683 research outputs found
Distributed energy resources network connection considering reliability optimization using a NSGAII algorithm.
Trabalho apresentado conferência IEEE CPE-POWERENG, 4 a 6 de abril de 2017, Cádiz, EspanhaDistributed Energy Resources (DER) has been
widely introduced in distribution networks in response to the
increase of environmental awareness of the consumers. The
benefits with the use of DER are increased with network
reconfiguration, but in some countries exists the impossibility of
island operation as well as the obligation to buy all the electricity
generated. These limitations, in a network fault situation, causes
a waste of resources, because of the unavailability of the DER.
On other hand, the location of DER connection under the context
of the improvement of the reliability indexes has not been
studied. Thus, this paper will propose a multi objective
optimization of the location of DER connection considering the
switching devices placement to increase network reliability and
availability of DER, minimizing at the same time the investment
in equipment in a no island operation environment. For the
resolution of the proposed formulation, it will be used the multi
objective algorithm NSGA-II (Fast Non-dominated Sorting
Genetic Algorithm). The formulation of the problem also
considers a composite index made up of DER and interruption
duration. This approach is applied to a real utility distribution
network, with the results presented and discussed.N/
Avaliação do Desempenho do Teste de Rastreio de Alergia Alimentar FP5® (DPC-Amerlab)
Introdução: A utilização dos testes de rastreio para detecção de IgE específica sérica para diversos alergénios tem sido discutida, sendo invariavelmente aceite a sua utilidade no que diz respeito aos aeroalergénios, não tendo sido ainda suficientemente estabelecida a eficiência dos
testes correspondentes destinados à detecção de alergénios alimentares, como acontece com o FP5® da Diagnostic Products Corporation (contendo mistura de clara de ovo, leite, bacalhau, trigo,soja e amendoim). Objectivo: Avaliar o desempenho do teste FP5®, determinando a sua sensibilidade, especificidade e comparação com os métodos de detecção das correspondentes IgE específicas isoladas. Material e métodos: Foi incluída uma amostra aleatória de 54 soros de crianças com alergia alimentar e com determinações de IgE específica positivas para um ou mais dos alimentos testados pelo FP5® - grupo de estudo; foi seleccionado um grupo controlo de 27
amostras de sangue de crianças sem alergia alimentar e em que a determinação de IgE específica para todos os alimentos incluídos no painel em estudo foi negativa. Em ambos os grupos foi efectuada determinação da concentração de IgE específica sérica (kU/l) para FP5®, F1 (clara de ovo), F2 (leite), F3 (bacalhau), F4 (trigo), F13 (soja) e F14 (amendoim), pelo método de
quimioluminiscência Immulite®2000. O valor de cut-off considerado foi de 0,35 kU/l. Resultados: Foram testados 81 soros encontrando-se os seguintes parâmetros do teste: sensibilidade=88,9%, especificidade =100%, valor predictivo positivo=100%, valor predictivo negativo=81,8%,eficiência=92,6%. Considerando cada uma das IgE específicas do painel, verificou-se que em todos os soros com determinações positivas para F3, F4, F13 e F14, o FP5® foi também positivo; no caso dos alergénios F1 e F2, observaram-se 3 resultados discrepantes para cada (falsos-negativos). Correlacionando os resultados do FP5® (quantitativos) e o somatório das correspondentes IgE específicas, obtivemos um coeficiente de 0.99, p<0.001. Conclusões: De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verifica-se que o teste de rastreio estudado apresenta boa sensibilidade e eficiência, eexcelente especificidade. De salientar ainda que se trata de um teste que envolve significativa rentabilização de recursos económicos, quando comparado com a determinação das correspondentes IgE específicas isoladas. Concluímos tratar-se de um método cuja utilidade poderá ser considerada na abordagem inicial do doente com suspeita de alergia alimentar IgE
mediada, no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários
Aging effect on the integrity of traditional Portuguese timber roof structures
Traditional buildings basically include natural and autochthonous construction materials and are built
with sustainable construction techniques. The knowledge of these materials’s state and construction
techniques is required for a proper conservation/renovation work. It is well known that the lack of
maintenance is one of the main causes that contribute to the high degree of degradation that the
Portuguese traditional buildings unfortunately have. That degradation may even compromise the
overall structural integrity of the building thus reducing its lifetime`s expectation. Meanwhile, a
partial or even full demolition of a building is still an often occurrence in the Portuguese context.
