352 research outputs found

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. IX. Colors, Lensing and Stellar Masses of Early-type Galaxies

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    We present the current photometric dataset for the Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) Survey, including HST photometry from ACS, WFPC2, and NICMOS. These data have enabled the confirmation of an additional 15 grade `A' (certain) lens systems, bringing the number of SLACS grade `A' lenses to 85; including 13 grade `B' (likely) systems, SLACS has identified nearly 100 lenses and lens candidates. Approximately 80% of the grade `A' systems have elliptical morphologies while ~10% show spiral structure; the remaining lenses have lenticular morphologies. Spectroscopic redshifts for the lens and source are available for every system, making SLACS the largest homogeneous dataset of galaxy-scale lenses to date. We have developed a novel Bayesian stellar population analysis code to determine robust stellar masses with accurate error estimates. We apply this code to deep, high-resolution HST imaging and determine stellar masses with typical statistical errors of 0.1 dex; we find that these stellar masses are unbiased compared to estimates obtained using SDSS photometry, provided that informative priors are used. The stellar masses range from 10^10.5 to 10^11.8 M_\odot and the typical stellar mass fraction within the Einstein radius is 0.4, assuming a Chabrier IMF. The ensemble properties of the SLACS lens galaxies, e.g. stellar masses and projected ellipticities, appear to be indistinguishable from other SDSS galaxies with similar stellar velocity dispersions. This further supports that SLACS lenses are representative of the overall population of massive early-type galaxies with M* >~ 10^11 M_\odot, and are therefore an ideal dataset to investigate the kpc-scale distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies out to z ~ 0.5.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, published in Ap


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    SUMMARY Motivation: Disparate substitution rates within the different regions of homologous sequences and mutational saturation are well known to cause misalignment of sequences and to hamper accurate tree reconstruction. Therefore, there is a need in tools detecting and filtering out informational noise from the multiple alignment of sequence data; the tools will help to increase accuracy and resolution of phylogenetic analyses. Results: We propose such a tool and tested its ability to improve the quality phylogenetic trees both on the biological COG data, and on the artificial data, where the ideal tree was known a priory. The key operation of the filtering is a removal of noisy columns. It was shown that the tool permits to reconstruct a tree closer to the "true" tree than is the tree reconstructed with data without removal. Procedure can be applied as a tool to pre-process multiple alignments and enhance phylogenetic inference

    Оцінка показників коагулограми у пацієнтів з тромбозом системи нижньої порожнистої вени

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    Мета. Оцінити зміни показників коагулограми у пацієнтів з тромбозом глибоких вен (ГВ) системи нижньої порожнистої вени (НПВ) залежно від виду лікування. Матеріали і методи. Проведена кількісна оцінка показників коагулограми у 615 пацієнтів із тромбозом у системі НПВ. Залежно від методу лікування хворі розподілені на дві групи: 1-ша – 380 (61,8%) хворих, яким провели хірургічне лікування з наступним призначенням антикоагулянтної терапії; 2-га – 235 (38,2%) хворих, яким призначали лише антикоагулянтну терапію. Результати. Оцінка більшості показників коагулограми показала більш виражену гіпокоагуляцію у пацієнтів 1-ї групи порівняно з 2-ю групою: рівень D-димеру був нижче на 14,1%, середня концентрація тромбокриту (СКТ) - на 7,8%, протромбіновий індекс (ПІ) - на 7,1%, міжнародне нормалізоване співвідношення (МНС) - на 3,8%, рівень гематокриту - на 2,4%, кількість тромбоцитів - на 1,9%. У пацієнтів 1-ї групи спостерігали більш виражене подовження активованого часткового тромбопластинового часу (АЧТЧ), активованого часу рекальцифікації (АЧР) та протромбінового часу (ПЧ) порівняно з пацієнтами 2-ї групи: на 37,9, 10,6 та 4,8% відповідно. Водночас рівень фібриногену у 1-й групі був на 9,1% вище порівняно з 2-ю групою. Висновки. Гіпокоагуляційні зміни гемостазу у пацієнтів, яким застосували хірургічне лікування тромбозу ГВ системи НПВ, порівняно з пацієнтами, яким призначали лише антикоагулянтну терапію, дають підстави припустити, що механічне видалення тромботичних мас сприяє більш швидкій нормалізації показників гемостазу

    Zitterbewegung of Klein-Gordon particles and its simulation by classical systems

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    The Klein-Gordon equation is used to calculate the Zitterbewegung (ZB, trembling motion) of spin-zero particles in absence of fields and in the presence of an external magnetic field. Both Hamiltonian and wave formalisms are employed to describe ZB and their results are compared. It is demonstrated that, if one uses wave packets to represent particles, the ZB motion has a decaying behavior. It is also shown that the trembling motion is caused by an interference of two sub-packets composed of positive and negative energy states which propagate with different velocities. In the presence of a magnetic field the quantization of energy spectrum results in many interband frequencies contributing to ZB oscillations and the motion follows a collapse-revival pattern. In the limit of non-relativistic velocities the interband ZB components vanish and the motion is reduced to cyclotron oscillations. The exact dynamics of a charged Klein-Gordon particle in the presence of a magnetic field is described on an operator level. The trembling motion of a KG particle in absence of fields is simulated using a classical model proposed by Morse and Feshbach -- it is shown that a variance of a Gaussian wave packet exhibits ZB oscillations.Comment: 16 pages and 7 figure

