57 research outputs found

    Torsion free groups with indecomposable holonomy group I

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    We study the torsion free generalized crystallographic groups with the indecomposable holonomy group which is isomorphic to either a cyclic group of order ps{p^s} or a direct product of two cyclic groups of order p{p}.Comment: 22 pages, AMS-Te

    Инженерно-геологическая характеристика долины реки Припять в пределах Республики Беларусь

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    The features of formation and spatial differentiation of engineering-geological conditions are considered. Genetic types of soil strata are identified as followed: alluvial, lake and marsh, water-glacial, moraine. Based on the analysis of physical and mechanical properties of soils, the assessment of their use as a basement for engineering structures was conducted. It is advised to use within the Pripyat River valley loamy, sandy and sandy sediments of different genesis as natural foundations for buildings the structures. It is noted that the widespread in this area marsh sediments are extremely undesirable to use as natural foundations.Рассмотрены особенности формирования и пространственной дифференциации инженерногеологических условий, выделены генетические типы грунтовых толщ: аллювиальные, озерные и болотные, водно-ледниковые, моренные. Проанализированы физико-механические свойства грунтов и дана оценка их использования как оснований инженерных сооружений. Определено, что в пределах речной долины Припяти целесообразно в качестве естественных оснований зданий и сооружений использовать суглинистые, супесчаные и песчаные отложения различного генезиса, а широко распространенные на изучаемой территории болотные отложения использовать в качестве естественных оснований крайне нежелательно

    Retardation of nanoparticles growth by doping

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    The process of doping of CdS nanoparticles with Mn during colloidal synthesis is analyzed by EPR and optical studies. Analysis of EPR results demonstrated that Mn2+ ions are successfully incorporated into the nanoparticles and occupy the crystal sites both in the bulk of a NP and near the surface of a NP. Optical absorption measurements revealed the retardation of absorption edge shift during the growth for Mn-doped CdS NPs as compared to the undoped CdS NPs. It was concluded that the presence of Mn in the solution leads to the inhibition of NPs growth

    Corrosion monitoring of transit gasmain pipelines

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    Розроблено та експериментально перевірено методику вивчення деформації та руйнування трубопровідних систем, встановлено закономірності корозійно-механічної деградації трубопроводів в основних типах ґрунтових електролітів. Для забезпечення безпеки транзитних трубопроводів розроблено та розпочато реалізацію комплексного методу корозійного моніторингу.Developed and experimentally verified a methodology study of deformation and destruction of pipeline systems, established patterns of corrosion-mechanical degradation of pipelines in the major soil types of electrolytes. To ensure the safety of transit pipelines developed and begun implementation of a comprehensive method of corrosion monitoring

    Influence of parameters of delayed asphalt coking process on yield and quality of liquid and solid-phase products

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    Paper studies the effect of excess pressure during delayed coking of asphalt, obtained by propane deasphaltization of tar, on yield and physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbon fuels' components and solid-phase product – petroleum coke. Asphalt was coked at a temperature of 500 °C and excess pressure of 0.15-0.35 MPa in a laboratory unit for delayed coking of periodic action. Physical and chemical properties of raw materials and components of light (gasoline), medium (light gasoil), and heavy (heavy gasoil) distillates obtained during experimental study were determined: density, viscosity, coking ability, sulfur content, iodine number, pour points, flash points, fluidity loss and fractional composition. Quantitative group hydrocarbon and microelement compositions and properties of obtained samples of petroleum coke (humidity, ash content, volatiles' yield, sulfur content, etc.) were also studied. Comparative assessment of their quality is given in accordance with requirements of GOST 22898-78 “Low-sulfur petroleum coke. Specifications”. In addition, patterns of changes in excess coking pressure on yield and quality indicators of distillate products and petroleum coke were revealed. With an increase in excess pressure of coking process from 0.15 to 0.35 MPa, content of paraffin-naphthenic hydrocarbons in light and heavy gasoils of delayed coking  decreases. Common pattern in asphalt coking is an increase in yield of coke and hydrocarbon gas with an increase in excess pressure from 0.15 to 0.35 MPa

    Pneumomediastinum as a predictor of negative prognosis in patients with coronavirus pneumonia

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    Aim of the study was to analyze the course of coronavirus pneumonia in patients with pneumomediastinum. Material and methods. The study included 139 patients, 71 of whom developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum against the background of coronavirus pneumonia. Laboratory, clinical and radiological data were analyzed and compared. Results. The relationship between the severity of viral pneumonia (3rd–4th degree of severity according to MSCT) and pneumomediastinum was revealed. It was found that spontaneous mediastinal emphysema in patients with COVID-19 signifcantly more often leads to the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure and can be a predictor of negative prognosis of the disease outcome. Conclusions. Pneumomediastinum in patients with viral pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus infection is a predictor of severe disease and poor prognosis. With an increase in spontaneous mediastinal emphysema without pneumothorax, it is recommended to perform mediastinotomy according to Razumovsky’s indications, and in case of clinically signifcant concomitant pneumothorax – drainage and revision of the mediastinum


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    Distribution of genotypes of biochemical markers of HP, GC, EsD, АсР genes, genotypes on polymorphic variants of the genes coding enzymes of biotransformation GSTT1 (GST-ɵ1) and GSTM1 (GST-μ1) and NOS3 (VNTR4 polymorphism) in the miners with chronic mechanic bronchitis, and in persons without this occupational pathology is investigated. It is shown that the owners of EsD 1-2, АсР bb genotypes are most subject to development of chronic mechanic bronchitis. Endogen factors of resistance to this disease are GC 1-1, EsD 1-1, АсР bc genotypes


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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a common disease caused by infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and influenced by host hereditary and environmental factors. Accumulated genomic data obtained through the use of new methodological approaches, including analysis of associative networks, contribute to the understanding of the hereditary basis of the disease. In the current study, we carried out the reconstruction and analysis of associative network representing molecular genetic links between proteins/genes involved in the development of TB. In the associative network, well studied proteins and genes with a decisive importance in the efficiency of the human immune response against a pathogen predominated. However, this approach identified 12 new genes encoding for the respective proteins in the associative network polymorphismsof which has not been studied regarding the development of TB.Туберкулез (ТБ) является распространенным заболеванием, развитие которого вызвано инфекцией Mycobacterium tuberculosis при модифицирующем влиянии наследственных и средовых факторов. Накопленные к настоящему времени геномные данные способствуют пониманию наследственных основ развития заболевания с использованием новых методологических подходов, в том числе анализа ассоциативных сетей. В настоящем исследовании выполнены реконструкция и анализ ассоциативной сети, представляющей собой молекулярно-генетические взаимосвязи между белками и генами, участвующими в развитии ТБ. Преимущественно в ассоциативной сети находятся хорошо изученные белки и гены, способные оказывать решающее значение в повышении эффективности иммунного ответа организ-ма человека против патогена. Однако, благодаря данному подходу, выявлено 12 новых генов, кодирующих соответствующие белки в ассоциативной сети, полиморфизм которых не изучен в связи с развитием ТБ