54 research outputs found

    Homogeneous heterotic supergravity solutions with linear dilaton

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    I construct solutions to the heterotic supergravity BPS-equations on products of Minkowski space with a non-symmetric coset. All of the bosonic fields are homogeneous and non-vanishing, the dilaton being a linear function on the non-compact part of spacetime.Comment: 36 pages; v2 conclusion updated and references adde

    Preclinical safety and efficacy of a therapeutic antibody that targets SARS-CoV-2 at the sotrovimab face but is escaped by Omicron

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    The recurrent emerging of novel viral variants of concern (VOCs) with evasion of preexisting antibody immunity upholds severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) case numbers and maintains a persistent demand for updated therapies. We selected the patient-derived antibody CV38-142 based on its potency and breadth against the VOCs Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta for preclinical development into a therapeutic. CV38-142 showed in vivo efficacy in a Syrian hamster VOC infection model after post-exposure and therapeutic application and revealed a favorable safety profile in a human protein library screen and tissue cross-reactivity study. Although CV38-142 targets the same viral surface as sotrovimab, which maintains activity against Omicron, CV38-142 did not neutralize the Omicron lineages BA.1 and BA.2. These results highlight the contingencies of developing antibody therapeutics in the context of antigenic drift and reinforce the need to develop broadly neutralizing variant-proof antibodies against SARS-CoV-2

    Parametric Oscillations of a Thermal Field During Explosive Crystallization of Amorphous Films

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    Изучены тепловые процессы, происходящие при взрывной кристаллизации аморфных пленок, напыленных на подложку. Представлены результаты численного моделирования параметрических колебаний теплового поля в системе «фазовая граница – подложка». Рассмотрены стационарный и волновой режимы возбуждения горячих центров кристаллизации в аморфной фазе. Расчеты выполнены для аморфной пленки германия. Установлены основные физические факторы, определяющие амплитудно-частотные свойства данного процесса: толщина пленки, температура подложки и скорость фазовой границы кристаллизации. Указаны примеры возникновения резонансных ситуаций. Рассмотрены колебания параметрической системы, которая испытывает внешнее воздействие в режиме биений. Для этой системы по-строен трехмерный фазовый портрет, демонстрирующий ее динамические свойства. При наличии спектра частот структура фазовых траекторий в основном аналогична варианту колебаний на одной частоте.The thermal processes occurring during explosive crystallization of amorphous films deposited on a substrate are studied. The results of numerical modeling of parametric oscillations of a thermal field in the “phase boundary – substrate” system are presented. The stationary and wave modes of hot crystallization centers in the amorphous phase are considered. The calculations are performed for an amorphous germanium film. The main physical factors determining the amplitude and frequency properties of this process are established: film thickness, substrate temperature, and crystallization phase boundary rate. Examples of the resonant situation occurrence are indicated. The parametric system oscillations, which has external influence in the beating mode, are considered. A three-dimensional phase portrait is constructed for this system, demonstrating its dynamic properties. In the presence of a frequency spectrum, the structure of phase trace is basically similar to the variant of oscillations at one frequency

    Four Years of Successful Operation of The European XFEL

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    The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (EuXFEL) has been successfully operating for almost 4 years, and routinely delivering 6- to 14-KeV X-rays to users (30 KeV photon energy was demonstrated). At the heart of the machine is the 1.3 km long 1.3 GHz SCRF linac which can reach a maximum electron energy of 17.6 GeV, and is capable of accelerating up to 2700 bunches per RF pulse at a repetition rate of 10 Hz, delivering beam to 6 experiments via 3 SASE undulator sections. In this contribution, we relate on the linac operationalexperience and highlight some recent developments towards monitoring and improving operations and linac availability

    VUV FEL driven RF gun

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    In this paper we describe the regeneration of electron bunches from the RF gun by back-reflected radiation from VUV SASE FEL at the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) at DESY. The SASE FEL was running at the wavelength 96 nm with 30– 100 fs pulses, SASE pulse energy was up to 20 μJ . “Nominal” electron bunches for lasing were produced by RF gun with Cs 2 Te photocathode driven by UV quantum laser system. “Parasitic” bunches with a charge up to 1– 1.5 nC were extracted from the RF gun due to VUV FEL radiation reflected from the mirror (placed downstream of the undulator) to the cathode. Nontrivial dependence of a charge on a SASE pulse energy was found

    Multi-Beamline Operation at the European XFEL

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    The European XFEL uses a unique beam distribution scheme to direct electron bunches to its three undulator lines.The accelerator delivers up to 600 microsecond long bunchtrains, out of which parts or individual bunches can be selectedfor photon production in any of the FELs. This contribution gives a brief overview of the kicker-septum scheme facilitating this and highlights how even complex bunch patterns can easily be configured via the timing system