32 research outputs found

    Growth mode-dependent ferromagnetic properties of palladium nanoclusters

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    This article has an erratum: DOI 10.1063/1.5078508Cluster deposited Pd films exhibit ferromagnetism in the temperature range from 1.8 to 400K. The magnetization properties are found to be dependent on the film thickness. The varying morphology of the resulting Pd film with respect to thickness suggests that cluster size, deposition energy, and substrate type are crucial for the resulting film magnetization. This is demonstrated by the characteristic ferromagnetic hysteresis with the temperature dependent saturation magnetization, remanence. and coercivity of palladium nanocluster aggregates. The temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization, remanence, and coercivity of Pd nanoclusters were measured using an ultra-high-sensitive magnetometer based on a superconducting quantum interference device, and the morphology of the samples was analyzed by tunneling electron microscopy. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer reviewe

    Исследование режимов работы высоковольтного источника питания для возбуждения разряда барьерного типа

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    The issues related to the features of operation and modes setting of a high-voltage switching power source based on a sequential autonomous resonant inverter with reverse diodes used to excite an atmospheric pressure barrier type discharge are discussed in the article. It is indicated that the characteristic features of the autonomous resonant inverters operation are the occurrence of damped voltage fluctuations in the LC circuit of the inverter, as well as the dependence of the output alternating voltage on the ratio of the inverter operating frequency (thyristor switching frequency) to the natural resonant frequency of the LC circuit. Depending on this ratio, the inverter can operate in discontinuous, boundary and continuous current mode. The amplitude and shape of the inverter output voltage were controlled using a 1:1000 voltage divider with a C1-65A oscilloscope. The shape of the gate trigger pulses was obtained using a C1-167 oscilloscope. It is established that when the gate trigger pulses are asymmetrical relative to each other due to the operation features of the step-up transformers, the value of the alternating high-voltage at the inverter output is insufficient to excite the atmospheric pressure barrier type discharge. In the case of the gate trigger pulses symmetry, the output voltage of the inverter stage reaches the values required for the breakdown of the dielectric medium. Oscillograms of the inverter output voltage while adjusting its operating frequency are obtained. It is shown that the amplitude value of the voltage at the gas-discharge load increases as the operating frequency of the inverter increases. For the gate trigger pulses frequency of 250 Hz the value of the inverter output voltage amplitude was 3.4 kV, for 460 Hz – 4.0 kV, and for 550 Hz – 4.2 kV.В статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся особенностей работы и настройки режимов высоковольтного импульсного источника питания на основе последовательного автономного резонансного инвертора с обратными диодами, использованного для возбуждения разряда атмосферного давления барьерного типа. Указывается, что характерными особенностями работы автономных резонансных инверторов является возникновение затухающих колебаний напряжения в LC-контуре инвертора, а также зависимость выходного переменного напряжения от отношения рабочей частоты инвертора (частота открытия тиристоров) к собственной резонансной частоте LC-контура. В зависимости от этого отношения инвертор может работать в режиме прерывистого, граничного и непрерывного тока. Амплитуда и форма выходного напряжения инвертора контролировались при помощи делителя напряжения 1:1000 осциллографом C1-65A. Вид управляющих импульсов для отпирания тиристоров получен при помощи осциллографа C1-167. Установлено, что при несимметричном следовании управляющих импульсов друг относительно друга вследствие особенностей работы повышающих трансформаторов величина высоковольтного переменного напряжения на выходе инвертора оказывается недостаточной для возбуждения разряда атмосферного давления барьерного типа. В случае симметрии управляющих импульсов величина напряжения на выходе инверторного каскада достигает требуемых для пробоя диэлектрической среды величин. Получены осциллограммы выходного напряжения инвертора при регулировании его рабочей частоты. Показано, что амплитудное значение напряжения на газоразрядной нагрузке увеличивается по мере повышения рабочей частоты инвертора. Для частоты управляющих импульсов 250 Гц значение выходного амплитудного напряжения инвертора составило 3,4 кВ, для 460 Гц – 4,0 кВ, а для 550 Гц – 4,2 кВ

    Ion beam shaping and downsizing of nanostructures

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    We report a new approach for progressive and well-controlled downsizing of nanostructures below the 10 nm scale. Low energetic ion beam (Ar+) is used for gentle surface erosion, progressively shrinking the dimensions with ~ 1 nm accuracy. The method enables shaping of nanostructure geometry and polishing the surface. The process is clean room / high vacuum compatible being suitable for various applications. Apart from technological advantages, the method enables study of various size phenomena on the same sample between sessions of ion beam treatment.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetoplasmonic design rules for active magneto-optics

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    Light polarization rotators and non-reciprocal optical isolators are essential building blocks in photonics technology. These macroscopic passive devices are commonly based on magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr polarization rotation. Magnetoplasmonics - the combination of magnetism and plasmonics - is a promising route to bring these devices to the nanoscale. We introduce design rules for highly tunable active magnetoplasmonic elements in which we can tailor the amplitude and sign of the Kerr response over a broad spectral range

    Binding of deposited gold clusters to thiol self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) surfaces

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    We study the mechanisms involved in Au nanocluster deposition on thiol self-assembled monolayer modified Au(111) surfaces. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal a wide range of cluster-surface binding configurations within a very narrow deposition energy range (0.2-0.6 eV/atom for 2.5 nm diameter clusters). These go from noncovalent to full contact and include surprising intermediate cases in which the clusters are bound to the underlying Au(111) surface via molecular links and nanowires. Experiments show that, subsequently, the clusters are covered by thiols and slightly flattened