From a sustainable and building heritage perspectives that practise may be inadequate. Taking into
account that generally the degradation problems are linked with roof`s leaking anomalies and that the
structural components of the roof tend to be the first ones to be affected, this timber structural roof
components of Portuguese dwellings were the object of the research work here presented
This paper deals with the multi-analytical comparative characterization of 59 samples of
gilded and polychrome layers from 7 altarpieces studied during the Gilt-Teller project
(www.gilt-teller.pt). The altarpieces studied here belong to seven churches in the areas of
Lisbon, Santarém, Portalegre and Guarda and display stylistic and constructive features
characteristic to the Mannerism carved wood decoration in Portugal. The applied protocol of
investigation characterized the structure and manufacture technique of gilding; identified the
chemical composition of the layers constituting the gilded polychrome decoration; compared
the materials and gilding techniques encountered in the 7 altarpieces and assessed the
conservation state of each altarpiece. The analytical techniques applied to these purposes
were: stereomicroscopy (SM), optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy
coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD),
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, μRaman and μFTIR/imaging μFTIR spectroscopies. This
interdisciplinary multi-scale approach was used to elucidate the aspects related to the material
and technical aspects of “talha dourada” decoration, answering to these questions: which are
the original materials and layers in the making of the polychromy and which are the ones
added with posterior interventions; which are the relationships between gilding materials and
techniques, regarding the degree of erudition of each case study; which were the main causes
of degradation and influence to their conservation condition
Ultrasonic tissue characterization of vulnerable carotid plaque: correlation between videodensitometric method and histological examination
BACKGROUND: To establish the correlation between quantitative analysis based on B-mode ultrasound images of vulnerable carotid plaque and histological examination of the surgically removed plaque, on the basis of a videodensitometric digital texture characterization. METHODS: Twenty-five patients (18 males, mean age 67 ± 6.9 years) admitted for carotid endarterectomy for extracranial high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis (≥ 70% luminal narrowing) underwent to quantitative ultrasonic tissue characterization of carotid plaque before surgery. A computer software (Carotid Plaque Analysis Software) was developed to perform the videodensitometric analysis. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to symptomatology (group I, 15 symptomatic patients; and group II, 10 patients asymptomatic). Tissue specimens were analysed for lipid, fibromuscular tissue and calcium. RESULTS: The first order statistic parameter mean gray level was able to distinguish the groups I and II (p = 0.04). The second order parameter energy also was able to distinguish the groups (p = 0,02). A histological correlation showed a tendency of mean gray level to have progressively greater values from specimens with < 50% to >75% of fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Videodensitometric computer analysis of scan images may be used to identify vulnerable and potentially unstable lipid-rich carotid plaques, which are less echogenic in density than stable or asymptomatic, more densely fibrotic plaques
Assessment of chemical hazards in insect meal production for aquaculture feeds
Abstract of communication presented at the 74th EAAP International Congress on Animal Science. Lyon, France, 26 August-1 September 2023N/
Relationship between time from symptom''s onset to diagnosis and prognosis in patients with symptomatic colorectal cancer
BACKGROUND: Controversy exists regarding the relationship of the outcome of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) with the time from symptom onset to diagnosis. The aim of this study is to investigate this association, with the assumption that this relationship was nonlinear and with adjustment for multiple confounders, such as tumor grade, symptoms, or admission to an emergency department. METHODS: This multicenter study with prospective follow-up was performed in five regions of Spain from 2010 to 2012. Symptomatic cases of incident CRC from a previous study were examined. At the time of diagnosis, each patient was interviewed, and the associated hospital and clinical records were reviewed. During follow-up, the clinical records were reviewed again to assess survival. Cox survival analysis with a restricted cubic spline was used to model overall and CRC-specific survival, with adjustment for variables related to the patient, health service, and tumor. RESULTS: A total of 795 patients had symptomatic CRC and 769 of them had complete data on diagnostic delay and survival. Univariate analysis indicated a lower HR for death in patients who had diagnostic intervals less than 4.2 months. However, after adjustment for variables related to the patient, tumor, and utilized health service, there was no relationship of the diagnostic delay with survival of patients with colon and rectal cancer, colon cancer alone, or rectal cancer alone. Cubic spline analysis indicated an inverse association of the diagnostic delay with 5-year survival. However, this association was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that the duration of diagnostic delay had no significant effect on the outcome of patients with CRC. We suggest that the most important determinant of the duration of diagnostic delay is the biological profile of the tumor. However, it remains the responsibility of community health centers and authorities to minimize diagnostic delays in patients with CRC and to implement initiatives that improve early diagnosis and provide better outcomes. © 2022. The Author(s)
Circulating endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicles mediate the acute phase response and sickness behaviour associated with CNS inflammation.
