3,318 research outputs found


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    The article focuses on theoretical and methodological approaches regarding the bank profitability analysis. The factor analysis of the economic impact of withdrawing capital on the system parameters on the example of PJSC «MEGABANK» has been offered. The study presents analysis of the research involves the ways to increase it’s efficiency PJSC «MEGABANK» performance and it’s profitability. Taking into account for the banking institution such an index as profitability, improvement the ways of research based on theoretical and methodological approaches of the well known home and foreign scholars is proposed (on the example of PJSC «MEGABANK») expanding the bank’s effectiveness analysis based on the use of factor model of economic return on capital. The factors system proposed it’s to indicate the most important economic impact concerning the formation of return on capital as an important indicator of the banking institution profitability, namely: the economic return on capital, profitability, profit margin, return on assets, multiplier of capital.В статье рассмотрены теоретические и методические подходы к анализу прибыльности банка, предложено факторный анализ экономической отдачи капитала по системе показателей на примере ПАО «МЕГАБАНК». Проведено исследование эффективности деятельности ПАО «МЕГАБАНК» и предложены пути ее повышения.У статті розглянуто теоретичні та методичні підходи до аналізу прибутковості банку, запропоновано факторний аналіз економічної віддачі капіталу за системою показників на прикладі ПАТ «МЕГАБАНК». Проведено дослідження ефективності діяльності ПАТ «МЕГАБАНК» і запропоновано шляхи її підвищенн

    Charm production nearby threshold in pA-interactions at 70 GeV

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    The results of the SERP-E-184 experiment at the U-70 accelerator (IHEP, Protvino) are presented. Interactions of the 70 GeV proton beam with C, Si and Pb targets were studied to detect decays of charmed D0D^0, D0\overline D^0, D+D^+, DD^- mesons and Λc+\Lambda _c^+ baryon near their production threshold. Measurements of lifetimes and masses are shown a good agreement with PDG data. The inclusive cross sections of charm production and their A-dependencies were obtained. The yields of these particles are compared with the theoretical predictions and the data of other experiments. The measured cross section of the total open charm production (σtot(cc)\sigma _{\mathrm {tot}}(c\overline c) = 7.1 ±\pm 2.3(stat) ±\pm 1.4(syst) μ\mu b/nucleon) at the collision c.m. energy s\sqrt {s} = 11.8 GeV is well above the QCD model predictions. The contributions of different species of charmed particles to the total cross section of the open charm production in proton-nucleus interactions vary with energy.Comment: 4 pages, 6 pages, 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, US

    Clinical case of acute chord rupture of the mitral valve posterior leaflet in older patient with comorbidities

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    The article describes the etiologic role of various factors such as chronic rheumatic heart disease, bacterial endocarditis, aortic valve stenosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction, degenerative disease of the valves, connective tissue diseases, chest trauma, systemic lupus erythematosus, con-genital heart disease which leading to the mitral valve chords rupture, gives the current classification of the nosology and also features of manifestation and clinical cours

    Порівняльний аналіз відтворювальних ознак та кластерний аналіз свиней різних порід