    HE 0435-1223: a wide separation quadruple QSO and gravitational lens

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    We report the discovery of a new gravitationally lensed QSO, at a redshift z = 1.689, with four QSO components in a cross-shaped arrangement around a bright galaxy. The maximum separation between images is 2.6 arcsec, enabling a reliable decomposition of the system. Three of the QSO components have g = 19.6, while component A is about 0.6 mag brighter. The four components have nearly identical colours, suggesting little if any dust extinction in the foreground galaxy. The lensing galaxy is prominent in the i band, weaker in r and not detected in g. Its spatial profile is that of an elliptical galaxy with a scale length of \sim 12 kpc. Combining the measured colours and a mass model for the lens, we estimate a most likely redshift range of 0.3 < z < 0.4. Predicted time delays between the components are \la 10 days. The QSO shows evidence for variability, with total g band magnitudes of 17.89 and 17.71 for two epochs separated by 2\sim 2 months. However, the relative fluxes of the components did not change, indicating that the variations are intrinsic to the QSO rather than induced by microlensing.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Хірургічне лікування нирковоклітинного раку з внутрішньовенозним розповсюдженням та імплантацією тромбу в стінку нижньої порожнистої вени

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    This work presents the results of surgical treatment of renal cell carcinoma with internally venous dissemination and implantation of thrombus intra vena cava inferior tissue. In 3 cases was performed a prosthesis of vena cava inferior byGoreTexor PTFE prothesis (2 – above the renal veins, 1 – below the renal veins). Histologically confirmed an invasion of tumor thrombus by renal cell carcinoma intra vena cava inferior tissue is an evidence to resection of tissue or an area of vena cava inferior which repairs via prosthesis.У роботі представлено результати хірургічного лікування нирковоклітинного раку з внутрішньовенозним розповсюдженням та імплантацією тромбу в стінку нижньої порожнистої вени. У 3 випадках виконано протезування нижньої порожнистої вени протезами Gore Tex чи ПТФЕ (2 – вище ниркових вен, 1 – нижче ниркових вен). Гістологічно підтверджена інвазія пухлинного тромбу при нирковоклітинному раку в стінку нижньої порожнистої вени є показанням до резекції стінки чи ділянки нижньої порожнистої вени, яка відновлюється за допомогою протезування

    Experimental analysis of wear resistance of compacts of fine-dispersed iron powder and tungsten monocarbide nanopowder produced by impulse pressing

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    The paper presents the results of studying the structure and wear resistance of compacts produced from fine dispersed reduced iron powder (average particle size 3–5μm) with the addition of tungsten carbide (WC) nanopowder with the average particle size of 25–30 nm. The mass fraction of tungsten carbide (wolfram carbide) in the powder composition was 5% and 10% of the total mass. Impulse pressing was conducted using the modified Kolsky method at compacting temperatures of 20 °C to 300 °C. The produced compacts had relative density of over 90%. Metallographic studies using the scanning electronic microscopy method on a TESCAN VEGA II electronic microscope have shown that the produced compacts have a fairly homogeneous fine-grained structure, with a uniform pattern of pore distribution, the form of the pores being close to spherical. X-ray microanalysis using an INCA Energy 250 energy-dispersion spectrometer with scanning along the surface line and transversal laps testifies to the fact that, in the considered temperature range, dynamic compaction does not lead to any noticeable changes in the distribution of the Fe, W and C elements over the bulk of the specimens. The conducted measurements of micro-hardness of the compacts have shown that it increases considerably with the pressing temperature. The produced compacts were tested for wear resistance in a dry friction regime, using the ‘rotating disk – stationary specimen’ configuration. Mass loss of the compacts as a function of testing time is presented. Wear resistance of compacts depends on pressing temperature and concentration of the WC powder in the matrix of reduced iron. It has been experimentally determined that maximal wear resistance is observed in the compacts with the mass fraction of WC equal to 10%, produced at a pressing temperature of 300 °C

    The nature of zircon in the Volkovsky massif gabbro (Middle Urals): the age problem and geochronological consequences

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    The article presents new isotope-geochemical data on zircon from gabbronorites of the Volkovsky massif in the Middle Urals. The massif is a complex combination of different rock associations - from ultramafic rocks to syenites and quartz diorites, whose geological and geochronological ratios are not well-defined yet. The most widespread in the massif are gabbroids, which form three blocks - the Central, Western and Southern ones. This massif is associated with: 1) industrial deposit of copper-iron-vanadium ores and 2) gold-palladium mineralization of low sulfide type. Gabbronorites, which form peripheral parts of the gabbro blocks and in some cases form dykes among olivine gabbro, have a dual relationship with mineralization. They are host for copper-iron-vanadium type and postmineral concerning the gold-palladium mineralization localized in ultramafic rocks and olivine gabbro of the Southern block. The comprehensive study of zircon (its morphology, internal structure, U-Pb age, and silicate inclusions) has shown that in gabbronorites of the Volkovsky massif, zircon aged 427.5 ± 5.3 Ma and 428 ± 7 Ma, extracted from two different samples, contains the same set of polymineral inclusions, alien to the hosting rocks. The composition of inclusions (plagioclase ( An21), biotite (f = 0.49-0.56), quartz and apatite) corresponds to gneiss or plagiogranite. However, the zircon, according to its morphology, internal structure and age characteristics is similar to that from metamorphic rocks of the dynamothermal halo of gabbro-ultramafic bodies. This suggests that the zircon in gabbronorites of the Volkovsky massif could be borrowed from the surrounding metamorphic rocks, and therefore, the gabbronorite intrusion occurred when high-temperature metamorphic rocks of the dynamothermal halo had already existed and might have undergone anatexis and retrogressive metamorphism of amphibolite facies. The zircon age (≈427 Ma) limits the lower time limit of the formation of gabbronorite intersecting olivine gabbro of the Volkovsky massif, and may be close to the time of the formation of copper-iron-vanadium and gold-palladium mineralization type controlled by the reaction processes between gabbronorites and olivine gabbro