185 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepadatan Yang Berbeda Terhadap Kelulushidupan Dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Pada Sistem Resirkulasi Dengan Filter Zeolit

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    Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater fish which have important economic value, easy to cultivate, good taste, inexpensive and have higher tolerance in different enviroment. Increased density until maximum carrying capacity will decrease growth of fish. The incrase in density will be followed by an increase in the amount of feed, wasted metabolism, oxygen consumption and can decrease water quality. Decline in water quality will result in slow growth and mortality. The purpose of this research was to explore the influence of different density and the best quantity for survival rate and growth of Tilapia (O. niloticus) in resirculation system with Zeolit filter and knowning the effetiveness of zeolite filter on resirculation system. This research used different density of Tilapia (O. niloticus ) size 4-6 cm. Eksperimental reserch conducted use. RAL (completely randomize design) with 3 treatmens and 3 replication. Treatment A (10 density of fish), Treatment B (15 density of fish) and Treatment C (20 density of fish). Data obtaired are to absolute long growth, rate of absolute specifics length, find ammonia levels, survival rate, feeding efficiency, and water quality parameters. The result showed that different density has significant effect towards the growth Tilapia but not for survival rate. The survival rate for each treatment was A = 86,67±5,77 %, B = 84,44±3,85 %, and C = 78,33±2,89 %. Rate of absolute specifics length in Tilapia at the highest treatment was A = 3,53±0,06 cm, and C = 2,57±0,06 cm. The average of specific growth rate on Tilapia was A treatment with highest of 2,45 0,07%/day, and the lowest is reatment C = 1,76 ±0,05%/day. The effectiveness of the treatment of a zeolite filter can word to the limit of the study. Compared with treatment B and C, which only reached day 20

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Pertambangan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The research is aimed to analyze the influences of financial performance to the company stocks return. The sample is mining companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013. The study concluded that at the significant level (α) of 5%, there are no significant influences between DER (Debt to Equity Ratio), REO (Return on Equity), EPS (Earning Per Share), PER (Price Earning Ratio) and NPM (Net Profit Margin) to the stocks return. The results are related to the decrease of mining commodities in International market since 2012, the government\u27s plans to implement a rule banning the export of low-calorie coal, the drastic decline of exchange rate of rupiah against US dollar, the trade deficit in 2013 and world market conditions which make Indonesian exports declined

    The Effect of Urban Street Gang Densities on Small Area Homicide Incidence in a Large Metropolitan County, 1994–2002

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    The presence of street gangs has been hypothesized as influencing overall levels of violence in urban communities through a process of gun–drug diffusion and cross-type homicide. This effect is said to act independently of other known correlates of violence, i.e., neighborhood poverty. To test this hypothesis, we independently assessed the impact of population exposure to local street gang densities on 8-year homicide rates in small areas of Los Angeles County, California. Homicide data from the Los Angeles County Coroners Office were analyzed with original field survey data on street gang locations, while controlling for the established covariates of community homicide rates. Bivariate and multivariate regression analyses explicated strong relationships between homicide rates, gang density, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic structure. Street gang densities alone had cumulative effects on small area homicide rates. Local gang densities, along with high school dropout rates, high unemployment rates, racial and ethnic concentration, and higher population densities, together explained 90% of the variation in local 8-year homicide rates. Several other commonly considered covariates were insignificant in the model. Urban environments with higher densities of street gangs exhibited higher overall homicide rates, independent of other community covariates of homicide. The unique nature of street gang killings and their greater potential to influence future local rates of violence suggests that more direct public health interventions are needed alongside traditional criminal justice mechanisms to combat urban violence and homicides

    The timing of elective caesarean delivery between 2000 and 2009 in England

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    BACKGROUND: In 2004, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended that an elective caesarean section for an uncomplicated pregnancy should not be carried out before 39 completed weeks due to increased risk of respiratory morbidity in newborns. We describe the trends and variation across 63 English NHS trusts in the timing of elective caesarean section (CS) for low-risk singleton deliveries. METHODS: We identified elective CS deliveries between 1st April 2000 and 28th February 2009 in English NHS trusts using the Hospital Episode Statistics. We selected women with uncomplicated pregnancies who had an elective CS delivery after 34 completed weeks of gestation, and analysed the trends and the trust-level variation in the timing of elective CS. The impact of the NICE guidance on the monthly rate of elective CS deliveries performed after 39 weeks was estimated using an interrupted time-series design with autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). RESULTS: There were 118,456 elective CS deliveries at the 63 NHS trusts. The overall proportion of elective CS deliveries done after 39 completed weeks steadily increased from 39% in 2000/01 to 63% in 2008/09. The proportions rose from 43% to 67% for women with breech presentation and from 35% to 62% for women with a previous CS. There was significant variation across NHS trusts in each year; in 2008/09, with the proportions of elective CS done after 39 weeks ranging from 28% to 89% (Inter-quartile range limits: 54% to 72%). We found a small but statistically significant increase in the proportion immediately after the publication of the NICE guidance, but its rate of growth rate declined slightly thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: NHS trusts in our study have responded to the new evidence on the benefits of delaying elective CS to after 39 weeks gestation. However, substantial differences between NHS trusts remain, which indicates there is room for further improvement. We suggest that maternity services and commissioners adopt the "timing of elective caesarean" as a quality indicator to support clinical practice

    Efficacy of the new long-acting formulation of lanreotide (lanreotide Autogel) in somatostatin analogue naive patients with acromegaly

