66 research outputs found

    Third harmonic generation in LiKB4O7 single crystal

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    The third order nonlinear optical properties of the lithium potassium borate (LiKB4O7) single crystal have been investigated by means of the rotational Maker fringe technique using Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm working in picosecond regime. The value of the third order nonlinear optical susceptibility was calculated using the theoretical model of Kajzar et al. and was found to be about 1.4 × 10−21 m2 V−2 that is one order higher than that of fused silica

    EPR identification of defects responsible for thermoluminescence in Cu-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used to identify the electron and hole traps responsible for thermoluminescence (TL) peaks occurring near 100 and 200 ◦C in copper-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals. As-grown crystals have Cu+ and Cu2+ ions substituting for lithium and have Cu+ ions at interstitial sites. All of the substitutional Cu2+ ions in the as-grown crystals have an adjacent lithium vacancy and give rise to a distinct EPR spectrum. Exposure to ionizing radiation at room temperature produces a second and different Cu2+ EPR spectrum when a hole is trapped by substitutional Cu+ ions that have no nearby defects. These two Cu2+ trapped-hole centers are referred to as Cu2+-VLi and Cu2+active, respectively. Also during the irradiation, two trapped-electron centers in the form of interstitial Cu0 atoms are produced when interstitial Cu+ ions trap electrons. They are observed with EPR and are labeled Cu0A and Cu0B. When an irradiated crystal is warmed from 25 to 150 ◦C, the Cu2+active centers have a partial decay step that correlates with the TL peak near 100 ◦C. The concentrations of Cu0A and Cu0B centers, however, increase as the crystal is heated through this range. As the crystal is futher warmed between 150 and 250 ◦C, the EPR signals from the Cu2+active hole centers and Cu0A and Cu0B electron centers decay simultaneously. This decay step correlates with the intense TL peak near 200 ◦C

    Дослідження шляхів зниження професійного ризику серед механізаторів в АПК

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    The problem of reducing occupational risk in agriculture is extremely complex and at present not found a universal way to solve it. Reduction of occupational risk should be considered as a major component part of occupational safety as one of the most important functions of state authorities and business entities. Current trends in the growth of professional (production) risks in agriculture necessitated the development of an industry-wide system assessment and the introduction of modern methods of management of labour safety. One of the priority areas reducing the number of accidents at production is increased attention to the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases on the basis of existing production of dangerous and harmful factors, there are certain risks of injury and health loss. Modern scientific and methodological approaches and experiences of developed countries show that an effective model of protecting workers from negative (threat) impact the production environment should be based on occupational risk management. Implementation of quantitative methods for the assessment of occupational risks is one of the strategic directions achievements in the state acceptable level of safety, environmental and industrial objects. In the conditions of modern agricultural production is a complex probabilistic system, in which, as a rule, there is an unresolved danger that is inherent through participation in the process of a man with his emotional, physiological and psychological weakness, there is always the risk of an accident. In the traditional tasks of labour protection are investigating the actions of the employee as a potential source of danger because of his wrong actions, ignorance of safe methods of work. However, the technical security will play a critical role in solving problems of complex reduce the risk of injury to the mechanized processes of agriculture, that allows to consider this problem as a new and up to date.Проблема зниження професійного ризику в сільському господарстві є надзвичайно складною, і в даний час не знайдено універсального способу її вирішення. Зниження професійного ризику потрібно розглядати як основну складову частину охорони праці, як одну з найважливіших функцій органів державної влади та суб`єктів господарювання. Сучасні тенденції зростання професійних (виробничих) ризиків у сільському господарстві обумовлюють необхідність розвитку єдиної галузевої системи їх оцінки  і впровадження сучасних методів управління безпекою праці. Одним із пріоритетних напрямів зниження кількості нещасних випадків на виробництві є посилення уваги до профілактики нещасних випадків та професійних захворювань на основі врахування наявних виробничих небезпечних та шкідливих чинників, тобто визначених ризиків травмування та втрати здоров’я. Сучасні науково-методологічні підходи та досвід розвинених країн свідчать, що ефективна модель захисту працівників від несприятливої (небезпечної) дії виробничого довкілля має спиратися на управління професійними ризиками. Запровадження кількісних методів оцінки професійних ризиків є одним із стратегічних напрямів досягнення у державі прийнятного рівня безпеки праці, природного довкілля та виробничих об`єктів. За умов сучасного аграрного виробництва – складної ймовірнісної системи, в якій, зазвичай, присутня потенційна небезпека, що закладена через участь у технологічному процесі людини з її емоційною, фізіологічною і психологічною слабкістю, завжди існує ризик нещасного випадку. У традиційних завданнях охорони праці досліджують дії працівника, як потенційного джерела небезпеки через його помилкові дії, незнання ним безпечних способів виконання робіт. Разом з тим, технічні засоби безпеки праці мають відігравати вирішальну роль у розв’язанні проблеми комплексного зниження ризику травмування на механізованих процесах АПК, що  дозволяє розглядати дане завдання як нове і актуальне

