402 research outputs found


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    The pace at which scientific data is produced and disseminated has never been as high as it is currently. Modern sequencing technologies make it possible to obtain the genome of a specific organism in a few days, and the genome of a bacterial organism in less than a day, and therefore researchers from the field of life science are faced with a huge amount of data that needs to be analyzed. In this connection, various fields of science are converging with each other, giving rise to new disciplines. So, bioinformatics is one of these fields, it is a scientific discipline that has been actively developing over the past decades and uses IT tools and methods to solve problems related to the study of biological processes. In particular, a crucial role in the field of bioinformatics is played by the development of new algorithms, tools and the creation of new databases, as well as the integration of extremely large amounts of data. The rapid development of bioinformatics has made it possible to conduct modern biological research. Bioinformatics can help a biologist to extract valuable information from biological data by using tools to process them. Despite the fact that bioinformatics is a relatively new discipline, various web and computer tools already exist, most of which are freely available. This is a review article that provides an exhaustive overview of some of the tools for biological analysis available to a biologist, as well as describes the key role of information systems in this interdisciplinary field

    New Pellet Feeds for Rabbits with a High Content of Nutrients and With the Addition of Dietary Supplements

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    This research presented the pellet feed production line. Three pellet feed formulasfor young stock rabbits (28-135 days old) were developed with the addition of experimental dietary supplements grouped into the following protein green complexes (PGC):PGC-92-1including thе following supplements- dried herbal pulp from red clover, herbal alfalfa meal, and Sporotherminprobiotic; PGC-92-2 including the following supplements - protein feed concentrate from wheat stillage filtrate (syrup), herbal alfalfa meal, and Sporothermin probiotic; PGC-92-3 including the following supplements – PGC from red clover, herbal alfalfa meal,andSporothermin probiotic. These were compared with feed formulated without dietary supplements (PGC-92 (Control)). The nutritional value of the concentrate feeds met the requirements assigned for this group of animals. The storage of the formulatedconcentrate feeds took place in industrial conditions (the floor store) in paper bags of 30 kg per group at the temperature of 18-20 ∘C and the relative humidity of 65-70%. Due to itsmoisture content exceeding the standard requirements, the check concentrate feed (Control) revealed a higher content of fungal and bacterial microflora. The fat acidityvalue and the total acidity increased, which indicated the instability of this batch of concentrate feed during storage. The experimental batches of concentrate feed had a stablequality and retained good quality throughout the testing period. The testing of the effects of the studied complexes in fattening young stock rabbits was carried out on the premises of the Lipetsk Rabbit LLC industrial complex with 2000 rabbits. The use ofall-in-onepellet feedsformulated with the addition ofdietary supplements made it possible to increase the slaughter yield by 3.62%, 4.45% and 3.96%, while reducing feed intake per 1 kg of slaughter mass by 0.72 ECU, 0.38 ECU and 0.88 ECU. There was an increase in profit of 17725.25rubles, 16114.38 rubles and 14168.55 rubles, and an increase in the level of profitability by 45.93%, 41.26% and 31.24%, which resulted from a highersafety andgrowth performance of the raised rabbits. Keywords: concentrate feeds, pellet feeds, dietary supplements, protein green complex, feed for rabbits, growth performanc

    Production of retardation film with pixel strusture

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    At present the commercial success of LC displays is achieved due to the high characteristics of quality: viewing angles, contrast, price, etc. For example, LC display have been used for creation of 3D images by means of forming images on the display for the left and right eye and using of polarizing glasses for the left and right eye. It allows us to see the resulting 3D image. Such a system can be implemented by means of using of a pattern phase retardation film which is placed on the display screen. The retardation film is a structured phase plate with display pixels order resolution which allows to form lines of images for the left and right eye without loss of image quality

    Согласование тягово-сцепных качеств движителей сельскохозяйственных мобильных энергетических средств с допустимым максимальным давлением на почву