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    ABSTRACT. Objective: To evaluate efficacy and safety of lanreotide autogel (ATG) 120 mg injections every 4-8 weeks in somatostatin analogue-na\uefve patients with acromegaly. Design: Open, non-comparative, phase III, multicenter clinical study. Methods: Fifty-one patients (28 women, aged 19-78 yr): 39 newly diagnosed (de novo) and 12 who had previously undergone unsuccessful surgery (post-op, 11 macro and 1 micro) were studied. ATG 120 mg was initially given every 8 weeks for 24 weeks and subsequently changed according to GH levels: if !2.5 \u3bcg/l every 8 weeks (group A, 17patients); if 2.5-5 \u3bcg/l every 6 weeks (group B, 15 patients); and if >5 \u3bcg/l every 4 weeks (group C, 19 patients). Treatment duration was 48-52 weeks. The primary objective was to control GH and IGF-I levels (GH!2.5 \u3bcg/l and IGF-I normalized for age/gender). Secondary objectives were to assessGH, IGF-I, and acid-labile subunit (ALS) decrease, improvement of clinical symptoms and quality of life (QoL). Results:GH levels normalized in 32 patients (63%), similarly in de novo and post-op patients (72% vs 50%, p=0.48); in100% of group A, in 73% of group B and in 21% of group C(p<0.0001). IGF-I levels normalized in 19 patients (37%), similarly in the de novo and post-op patients (33% vs 50%,p=0.48): in 65% of group A, 33% of group B, and in 16% of group C. Circulating GH levels decreased by 80\ub117%, IGF I levels by 44\ub127%, and ALS by 30\ub117%. Symptoms (hyperhidrosis (68.6%), swelling (68.6%), asthenia (58.8%),spine arthralgia (54.9%), and paresthesias (52.9%) and QoL(from 9.1\ub17.9 to 6.1\ub16.6) significantly improved (p<0.001).No patient withdrew from the study because of adverse events (AE). The most frequent AE was diarrhea (76.2% of patients): at study end 16 mild and 1 moderate diarrhea were recorded. Gallstones developed in 12% of patients. Conclusion: ATG 120 mg in somatostatin-na\uefve patients with acromegaly controls GH secretion in 63% and IGF-I secretion in 37% during a 48-52 week period without any difference between de novo and post-op patients. The treatment was associated with improvement in clinical symptoms and QoL and with a good, safe profile. (J. Endocrinol. Invest. 32: 202-209, 2009

    Ampicillin/Sulbactam versus Cefuroxime as antimicrobial prophylaxis for cesarean delivery: a randomized study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The efficacy and safety of a single dose of ampicillin/sulbactam compared to a single dose of cefuroxime at cord clamp for prevention of post-cesarean infectious morbidity has not been assessed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Women scheduled for cesarean delivery were randomized to receive a single dose of either 3 g of ampicillin-sulbactam or 1.5 g of cefuroxime intravenously, after umbilical cord clamping. An evaluation for development of postoperative infections and risk factor analysis was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One hundred and seventy-six patients (median age 28 yrs, IQR: 24-32) were enrolled in the study during the period July 2004 - July 2005. Eighty-five (48.3%) received cefuroxime prophylaxis and 91 (51.7%) ampicillin/sulbactam. Postoperative infection developed in 5 of 86 (5.9%) patients that received cefuroxime compared to 8 of 91 (8.8%) patients that received ampicillin/sulbactam (p = 0.6). In univariate analyses 6 or more vaginal examinations prior to the operation (p = 0.004), membrane rupture for more than 6 hours (p = 0.08) and blood loss greater than 500 ml (p = 0.018) were associated with developing a postoperative surgical site infection (SSI). In logistic regression having 6 or more vaginal examinations was the most significant risk factor for a postoperative SSI (OR 6.8, 95% CI: 1.4-33.4, p = 0.019). Regular prenatal follow-up was associated with a protective effect (OR 0.04, 95% CI: 0.005-0.36, p = 0.004).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Ampicillin/sulbactam was as safe and effective as cefuroxime when administered for the prevention of infections following cesarean delivery.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01138852</p

    Evidence for a Minimal Eukaryotic Phosphoproteome?

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    BACKGROUND: Reversible phosphorylation catalysed by kinases is probably the most important regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied the in vitro phosphorylation of peptide arrays exhibiting the majority of PhosphoBase-deposited protein sequences, by factors in cell lysates from representatives of various branches of the eukaryotic species. We derived a set of substrates from the PhosphoBase whose phosphorylation by cellular extracts is common to the divergent members of different kingdoms and thus may be considered a minimal eukaryotic phosphoproteome. The protein kinases (or kinome) responsible for phosphorylation of these substrates are involved in a variety of processes such as transcription, translation, and cytoskeletal reorganisation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results indicate that the divergence in eukaryotic kinases is not reflected at the level of substrate phosphorylation, revealing the presence of a limited common substrate space for kinases in eukaryotes and suggests the presence of a set of kinase substrates and regulatory mechanisms in an ancestral eukaryote that has since remained constant in eukaryotic life

    Modelling low velocity impact induced damage in composite laminates

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    The paper presents recent progress on modelling low velocity impact induced damage in fibre reinforced composite laminates. It is important to understand the mechanisms of barely visible impact damage (BVID) and how it affects structural performance. To reduce labour intensive testing, the development of finite element (FE) techniques for simulating impact damage becomes essential and recent effort by the composites research community is reviewed in this work. The FE predicted damage initiation and propagation can be validated by Non Destructive Techniques (NDT) that gives confidence to the developed numerical damage models. A reliable damage simulation can assist the design process to optimise laminate configurations, reduce weight and improve performance of components and structures used in aircraft construction