13 research outputs found

    Jornalismo turístico: os eventos no centro da notícia

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    A partir de finais do século XIX, o processo de democratização do turismo e da imprensa desenrolou-se paralelo, quando ambos deixaram de ser bens unicamente acessíveis às elites, passando a estar também ao alcance das massas. Nos dias de hoje o Turismo representa uma indústria de milhões, uma das mais importantes fontes geradoras de riqueza do Mundo, e é ao mesmo tempo uma actividade que promove a socialização e a disseminação de informação e cultura entre povos. Desde os primórdios que a informação é um factor determinante no desenvolvimento turístico, e os media (sobretudo a imprensa) desempenham um papel fundamental na sua disseminação, potenciando e dinamizando a promoção do turismo e dos seus produtos junto da Opinião Pública. Conscientes das sinergias que se desenvolvem entre ambos os sectores, este trabalho irá explorar o tratamento noticioso que a imprensa portuguesa dá aos temas turísticos, tendo o seu foco na cobertura mediática dos mega-eventos na imprensa escrita generalista. Além disso, pretende também reunir um conjunto de pistas que nos permitam entender melhor as relações e os laços que se estabelecem entre ambos. Visando retratar o mais fielmente possível a realidade observada, foi examinada e revista literatura de referência nos campos do estudo dos media, jornalismo, jornalismo de viagens e turismo. A revisão bibliográfica foi complementada por um caso de estudo de vertente mais prática, com a análise da cobertura jornalística, pelos quatro principais jornais generalistas portuguesas, da etapa portuguesa do Red Bull Air Race 2007 – 2009. Concluímos que no âmbito do estudo dos media ainda persiste uma visão estereotipada do jornalismo sobre temas turísticos, remetendo-o para um grau de especialização inferior aos restantes tipos de jornalismo. Um preconceito fundamentado no facto de em muitos dos casos, o jornalismo de turismo assentar no relato de experiências de lazer e de viagens, mas que desconsidera a importância da veiculação sobre turismo nos media, ignorando o papel que estes têm junto dos seus leitores, entre os quais também se incluem potenciais turistas. Analisamos a concepção crítica focada nos aspectos negativos daquilo que definimos como jornalismo de viagens, e pomos em evidência as suas limitações por não contemplar todo o universo do jornalismo de turismo, onde também encontramos o jornalismo turístico. Por fim, este trabalho vem testar teoria de que, cada vez mais, o turismo e os eventos ganham lugar na imprensa escrita portuguesa. E que, contrariamente ao estereótipo q que se verificava no passado estes temas já vão sendo apresentados nas notícias com elementos comuns às hard news, e tendencialmente apresentados junto da Opinião Pública como assuntos «sérios» que fazem parte da actualidade.In late nineteenth century, both tourism products and media began to be accessible to masses, and not only to the elites, thus beginning a simultaneous democratization process. Tourism evolved to be, nowadays, a worldwide strong revenue industry, and, at the same time, an activity which boosts social contacts and the spreads information and culture amongst people. Information is, since the very first moment, an essential factor to tourist development and the media, and mainly printed media, play a key role in this process, contributing to spread and boost tourist promotion and products amongst the public opinion. Aware of the synergies established between both sectors, this paper aims to explore the approach of Portuguese Media to the tourism area, focusing in the large events’ media coverage by general print media. Additionally, the paper also points out some clues that allow us to a better understanding of the relation and bonds established between tourism and media. Aiming to closely report the reality observed, we examined and reviewed reference literature concerning media analysis, travel and tourism press. The bibliographic review was completed by a more practical case study, namely the analysis of the Portuguese Stage of Red Bull Air Race 2007-2009 coverage made by the four more important general newspapers in Portugal. We conclude that, in what concerns media analysis, there is still a stereotyped vision referring to tourism press, considering it less specialized than other thematic press areas. A prejudice based in the fact that, in many cases, tourism press focuses on leisure and travel experiences, but not accounting the fact that this type of journalism has a great influence in the readers, including potential tourists, having the potentially impacting, in a practical way, in the market which they report. We have also analysed the critical concept focused in the negative issues of what we named “Travel press”, highlighting its limits, which result from the fact it doesn’t consider all tourism press universe, where we also include tourism press. Finally, this work aims to put the test the theory that, increasingly, tourism and events are gaining momentum in the Portuguese printed media. And that, contrary to the previously dominant idea, these themes are, nowadays, presented in the news as common elements of hard news, and also presented to public opinion as “serious” themes integrating the daily news

    Experimental model of intervertebral disc degeneration by needle puncture in Wistar rats

