37 research outputs found

    The Effectivity of Fermented Mulberry Leaves with Rumen Liquor as Broiler Feed on Final Body Weight, Dry Matter and Crude Fiber Digestibility, and Metabolic Energy

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    . Objective of this research was to know the effect of fermented mulberry leaves by rumen liquorin boiler's diet measured from final body weight, dry matter digestibility, crude fiber digestibility, and metabolic energy. One hundred broiler strain CP 707, broiler concentrate, mulberry leaves and other feed stuffs were administered in Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments, namely T0 (control), T1 (10% mulberry leaves), T2 (10% fermented mulberry leaves), T3 (20% mulberry leaves) and T4 (20% fermented mulberry leaves) with 4 replications. Result revealed that the increasing use of mulberry leaves had significantly lowered final body weight, dry matter and fiber digestibility, metabolic energy. Fermentation treatment at 10% level could increase dry matter digestibility, crude fiber and metabolic energy than those of unfermented. This study concluded that the increasing mulberry leaves in broiler feed could reduce feed digestibility, and fermentation by rumen liquor could optimize the use of mulberry leaves as broilers feed

    Body Resistance and Productive Performances of Crossbred Local Chicken Fed Inulin of Dahlia Tubers

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    The research was aimed to examine the role of inulin as a prebiotic derived from dahlia flower tuber in the form of powder and extract as a prebiotic on body immunity of crossbred local chicken. The research was assigned in a completely randomized design with 7 treatments and 4 replications (10 birds each). The treatments applied were T0: basal ration, T1: ration + 0.4% powder, T2: ration + 0.8% powder, T3: ration + 1.2% powder, T4: ration + 0.39% extract, T5: ration + 0. 78% extract, T6: ration + 1.17% extract. The birds were reared for conditioning from day 1 until day 21, and dietary treatment was given thereafter until 11 wk of age. The data were statistically analyzed according to ANOVA and continued to Duncan test at the level of 5% probability. The results showed that feeding inulin in the form of powder or extract significantly (

    Protein Digestibility, Nitrogen Retention, and Meat Protein Mass of Broiler Chickens Fed on Mulberry Leaves Fermented with Rumen Liquid

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    The aim of the experiment was to determine the optimal levels in the utilization of mulberry leaves fermented with rumen liquid as well as unfermented mulberry leaves, based on its effects on protein digestibility, nitrogen retention, and protein mass of broiler chickens. One hundred CP 707 day old chicks, unsex, were randomly assigned to receive one of five treatments diets were T0 (basal diet), T1 (10% unfermented mulberry leaf), T2 (10% fermented mulberry leaf), T3 (20% unfermented mulberry leaf), and T4 (20% fermented mulberry leaf). Replication for each treatment was four so that the total experimental unit was 20 and each experimental unit consisted of five chickens. The results showed that the administration of 10% mulberry leaves increased the digestibility of protein fermentation, but had no effects on nitrogen retention and protein mass of meat

    Soybean Oil Supplementation as a Source Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and Sweet Potato Leaves on the Pig LdL and HDL

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    This study aimed to determine whether provision of sweet potato leaves and soybean oil supplementation is able to lower low density lipoprotein (LDL) level and high density lipoprotein (HDL) level of blood. The number of pigs used in this study was 20 tails with average age of two months and initial body weight of 13.92±2.56 kg. Experimental diets were control diet - P0 (50% restaurant kitchen waste + 40% rice brand + 10% fish meal), P1 (85% of P0 + 15% sweet potato leaves with a 0.5% soybean oil supplementation), P2 (80% of P0 + 20% sweet potato leaves with a 0.5% soybean oil supplementation), P3 (85% of P0 + 15% sweet potato leaves with soybean oil supplementation 0.75%) and P4 (80% of P0 + sweet potato leaves 20 % with 0.75% soybean oil supplementation). Parematers observed were concentration of LDL and HDL in the blood of the experimental animal. Provision a combination of sweet potato leaves and soybean oil as a source of conjugated linoliec acid was significantly affect (P <0.05) the blood LDL and blood HDL levels of pigs. In conclusion, provision of sweet potato leaves supplemented soybean oil is capable of lowering LDL blood level and increasing the HDL blood level. Giving 15% sweet potato leaves supplemented with 0.5% soybean oil resulted in the lowest level of blood LDL and the hight level of blood HDL

