инфекции, о чем свидетельствует выявление высокого титра IgA-антител у 91,7% больных в возрасте до 50 лет, что сочетается с ранним появлением у них инфекционно-зависимого варианта течения астмы. Полученные данные указывают на необходимость своевременной диагностики хламидийной инфекции и дифференцированного подхода к выбору антибактериальной терапии при обострениях заболевания у этого контингента больных

    Universality of pseudogap and emergent order in lightly doped Mott insulators

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    It is widely believed that high-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates emerges from doped Mott insulators. The physics of the parent state seems deceivingly simple: The hopping of the electrons from site to site is prohibited because their on-site Coulomb repulsion U is larger than the kinetic energy gain t. When doping these materials by inserting a small percentage of extra carriers, the electrons become mobile but the strong correlations from the Mott state are thought to survive; inhomogeneous electronic order, a mysterious pseudogap and, eventually, superconductivity appear. How the insertion of dopant atoms drives this evolution is not known, nor whether these phenomena are mere distractions specific to hole-doped cuprates or represent the genuine physics of doped Mott insulators. Here, we visualize the evolution of the electronic states of (Sr1-xLax)2IrO4, which is an effective spin-1/2 Mott insulator like the cuprates, but is chemically radically different. Using spectroscopic-imaging STM, we find that for doping concentration of x=5%, an inhomogeneous, phase separated state emerges, with the nucleation of pseudogap puddles around clusters of dopant atoms. Within these puddles, we observe the same glassy electronic order that is so iconic for the underdoped cuprates. Further, we illuminate the genesis of this state using the unique possibility to localize dopant atoms on topographs in these samples. At low doping, we find evidence for much deeper trapping of carriers compared to the cuprates. This leads to fully gapped spectra with the chemical potential at mid-gap, which abruptly collapse at a threshold of around 4%. Our results clarify the melting of the Mott state, and establish phase separation and electronic order as generic features of doped Mott insulators.Comment: This version contains the supplementary information and small updates on figures and tex

    Возможности психотерапии в комплексном лечении больных бронхиальной астмой

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    Summary. The aim of this study was to estimate efficiency of psychotherapy in treatment of patients with bronchial asthma and to develop psychotherapeutic schemes. Three treatment modes were used: nonspecific desensitization using the method of neuro linguistic programming; symptomatic psychotherapy; and pathogenic psychotherapy for correction of psychoemotional background. Combined treatment was more effective than medications alone with regard to symptoms of psychological mechanism of bronchial asthma and to clinical signs in longterm followup. In patients with prominent response to allergens we could recommend nonspecific desensitization using the method of neuro linguistic programming. A rapid correction could be achieved by symptomatic psychotherapy. Delayed but longterm effect could be achieved by pathogenic psychotherapy.Резюме. Целью исследования являлась оценка эффективности психотерапии в комплексном лечении больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) и разработка психотерапевтических схем лечения. Использовались следующие три варианта: неспецифическая десенсибилизация методом нейролингвистического программирования, симптоматическая психотерапия и патогенетическая психотерапия для коррекции психоэмоционального фона. Комплексное лечение было более эффективным, чем медикаментозная терапия без психотерапевтического воздействия, в отношении симптомов нервнопсихического механизма патогенеза БА и клинических признаков при долгосрочном наблюдении. При наличии выраженных реакций на аллерген можно рекомендовать неспецифическую десенсибилизацию методом ней ролингвистического программирования, для быстрой коррекции – симптоматическую психотерапию, для отсроченного, но долгосрочного эффекта – патогенетическую психотерапию