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    Animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration play an important role in clarifying the physiopathological mechanisms and testing novel therapeutic strategies. The objective of the present study is to describe a simple animal model of disc degeneration involving Wistar rats to be used for research studies. Disc degeneration was confirmed and classified by radiography, magnetic resonance and histological evaluation. Adult male Wistar rats were anesthetized and submitted to percutaneous disc puncture with a 20-gauge needle on levels 6-7 and 8-9 of the coccygeal vertebrae. The needle was inserted into the discs guided by fluoroscopy and its tip was positioned crossing the nucleus pulposus up to the contralateral annulus fibrosus, rotated 360° twice, and held for 30 s. To grade the severity of intervertebral disc degeneration, we measured the intervertebral disc height from radiographic images 7 and 30 days after the injury, and the signal intensity T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Histological analysis was performed with hematoxylin-eosin and collagen fiber orientation using picrosirius red staining and polarized light microscopy. Imaging and histological score analyses revealed significant disc degeneration both 7 and 30 days after the lesion, without deaths or systemic complications. Interobserver histological evaluation showed significant agreement. There was a significant positive correlation between histological score and intervertebral disc height 7 and 30 days after the lesion. We conclude that the tail disc puncture method using Wistar rats is a simple, cost-effective and reproducible model for inducing disc degeneration

    A case of multiple unilateral corneal epithelial inclusion cysts in a dog

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    A three-year-old neutered female Labrador cross was presented for investigation of two corneal epithelial inclusion cysts affecting the left eye. The aetiopathogenesis of the cyst formation was suspected to be traumatic. The cysts were removed successfully by superficial keratectomy, followed by a third eyelid flap. Histologically, both lesions were represented by cystic formations lined with multilayered squamous epithelium, consistent with stromal inclusion of surface corneal epithelium. Complete recovery was achieved, and there was no recurrence at six month follow-up

    A case of multiple corneal epithelial inclusion cysts in a dog

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    A case of two corneal epithelial inclusion cysts affecting the left eye, in a 3 years old female Labrador cross was investigated. The etiopathogenesis of the cysts formation was suspected to be traumatic. The two masses were removed successfully by superficial keratectomy followed by a third eyelid flap. Histologically, both lesions were represented by cystic formations lined by multilayered squamous epithelium, consistent with stromal inclusion of surface corneal epithelium. Recovery was complete and there was no recurrence at three months follow up

    Jumping exercise preserves bone mineral density and mechanical properties in osteopenic ovariectomized rats even following established osteopenia

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    Summary: The effects of jump training on bone structure before and after ovariectomy-induced osteopenia in rats were investigated. Jumping exercise induced favorable changes in bone mineral density, bone mechanical properties, and bone formation/resorption markers. This exercise is effective to prevent bone loss after ovariectomy even when osteopenia is already established. Introduction: The present study investigated the effects of jump training on bone structure before and after ovariectomy-induced osteopenia in 80 10-week-old Wistar rats. Methods: Forty rats (prevention program) were randomly allocated to one of four equal groups (n = 10): sham-operated sedentary (SHAM-SEDp), ovariectomized (OVX) sedentary (OVX-SEDp), sham-operated exercised (SHAM-EXp), and OVX exercised (OVX-EXp). SHAM-EXp and OVX-EXp animals began training 3 days after surgery. Another 40 rats (treatment program) were randomly allocated into another four groups (n = 10): sham-operated sedentary (SHAM-SEDt), OVX sedentary (OVX-SEDt), sham-operated exercised (SHAM-EXt), and OVX exercised (OVX-EXt). SHAM-EXt and OVX-EXt animals began training 60 days after surgery. The rats in the exercised groups jumped 20 times/day, 5 days/week, to a height of 40 cm for 12 weeks. At the end of the experimental period, serum osteocalcin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) dosage, dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), histomorphometry, and biomechanical tests were analyzed. Results: The OVX groups showed higher values of FSH and body weight (p < 0.05). DXA showed that jump training significantly increased bone mineral density of the femur and fifth lumbar vertebra (p < 0.05). The stiffness of the left femur and fifth lumbar vertebra in the exercised groups was greater than that of the sedentary groups (p < 0.05). Ovariectomy induced significant difference in bone volume (BV/TV, percent), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp, micrometer), and trabecular number (Tb.N, per millimeter) (p < 0.05) compared to sham operation. Jump training in the OVX group induced significant differences in BV/TV, Tb.Sp, and Tb.N and decreased osteoblast number per bone perimeter (p < 0.05) compared with OVX nontraining, in the prevention groups. Osteocalcin dosage showed higher values in the exercised groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Jumping exercise induced favorable changes in bone mineral density, bone mechanical properties, and bone formation/resorption markers. Jump training is effective to prevent bone loss after ovariectomy even when osteopenia is already established