22 research outputs found

    Predicting the targeting of tail-anchored proteins to subcellular compartments in mammalian cells

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Company of Biologists via the DOI in this record.Tail-anchored (TA) proteins contain a single transmembrane domain (TMD) at the Cterminus, anchoring them to organelle membranes where they mediate a variety of critical cellular processes. Mutations in individual TA proteins cause a number of severe inherited disorders. However, the molecular mechanisms and signals facilitating proper TA protein targeting are not fully understood, in particular in mammals. Here, we identify additional TA proteins at peroxisomes or shared by multiple organelles in mammals and reveal that a combination of TMD hydrophobicity and tail charge determines targeting to distinct organelles. Specifically, an increase in tail charge can override a hydrophobic TMD signal and re-direct a protein from the ER to peroxisomes or mitochondria and vice versa. We demonstrate that subtle alterations in those physicochemical parameters can shift TA protein targeting between organelles, explaining why peroxisomes and mitochondria share many TA proteins. Our analyses enabled us to allocate characteristic physicochemical parameters to different organelle groups. This classification allows for the first time, successful prediction of the location of uncharacterized TA proteins.We thank colleagues who provided materials (see Tables S1-S4) and acknowledge support from A. C. Magalhães, M. Almeida, D. Tuerker, S. Kuehl and C. Davies. This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/K006231/1 to M.S.), a Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (WT097835MF, WT105618MA to M.S.), the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and FEDER/COMPETE (PTDC/BIA-BCM/118605/2010 to M.S.; SFRH/BD/37647/2007 to N.B.; SFRH/BPD/77619/2011 and UID/BIM/04501/2013 to D.R.). M.W., E.A.G., and M.S. are supported by Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) action PerFuMe (316723)

    A short isoform of ATG7 fails to lipidate LC3/GABARAP

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Autophagy is a degradation pathway important for cellular homeostasis. The E1-like enzyme ATG7 is a key component of the autophagy machinery, with the main function of mediating the lipidation of LC3/GABARAP during autophagosome formation. By analysing mRNA-sequencing data we found that in addition to the full-length ATG7 isoform, various tissues express a shorter isoform lacking an exon of 27 amino acids in the C-terminal part of the protein, termed ATG7(2). We further show that ATG7(2) does not bind LC3B and fails to mediate the lipidation of members of the LC3/GABARAP family. We have thus identified an isoform of ATG7 that is unable to carry out the best characterized function of the protein during the autophagic response. This short isoform will have to be taken into consideration when further studying the role of ATG7.This work was supported by a START Marie Curie/Icelandic Research Fund grant (M.H.O.; grant number 120457-041), Icelandic Research Fund grant (M.H.O.; grant number 184727-051), an Icelandic Cancer Society Research Fund grant (M.H.O.), Icelandic Research Fund grant (E.S.; grant number 152715) and by an Erwin Schrödinger fellowship grant from the Austrian Science Fund (V.F.; grant number: J 3864-B26).Peer Reviewe

    Restricted leucine zipper dimerization and specificity of DNA recognition of the melanocyte master regulator MITF

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    Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is a master regulator of melanocyte development and an important oncogene in melanoma. MITF heterodimeric assembly with related basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper transcription factors is highly restricted, and its binding profile to cognate DNA sequences is distinct. Here, we determined the crystal structure of MITF in its apo conformation and in the presence of two related DNA response elements, the E-box and M-box. In addition, we investigated mouse and human Mitf mutations to dissect the functional significance of structural features. Owing to an unusual three-residue shift in the leucine zipper register, the MITF homodimer shows a marked kink in one of the two zipper helices to allow an out-of-register assembly. Removal of this insertion relieves restricted heterodimerization by MITF and permits assembly with the transcription factor MAX. Binding of MITF to the M-box motif is mediated by an unusual nonpolar interaction by Ile212, a residue that is mutated in mice and humans with Waardenburg syndrome. As several related transcription factors have low affinity for the M-box sequence, our analysis unravels how these proteins discriminate between similar target sequences. Our data provide a rational basis for targeting MITF in the treatment of important hereditary diseases and cancer

    Mechanism of conditional partner selectivity in MITF/TFE family transcription factors with a conserved coiled coil stammer motif

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    Interrupted dimeric coiled coil segments are found in a broad range of proteins and generally confer selective functional properties such as binding to specific ligands. However, there is only one documented case of a basic-helix-loop-helix leucine zipper transcription factor-microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF)-in which an insertion of a three-residue stammer serves as a determinant of conditional partner selectivity. To unravel the molecular principles of this selectivity, we have analyzed the high-resolution structures of stammer-containing MITF and an engineered stammer-less MITF variant, which comprises an uninterrupted symmetric coiled coil. Despite this fundamental difference, both MITF structures reveal identical flanking in-phase coiled coil arrangements, gained by helical over-winding and local asymmetry in wild-type MITF across the stammer region. These conserved structural properties allow the maintenance of a proper functional readout in terms of nuclear localization and binding to specific DNA-response motifs regardless of the presence of the stammer. By contrast, MITF heterodimer formation with other bHLH-Zip transcription factors is only permissive when both factors contain either the same type of inserted stammer or no insert. Our data illustrate a unique principle of conditional partner selectivity within the wide arsenal of transcription factors with specific partner-dependent functional readouts

    Structural insights into transcription complexes

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    Control of transcription allows the regulation of cell activity in response to external stimuli and research in the field has greatly benefited from efforts in structural biology. In this review, based on specific examples from the European SPINE2-COMPLEXES initiative, we illustrate the impact of structural proteomics on our understanding of the molecular basis of gene expression. While most atomic structures were obtained by X-ray crystallography, the impact of solution NMR and cryo-electron microscopy is far from being negligible. Here, we summarize some highlights and illustrate the importance of specific technologies on the structural biology of protein–protein or protein/DNA transcription complexes: structure/function analysis of components the eukaryotic basal and activated transcription machinery with focus on the TFIID and TFIIH multi-subunit complexes as well as transcription regulators such as members of the nuclear hormone receptor families. We also discuss molecular aspects of promoter recognition and epigenetic control of gene expression

    Common architecture of nuclear receptor heterodimers on DNA direct repeat elements with different spacings

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    Nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) control numerous physiological processes through the regulation of gene expression. The present study provides a structural basis for understanding the role of DNA in the spatial organization of NHR heterodimers in complexes with coactivators such as Med1 and SRC-1. We have used SAXS, SANS and FRET to determine the solution structures of three heterodimer NHR complexes (RXR-RAR, PPAR-RXR and RXR-VDR) coupled with the NHR interacting domains of coactivators bound to their cognate direct repeat elements. The structures show an extended asymmetric shape and point to the important role played by the hinge domains in establishing and maintaining the integrity of the structures. The results reveal two additional features: the conserved position of the ligand-binding domains at the 5' ends of the target DNAs and the binding of only one coactivator molecule per heterodimer, to RXR's partner