945 research outputs found

    On the occurrence of Radio Halos in galaxy clusters - Insight from a mass-selected sample

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    Giant radio halos (RH) are diffuse Mpc-scale synchrotron sources detected in a fraction of massive and merging galaxy clusters. An unbiased study of the statistical properties of RHs is crucial to constrain their origin and evolution. We aim at investigating the occurrence of RHs and its dependence on the cluster mass in a SZ-selected sample of galaxy clusters, which is as close as possible to be a mass-selected sample. Moreover, we analyse the connection between RHs and merging clusters. We select from the Planck SZ catalogue (Planck Collaboration XXIX 2014) clusters with M6×1014MM\geq 6\times10^{14} M_\odot at z=0.08-0.33 and we search for the presence of RHs using the NVSS for z<0.2 and the GMRT RH survey (GRHS, Venturi et al. 2007, 2008) and its extension (EGRHS, Kale et al. 2013, 2015) for 0.2<z<0.33. We use archival Chandra X-ray data to derive information on the clusters dynamical status. We confirm that RH clusters are merging systems while the majority of clusters without RH are relaxed, thus supporting the idea that mergers play a fundamental role in the generation of RHs. We find evidence for an increase of the fraction of clusters with RHs with the cluster mass and this is in line with expectations derived on the basis of the turbulence re-acceleration scenario. Finally, we discuss the effect of the incompleteness of our sample on this result.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    New giant radio sources and underluminous radio halos in two galaxy clusters

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    The aim of this work is to analyse the radio properties of the massive and dynamical disturbed clusters Abell 1451 and Zwcl 0634.1+4750, especially focusing on the possible presence of diffuse emission. We present new GMRT 320 MHz and JVLA 1.5 GHz observations of these two clusters. We found that both Abell 1451 and Zwcl 0634.1+4750 host a radio halo with a typical spectrum (α11.3\alpha\sim1-1.3). Similarly to a few other cases reported in the recent literature, these radio halos are significantly fainter in radio luminosity with respect to the current radio power-mass correlations and they are smaller than classical giant radio halos. These underluminous sources might contribute to shed light on the complex mechanisms of formation and evolution of radio halos. Furthermore, we detected a candidate radio relic at large distance from the cluster center in Abell 1451 and a peculiar head tail radio galaxy in Zwcl 0634.1+4750, which might be interacting with a shock front.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Extended GMRT Radio Halo Survey II: Further results and analysis of the full sample

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    The intra-cluster medium contains cosmic rays and magnetic fields that are manifested through the large scale synchrotron sources, termed as radio halos, relics and mini-halos. The Extended Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) Radio Halo Survey (EGRHS) is an extension of the GMRT Radio Halo Survey (GRHS) designed to search for radio halos using GMRT 610/235 MHz observations. The GRHS+EGRHS consists of 64 clusters in the redshift range 0.2 -- 0.4 that have an X-ray luminosity larger than 5x10^44 erg/s in the 0.1 -- 2.4 keV band and with declinations > -31 deg in the REFLEX and eBCS X-ray cluster catalogues. In this second paper in the series, GMRT 610/235 MHz data on the last batch of 11 galaxy clusters and the statistical analysis of the full sample are presented. A new mini-halo in RXJ2129.6+0005 and candidate diffuse sources in Z5247, A2552 and Z1953 are discovered. A unique feature of this survey are the upper limits on the detections of 1 Mpc sized radio halos; 4 new are presented here making a total of 31 in the survey. Of the sample, 58 clusters that have adequately sensitive radio information were used to obtain the most accurate occurrence fractions so far. The occurrence of radio halos in our X-ray selected sample is ~22%, that of mini-halos is 13% and that of relics is ~5%. The radio power - X-ray luminosity diagrams for the radio halos and mini-halos with the detections and upper limits are presented. The morphological estimators namely, centroid shift (w), concentration parameter (c) and power ratios (P_3/P_0) derived from the Chandra X-ray images are used as proxies for the dynamical states of the GRHS+EGRHS clusters. The clusters with radio halos and mini-halos occupy distinct quadrants in the c-w, c-P_3/P_0 and w - P_3/P_0 planes, corresponding to the more and less morphological disturbance, respectively. The non-detections span both the quadrants.Comment: 24 pages, 5 tables, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A KAT-7 view of a low-mass sample of galaxy clusters

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    Radio observations over the last two decades have provided evidence that diffuse synchrotron emission in the form of megaparsec-scale radio halos in galaxy clusters is likely tracing regions of the intracluster medium where relativistic particles are accelerated during cluster mergers. In this paper we present results of a survey of 14 galaxy clusters carried out with the 7-element Karoo Array Telescope at 1.86 GHz, aimed to extend the current studies of radio halo occurrence to systems with lower masses (M500>4×1014_{\rm 500} > 4\times10^{14} M{_\odot}). We found upper limits at the 0.61.9×10240.6 - 1.9 \times 10^{24} Watt Hz1^{-1} level for 50%\sim 50\% of the sample, confirming that bright radio halos in less massive galaxy clusters are statistically rare.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Conference proceeding of "The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges", 20-23 October 2105, Bologna, Ital

