497 research outputs found

    Increase of total alkalinity due to shoaling of aragonite saturation horizon in the Pacific and Indian Oceans: influence of anthropogenic carbon inputs

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    Aragonite Saturation Horizon (ASH) shallowed significantly by 25 to 155 m and 16 to 124 m in the Pacific and Indian Ocean respectively in two decades. Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) increased by 3 to 34 and 0.5 to 31.5 μmol kg−1 in the Pacific and Indian Ocean respectively at the depth of ASH during this period. DIC increased by 12.5 to 36.8 and 5.5 to 32 μmol kg−1 in the vicinity of ASH in the Pacific and Indian Ocean respectively due to combined effect of increased anthropogenic CO2 and change in AOU. TA increased significantly by 5 to 10 and 4 to 9.2 μmol kg−1 in the Pacific and Indian Oceans respectively at the ASH most likely as a result of aragonite dissolution. The upward migration of ASH solely due to anthropogenic CO2 amounted to 6 to 58 m in the Pacific and 4 to 44 m in the Indian Ocean

    Efficient Hash-routing and Domain Clustering Techniques for Information-Centric Networks

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    Hash-routing is a well-known technique used in server-cluster environments to direct content requests to the responsible servers hosting the requested content. In this work, we look at hash-routing from a different angle and apply the technique to Information-Centric Networking (ICN) environments, where in-network content caches serve as temporary storage for content. In particular, edge-domain routers re-direct requests to in-network caches, more often than not off the shortest path, according to the hash-assignment function. Although the benefits of this off-path in-network caching scheme are significant (e.g., high cache hit rate with minimal co-ordination overhead), the basic scheme comes with disadvantages. That is, in case of very large domains the off-path detour of requests might increase latency to prohibitive levels. In order to deal with extensive detour delays, we investigate nodal/domain clustering techniques, according to which large domains are split in clusters, which in turn apply hash-routing in the subset of nodes of each cluster. We model and evaluate the behaviour of nodal clustering and report significant improvement in delivery latency, which comes at the cost of a slight decrease in cache hit rates (i.e., up to 50% improvement in delivery latency for less than 10% decrease in cache hit rate compared to the original hash-routing scheme applied in the whole domain)

    Fluctuations in productivity and denitrification in the Southeastern Arabian Sea during the Late Quaternary

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    Sedimentological and stable isotopic characteristics of sediments have been studied in a core from the southeastern Arabian Sea containing records of the past 70 ka. Palaeoproductivity proxies such as organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (TN) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) contents, show high values at the core top and during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and marine isotope stage (MIS) 4, suggesting high productivity, whereas low Corg and CaCO3 contents are associated with the MIS ½ and mid-MIS 3, indicating reduced productivity. The δ18O values in planktonic foraminifera range between - 2.7% and - 0.1%, with a large glacial-interglacial amplitude Δδ18O of ∼2.6%, suggesting changes related to monsoonal precipitation/ runoff. The δ15N values fluctuate between 5.4% and 7.3%, signifying variation in denitrification intensity. The δ15N indicates an overall increase in denitrification intensity during MIS 1 and MIS 3 and, reduced intensity during MIS ½, LGM and mid-MIS 3. Higher primary productivity and reduced denitrification intensity during LGM and MIS 4 might be due to convective winter mixing and more oxygenated subsurface waters. Reduced primary productivity during MIS ½ and mid-MIS 3 might be the effect of enhanced precipitation associated with the intensified southwest monsoon fortifying near-surface stratification

    Cardiac tamponade occurred after endoscopic submucosal dissection : conservative management of the esophagopericardial fistula

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    Key Clinical Message We describe the case of an esophagopericardial fistula generated after endo- scopic submucosal dissection in a patient affected by a superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma immediately treated with percutaneous pericardial drainage and placement of a partially covered self-expanding metal stent that has been removed using the stent-in-stent technique after 35 days

    Coastal versus open-ocean denitrification in the Arabian Sea

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    International audienceThe Arabian Sea contains one of the three major open-ocean denitrification zones in the world. In addition, pelagic denitrification also occurs over the inner and mid-shelf off the west coast of India. The major differences between the two environments are highlighted using the available data. The perennial open-ocean system occupies two orders of magnitude larger volume than the seasonal coastal system, however, the latter offers more extreme conditions (greater nitrate consumption leading to complete anoxia). Unlike the open-ocean system, the coastal system seems to have undergone a change (i.e., it has intensified) over the past few decades presumably due to enhanced nutrient loading from land. The two systems also differ from each other with regard to the modes of nitrous oxide (N2O) production: In the open-ocean suboxic zone, an accumulation of secondary nitrite (NO2?) is invariably accompanied by depletion of N2O whereas in the coastal suboxic zone high NO2? and very high N2O concentrations frequently co-occur, indicating, respectively, net consumption and net production of N2O by denitrifiers. The extents of heavier isotope enrichment in the combined nitrate and nitrite (NO3?+NO2?) pool and in N2O in reducing waters appear to be considerably smaller in the coastal region, reflecting more varied sources/sinks and/or different isotopic fractionation factors

