209 research outputs found

    Age-Associated Hyper-Methylated Regions in the Human Brain Overlap with Bivalent Chromatin Domains

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    PMCID: PMC3454416This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis Highlights Additional Loci of Interest for Multiple Sclerosis

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    PMCID: PMC3475710This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Food safety in collective catering: Knowledge, attitudes and correct application of GHP/GMP knowledge among foodservice workers

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    Food safety critically reliant on the behaviors adopted by foodservice personnel, involved in various stages of meal preparation, from the supply of raw food materials until its distribution to the consumer. The purpose of this work was to collect information on the level of knowledge on food safety, the correct application of the Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and the attitudes of the operators involved in collective catering. The survey was conducted among 15 social catering companies in Apulia (Italy) using a modified Sharif and Al-Malki (2010) anonymous questionnaire intended to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the food handlers. The results highlight the need to improve both knowledge and practices regarding food hygiene and safety in order to minimize the risk of transmitting foodborne diseases. More careful planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of training programs for foodservice workers is required, taking into consideration the provisions of European food laws

    Hospital admissions for vitamin D related conditions and subsequent immune-mediated disease: record-linkage studies

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    PMCID: PMC3729414The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/11/171. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Protein-protein interaction analysis highlights additional <i>loci</i> of interest for Multiple Sclerosis

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    Genetic factors play an important role in determining the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). The strongest genetic association in MS is located within the major histocompatibility complex class II region (MHC), but more than 50 MS loci of modest effect located outside the MHC have now been identified. However, the relative candidate genes that underlie these associations and their functions are largely unknown. We conducted a protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis of gene products coded in loci recently reported to be MS associated at the genome-wide significance level and in loci suggestive of MS association. Our aim was to identify which suggestive regions are more likely to be truly associated, which genes are mostly implicated in the PPI network and their expression profile. From three recent independent association studies, SNPs were considered and divided into significant and suggestive depending on the strength of the statistical association. Using the Disease Association Protein-Protein Link Evaluator tool we found that direct interactions among genetic products were significantly higher than expected by chance when considering both significant regions alone (p&lt;0.0002) and significant plus suggestive (p&lt;0.007). The number of genes involved in the network was 43. Of these, 23 were located within suggestive regions and many of them directly interacted with proteins coded within significant regions. These included genes such as SYK, IL-6, CSF2RB, FCLR3, EIF4EBP2 and CHST12. Using the gene portal BioGPS, we tested the expression of these genes in 24 different tissues and found the highest values among immune-related cells as compared to non-immune tissues (p&lt;0.001). A gene ontology analysis confirmed the immune-related functions of these genes. In conclusion, loci currently suggestive of MS association interact with and have similar expression profiles and function as those significantly associated, highlighting the fact that more common variants remain to be found to be associated to MS

    Seasonal Distribution of Psychiatric Births in England

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    There is general consensus that season of birth influences the risk of developing psychiatric conditions later in life. We aimed to investigate whether the risk of schizophrenia (SC), bipolar affective disorder (BAD) and recurrent depressive disorder (RDD) is influenced by month of birth in England to a similar extent as other countries using the largest cohort of English patients collected to date (n=57,971). When cases were compared to the general English population (n=29,183,034) all diseases showed a seasonal distribution of births (SC p=2.48E-05; BAD p=0.019; RDD p=0.015). This data has implications for future strategies of disease prevention

    Recurrent Ascending Colon Cancer Manifesting as Inferior Vena cava Thrombus

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    We report an extremely rare case of recurrent ascending colon cancer manifesting as inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombus. A 77-year-old woman previously diagnosed with ascending colon cancer underwent right hemicolectomy with lymph node dissection. Though the tumor invaded the retroperitoneum and involved the right ovarian artery and vein, curative operation was performed. The patient took 5-FU p.o. Two and a half years later, tumor thrombus in the IVC extending into the right atrium was incidentally found and diagnosed as recurrence of colon cancer by biopsy. RF-induced hyperthermia using 5-FU and CDDP i.v. was immediately performed, but she died after 6 months because of multiple liver and pulmonary metastases. In treating colon cancers invading the retroperitoneum, it should be recalled that some cases recur as tumor thrombus in the IVC and that close follow-up is therefore necessary

    Subset- and tissue-defined STAT5 thresholds control homeostasis and function of innate lymphoid cells

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) patrol environmental interfaces to defend against infection and protect barrier integrity. Using a genetic tuning model, we demonstrate that the signal-dependent transcription factor (TF) STAT5 is critical for accumulation of all known ILC subsets in mice and reveal a hierarchy of STAT5 dependency for populating lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues. We apply transcriptome and genomic distribution analyses to define a STAT5 gene signature in natural killer (NK) cells, the prototypical ILC subset, and provide a systems-based molecular rationale for its key functions downstream of IL-15. We also uncover surprising features of STAT5 behavior, most notably the wholesale redistribution that occurs when NK cells shift from tonic signaling to acute cytokine-driven signaling, and genome-wide coordination with T-bet, another key TF in ILC biology. Collectively, our data position STAT5 as a central node in the TF network that instructs ILC development, homeostasis, and function and provide mechanistic insights on how it works at cellular and molecular levels

    Neurologic complications of acute hepatitis E virus infection.

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    To assess the prevalence and clinical features of neurologic involvement in patients with acute hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in Southern Switzerland. Among 1,940 consecutive patients investigated for acute hepatitis E, we identified 141 cases of acute of HEV infection (anti-HEV immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G both reactive and/or HEV RNA positive) between June 2014 and September 2017. Neurologic cases were followed up for 6 months. We compared patients with and without neurologic symptoms. Neurologic symptoms occurred in 43 acute HEV cases (30.4%) and consisted of neuralgic amyotrophy (NA, n = 15, 10.6%) and myalgia (n = 28, 19.8%). All NA cases were immunocompetent. Men had higher odds (OR = 5.2, CI 1.12-24.0, p = 0.03) of developing NA after infection with HEV, and in 3 couples simultaneously infected with HEV, only men developed NA. Bilateral involvement of NA was predominant (2:1) and occurred only in men. Seven NA cases were viremic (all genotype 3), but HEV was undetectable in their CSF. In the acute phase of NA, 9 patients were treated with intravenous immunoglobulin and 4 with prednisone, reporting no side effects and improvement in pain and strength. Myalgia occurred both without (n = 16) or with (n = 12) concomitant elevated serum creatinine kinase. Seven cases with myalgia in the shoulder girdle did not have muscle weakness ("forme fruste" of NA). Neurologic symptoms occurred in one-third of acute HEV infections and consisted of NA and myalgia. NA seems to occur more frequently in men infected by HEV and has a predominant (but not exclusive) bilateral involvement