    French Experience in Establishing and Functioning of Customs System: Projection to Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration

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    The article is concerned with researching the experience of France on establishing and functioning of customs system and substantiating the priority vectors of reforming the customs authorities of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration. The study was based on a study of the basic principles of organization of customs authorities in France, strategic and tactical directions of their work and an analysis of the main results of their functioning. The obtained results allowed to uniquely position the French customs system as such that prioritizes customs function and is aimed at promoting legitimate international trade together with maintaining national security. Also a study on the key problems of the national customs system was carried out, on the basis of which a comparative analysis of the customs authorities of Ukraine and France was done. This allowed to identify the main problem of the national customs system associated with the functioning of customs authorities in the structure of the State fiscal service of Ukraine and prioritization of fiscal function. According to the results of the research, the need to create a separate body – the National customs service, which will primarily ensure the development of the customs sphere, has been substantiated

    KH2PO4 + Host Matrix (Alumina / SiO2_2) Nanocomposite: Raman Scattering Insight

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    We report on the synthesis and Raman scattering characterization of composite materials based on the hostnanoporous matrices filled with nanostructured KH2PO4 (KDP) crystal. Silica (SiO2) and anodized aluminium oxide (AAO) were used as host matrices with various pore diameters, inter-pore spacing and morphology. The structure of the nanocomposites was investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Raman scattering reveals the creation of one-dimensional nanostructured KDP inside the SiO2 matrix. We clearly observed the stretching {\nu}1, {\nu}3 and bending {\nu}2 vibrations of PO4 tetrahedral groups in the Raman spectrum of SiO2 + KDP. In Raman scattering spectra of AAO + KDP nanocomposite, the broad fluorescence background of AAO matrix dominates to a great extent, hindering thus the detecting of the KDP compound spectral response.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 201

    The 3D Mapping Preparation using 2D/3D Cameras for Mobile Robot Control

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    The generalized frame of autonomous robot control system is represented and the data preparation for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) by using new type of 3D sensor is described. Also the developed data structure for data communication between robot units, and the protocol for client-server interaction, and an algorithm for the data communication of client-server protocol packages allowing to control by mobile robot in unstructured environment, and their application on real-scaled mobile robot are presented in this paper.Представлена обобщенная структура автономной системы управления роботом и описана подготовка данных для одновременной локализации и отображения (SLAM) с использованием нового вида 3D датчика. В статье также описаны разработанная структура данных для связи между автоматическими модулями, протокол для серверного и клиентского взаимодействия и алгоритм обмена пакетами данных на основе технологии клиент-сервер для управления мобильным роботом в неструктурированной среде, а также их использование на работающем мобильном роботе.Представлено узагальнену структуру автономної системи управління роботом та описано підготовку даних для одночасної локалізації і відображення (SLAM) з використанням нового виду 3D датчика. В статті також описані розроблена структура даних для зв’язку між автоматичними модулями, протокол для серверної та клієнтської взаємодії та алгоритм обміну пакетами даних на основі технології клієнт-сервер для управління мобільним роботом в неструктурованому середовищі, а також їх застосування на працюючому мобільному роботі