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    Modern highly mechanized agricultural production is characterized by the incompatibility of simultaneous matching of the maximum pressure of agricultural mobile equipment movers on the soil and the possibility of increasing the tractors energy saturation when equipping them with existing wheel engines.(Research purpose) To coordinate the maximum pressure on the soil with the permissible norms, weight utilization factors and the level of tractors energy saturation.(Materials and methods) The authors used a calculated method for determining the maximum pressure on the soil using a universal tire characteristic.(Results and discussion) The authors found that when performing spring works on closing moisture and sowing row crops at a maximum pressure of 80 kilopascals, corresponding to all types of soil, the most mass universal row tractor Belarus 1020 had a maximum pressure of 150 kilopascals, which was 70 kilopascals higher than the permissible one for the corresponding crop shortage. They found that replacing ordinary tires with agrophilic tires could increase the area of the contact spot by 16 percent, while reducing the coefficient of unevenness and increasing the coefficient of use of the adhesion weight. The main condition for replacing ordinary tires with agrophilic tires was to keep the traction force unchanged.(Conclusions) Summarizing the results of the research as agrophilic direction, ensuring the compliance impacts on soil and positively solving the problems of saturation, it is possible to recommend the development of navigation systems in achieving utilization hitch weight equal to 0.5 (low tire pressure), equal to 0.6 (rubber joint with torsion bar suspension) and 0.7 (rubber track). It was found that the conducted research, taking into account the available data on traction tests of the T-250 tractor, would allow to include an agrophilic concept with a hypothetical dependence of the adhesion weight use factor on the longitudinal unevenness coefficient in the revised State Standard 27021-86 “Agricultural and forestry Tractors. Traction classes”.Современное высокомеханизированное сельскохозяйственное производство характеризуется несовместимостью одновременной реализации требований экологических организаций к максимальному давлению движителей сельскохозяйственной мобильной техники на почву и возможностей повышения энергонасыщенности тракторов при оснащении их существующими колесными движителями.(Цель исследования) Согласовать максимальное давление на почву с допустимыми нормами, коэффициентами использования сцепного веса и уровнем энергонасыщенности тракторов.(Материалы и методы) Использовали расчетный метод определения максимального давления на почву с помощью универсальной характеристики шины.(Результаты и обсуждение) Установили, что при выполнении весенних работ по закрытию влаги и проведению посева пропашных культур при допустимом максимальном давлении 80 килопаскалей, соответствующем всем типам почв, самый массовый универсально-пропашной трактор Беларус 1020 имеет максимальное давление 150 килопаскалей, что на 70 килопаскалей превышает допустимое при соответствующем недоборе урожая. Установили, что замена ординарных шин на агрофильные позволяет увеличить площадь пятна контакта на 16 процентов с одновременным уменьшением коэффициента неравномерности и увеличением коэффициента использования сцепного веса. Принципиальным условием замены ординарных шин на агрофильные служит сохранение неизменным создаваемого трактором тягового усилия.(Выводы) Определили оптимальные значения коэффициента использования сцепного веса: для шин сверхнизкого давления – 0,5, для резинометаллического шарниира с торсионной подвеской -- 0,6, для резиноармированной гусеницы – 0,7. Установили, что проведенные исследования с учетом имеющихся данных о тяговых испытаниях гусеничного трактора Т-250, позволят включить агрофильную концепцию с гипотетической (предполагаемой) зависимостью коэффициента использования сцепного веса от коэффициента продольной неравномерности в пересматриваемый ГОСТ 27021-86 «Тракторы сельскохозяйственные и лесохозяйственные. Тяговые классы»

    Current trends for improving the design of membrane devices for photoautotrophic biosynthesis is light dependent microorganisms