Brain injury elicits a systemic acute-phase response (APR), which is responsible for co-ordinating the peripheral immunological response to injury. To date, the mechanisms responsible for signalling the presence of injury or disease to selectively activate responses in distant organs were unclear. Circulating endogenous extracellular vesicles (EVs) are increased after brain injury and have the potential to carry targeted injury signals around the body. Here, we examined the potential of EVs, isolated from rats after focal inflammatory brain lesions using IL-1β, to activate a systemic APR in recipient naïve rats, as well as the behavioural consequences of EV transfer. Focal brain lesions increased EV release, and, following isolation and transfer, the EVs were sequestered by the liver where they initiated an APR. Transfer of blood-borne EVs from brain-injured animals was also enough to suppress exploratory behaviours in recipient naïve animals. EVs derived from brain endothelial cell cultures treated with IL-1β also activated an APR and altered behaviour in recipient animals. These experiments reveal that inflammation-induced circulating EVs derived from endothelial cells are able to initiate the APR to brain injury and are sufficient to generate the associated sickness behaviours, and are the first demonstration that EVs are capable of modifying behavioural responses
Ingestive Behavior of Lambs Confined in Individual and Group Stalls
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the ingestive behavior of lambs confined in individual and group stalls. We used thirty-four lambs in their growing phase, aged an average of three months, with mean initial live weight of 17.8±5.2 kg. They were allotted in a completely randomized design with 24 animals kept in individual stalls and 10 animals confined as a group. The experiment lasted for a total of 74 days, and the first 14 days were dedicated to the animals’ adaption to the management, facilities and diets. The data collection period lasted 60 days, divided into three 20-d periods for the behavior evaluation. The animals were subjected to five days of visual observation during the experiment period, by the quantification of 24 h a day, with evaluations on the 15th day of each period and an interim evaluation consisting of two consecutive days on the 30th and 31st day of the experiment. The animals confined as a group consumed less (p<0.05) fiber. However, the animals confined individually spent less (p<0.05) time on feeding, rumination and chewing activities and longer in idleness. Therefore, the lower capacity of lambs confined in groups to select their food negatively affects their feeding behavior
A multivariate morphometric investigation to delineate stock structure of gangetic whiting, Sillaginopsis panijus (Teleostei: Sillaginidae)
This study was conducted to delineate the stock structure of Sillaginopsis paniijus based on morphometric characters of the species. A total of 194 specimens were collected from the Meghna, Tentulia and Baleswar rivers located in the southern coastal zone of Bangladesh. Data were subjected to univariate ANOVA, multivariate ANOVA, discriminate function analysis (DFA), and principal component analysis. Mean variations of ten morphometric characters; HD, HBD, LBD, PsOL, ED, SnL, SPrDL, HAF, LSDB and LPB showed significant differences (p < 0.05) among 27 morphometric traits that were selected for the study. In DFA, the overall assignments of individuals into their correctly classified original groups were 71.1 and 70.6 % for male and female, respectively. A scatter plot of the first two discriminant functions was used to visually depict the discrimination among the populations. The results showed different stocks of S. panijus in the rivers of Baleswar, Tentulia and Meghna in southwest coast of Bangladesh
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