2,597 research outputs found

    Accessibility of promoter DNA is not the primary determinant of chromatin-mediated gene regulation

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    DNA accessibility is thought to be of major importance in regulating gene expression. We test this hypothesis using a restriction enzyme as a probe of chromatin structure and as a proxy for transcription factors. We measured the digestion rate and the fraction of accessible DNA at almost all genomic AluI sites in budding yeast and mouse liver nuclei. Hepatocyte DNA is more accessible than yeast DNA, consistent with longer linkers between nucleosomes, and suggesting that nucleosome spacing is a major determinant of accessibility. DNA accessibility varies from cell to cell, such that essentially no sites are accessible or inaccessible in every cell. AluI sites in inactive mouse promoters are accessible in some cells, implying that transcription factors could bind without activating the gene. Euchromatin and heterochromatin have very similar accessibilities, suggesting that transcription factors can penetrate heterochromatin. Thus, DNA accessibility is not likely to be the primary determinant of gene regulation.Fil: Chereji, Razvan V.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Eriksson, Peter R.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Ocampo, Josefina. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Prajapati, Hemant Kumar. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Clark, David. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unido

    Identification Of Potential Entomopathogenic Fungi Of Tetranychus Kanzawai Kishida (Tetranychidae: Acarina) Using Its-5.8s Rdna Region AS Molecular Marker

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    Fungi has been tested as one of the potential control agents for insect pests, which raises hopes for developing fungi as good biopesticides. The high variation within fungi species made taxonomic identification procedures more complex, thus molecular identification techniques are needed in addition to traditional morphological characteristics currently used as primary methods to classify fungi species. The objective of this research was to identify the species of the most pathogenic fungi to Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida using RAPD-PCR. The internal transcribed spacer of 5.8s rDNA (ITS-5.8s rDNA) sequence of these fungal isolates were amplified using two sets of universal primers for ITS and then analyzed. Molecular identification showed that these isolates had a higher of similarity to Metarhizium anisopliae than Metarhizium flavoviride

    Infection Process Of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium Anisopliae In The Tetranychus Kanzawai (Kishida) (Tetranychidae: Acarina)

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    The importance of fungal attack to acarina has been observed but not yet on Tetranychus kanzawai. When infected mite, either within in a same species or even in a different species of entomopathigenic probably have similar signs and simptoms to mites. Characteristic of entomopathogenic fungus to Tetranychus kanza-wai was investigated. Three selected isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae, from Philippines and Indonesia were evaluated. The following aspects were investigated: (1) Bioassay tes of virulence, (2) Koch Postulate and (3) Infection process on each fungus against mite. Virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae was 1.4 X 103, 7.2 X 102 , 5 X 102 PIB per ml on Ma4, Ma5 and Ma6, respectively. On Koch Postulates, Reinoculation and reisolation of all seven isolates from infected T. kanzawai showed definite signs of infection. This demonstrated its entomopathogenic capacity. In this experiment, adult mites were sprayed with 108 per ml concentrations of conidia observed under light microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The result found T. kanzawai was very susceptible to three isolates M. anisopliae. In the end of the trials, fungal growth was detectable as early as 2 until 4 days of observation. Infection process with microphoto-graph and Scanning Electro Microscopy showed attachment, germination and penetration, extrusion and conidiogenesis fungal form

    Leaving the nest: the rise of regional financial arrangements and the future of global governance

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    This article examines the impact of regional financial arrangements (RFAs) on the global liquidity regime. It argues that the design of RFAs could potentially alter the global regime, whether by strengthening it and making it more coherent or by decentring the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and destabilizing it. To determine possible outcomes, this analysis deploys a ‘middle‐up’ approach that focuses on the institutional design of these RFAs. It first draws on the rational design of institutions framework to identify the internal characteristics of RFAs that are most relevant to their capabilities and capacities. It then applies these insights to the interactions of RFAs with the IMF, building on Aggarwal's (1998) concept of ‘nested’ versus ‘parallel’ institutions, to create an analytical lens through which to assess the nature and sustainability of nested linkages. Through an analysis of the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) and the Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), the article demonstrates the usefulness of this lens. It concludes by considering three circumstances in which fault lines created by these RFAs’ institutional design could be activated, permitting an institution to ‘leave the nest’, including changing intentions of principals, creation of parallel capabilities and facilities, and failure of the global regime to address regional needs in a crisis.The authors would like to thank Veronica Artola, Masatsugu Asakawa, Ana Maria Carrasquilla, Junhong Chang, Paolo Hernando, Hoe Ee Khor, Kazunori Koike, Jae Young Lee, Ser-Jin Lee, Guillermo Perry, Yoichi Nemoto, Freddy Trujillo, Masaaki Watanabe, Yasuto Watanabe, Akihiko Yoshida, and others who wished to remain anonymous, for their generosity in providing in-person interviews. Further, the authors would like to thank various central bank and ministry of finance officials of both FLAR and CMIM member countries. We also thank Jose Antonio Ocampo, Diana Barrowclough, and participants in the 'Beyond Bretton Woods' Workshop at Boston University (where an earlier version of this article was presented in September 2017) for their feedback on our broader research projects on RFAs. Last but not least, the authors wish to thank the anonymous referees for their constructive comments. This work builds upon previous work funded by UNCTAD and the Global Economic Governance Initiative at the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University. (UNCTAD; Global Economic Governance Initiative at the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University)Accepted manuscrip