    (Micro)evolutionary changes and the evolutionary potential of bird migration

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    Seasonal migration is the yearly long-distance movement of individuals between their breeding and wintering grounds. Individuals from nearly every animal group exhibit this behavior, but probably the most iconic migration is carried out by birds, from the classic V-shape formation of geese on migration to the amazing nonstop long-distance flights undertaken by Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea. In this chapter, we discuss how seasonal migration has shaped the field of evolution. First, this behavior is known to turn on and off quite rapidly, but controversy remains concerning where this behavior first evolved geographically and whether the ancestral state was sedentary or migratory (Fig. 7.1d, e). We review recent work using new analytical techniques to provide insight into this topic. Second, it is widely accepted that there is a large genetic basis to this trait, especially in groups like songbirds that migrate alone and at night precluding any opportunity for learning. Key hypotheses on this topic include shared genetic variation used by different populations to migrate and only few genes being involved in its control. We summarize recent work using new techniques for both phenotype and genotype characterization to evaluate and challenge these hypotheses. Finally, one topic that has received less attention is the role these differences in migratory phenotype could play in the process of speciation. Specifically, many populations breed next to one another but take drastically different routes on migration (Fig. 7.2). This difference could play an important role in reducing gene flow between populations, but our inability to track most birds on migration has so far precluded evaluations of this hypothesis. The advent of new tracking techniques means we can track many more birds with increasing accuracy on migration, and this work has provided important insight into migration's role in speciation that we will review here

    New data on OZI rule violation in bar{p}p annihilation at rest

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    The results of a measurement of the ratio R = Y(phi pi+ pi-) / Y(omega pi+ pi-) for antiproton annihilation at rest in a gaseous and in a liquid hydrogen target are presented. It was found that the value of this ratio increases with the decreasing of the dipion mass, which demonstrates the difference in the phi and omega production mechanisms. An indication on the momentum transfer dependence of the apparent OZI rule violation for phi production from the 3S1 initial state was found.Comment: 11 pages, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to Physics Letter

    Sexual dimorphism and population differences in structural properties of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) wing and tail feathers

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    Sexual selection and aerodynamic forces affecting structural properties of the flight feathers of birds are poorly understood. Here, we compared the structural features of the innermost primary wing feather (P1) and the sexually dimorphic outermost (Ta6) and monomorphic second outermost (Ta5) tail feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) from a Romanian population to investigate how sexual selection and resistance to aerodynamic forces affect structural differences among these feathers. Furthermore, we compared structural properties of Ta6 of barn swallows from six European populations. Finally, we determined the relationship between feather growth bars width (GBW) and the structural properties of tail feathers. The structure of P1 indicates strong resistance against aerodynamic forces, while the narrow rachis, low vane density and low bending stiffness of tail feathers suggest reduced resistance against airflow. The highly elongated Ta6 is characterized by structural modifications such as large rachis width and increased barbule density in relation to the less elongated Ta5, which can be explained by increased length and/or high aerodynamic forces acting at the leading tail edge. However, these changes in Ta6 structure do not allow for full compensation of elongation, as reflected by the reduced bending stiffness of Ta6. Ta6 elongation in males resulted in feathers with reduced resistance, as shown by the low barb density and reduced bending stiffness compared to females. The inconsistency in sexual dimorphism and in change in quality traits of Ta6 among six European populations shows that multiple factors may contribute to shaping population differences. In general, the difference in quality traits between tail feathers cannot be explained by the GBW of feathers. Our results show that the material and structural properties of wing and tail feathers of barn swallows change as a result of aerodynamic forces and sexual selection, although the result of these changes can be contrasting

    Inter-generational resemblance of methylation levels at circadian genes and associations with phenology in the barn swallow.

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    Regulation of gene expression can occur via epigenetic effects as mediated by DNA methylation. The potential for epigenetic effects to be transmitted across generations, thus modulating phenotypic variation and affecting ecological and evolutionary processes, is increasingly appreciated. However, the study of variation in epigenomes and inter-generational transmission of epigenetic alterations in wild populations is at its very infancy. We studied sex- and age-related variation in DNA methylation and parent-offspring resemblance in methylation profiles in the barn swallows. We focused on a class of highly conserved 'clock' genes (clock, cry1, per2, per3, timeless) relevant in the timing of activities of major ecological importance. In addition, we considerably expanded previous analyses on the relationship between methylation at clock genes and breeding date, a key fitness trait in barn swallows. We found positive assortative mating for methylation at one clock locus. Methylation varied between the nestling and the adult stage, and according to sex. Individuals with relatively high methylation as nestlings also had high methylation levels when adults. Extensive parent-nestling resemblance in methylation levels was observed. Occurrence of extra-pair fertilizations allowed to disclose evidence hinting at a prevalence of paternal germline or sperm quality effects over common environment effects in generating father-offspring resemblance in methylation. Finally, we found an association between methylation at the clock poly-Q region, but not at other loci, and breeding date. We thus provided evidence for sex-dependent variation and the first account of parent-offspring resemblance in methylation in any wild vertebrate. We also showed that epigenetics may influence phenotypic plasticity of timing of life cycle events, thus having a major impact on fitness