    Kandungan Kolesterol, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Dan Low Density Lipopro-tein (LDL) Darah Burung Puyuh Dengan Pemberian Aditif Cair Buah Naga Merah

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    The study aims to determine, assess and evaluate the content of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) blood quail which were treated with liquid additive red dragon fruit. Materials used in the study were 200 female quails aged 14 days with an average weight of 13.61 ± 0.49 g. Ration composed by metabolizable energy content of ± 3000 kcal/kg and ± 20% of crude protein. The study consisted of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were (T0: without addition of liquid red dragon fruit (control); T1: addition of 5 ml liquid red dragon fruit twice a day; T2: addition of 5 ml liquid red dragon fruit once a day and T3: addition of 5 ml liquid red dragon fruit once in every two days). Blood sampling was performed in EDTA tube at the end of the study. Analysis of samples was carried out in health laboratory Semarang. The results were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The study showed that the addition of liquid red dragon fruit additive had no significant effect (P&gt; 0.05) on cholesterol, HDL and LDL of quil\u27s blood

    Effect of Lactobacillus casei and Garlic Powder Administration on Broiler Performance, Immune Response and Blood Profile

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    This study aimed to examine effect of giving a mixture of Lactobacillus casei and garlic powder (LGP) on broiler performance, immune response and blood profile. One hundred and forty-day old broilers with an average body weight of 43.70 ± 0.88 g were placed randomly in 20 experimental units. Completely randomized design was used in this study, with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment was conducted when the chickens were 22-35 days old (finisher phase). The chickens were given a mixture of Lactobacillus casei and garlic powder (LGP) at concentration levels of: 0, 1, 2, and  3%. Parameters measured were blood profile, weight of lymphoid organs (bursa of Fabricius, spleen, and thymus), and carcass production. Data were analyzed for variance and if there was a significant effect, then Duncan’s multiple range test was followed at the 5% level. Results showed that the administration of LGP improved the immune response, carcass weight and final body weight of broiler chickens. The administration of 3% LGP improved immune response and achieved the best broiler performance

    Total Bakteri Asam Laktat Dan Escherichia Coli Pada Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Campuran Herbal Dalam Ransum

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan campuran herbal dalam ransum terhadap total bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan Escherichia coli (E. coli) pada saluran pencernaan, serta pertambahan bobot badan ayam broiler. Penelitian menggunakan ayam broiler day old chick (DOC) sebanyak 200 ekor dengan bobot badan 37 g ± 3,08 g dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Ransum yang digunakan terdiri dari jagung, bungkil kedelai, tepung ikan, dedak, dan mineral dengan campuran herbal, yaitu bawang putih, kunyit, jahe dan kencur. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah T0 = ransum tanpa penambahan herbal (kontrol), T1 = ransum + 0,5% campuran herbal, T2 = ransum + 1,0% campuran herbal, T3 = ransum + 1,5% campuran herbal. Parameter yang diamati adalah total BAL, total E. coli dan pertambahan bobot badan. Sampel diambil pada saat ayam umur 42 hari secara acak pada setiap unit percobaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa penambahan campuran herbal dalam ransum ayam broiler tidak berpengaruh nyata (p&gt;0,05) terhadap total BAL, total E.coli dan pertambahan bobot badan. Penambahan campuran herbal dalam ransum ayam broiler menghasilkan total BAL berkisar dari yang terendah 4,69 x 109 cfu/g (T1) sampai yang yang tertinggi 2,41 x 1010 cfu/g (T3) dan total E.coli terendah 6,47 x 104 cfu/g (T2) tertinggi 3,57 x 105 cfu/g (T3), sedangkan pertambahan bobot badan berkisar dari 57 g/ekor/hari (T1) sampai 60 g/ekor/hari (T0). Simpulan dari penelitian adalah peningkatan level penambahan campuran herbal dalam ransum belum dapat meningkatkan total BAL atau menurunkan E.coli sehingga menghasilkan pertambahan bobot badan yang sama