14 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of electromagnetic field electric tension distribution in the seeds of cereals

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    In this paper, based on the developed model of seeds, theoretical research are performed concerning the distribution of the electric intensity within low-energy (information) electromagnetic field of millimeter range wave lengths (frequency, power flow density, exposure, amplitude modulation), which may affect the biophysical processes in seed

    Decision algorithm of near-field microwave sounding

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    Some aspects of the new approach to the study of bidimensional reverse problems of the resonant near-field microwave sounding are discussed in this work. This approach is based on integral epresentations of the diffraction field using the "equivalent sources" and method of Lavrentiev regularizatio

    Transformation of the integration models Russian-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation in the unstable sociopolitical environment

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    В статті розглянуті інтеграційні моделі, їх можливі трансформації в ситуації нестабільної соціально політичної середовищі. Приведена практика прикордонного співробітництва Росії та України.The article considers the integration model, its possible transformation of an unstable socio-political environment. The practice of cross-border cooperation of Russia and Ukraine have been given.Статья подготовлена в рамках Задания №2014/420 на выполнение государственных работ в сфере научной деятельности в рамках базовой части государственного задания Минобрнауки России (рук.В.П. Бабинцев)В. А. Сапрыка, к. соц. н., доцент кафедры социальных технологий ФГАОУ ВПО НИУ «Белгородский Государственный университет» (Россия, г.Белгород

    Aspects of people's diplomacy in the formation of information and communication space crossborder regions

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    В статті було обґрунтовано необхідність врахування різних аспектів народної дипломатії при формуванні інформаційно-комунікаційного простору прикордонних регіонів. Авторами були висунуті конкретні рекомендації для формування середовища народної дипломатії в прикордонних регіонах за допомогою Інтернет технологій.The necessity of taking into account different aspects of people’s diplomacy in the formation for information and communication space cross-border regions has been explained. The authors put forward specific recommendations for creating an environment of people's diplomacy in the cross-border regions.Статья подготовлена в рамках проекта РГНФ №14-13-31006/14. «Технологии краудсорсинга в региональном управлении: возможности и риски». Руководитель: Бабинцев В.П.Работа выполнена на кафедре социальных технологий ФГАОУ ВПО НИУ «Белгородский Государственный университет

    Digitalization of public governance in the EAEU countries

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    Various aspects of digitalization of public administration in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are considered. It is noted that digitalization is spontaneous and comprehensive, and also affects almost all spheres of public relations, including the system of public administration. In this regard, there is a need to develop a joint interstate policy in the field of institutionalization of the processes of digitalization of society. Digitalization is defined as a set of digital transformation of the processes of economic entities and the creation of digital products and services, and not just as digitization - the transfer of data from analog form to digital. In turn, the definition of the term “public administration” can be formulated as a set of mechanisms, processes, relationships and institutions through which citizens of the state, their associations express their interests, exercise their rights and obligations and settle differences. The analysis of the practice of institutionalization of the processes of digitalization of public administration demonstrates the fact that the main regulatory norms and practices in this sphere are fixed within the framework of national target programs.This article analyses the program and target documents of all the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, affecting the digitalization regulation processes, the need to institutionalize the processes of digitalization of government and society, as well as the introduction of modern technologies in the practice of public administration. At the same time, the common element of all strategies, concepts and programs is only the digitalization of the process of providing public services, and the other parameters of the target documents are largely different. In this regard, it is required to form a unified model of digitalization of public administration of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of a unified strategy

    Dynamics of social chronotope of russian-ukrainian borderlannds during nonequlibrium turbulent chaos

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    The paper studies the dynamics of the social chronotope formed in the Russian and Ukrainian border regions in times of nonequilibrium turbulent chaos, which was present in this geopolitical space for the past two decade


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    The processes of assess interregional cross-border cooperation necessary to introduce modern methods to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and projects in cross-border region. The assessment’s method of projects and programs interregional cross-border is formulated, the basic principles of assessment and its criteria is formed, the identification of possible indicators for assessing the effectiveness of projects and programs interregional cross-border cooperation is determined in this paper.Для оценки процессов межрегионального приграничного сотрудничества необходимо внедрение современных методов, позволяющих оценить эффективность реализуемых программ и проектов на территории приграничных регионов. В настоящей статье представлены основы методики оценки состояния проектов и программ межрегионального приграничного сотрудничества, сформулированы основные принципы оценки, ее критерии, определены возможные показатели оценки эффективности проектов и программ межрегионального приграничного сотрудничества


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    A mathematical model of voltage fluctuation versus parameters of power quality and power consumption is developed to allow predicting parameters of the power quality in electric grids. Application of the model will result in an electrical complex functioning optimization.Построена математическая модель отклонения напряжения в зависимости от параметров качества электроэнергии и электропотребления, позволяющая прогнозировать параметры качества электроэнергии в электрических сетях. Применение полученной модели позволит оптимизировать работу электротехнического комплекса.Побудовано математичну модель відхилення напруги в залежності від параметрів якості електроенергії та електроспоживання, що дозволяє прогнозувати параметри якості електроенергії в електричних мережах. Застосування отриманої моделі дозволить оптимізувати роботу електротехнічного комплексу

    Theoretical analysis of electromagnetic field electric tension distribution in the seeds of cereals

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    In this paper, based on the developed model of seeds, theoretical research are performed concerning the distribution of the electric intensity within low-energy (information) electromagnetic field of millimeter range wave lengths (frequency, power flow density, exposure, amplitude modulation), which may affect the biophysical processes in seed

    Decision algorithm of near-field microwave sounding

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    Some aspects of the new approach to the study of bidimensional reverse problems of the resonant near-field microwave sounding are discussed in this work. This approach is based on integral epresentations of the diffraction field using the "equivalent sources" and method of Lavrentiev regularizatio