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    The data were from 149 pigs from seven pig genetic groups raised in «Tavriys'ki Svyni» Ltd (Kherson region, Ukraine). The following genetic groups were included in our analyses: LW × LW (n = 19), LW × LN (n = 43), LW × PT (n = 13), LN × LN (n = 15), UM × LN (n = 23), UM × PT (n = 17) and UM×UM (n = 16). The objective this work was evaluation of animal reproductive traits using multivariate analysis. Variables measured and derived included total no. piglets born (TNB), no. piglets born alive (NBA), freq. of stillborn piglets (FSB), total litter birth weight (TLBW), average piglet birth weight (APBW), pre-weaning mortality in piglets (PWM), no. weaned piglets (NW), total weaning weight of litter (TWWL) and average piglet weaning weight (APWW). After standardization, multivariate analyses (Cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis) were carried out using STATISTICA (StatSoft Ltd.) to place pig interbreeding combinations in groups in accordance with their degree of similarity and verify discriminatory capacity of the original traits in the formation of these groups. The tree diagram showed clear distances between the pig genetic groups studied. In the tree diagram obtained from the analysis of the distances between interbreeding combinations, two distinct groups (clusters) were seen, one with UM × LN and UM × UM animals, and the other with the rest of the pig genetic groups in the study. The eigenvalues for the first two Principal Components (PC1 and PC2) together accounted for near 65% of the variance of the pig’s reproductive traits. The first principal component (PC1) explained 34.9% total variation. It was represented by significant positive loadings for TNB, NBA and TLBW. The second principal component (PC2) accounted for an additional 29.7% of the generalized variance and was represented by significant loadings for NW, TWWL and APWW. Thus, PC1 defined no. piglets and total litter birth weight, while PC2 represented no. weaned piglets and total weaning weight of litter. In conclusion, the multivariate methods (Cluster Analysis and PCA) has been proven to be a very effective method to obtain a synthetic judgment of reproductive traits in pig.Дані було отримано від 149 голів семи генетичних груп свиней, які утримувалися в ТОВ «Таврійські свині» (Херсонська область, Україна). До аналізу було включено наступні генетичні групи: LW × LW (n = 19), LW × LN (n = 43), LW × PT (n = 13), LN × LN (n = 15), UM × LN (n = 23), UM × PT (n = 17) та UM × UM (n = 16). Метою даної роботи була оцінка відтворювальних ознак тварин з використанням методів багатовимірного аналізу. Для кожної свиноматки було оцінено наступні ознаки: загальна кількість поросят при народженні (TNB), багатоплідність (NBA), частка мертвонароджених поросят (FSB), загальна маса гнізда при народженні (TLBW), великоплідність (APBW), смертність поросят до відлучення (PWM), кількість поросят при відлученні (NW), загальна маса гнізда при відлученні (TWWL) та середня маса одного поросяти при відлученні (APWW). Після стандартизації вихідних даних їх було проаналізовано за допомогою багатовимірних методів (Кластерний Аналіз та Аналіз Головних Компонент) з використанням програми STATISTICA (StatSoft Ltd.) для того, щоб визначити групи міжпородних поєднань на підставі ступеня їх подібності та перевірити дискримінаційну здатність ознак відтворення свиней у формуванні цих груп. Отримана дендрограма демонструє наявність суттєвих відмінностей між вивченими генетичними групами. Застосування Кластерного Аналізу дозволяє виділити два різні кластери, один з яких містить поєднання UM × LN та UM × UM, а інший – решту генетичних груп свиней, що аналізувалися. Власні значення для перших двох Головних Компонент (PC1 та PC2) в сумі складають близько 65% варіації вихідної матриці відтворювальних ознак свиней. Перша Головна Компонента (PC1) пояснює 34,9% загальної мінливості. Вона характеризується суттєвими позитивними навантаженнями для TNB, NBA та TLBW. Друга Головна Компонента (PC2) описує додаткові 29,7% узагальненої дисперсії і представлена значними навантаженнями для NW, TWWL та APWW. Таким чином, РС1 може бути інтерпретована, як «багатоплідність та маса гнізда при народженні», а PC2 – як «кількість поросят та маса гнізда на момент відлучення». В цілому, багатовимірні методи (Кластерний Аналіз та АГК) є дуже ефективним методом для проведення комплексного аналізу відтворювальних ознак свиней

    Analysis of the spatial distribution of the ecological niche of the land snail Brephulopsis cylindrica (Stylommatophora, Enidae) in technosols

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    The aim of our work is to describe the ecological niche of the land snail Brephulopsis cylindrica (Menke, 1828) in terms of the edaphic properties and properties of the vegetation cover and to show the spatial features of the variation of the habitat preference index within the artificial soil body – technosols (soddy-lithogenic soils on loess-like clays) using the ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA). The research was carried out at the Research Centre of the Dnipro Agrarian and Economic University in Pokrov. Sampling was carried out on a variant of artificial soil (technozems) formed on loess-like clays. The test site where the sampling was conducted consists of 7 transects of 15 samples each. Test points form a regular grid with a mesh size of 3 m. Soil mechanical impedance, aggregate-size distribution, soil electrical conductivity, vegetation physiognomic characteristics, and Didukh phytoindication scales were used as ecogeographic predictors of the mollusc’s ecological niche properties. Phytoindication assessment indicates that the technosol ecological regimes are favourable for sub-mesophytes, hemi-hydrocontrastophiles, neutrophiles, semi-eutrophs. The test for statistical significance showed that an axis of marginality of the ecological niche of B. cylindrica and axes of specialization are significantly different from the random distribution. We found that the ecological niche of the mollusc is determined by both edaphic factors and ecological features of vegetation. The marginality of B. cylindrica ecological niche over the entire period of study is determined mainly by preferences for physiognomic vegetation types, higher values of the continentality and thermality regimes. Often greater content in the soil of aggregates 1–3 mm in size coincides with greater numbers of B. cylindrica individuals. Individuals of this species avoid physiognomic type III and areas with higher soil alkalinity and mineralization detected both by means of the phytoindication approach and soil electrical conductivity data. Ecological niche optima may be presented by integral variables such as marginality and specialization axes and plotted in geographic space. The spatial distribution of the B. cylindrica habitat suitability index (HSI) within the technosols is shown, which makes it possible to predict the optimal conditions for the existence of the species

