2,057 research outputs found

    On O(1) contributions to the free energy in Bethe Ansatz systems: the exact g-function

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    We investigate the sub-leading contributions to the free energy of Bethe Ansatz solvable (continuum) models with different boundary conditions. We show that the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach is capable of providing the O(1) pieces if both the density of states in rapidity space and the quadratic fluctuations around the saddle point solution to the TBA are properly taken into account. In relativistic boundary QFT the O(1) contributions are directly related to the exact g-function. In this paper we provide an all-orders proof of the previous results of P. Dorey et al. on the g-function in both massive and massless models. In addition, we derive a new result for the g-function which applies to massless theories with arbitrary diagonal scattering in the bulk.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor corrections, v3: minor corrections and references adde

    Finite size corrections in massive Thirring model

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    We calculate for the first time the finite size corrections in the massive Thirring model. This is done by numerically solving the equations of periodic boundary conditions of the Bethe ansatz solution. It is found that the corresponding central charge extracted from the 1/L1/L term is around 0.4 for the coupling constant of g0=π4{g_0}=-{\pi\over 4} and decreases down to zero when g0=π3{g_0}=-{\pi\over{3}}. This is quite different from the predicted central charge of the sine-Gordon model.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Scaling Limit of the Ising Model in a Field

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    The dilute A_3 model is a solvable IRF (interaction round a face) model with three local states and adjacency conditions encoded by the Dynkin diagram of the Lie algebra A_3. It can be regarded as a solvable version of an Ising model at the critical temperature in a magnetic field. One therefore expects the scaling limit to be governed by Zamolodchikov's integrable perturbation of the c=1/2 conformal field theory. Indeed, a recent thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach succeeded to unveil the corresponding E_8 structure under certain assumptions on the nature of the Bethe Ansatz solutions. In order to check these conjectures, we perform a detailed numerical investigation of the solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations for the critical and off-critical model. Scaling functions for the ground-state corrections and for the lowest spectral gaps are obtained, which give very precise numerical results for the lowest mass ratios in the massive scaling limit. While these agree perfectly with the E_8 mass ratios, we observe one state which seems to violate the assumptions underlying the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz calculation. We also analyze the critical spectrum of the dilute A_3 model, which exhibits massive excitations on top of the massless states of the Ising conformal field theory.Comment: 29 pages, RevTeX, 11 PostScript figures included by epsf, using amssymb.sty (v2.2

    A calculation of the Lepage-Mackenzie scale for the lattice axial and vector currents

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    We calculate the perturbative scales (q*) for the axial and vector currents for the Wilson action, with and without tadpole improvement, using Lepage and Mackenzie's formalism. The scale for the pseudoscalar density (times the mass) is computed as well. Contrary to naive expectation, tadpole improvement reduces q* by only a small amount for the operators we consider. We also discuss the use of a nonperturbative coupling to calculate the perturbative scale.Comment: 13 pages. One postscript figur

    Spin-SS generalization of fractional exclusion statistics

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    We study fractional exclusion statistics for quantum systems with SU(2) symmetry (arbitrary spin SS), by generalizing the thermodynamic equations with squeezed strings proposed by Ha and Haldane. The bare hole distributions as well as the statistical interaction defined by an infinite-dimensional matrix specify the universality class. It is shown that the system is described by the level-2S2S WZW model and has a close relationship to non-abelian fractional quantum Hall states. As a low-energy effective theory, the sector of {\it massless} Z2S_{2S} parafermions is extracted, whose statistical interaction is given by a finite-dimensional matrix.Comment: 11pages, REVTE

    Coronal Shock Waves, EUV Waves, and Their Relation to CMEs. III. Shock-Associated CME/EUV Wave in an Event with a Two-Component EUV Transient