    On the origin of Mega Radiohalos

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    We present a first attempt to investigate the origin of radio emitting electrons in the newly discovered class of Mega Radiohalos in clusters of galaxies. We study the evolution of relativistic electrons accreted by the external regions of a simulated cluster of galaxy at high resolution, including the effect of radiative losses and turbulent re-acceleration acting on relativistic electrons. We conclude that turbulent re-acceleration is enough prolonged in time to produce a large reservoir of radio emitting electrons in the large regions illuminated by Mega Radiohalos observed by LOFAR.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A Letter

    On the absence of radio halos in clusters with double relics

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    Pairs of radio relics are believed to form during cluster mergers, and are best observed when the merger occurs in the plane of the sky. Mergers can also produce radio halos, through complex processes likely linked to turbulent re-acceleration of cosmic-ray electrons. However, only some clusters with double relics also show a radio halo. Here, we present a novel method to derive upper limits on the radio halo emission, and analyse archival X-ray Chandra data, as well as galaxy velocity dispersions and lensing data, in order to understand the key parameter that switches on radio halo emission. We place upper limits on the halo power below the P1.4GHzM500P_{\rm 1.4 \, GHz}\, M_{500} correlation for some clusters, confirming that clusters with double relics have different radio properties. Computing X-ray morphological indicators, we find that clusters with double relics are associated with the most disturbed clusters. We also investigate the role of different mass-ratios and time-since-merger. Data do not indicate that the merger mass ratio has an impact on the presence or absence of radio halos (the null hypothesis that the clusters belong to the same group cannot be rejected). However, the data suggests that the absence of radio halos could be associated with early and late mergers, but the sample is too small to perform a statistical test. Our study is limited by the small number of clusters with double relics. Future surveys with LOFAR, ASKAP, MeerKat and SKA will provide larger samples to better address this issue.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS accepte

    First evidence of diffuse ultra-steep-spectrum radio emission surrounding the cool core of a cluster

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    Diffuse synchrotron radio emission from cosmic-ray electrons is observed at the center of a number of galaxy clusters. These sources can be classified either as giant radio halos, which occur in merging clusters, or as mini halos, which are found only in cool-core clusters. In this paper, we present the first discovery of a cool-core cluster with an associated mini halo that also shows ultra-steep-spectrum emission extending well beyond the core that resembles radio halo emission. The large-scale component is discovered thanks to LOFAR observations at 144 MHz. We also analyse GMRT observations at 610 MHz to characterise the spectrum of the radio emission. An X-ray analysis reveals that the cluster is slightly disturbed, and we suggest that the steep-spectrum radio emission outside the core could be produced by a minor merger that powers electron re-acceleration without disrupting the cool core. This discovery suggests that, under particular circumstances, both a mini and giant halo could co-exist in a single cluster, opening new perspectives for particle acceleration mechanisms in galaxy clusters

    Radio halos in a mass-selected sample of 75 galaxy clusters: I. Sample selection and data analysis

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    Context. Radio halos are synchrotron diffiuse sources at the centre of a fraction of galaxy clusters. The study of large samples of clusters with adequate radio and X-ray data is necessary to investigate the origin of radio halos and their connection with the cluster dynamics and formation history. Aims. The aim of this paper is to compile a well-selected sample of galaxy clusters with deep radio observations to perform an unbiased statistical study of the properties of radio halos. Methods. We selected 75 clusters with M ≤ 6 × 1014M⊙at z = 0.08-0.33 from the Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich catalogue. Clusters without suitable radio data were observed with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and/or the Jansky Very Large Array to complete the information about the possible presence of diffiuse emission. We used archival Chandra X-ray data to derive information on the clusters' dynamical states. Results. This observational campaign led to the detection of several cluster-scale diffiuse radio sources and candidates that deserve future follow-up observations. Here we summarise their properties and add information resulting from our new observations. For the clusters where we did not detect any hint of diffiuse emission, we derived new upper limits to their diffiuse flux. Conclusions.We have built the largest mass-selected (&gt;80% complete in mass) sample of galaxy clusters with deep radio observations available to date. The statistical analysis of the sample, which includes the connection between radio halos and cluster mergers, the radio power - mass correlation, and the occurrence of radio halos as a function of the cluster mass, will be presented in Paper II

    Re-energisation of AGN head-tail radio galaxies in the galaxy cluster ZwCl0634.1+47474

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    Low-frequency radio observations show an increasing number of radio galaxies located in galaxy clusters that display peculiar morphologies and spectral profiles. This is the result of the dynamical interaction of the galaxy with the surrounding medium. Studying this phenomenon is key to understanding the evolution of low-energy relativistic particles in the intracluster medium. We present a multi-frequency study of the three head-tail (HT) radio galaxies and the radio halo in the galaxy cluster ZwCl0634.1+4747. We make use of observations at four frequencies performed with LOFAR LBA (53 MHz), HBA (144 MHz), GMRT (323 MHz) and VLA (1518 MHz) data. The use of extremely low radio frequency observations, such as LOFAR at 53 and 144 MHz, allowed us to detect the extension of the tails up to a distance of ~ 1 Mpc. We extracted spectral profiles along the tails in order to identify possible departures from a pure ageing model, such as the Jaffe-Perola (JP) model, which only involves synchrotron and inverse-Compton losses. We found clear evidence of departures from this simple ageing model, such as surface brightness enhancement and spectral flattening along all of the tails. This can be interpreted as the consequence of particle re-acceleration along the tails. Possible explanations for this behaviour include the interaction between a shock and the radio tails or a turbulence-driven re-acceleration mechanism. We show that the latter scenario is able to reproduce the characteristic features that we observed in our profiles