23,800 research outputs found

    Superluminality in the Fierz--Pauli massive gravity

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    We study the propagation of helicity-1 gravitons in the Fierz--Pauli massive gravity in nearly Minkowski backgrounds. We show that, generically, there exist backgrounds consistent with field equations, in which the propagation is superluminal. The relevant distances are much longer than the ultraviolet cutoff length inherent in the Fierz--Pauli gravity, so superluminality occurs within the domain of validity of the effective low energy theory. There remains a possibility that one may get rid of this property by imposing fine tuning relations between the coefficients in the non-linear generalization of the Fierz--Pauli mass term, order by order in non-linearity; however, these relations are not protected by any obvious symmetry. Thus, among others, superluminality is a problematic property to worry about when attempting to construct infrared modifications of General Relativity.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Active controls: A look at analytical methods and associated tools

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    A review of analytical methods and associated tools for active controls analysis and design problems is presented. Approaches employed to develop mathematical models suitable for control system analysis and/or design are discussed. Significant efforts have been expended to develop tools to generate the models from the standpoint of control system designers' needs and develop the tools necessary to analyze and design active control systems. Representative examples of these tools are discussed. Examples where results from the methods and tools have been compared with experimental data are also presented. Finally, a perspective on future trends in analysis and design methods is presented

    Two-dimensional discrete wavelet analysis of multiparticle event topology in heavy ion collisions

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    The event-by-event analysis of multiparticle production in high energy hadron and nuclei collisions can be performed using the discrete wavelet transformation. The ring-like and jet-like structures in two-dimensional angular histograms are well extracted by wavelet analysis. For the first time the method is applied to the jet-like events with background simulated by event generators, which are developed to describe nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC energies. The jet positions are located quite well by the discrete wavelet transformation of angular particle distribution even in presence of strong background.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Dephasing Times in a Non-degenerate Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    Studies of weak localization by scattering from vapor atoms for electrons on a liquid helium surface are reported. There are three contributions to the dephasing time. Dephasing by the motion of vapor atoms perpendicular to the surface is studied by varying the holding field to change the characteristic width of the electron layer at the surface. A change in vapor density alters the quasi-elastic scattering length and the dephasing due to the motion of atoms both perpendicular and parallel to the surface. Dephasing due to the electron-electron interaction is dependent on the electron density.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Tenfold Magnetoconductance in a Non-Magnetic Metal Film

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    We present magnetoconductance (MC) measurements of homogeneously disordered Be films whose zero field sheet conductance (G) is described by the Efros-Shklovskii hopping law G(T)=(2e2/h)exp(To/T)1/2G(T)=(2e^2/h)\exp{-(T_o/T)^{1/2}}. The low field MC of the films is negative with G decreasing 200% below 1 T. In contrast the MC above 1 T is strongly positive. At 8 T, G increases 1000% in perpendicular field and 500% in parallel field. In the simpler parallel case, we observe {\em field enhanced} variable range hopping characterized by an attenuation of ToT_o via the Zeeman interaction.Comment: 9 pages including 5 figure

    Search For Companions Of Nearby Isolated Galaxies

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    The radial velocities are measured for 45 galaxies located in the neighborhoods of 29 likely isolated galaxies in a new catalog. We find that about 85% of these galaxies actually are well isolated objects. 4% of nearby galaxies with V_LG<3500 km/s are this kind of cosmic "orphan".Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic hydrodynamics with asymmetric stress tensor

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    In this paper we study equations of magnetic hydrodynamics with a stress tensor. We interpret this system as the generalized Euler equation associated with an abelian extension of the Lie algebra of vector fields with a non-trivial 2-cocycle. We use the Lie algebra approach to prove the energy conservation law and the conservation of cross-helicity

    Fast hadron freeze-out generator, part II: noncentral collisions

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    The fast Monte Carlo procedure of hadron generation developed in our previous work is extended to describe noncentral collisions of nuclei. We consider different possibilities to introduce appropriate asymmetry of the freeze-out hyper-surface and flow velocity profile. For comparison with other models and experimental data we demonstrate the results based on the standard parametrizations of the hadron freeze-out hyper-surface and flow velocity profile assuming either a common chemical and thermal freeze-out or the chemically frozen evolution from chemical to thermal freeze-out. The C++ generator code is written under the ROOT framework and is available for public use at http://uhkm.jinr.ru/Comment: 27 pages including 7 figures as EPS-files; prepared using LaTeX package for publication in Physical Review