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    On 17 January 2010, STEREO-B observed in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and white light a large-scale dome-shaped expanding coronal transient with perfectly connected off-limb and on-disk signatures. Veronig et al. (2010, ApJL 716, 57) concluded that the dome was formed by a weak shock wave. We have revealed two EUV components, one of which corresponded to this transient. All of its properties found from EUV, white light, and a metric type II burst match expectations for a freely expanding coronal shock wave including correspondence to the fast-mode speed distribution, while the transient sweeping over the solar surface had a speed typical of EUV waves. The shock wave was presumably excited by an abrupt filament eruption. Both a weak shock approximation and a power-law fit match kinematics of the transient near the Sun. Moreover, the power-law fit matches expansion of the CME leading edge up to 24 solar radii. The second, quasi-stationary EUV component near the dimming was presumably associated with a stretched CME structure; no indications of opening magnetic fields have been detected far from the eruption region.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Solar Physics, published online. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Charmonium Spectrum from Quenched Anisotropic Lattice QCD

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    We present a detailed study of the charmonium spectrum using anisotropic lattice QCD. We first derive a tree-level improved clover quark action on the anisotropic lattice for arbitrary quark mass. The heavy quark mass dependences of the improvement coefficients, i.e. the ratio of the hopping parameters ζ=Kt/Ks\zeta=K_t/K_s and the clover coefficients cs,tc_{s,t}, are examined at the tree level. We then compute the charmonium spectrum in the quenched approximation employing ξ=as/at=3\xi = a_s/a_t = 3 anisotropic lattices. Simulations are made with the standard anisotropic gauge action and the anisotropic clover quark action at four lattice spacings in the range asa_s=0.07-0.2 fm. The clover coefficients cs,tc_{s,t} are estimated from tree-level tadpole improvement. On the other hand, for the ratio of the hopping parameters ζ\zeta, we adopt both the tree-level tadpole-improved value and a non-perturbative one. We calculate the spectrum of S- and P-states and their excitations. The results largely depend on the scale input even in the continuum limit, showing a quenching effect. When the lattice spacing is determined from the 1P1S1P-1S splitting, the deviation from the experimental value is estimated to be \sim30% for the S-state hyperfine splitting and \sim20% for the P-state fine structure. Our results are consistent with previous results at ξ=2\xi = 2 obtained by Chen when the lattice spacing is determined from the Sommer scale r0r_0. We also address the problem with the hyperfine splitting that different choices of the clover coefficients lead to disagreeing results in the continuum limit.Comment: 43 pages, 49 eps figures, revtex; minor changes, version to appear in Physical Review

    Photoproduction of eta mesons from the neutron: cross sections and double polarization observable E

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    Photoproduction of η\eta mesons from neutrons} \abstract{Results from measurements of the photoproduction of η\eta mesons from quasifree protons and neutrons are summarized. The experiments were performed with the CBELSA/TAPS detector at the electron accelerator ELSA in Bonn using the η3π06γ\eta\to3\pi^{0}\to6\gamma decay. A liquid deuterium target was used for the measurement of total cross sections and angular distributions. The results confirm earlier measurements from Bonn and the MAMI facility in Mainz about the existence of a narrow structure in the excitation function of γnnη\gamma n\rightarrow n\eta. The current angular distributions show a forward-backward asymmetry, which was previously not seen, but was predicted by model calculations including an additional narrow P11P_{11} state. Furthermore, data obtained with a longitudinally polarized, deuterated butanol target and a circularly polarized photon beam were analyzed to determine the double polarization observable EE. Both data sets together were also used to extract the helicity dependent cross sections σ1/2\sigma_{1/2} and σ3/2\sigma_{3/2}. The narrow structure in the excitation function of γnnη\gamma n\rightarrow n\eta appears associated with the helicity-1/2 component of the reaction

    Applications of quantum integrable systems

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    We present two applications of quantum integrable systems. First, we predict that it is possible to generate high harmonics from solid state devices by demostrating that the emission spectrum for a minimally coupled laser field of frequency ω\omega to an impurity system of a quantum wire, contains multiples of the incoming frequency. Second, evaluating expressions for the conductance in the high temperature regime we show that the caracteristic filling fractions of the Jain sequence, which occur in the fractional quantum Hall effect, can be obtained from quantum wires which are described by minimal affine Toda field theories.Comment: 25 pages of LaTex, 4 figures, based on talk at the 6-th international workshop on conformal field theories and integrable models, (Chernogolovka, September 2002