    Cloning and expression analysis of hemoglobin genes from maize (\u3ci\u3eZea mays\u3c/i\u3e ssp. \u3ci\u3emays\u3c/i\u3e) and teosinte (\u3ci\u3eZea mays\u3c/i\u3e ssp. \u3ci\u3eparviglumis\u3c/i\u3e)

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    With the exception of barley and rice, little is known about the existence of hemoglobins (Hbs) in cereals. This work reports the cloning and analysis of hb genes from maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Coding sequences of maize and teosinte hb genes (hbm and hbt, respectively) are highly similar to each other and are interrupted by three introns located at identical positions as other plant hb genes. Sequences of predicted Hbm and Hbt proteins are identical. The hydropathic profile of Hbm and Hbt is highly similar to that of rice Hb1, suggesting that Hbm, Hbt and Hb1 have the same tertiary structure and biochemical properties. Expression analysis showed that low levels of Hb transcripts, but considerable levels of Hb proteins exist in maize embryonic organs. No Hb transcripts and proteins were detected in teosinte embryonic organs. Low levels of Hb proteins, but no Hb transcripts, were detected in maize and teosinte vegetative organs. These observations suggest that the regulation of hb genes is different in maize and teosinte embryonic organs, and that the expression of hb genes is down- or up-regulated in maize and teosinte, respectively, from germination to vegetative growing

    Cloning and expression analysis of hemoglobin genes from maize (\u3ci\u3eZea mays\u3c/i\u3e ssp. \u3ci\u3emays\u3c/i\u3e) and teosinte (\u3ci\u3eZea mays\u3c/i\u3e ssp. \u3ci\u3eparviglumis\u3c/i\u3e)

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    With the exception of barley and rice, little is known about the existence of hemoglobins (Hbs) in cereals. This work reports the cloning and analysis of hb genes from maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Coding sequences of maize and teosinte hb genes (hbm and hbt, respectively) are highly similar to each other and are interrupted by three introns located at identical positions as other plant hb genes. Sequences of predicted Hbm and Hbt proteins are identical. The hydropathic profile of Hbm and Hbt is highly similar to that of rice Hb1, suggesting that Hbm, Hbt and Hb1 have the same tertiary structure and biochemical properties. Expression analysis showed that low levels of Hb transcripts, but considerable levels of Hb proteins exist in maize embryonic organs. No Hb transcripts and proteins were detected in teosinte embryonic organs. Low levels of Hb proteins, but no Hb transcripts, were detected in maize and teosinte vegetative organs. These observations suggest that the regulation of hb genes is different in maize and teosinte embryonic organs, and that the expression of hb genes is down- or up-regulated in maize and teosinte, respectively, from germination to vegetative growing

    Nuevas pruebas de rendimiento en una cocina a leña para la agricultura familiar pampeana: medición de emisiones y dimensionamiento de la entrada de aire

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    El presente trabajo expone los resultados de nuevas pruebas de rendimiento realizadas a una cocina a leña para la Agricultura Familiar de la Región Pampeana, con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia en la combustión y mejorar los tiempos de operación. Para ello, el prototipo inicial (dimensionado para el calentamiento de una olla de 9 litros) fue probado en términos de emisiones siguiendo el ensayo del agua hirviendo (WBT en inglés), registrando altas concentraciones de CO a la salida de la chimenea. Para reducir estos valores se re-calculó el ingreso de aire a la cámara de combustión colocando una entrada secundaria con una división 30-70% (aire primario-secundario). El prototipo modificado fue nuevamente probado mediante el WBT obteniendo un rendimiento del 35% y reduciendo un 20% el tiempo de operación.This work shows new testing results around firewood cookstove performance for Family Farming in the Pampeana Region. The aim is to improve combustion efficiency and operating time to facilitate its use. The initial prototype (dimensioned for a pot with 9 liters of capacity) was tested in terms of emissions following the Water Boiling Test procedures, which indicated high CO concentrations at the exit of the chimney. According to reduce these values, the air entrance was redimensioned, placing a secondary entrance with a 30-70% distribution. The modified prototype was tested again using the WBT, with a performance that went to 35% and a 20% reduction for the operating time.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism