735 research outputs found

    Electron Quasiparticles Drive the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in Homogeneously Disordered Thin Films

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    Transport data on Bi, MoGe, and PbBi/Ge homogeneously-disordered thin films demonstrate that the critical resistivity, RcR_c, at the nominal insulator-superconductor transition is linearly proportional to the normal sheet resistance, RNR_N. In addition, the critical magnetic field scales linearly with the superconducting energy gap and is well-approximated by Hc2H_{c2}. Because RNR_N is determined at high temperatures and Hc2H_{c2} is the pair-breaking field, the two immediate consequences are: 1) electron-quasiparticles populate the insulating side of the transition and 2) standard phase-only models are incapable of describing the destruction of the superconducting state. As gapless electronic excitations populate the insulating state, the universality class is no longer the 3D XY model. The lack of a unique critical resistance in homogeneously disordered films can be understood in this context. In light of the recent experiments which observe an intervening metallic state separating the insulator from the superconductor in homogeneously disordered MoGe thin films, we argue that the two transitions that accompany the destruction of superconductivity are 1) superconductor to Bose metal in which phase coherence is lost and 2) Bose metal to localized electron insulator via pair-breaking.Comment: This article is included in the Festschrift for Prof. Michael Pollak on occasion of his 75th birthda

    Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point in CePd2_2P2_2 with Pd \rightarrow Ni Substitution

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    An investigation of the structural, thermodynamic, and electronic transport properties of the isoelectronic chemical substitution series Ce(Pd1x_{1-x}Nix_x)2_2P2_2 is reported, where a possible ferromagnetic quantum critical point is uncovered in the temperature - concentration (TxT-x) phase diagram. This behavior results from the simultaneous contraction of the unit cell volume, which tunes the relative strengths of the Kondo and RKKY interactions, and the introduction of disorder through alloying. Near the critical region at xcrx_{\rm{cr}} \approx 0.7, the rate of contraction of the unit cell volume strengthens, indicating that the cerium ff-valence crosses over from trivalent to a non-integer value. Consistent with this picture, x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements reveal that while CePd2_2P2_2 has a purely trivalent cerium ff-state, CeNi2_2P2_2 has a small (<< 10 \%) tetravalent contribution. In a broad region around xcrx_{\rm{cr}}, there is a breakdown of Fermi liquid temperature dependences, signaling the influence of quantum critical fluctuations and disorder effects. Measurements of clean CePd2_2P2_2 furthermore show that applied pressure has a similar initial effect to alloying on the ferromagnetic order. From these results, CePd2_2P2_2 emerges as a keystone system to test theories such as the Belitz-Kirkpatrick-Vojta model for ferromagnetic quantum criticality, where distinct behaviors are expected in the dirty and clean limits.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Approximating the coefficients in semilinear stochastic partial differential equations

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    We investigate, in the setting of UMD Banach spaces E, the continuous dependence on the data A, F, G and X_0 of mild solutions of semilinear stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative noise of the form dX(t) = [AX(t) + F(t,X(t))]dt + G(t,X(t))dW_H(t), X(0)=X_0, where W_H is a cylindrical Brownian motion on a Hilbert space H. We prove continuous dependence of the compensated solutions X(t)-e^{tA}X_0 in the norms L^p(\Omega;C^\lambda([0,T];E)) assuming that the approximating operators A_n are uniformly sectorial and converge to A in the strong resolvent sense, and that the approximating nonlinearities F_n and G_n are uniformly Lipschitz continuous in suitable norms and converge to F and G pointwise. Our results are applied to a class of semilinear parabolic SPDEs with finite-dimensional multiplicative noise.Comment: Referee's comments have been incorporate

    The shape of equality: discourses around the Section 28 repeal in Scotland

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    This article focuses on conceptualizations of equality in the discourses deployed in the campaign to repeal Section 28 in Scotland. I use the parliamentary debates and two newspapers: the Daily Record, which supported the campaign to Keep the Clause, and The Guardian, which supported repeal, to exemplify the different discursive articulations around equality and citizenship. I suggest that the Scottish example provides further evidence of the ways in which liberalism naturalizes heterosexuality as the standard for citizenship and thus bequeaths a hierarchy of 'equality' and citizenship in the realm of sexuality, wherein lesbian and gay citizenship is either rendered invalid or characterized as 'special rights'. However, within the narrow confines of the parliamentary debates, more expansive and differentiated notions of citizenship and equality are evident. Whilst I conclude that the 'shape' of equality achieved through the repeal has been moulded to support institutionalized heterosexuality - with Section 28 replaced by statutory guidelines on sex education which advocate marriage - I also suggest equality is contested, both through the recognition of transformations in heterosexual family forms and the appeal to non-discrimination as a democratic principle. It is possible, therefore, that current destabilizations of the heterosexual social order simultaneously destabilize the precepts of liberal democracy

    Maximal LpL^p-regularity for stochastic evolution equations

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    We prove maximal LpL^p-regularity for the stochastic evolution equation \{{aligned} dU(t) + A U(t)\, dt& = F(t,U(t))\,dt + B(t,U(t))\,dW_H(t), \qquad t\in [0,T], U(0) & = u_0, {aligned}. under the assumption that AA is a sectorial operator with a bounded HH^\infty-calculus of angle less than 12π\frac12\pi on a space Lq(O,μ)L^q(\mathcal{O},\mu). The driving process WHW_H is a cylindrical Brownian motion in an abstract Hilbert space HH. For p(2,)p\in (2,\infty) and q[2,)q\in [2,\infty) and initial conditions u0u_0 in the real interpolation space \XAp we prove existence of unique strong solution with trajectories in L^p(0,T;\Dom(A))\cap C([0,T];\XAp), provided the non-linearities F:[0,T]\times \Dom(A)\to L^q(\mathcal{O},\mu) and B:[0,T]\times \Dom(A) \to \g(H,\Dom(A^{\frac12})) are of linear growth and Lipschitz continuous in their second variables with small enough Lipschitz constants. Extensions to the case where AA is an adapted operator-valued process are considered as well. Various applications to stochastic partial differential equations are worked out in detail. These include higher-order and time-dependent parabolic equations and the Navier-Stokes equation on a smooth bounded domain \OO\subseteq \R^d with d2d\ge 2. For the latter, the existence of a unique strong local solution with values in (H^{1,q}(\OO))^d is shown.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysi

    'Man up!': discursive constructions of non-drinkers among UK undergraduates

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    This study adopted a discursive approach to explore how not drinking alcohol (non-drinking) is construed in relation to masculine identity among 12 undergraduate interviewees. Three prominent discourses were revealed. First, non-drinking was constructed as something strange requiring explanation. Second, contradictory discourses constructed non-drinking as, simultaneously, unsociable yet reflective of greater sociability. Third, non-drinking was constructed as something which has greater negative social consequences for men than for women. Opportunities for challenging traditional gender role expectations are considered

    Inertial Mass of a Vortex in Cuprate Superconductors

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    We present here a calculation of the inertial mass of a moving vortex in cuprate superconductors. This is a poorly known basic quantity of obvious interest in vortex dynamics. The motion of a vortex causes a dipolar density distortion and an associated electric field which is screened. The energy cost of the density distortion as well as the related screened electric field contribute to the vortex mass, which is small because of efficient screening. As a preliminary, we present a discussion and calculation of the vortex mass using a microscopically derivable phase-only action functional for the far region which shows that the contribution from the far region is negligible, and that most of it arises from the (small) core region of the vortex. A calculation based on a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau functional is performed in the core region. Unfortunately such a calculation is unreliable, the reasons for it are discussed. A credible calculation of the vortex mass thus requires a fully microscopic, non-coarse grained theory. This is developed, and results are presented for a s-wave BCS like gap, with parameters appropriate to the cuprates. The mass, about 0.5 mem_e per layer, for magnetic field along the cc axis, arises from deformation of quasiparticle states bound in the core, and screening effects mentioned above. We discuss earlier results, possible extensions to d-wave symmetry, and observability of effects dependent on the inertial mass.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 3 figures available on request, to appear in Physical Review

    Neural correlates of multi-day learning and savings in sensorimotor adaptation

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    Abstract In the present study we evaluated changes in neural activation that occur over the time course of multiple days of sensorimotor adaptation, and identified individual neural predictors of adaptation and savings magnitude. We collected functional MRI data while participants performed a manual adaptation task during four separate test sessions over a three-month period. This allowed us to examine changes in activation and associations with adaptation and savings at subsequent sessions. Participants exhibited reliable savings of adaptation across the four sessions. Brain activity associated with early adaptation increased across the sessions in a variety of frontal, parietal, cingulate, and temporal cortical areas, as well as various subcortical areas. We found that savings was positively associated with activation in several striatal, parietal, and cingulate cortical areas including the putamen, precuneus, angular gyrus, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), and cingulate motor area. These findings suggest that participants may learn how to better engage cognitive processes across days, potentially reflecting improvements in action selection. We propose that such improvements may rely on action-value assignments, which previously have been linked to the dACC and striatum. As correct movements are assigned a higher value than incorrect movements, the former are more likely to be performed again

    Focal Gray Matter Plasticity as a Function of Long Duration Head Down Tilted Bed Rest: Preliminary Results

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    Long duration spaceflight (i.e., 22 days or longer) has been associated with changes in sensorimotor systems, resulting in difficulties that astronauts experience with posture control, locomotion, and manual control. The microgravity environment is an important causal factor for spaceflight induced sensorimotor changes. Whether these sensorimotor changes are solely related to peripheral changes from reduced vestibular stimulation, body unloading, body fluid shifts or that they may be related to structural and functional brain changes is yet unknown. However, a recent study reported associations between microgravity and flattening of the posterior eye globe and protrusion of the optic nerve [1] possibly as the result of increased intracranial pressure due to microgravity induced bodily fluid shifts [3]. Moreover, elevated intracranial pressure has been related to white matter microstructural damage [2]. Thus, it is possible that spaceflight may affect brain structure and thereby cognitive functioning. Long duration head down tilt bed rest has been suggested as an exclusionary analog to study microgravity effects on the sensorimotor system [4]. Bed rest mimics microgravity in body unloading and bodily fluid shifts. In consideration of the health and performance of crewmembers both in- and post-flight, we are conducting a prospective longitudinal 70-day bed rest study as an analog to investigate the effects of microgravity on brain structure [5]. Here we present results of the first six subjects. Six subjects were assessed at 12 and 7 days before-, at 7, 30, and ~70 days in-, and at 8 and 12 days post 70 days of bed rest at the NASA bed rest facility in UTMB, Galveston, TX, USA. At each time point structural MRI scans (i.e., high resolution T1-weighted imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)) were obtained using a 3T Siemens scanner. Focal changes over time in gray matter density were assessed using the voxel based morphometry 8 (VBM8) toolbox under SPM. Longitudinal processing in VBM8 includes linear registration of each scan to the mean of the subject and subsequently transforming all scans in to MNI space by applying the warp from the mean subject to MNI to the individual gray matter segmentations. Modulation was applied so that all images represented the volume of the original structure in native space. Voxel wise analysis was carried out on the gray matter images after smoothing, using a flexible factorial design with family wise error correction. Focal changes in white matter microstructural integrity were assessed using tract based spatial statistics (TBSS) as part of FMRIB software library (FSL). TBSS registers all DTI scans to standard space. It subsequently creates a study specific white matter skeleton of the major white matter tracts. For each subject, for each DTI metric (i.e. fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD)), the maximum value in a line perpendicular to the skeleton tract is projected to the skeleton. Non-parametric permutation based t-tests and ANOVA's were used for voxel-wise comparison of the skeletons. For both VBM and TBSS, comparison of pre bed rest measurements did not show significant differences. VBM analysis revealed decreased gray matter density in bilateral areas including the frontal medial cortex, the insular cortex and the caudate (see Figure) from 'pre to in bed rest'. Over the same time period, there was an increase in gray matter density in the cerebellum, occipital-, and parietal cortex, including the precuneus (see Figure). The majority of these changes did not recover from 'during to post bed rest'. TBSS analysis did not reveal significant changes in white matter microstructural integrity after correction for multiple comparisons. Uncorrected analyses (p<.015) revealed an increase in RD in the cerebellum and brainstem from pre bed rest to the first week in bed rest that did not recover post bed rest. Extended bed rest, which is an analog for microgravity, can result in gray matter changes and potentially in microstructural white matter changes in areas that are important for neuro motor behavior and cognition. These changes did not recover at two weeks post bed rest. Whether the effects of bed rest wear off at longer times post bed rest, and if they are associated with behavior are important questions that warrant further research