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    Modern trends in improving the design of membrane devices for photoautotrophic biosynthesis dependent lighting microorganisms aimed at a significant increase in the productivity of valuable products from biomass of microalgae and obtaining on the basis of their individual useful substances (drugs) used in various industries and medicine. In film devices effectively the processes of heat - and mass-exchange with the gas comes into contact with the culture fluid flowing as a film on a transparent film-forming surface is STI in its light intensity and autotrophic biosynthesis occurs only in the presence of a mixture of air with carbon dioxide. Thus, completely eliminated the accumulation of metabolic products due to their continuous removal from film culture liquid with the process gas, which is not typical for devices of other types. Small size membrane bioreactors may increase the degree of saturation of the liquid carbon dioxide with the possibility of changing the concentration of gas in the culture fluid and to ensure the cultivation of microorganisms with a specified biomass yield. At present up to date-developed a significant number of ways to ensure contact of the gas with the liquid (bubbling, gas-lift, mechanical stirring, jet, membrane, etc.) on the basis of which an industrial bioreactor, with various "stress" effect. It is believed that for the cultivation of the most optimal are bioreactors with mechanical stirring of the liquid, which allow the greatest productivity of biomass. However, the applied model of a mechanical mixing device to create a work whose cavity of the bioreactor chaotic, disorganized mixing, which contributes to the emergence, insufficient for the sustenance of the cell cultures and microorganisms. Analysis of the interactions of the gas with the liquid film devices showed the need to create a new generation of bioreactor with intensive mass transfer without the possibility of limiting the productivity of biotechnological systems. The work shows a consistent change in structural elements of membrane bioreactors to increase the efficiency of their operation


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    Introduction. The conclusion of the “effective contract” with teachers has recently become one of the innovations at the higher school. According to the drafters of this document, it has to take the position of the economic instrument for increasing the labour productivity of educators and stimulating them to the effective result-oriented activity. However, some qualitative and quantitative indicators of the contract which form the basis of the fixed amount of financial award of teachers lead to confusion. In particular, the number of the students expelled from higher education institution belongs to such indicators. Aim. Based on the factual material, statistical data and mathematical calculations, the aim of the publication is to prove the absence of direct relationship between the number of the expelled students and the quality of professional activity of the university teacher. Methodology and research methods. In the course of the research, the review and synthesis of the scientific publications on the discussed problems were used; poll and questioning of students were conducted by means of the T. I. Ilyina’s technique “Motivation for Training in Higher Education Institution”. The obtained data was processed by the method of the correlation analysis; degree of statistical reliability of results was estimated by means of calculation of F-criterion. Results and scientific novelty. The survey was conducted among full-time students of different years of studies enrolled on the five-year specialty training programme “Train Traffic Management Systems” of the Far Eastern State Railway Communications University. The survey made it possible to identify the common factors and reasons of expulsion from higher education institution among students of all years of studies. Statistical data on motivation of students for training are collected and analysed. Correlations between indicators of expulsion and motives to get higher education are established. The authors provided a reasoned justification for obvious absurdity of the issue about accounting the student contingent retention as criterion of the teacher quality of work. Student expulsion is the indicator that reflects a condition of all education system and includes the following: school, institute of the Unified State Examination (USE), selection criteria in higher education institution, standard legislative base in education, curricula, logistics and equipment, conditions of educational activity, etc., as well as student motivation for training. Therefore, the ordinary teacher can not and must not be responsible for student expulsions.Practical significance. The authors conclude that the “effective contract” as it drafted encourages not teachers, but a high number of uneducated “professionals” who graduate from higher education institutions, including those who study free of charge. Artificial support of student membership completely contradicts state policy on human resource development of the country; furthermore, it poses threat of destruction both for the system of the higher education, and for national economy in general. It is obviously required to develop other more reasonable approaches that are adequate to the higher school tasks and to the choice of quality criteria for activity of higher education institutions and their employees.Введение. Одним из нововведений последнего времени в высшей школе стало внедрение в практику заключения «эффективного контракта» с преподавателями, который, по мнению его разработчиков, должен стать экономическим инструментом повышения производительности труда работников сферы образования, стимулирующим их к эффективной деятельности, нацеленной на результат. Однако некоторые качественные и количественные показатели контракта, на основании которых определяется размер финансового поощрения педагогов, вызывают недоумение. К таким показателям относится, в частности, количество отчисленных из вуза студентов.Цель публикации – доказать с опорой на фактический материал, статистические данные и математические расчеты отсутствие прямой связи между количеством отчисляющихся обучающихся и качеством профессиональной деятельности преподавателя вуза. Методы и методики. В процессе исследования использовались обзор и обобщение содержания научных источников, касающихся обсуждаемых проблем; опрос и анкетирование студентов с помощью методики «Мотивация обучения в вузе» Т. И. Ильиной. Обработка полученных данных производилась методом корреляционного анализа; степень статистической достоверности результатов оценивалась посредством вычисления F-критерия Фишера. Результаты и научная новизна. На выборках студентов специальности «Системы обеспечения движения поездов», обучающихся очно в Дальневосточном государственном университете путей сообщения по пятилетней программе специалитета, выявлены закономерности и причины их отчислений из вуза на всех курсах профессиональной подготовки. Собраны и проанализированы статистические данные о мотивированности студентов к обучению. Установлены корреляции между показателями отчислений и мотивами получения высшего образования. Аргументированно обоснована абсурдность учета сохранности студенческого контингента в качестве критерия качества работы преподавателя. Отчисление студента – это показатель, отражающий состояние всей системы образования, включая школу, институт ЕГЭ, критерии отбора в вуз, нормативно-законодательную базу в сфере образования, учебные планы, материально-техническую обеспеченность, условия учебной деятельности и т. д., а также мотивацию к обучению самого студента. Поэтому рядовой преподаватель не может и не должен нести индивидуальную ответственность за отчисление студента. Практическая значимость. Сделан вывод о том, что «эффективный контракт» в существующем виде поощряет не педагогов, а выпуск из вузов необразованных «профессионалов», в том числе за бюджетные средства. Искусственная поддержка численного состава студентов противоречит государственной политике развития кадрового потенциала страны и несет угрозу разрушения как для системы высшего образования, так и для экономики страны в целом. Очевидно, что требуется выработать иные, более разумные и адекватные задачам высшей школы подходы к выбору критериев качества деятельности вузов и их сотрудников