    Fitting competing models and evaluation of model parameters of the abundance distribution of the land snail Vallonia pulchella (Pulmonata, Valloniidae)

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    This paper summarizes the mechanisms behind the patterning of the intra-population abundance distribution of the land snail Vallonia pulchella (Mьller, 1774). The molluscs were collected in recultivated soil formed on red-brown clays (Pokrov, Ukraine). Data obtained in this study reveal that V. pulchella population abundance ranges from 1 to 13 individuals per 100 g of soil sample. To obtain estimates of the mean, three models were used: the model of the arithmetic mean, the Poisson model and a log-normal model. The arithmetic mean of the occurrence of this species during the study period was 1.84 individuals/sample. Estimation of the average number of molluscs in one sample calculated using the Poisson model is lower and equals 1.40 individuals/sample. The distribution of the number of individuals in a population was described by the graphics "rank – abundance". The individual sample plot sites with molluscs may be regarded as equivalents of individual species in the community. For the analysis, the following models were used: broken sticks model, niche preemption model, log-normal model, Zipf model, and Zipf-Mandelbrot model. Applying the log-normal distribution gives a lower estimate of the mean density at 1.28 individuals/sample. Median value and mode is estimated at 1.00 individuals/sample. The Zipf-Mandelbrot model was shown as the most adequate to describe distribution of the V. pulchella population within the study area. The Zipf-Mandelbrot model belongs to the family of so-called non-Gaussian distributions. This means that the sample statistics do not possess asymptotic properties and by increasing the sample size, they tend to infinity, and are not close to the values of the general population. Therefore, the average value of the random variable that describes the non-Gaussian distribution has no statistical meaning. From an environmental point of view, this means that within the study area the capacity of the habitat is large, and for some combination of environmental conditions the rapid growth of the abundance of a given species is possible

    The role of polymorphism of genes of the I and II phase of xenobiotics biotransformation in the development of recurrent and chronic bronchitis in adolescent-smokers

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    The purpose of research – to study the role of allelic polymorphism of genes of the I and II phases of xenobiotics biotransformation in the development of reccurent and chronic diseases of the respiratory system in adolescent-smokers. There was carried out molecular-genetic study of  the polymorphic locus Т3801С of gene CYP1A1 and polymorphic locus A313G of gene GSTP1 in adolescent-smokers with recurrent and chronic bronchitis. It is established that TТ genotype of the polymorphic locus Т3801С of gene CYP1A is a marker of resistance to the development of this pathology in adolescent-smokers. The presence of CC genotype of the polymorphic locus Т3801С of gene CYP1A1 and GG genotype of polymorphic locus of A313G GSTP1 gene may be considered as a possible risk factor for the development of chronic inflammatory process in bronchopulmonary system. Thus, the introduction of molecular-genetic methods of research opens up new possibilities in diagnosis of recurrent and chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Based on the analysis of genetic factors in children and adolescents, it will be possible to predict the risk of COPD developing in the future;this will allow doctors to carry out the necessary preventive activities among risk groups