    EPR identification of defects responsible for thermoluminescence in Cu-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used to identify the electron and hole traps responsible for thermoluminescence (TL) peaks occurring near 100 and 200 ◦C in copper-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals. As-grown crystals have Cu+ and Cu2+ ions substituting for lithium and have Cu+ ions at interstitial sites. All of the substitutional Cu2+ ions in the as-grown crystals have an adjacent lithium vacancy and give rise to a distinct EPR spectrum. Exposure to ionizing radiation at room temperature produces a second and different Cu2+ EPR spectrum when a hole is trapped by substitutional Cu+ ions that have no nearby defects. These two Cu2+ trapped-hole centers are referred to as Cu2+-VLi and Cu2+active, respectively. Also during the irradiation, two trapped-electron centers in the form of interstitial Cu0 atoms are produced when interstitial Cu+ ions trap electrons. They are observed with EPR and are labeled Cu0A and Cu0B. When an irradiated crystal is warmed from 25 to 150 ◦C, the Cu2+active centers have a partial decay step that correlates with the TL peak near 100 ◦C. The concentrations of Cu0A and Cu0B centers, however, increase as the crystal is heated through this range. As the crystal is futher warmed between 150 and 250 ◦C, the EPR signals from the Cu2+active hole centers and Cu0A and Cu0B electron centers decay simultaneously. This decay step correlates with the intense TL peak near 200 ◦C

    The surface core level shift for lithium at the surface of lithium borate

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    The shallow Li 1s core level exhibits a surface-to-bulk core level shift for the stoichiometric Li2B4O7(110) surface. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy was used to indentify Li 1s bulk and surface core level components at binding energies -56.5 ± 0.4 and -53.7 ± 0.5 eV, respectively.We find photoemission evidence for surface states of Li2B4O7(110) that exist in the gap of the projected bulk density of states. The existence of surface states is consistent with the large surface-to-bulk core level shift for the Li 1s core

    The effect of antioxidants on biochemical and morphological indicators of the piglet's blood

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    The work aimed to study the influence of methifen, fenarone, and methionine on the biochemical and morphological indicators of the piglet’s blood. We researched three-month-old large white piglets. 10 groups were formed, each with 5 animals: a control group and nine experimental groups. We established that antioxidants promote an increase in the erythrocyte number and the Hb level to the upper limits of physiological indicators from the 10th day of the test. On the 60th day, the erythrocyte number in the blood of piglets fed methionine varied between 7.15 ± 0.12 – 7.30 ± 0.12 B/l. This indicator was 7.34 ± 0.10 – 7.64 ± 0.11 B/l (Р < 0.05) in the group fed fenarone, and 7.64 ± 0.14 – 7.65 ± 0.11 B/l (Р < 0.05) in animals fed methifen. On the 90th day, the erythrocyte number was the highest in animals that were fed methifen at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg body weight. Relative to piglets of the C group, the aforementioned indicator increased by 12.9 %. We also found a slight growth in the activity of aminotransferases in the blood serum of piglets of the experimental groups. In addition, it was found that the studied drugs do not affect the mononuclear system. It was indicated by the number of leukocytes, which was within the limits of physiological parameters during the experiment and ranged from 10.0 ± 0.12 to 11.8 ± 0.6 G/l. The highest indicators of enzyme activity, hemoglobin content, and the number of erythrocytes in the blood of animals of the experimental groups were established on the 60th and 90th days of the trial. It manifested the best effect under methionine feeding at a dose of 4 mg/kg body weight, fenarone – 1.20 mg/kg body weight. and metifen – 0.9 mg/kg body weight