    Promising opportunities to improve polio vaccines

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    Polioviruses belong to Enterovirus C species and cause severe lesions of the nervous system. In the post-polio eradication era, the World Health Organisation recommends inactivated polio vaccines for effective long-term protection of the population. In order to meet the needs of global health, it is planned to increase the use of traditional and optimised inactivated polio vaccines and introduce new types of vaccines that are being developed based on the current understanding of RNA-containing viruses. The aim of the study was to analyse ways of improving vaccine preparations and to review promising areas for polio immunoprophylaxis development. The authors considered innovations across all stages of the technological process, aimed at obtaining optimised vaccines, as well as vaccine delivery systems. The article presents information on new vaccine strains and cell lines for vaccine production. The authors summarised the results of clinical studies of inactivated vaccines, new vaccines based on genetically stable vaccine strains of poliovirus, and vaccines containing virus-like particles. The most likely candidates for introduction are the vaccines based on virus-like particles obtained from genetically modified strains of poliovirus. At the moment, many issues related to current trends in improving the immunoprophylaxis of poliomyelitis are debatable and need to be addressed in the near future

    Clinical and post-mortem signs in European wild boars and domestic pigs infected with African swine fever virus

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    The paper covers comparative assessment of clinical and postmortem signs in wild boars and domestic pigs infected with one and the same epizootic isolate of African swine fever virus. In addition, a model has been developed to demonstrate the disease spread under conditions comparable to those on a pig farm. Based on the obtained results two infectious doses 50 and 5000 H AU/head were chosen for infecting the animals with «Shikhobalovo 10/13» isolate of African swine fever virus. When infecting the animals with the abovementioned isolates both wild boars and domestic pigs demonstrated similar clinical and postmortem signs typical for acute form of African swine fever