    Genetic diversity of Ukrainian local pig breeds based on microsatellite markers

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    Preserving the current diversity of the living material on Earth is fundamental for the survival of future generations . A study was conducted to investigate the genetic diversity of Ukrainian local pig breeds. A total of 350 pigs representing five local pig breeds from Ukraine (Mirgorod – MIR, Poltava Meat – PM, Ukrainian Meat – UM, Ukrainian White Steppe – UWS and Ukrainian Spotted Steppe – USS) and one commercial breed (Duroc, DUR) were sampled. Twelve microsatellite loci (SW24, S0155, SW72, SW951, S0386, S0355, SW240, SW857, S0101, SW936, SW911 and S0228) were selected and belong to the list of microsatellite markers recommended by ISAG. The results indicate that there exists, in general, a high degree of genetic variability within the five Ukrainian local pig breeds. However, the genetic variability in the MIR and PM breeds was significantly lower (mean Na = 2.92–3.92; Ho = 0.382–0.411; FIS = 0.178–0.184) than in the other three Ukrainian local pig breeds – UM, UWS and USS (mean Na = 5.00–8.42; Ho = 0.549–0.668; FIS = 0.027–0.066). Thirty-four private alleles were identified among the six analyzed genetic groups which were distributed between 11 of the 12 loci. A high number of alleles typical for the breed (private alleles) was observed in Duroc pigs – 9 alleles did not occur in Ukrainian local pig breeds. The HWE test showed that all of the polymorphic loci deviated from HWE (P < 0.05) in at least one population. Loci S0355 (5), S0386 (4) and SW24 (4) presented a higher number of populations in imbalance. The mean FST showed that approximately 77.8% of the genetic variation was within-population and 12.2% was across the populations. The five Ukrainian local breeds were classified into two major groups, according to the phylogenetic tree, which was based on standard genetic distance. Overall, we found that 92.6% of the individual pigs were correctly assigned (324 out of 350) to the respective breed of origin, which is likely a consequence of the well-defined breed structure. Probabilities from the allocation test of individuals for the six pig genetic groups were estimated with Structure Harvester. In cluster 1 the highest grouping probabilities were found for the MIR (0.917) and PM (0.750) breeds. Local breeds UM (0.824) and USS (0.772) were grouped in cluster 2. Cluster 3 was related to the local pig breed USW (0.873). Cluster 4 presented high allocation probabilities for the commercial pig breed Duroc (0.924). The obtained results are important for the future conservation of Ukrainian local pig breeds

    Method of individual forecasting of sow reproductive performance on the basis of a non-linear canonical model of a random sequence

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    Improvement of sow reproductive performance is a key factor determining the efficiency of the pig production cycle and profitability of pork production. This article presents the solution of an important scientific and practical problem of individual forecasting of sow reproduction . The population used for the present study is from a pig farm managed by the Limited Liability Company (LLC) ‘Tavriys’kisvyni’ located in Skadovsky district (Kherson region, Ukraine). The experimental materials used for this study consisted of 100 inds. of productive parent sows of the Large White breed.The litter size traits – the total number of piglets born (TNB), number of piglets born alive (NBA) and number of weaned piglets (NW) – were monitored in the first eight parities over an eleven year period (2007–2017). The method of the forecasting of sow litter size is developed based on the non-linear canonical model of the random sequence of a litter size change. The proposed method allows us to take maximum account of stochastic peculiarities of sow reproductive performance and does not impose any restrictions on the random sequence of a litter size change (linearity, stationarity, Markov property, monotony, etc.). The block diagram of the algorithm presented in this work reflects the peculiarities of calculation of the parameters of a predictive model. The expression for the calculation of an extrapolation error allows us to estimate the necessary volume of a priori and a posteriori information for achieving the required quality of solving the forecasting problem. The&nbsp;results of the numerical experiment confirmed the high accuracy of the proposed method of forecasting of sow reproduction. The&nbsp;method offered by us almost doubles the accuracy of forecasting of sow litter size compared to the use of the Wiener and Kalman methods. Thus, average forecast error decreases across the range of features TNB (1.71), NBA (1.68) and NW (1.25 piglets). Apparently, this may reflect a higher level of manifestation of the genetically determined level of individual sow fertility at the moment of piglet weaning. The higher adequacy of the developed mathematical model with regard to NW can be also due to the fact that the relations between sow litter size in different farrowings primarily have a non-linear character, which is taken into maximum account in our offered model. Given non-linearity, on the other hand, turns out to be a significant factor determining a lower estimation of the repeatability value for NW compared to the estimations for TNB and NBA. The use of the developed method will help to improve the efficiency of pig farming