513 research outputs found

    Magnetostructural correlations in BiFeO3-based multiferroics

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    This work was supported by funds from FEDER (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade COMPETE) and from FCT-Fundaça˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia under the project UID/FIS/04564/2016. V. A. K. is grateful to Fundaça˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia for financial support through the FCT Investigator Programme (project IF/00819/2014). D. V. K. is grateful to BRFFR (grant F16R-066). Access to the TAIL-UC facility funded under QREN-Mais Centro project ICT_2009_02_012_1890 is gratefully acknowledged

    Unsupervised physical activity interventions for people with COPD: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction and objectives Unsupervised PA interventions might have a role in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but their effectiveness is largely unknown. Thus, we aimed to identify and synthesise data on the effects of unsupervised PA interventions in people with COPD. Material and methods Databases were systematically searched in April 2020, with weekly updates until September 2021. Randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies comparing unsupervised PA with usual care, were included. Primary outcomes were dyspnoea, exercise capacity and physical activity. The effect direction plot was performed to synthesise results. Meta-analysis with forest plots were conducted for the Chronic Respiratory Disease questionnaire – dyspnoea domain (CRQ-D), 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) and incremental shuttle walk distance (ISWD). Results Eleven studies with 900 participants with COPD (68±10 years; 58.8% male, FEV1 63.7±15.8% predicted) were included. All interventions were conducted at home, most with daily sessions, for 8-12 weeks. Walking was the most common component. The effect direction plot showed that unsupervised PA interventions improved emotional function, fatigue, health-related quality of life, muscle strength and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Meta-analysis showed statistical, but not clinical, significant improvements in dyspnoea (CRQ-D, MD=0.12, 95% CI 0.09-0.15) and exercise capacity, measured with 6MWD (MD=13.70, 95% CI 3.58-23.83). Statistical and clinical significant improvements were observed in exercise capacity, measured with ISWD (MD=58.59, 95% CI 5.79-111.39). None to minor adverse events and a high adherence rate were found. Conclusions Unsupervised PA interventions benefits dyspnoea and exercise capacity of people with COPD, are safe and present a high adherence rate. Unsupervised PA interventions should be considered for people with COPD who cannot or do not want to engage in supervised PA interventions or as a maintenance strategy of PA levels.publishe

    Unsupervised physical activity interventions for people with COPD: a systematic review

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    Effects of supervised physical activity (PA) are well-established in COPD however, the evidence about the effectiveness of unsupervised PA interventions in this population is still scarce. Thus, we aimed to identify and synthesise the effects of unsupervised PA interventions in people with COPD. A systematic search was conducted on Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, Web of science and EBSCOhost databases, in April 2020. Randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies comparing unsupervised PA with daily life, were included. Two independent reviewers selected the studies, extracted data and assessed the quality of evidence using the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. Effect sizes were calculated via Cohen’s d. 7 studies were included, 3 of moderate and 4 of weak quality. Most studies were conducted in a homebased setting (6/7), with the interventions lasting between 8-12 weeks (5/7). Frequencies of the interventions ranged from daily-2x/week (7/7). The components of interventions were: mobility (2/7), aerobic (2/7), strength (2/7), endurance (1/7) and lifestyle PA (2/7). Very small to huge effects [0.14 to 5.26] were found for exercise capacity (4/7) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) [-2.25 to 0.19] (2/7). Very small to small effects were found for symptoms [-0.03 to 0.28] (2/7). Unsupervised PA interventions seem to be effective in increasing exercise capacity and HRQoL in people with COPD. Nevertheless, its application is still limited and highly heterogeneous thus, further studies, with robust methodologies, are needed to confirm our results and establish recommendations.publishe

    Aspectos moleculares da diferenciação sexual em tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum): identificação de vias não convencionais em uma espécie neotropical.

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    Os peixes exibem uma grande variedade de mecanismos de determinação sexual e diferenciação sexual, que são tópicos de grande interesse científico e também relevância para o setor produtivo, quando a exploração de um sexo é mais vantajosa em espécies de importância econômica. O tambaqui Colossoma macropomum é uma espécie neotropical de destaque na aquicultura nativa brasileira, e seu mecanismo genético de determinação sexual ainda não foi propriamente identificado e caracterizado, apesar dos esforços utilizando-se de tecnologias ômicas como sequenciamento do genoma de machos e fêmeas, e também transcriptomas de juvenis durante a fase sexualmente indiferenciada. Buscando ampliar os conhecimentos científicos sobre os mecanismos envolvidos no processo de diferenciação sexual do tambaqui, esta tese teve como principal objetivo identificar e avaliar, por análises in silico e in vivo, os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos neste processo, principalmente os relacionados a hormônios esteróides e seus precursores, bem como os ácidos graxos.Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Animal e Recursos Pesqueiros) - Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus

    Excisão de Pterígio Primário com Autotransplante Conjuntival e Cola Biológica

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    Introdução: O Pterígio é uma patologia frequente e o seu tratamento cirúrgico é consensualmente aceite. Diferentes opções cirúrgicas e variantes estão descritas: enquanto alguns métodos caíram em desuso pela sua elevada taxa de recidiva, outros foram abandonadas pelos seus custos e complicações associados. A realização de autotransplante conjuntival tornou-se a técnica de eleição e o recurso a cola biológica tornou o procedimento mais fácil e rápido. Apresentamos a nossa experiência com esta técnica e reportamos as vantagens da utilização de cola biológica num estudo prospectivo a 5 anos. Material e métodos: 101 casos de 92 doentes com pterígio primário foram submetidos a autotransplante conjuntival (e limbar se área limbar envolvida superior a 6mm) com recurso a cola biológica de fibrina (Tissucol® / Tisseellyo®) - 94 casos, ou polímero de polietileno glicol (PEG; Ocuseal®) - 7 casos. Objectivo: primário- determinar a taxa de recidiva por tempo de tratamento. Secundários- identificar perda de retalho, retracção conjuntival, complicações cirúrgicas e reacções adversas ao uso de cola biológica. Resultados: A taxa de recidiva foi de 6% (4% no primeiro ano pós-cirurgia). A taxa de perda de retalho foi de 2%, de retracção conjuntival de 17%. Não se observaram complicações cirúrgicas graves nem reacções adversas ao uso de cola biológica. Num caso verificou-se hemorragia conjuntival. Conclusões: A cirurgia de pterígio com autotransplante conjuntival e uso de cola biológica é um procedimento seguro, eficaz e com baixa taxa de recidiva

    Investigar e inovar na educação em ciências para um futuro sustentável

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    No pico de uma real situação de emergência planetária, a educação torna-se a melhor aliada de uma luta global com vista a um desenvolvimento sustentável. Para concretizar a Década da Educação para um Futuro Sustentável, a investigação em educação em ciências e a correspondente inovação na formação de professores e no ensino, apresentam-se entre os contributos mais fortes, amplos e eficazes. Parte do nosso contributo, que se apresenta neste artigo, tem passado pelo desenvolvimento de alguns estudos situados no quadro teórico que sustenta a educação CTS e assentes em temáticas centrais para a educação para a sustentabilidade ambiental: os transportes e a mobilidade, o uso da água, a fome no mundo, a preservação da biodiversidade. A aposta tem-se dirigido para o ensino nos primeiros anos através do desenho de propostas didácticas validadas por especialistas e em sala de aula e utilizadas quer no ensino quer como ferramentas de formação inicial e contínua de professores

    Influence of the carbon source on Gordonia alkanivorans strain 1B resistance to 2-hydroxybiphenyl toxicity

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    The viability of bacteria plays a critical role in the enhancement of fossil fuels biodesulfurization efficiency since cells are exposed to toxic compounds such as 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP), the end product of dibenzothiophene (DBT) biodesulfurization. The goal of this work was to study the influence of the carbon source on the resistance of Gordonia alkanivorans strain 1B to 2-HBP. The physiological response of this bacterium, pregrown in glucose or fructose, to 2-HBP was evaluated using two approaches: a growth inhibition toxicity test and flow cytometry. The results obtained from the growth inhibition bioassays showed that the carbon source has an influence on the sensitivity of strain 1B growing cells to 2-HBP. The highest IC50 value was obtained for the assay using fructose as carbon source in both inoculum growth and test medium (IC50-48 h=0.464 mM). Relatively to the evaluation of 2-HBP effect on the physiological state of resting cells by flow cytometry, the results showed that concentrations of 2-HBP >1 mM generated significant loss of cell viability. The higher the 2-HBP concentration, the higher the toxicity effect on cells and the faster the loss of cell viability. In overall, the flow cytometry results highlighted that strain 1B resting cells grown in glucose-SO4 or glucose-DBT are physiologically less resistant to 2-HBP than resting cells grown in fructose-SO4 or fructose-DBT, respectively

    Zygosaccharomyces bailii strain talf1 inulinases: a versatile tool for bioprocesses

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    Fructans are one of the most abundant non-structural polysaccharides found in a wide range of plants. Inulin is a polydisperse fructan polymer composed by linear chains of b-2, 1-linked D-fructofuranose molecules terminated by a glucose residue through a sucrose-type linkage at the reducing end. Inulin or inulin-rich materials can be actively hydrolyzed into fermentable sugars (glucose and fructose) using inulinases and then further used within bioprocesses