1,335 research outputs found

    Effects of a simulation-based workshop on nursing students' competence in arterial puncture

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    Objective: To evaluate whether a short simulation-based workshop in radial artery puncture would improve nursing students’ competence to a level in which they could practise the procedure on a live patient without compromising his safety. Methods: Quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest study with 111 third-year nursing students. A 1.5-hour simulation-based workshop was implemented. This included a video-lecture, live demonstrations, selfdirected simulated practice in dyads and individual intermittent feedback. Participants’ skills, knowledge and self-efficacy in arterial puncture were measured before and after attending the workshop. Results: After the intervention, a total of 61.1% of the participants showed the level of competence required to safely practice radial artery puncture on a live patient under supervision. Conclusion: Effective simulation-based training in arterial puncture for nursing students does not necessarily need to be resource-intensive. Well-planned, evidence-based training sessions using low-tech simulators could help educators to achieve good educational outcomes and promote patient safety

    Control PD de Robots: Dinámica de Actuadores y Nueva Sintonía

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    ResumenEn el presente trabajo se estudia el control PD con compensación deseada de gravedad de robots rígidos. Se introduce un nuevo criterio, menos conservador, para seleccionar las ganancias proporcionales. Se demuestra estabilidad asintótica global cuando se toma en consideración durante el diseño la dinámica eléctrica de los motores de CD con escobillas usados como actuadores. Este resultado no requiere que la dinámica eléctrica de los actuadores sea rápida comparada con la dinámica de la parte mecánica. Se presenta un estudio formal de la técnica de control conocida como control de par la cual es ampliamente utilizada en la práctica industrial

    Design and validation of a three-instrument toolkit for the assessment of competence in electrocardiogram rhythm recognition

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    Background: Rapid and accurate interpretation of cardiac arrhythmias by nurses has been linked with safe practice and positive patient outcomes. Although training in electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm recognition is part of most undergraduate nursing programmes, research continues to suggest that nurses and nursing students lack competence in recognising cardiac rhythms. In order to promote patient safety, nursing educators must develop valid and reliable assessment tools that allow the rigorous assessment of this competence before nursing students are allowed to practise without supervision. Aim: To develop and psychometrically evaluate a toolkit to holistically assess competence in ECG rhythm recognition. Methods: Following a convenience sampling technique, 293 nursing students from a nursing faculty in a Spanish university were recruited for the study. The following three instruments were developed and psychometrically tested: a knowledge assessment tool (ECG-KAT), a skills assessment tool (ECG-SAT) and a self-efficacy assessment tool (ECG-SES). Reliability and validity (content, criterion and construct) of these tools were meticulously examined. Results: A high Cronbach’s alpha coefficient demonstrated the excellent reliability of the instruments (ECG-KAT=0.89; ECG-SAT=0.93; ECG-SES=0.98). An excellent context validity index (S-CVI/Ave>0.94) and very good criterion validity were evidenced for all the tools. Regarding construct validity, principal component analysis revealed that all items comprising the instruments contributed to measure knowledge, skills or self-efficacy in ECG rhythm recognition. Moreover, known-groups analysis showed the tools’ ability to detect expected differences in competence between groups with different training experiences. Conclusion: The three-instrument toolkit developed showed excellent psychometric properties for measuring competence in ECG rhythm recognition

    Hydroxylated phosphines as ligands for chalcogenide clusters: self assembly, transformations and stabilization

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    This contribution is a documentation of recent advances in the chemistry of chalcogenide polynuclear transition metal complexes coordinated with mono- and di-phosphines functionalized with hydroxo groups. A survey of complexes containing tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine (THP) is presented. The influence of the alkyl chain in bidentate phosphines, bearing the P–(CH2)x–OH arms, is also analyzed. Finally, isolation and structure elucidation of the complexes with HP(OH)2, P(OH)3, As(OH)3, PhP(OH)2, stabilized by coordination to Ni(0) and Pd(0) centers embedded into chalcogenide clusters, is discussed

    The escape room as evaluation method: A qualitative study of nursing students’ experiences

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    Purpose: Gamification or learning using game elements is a process that seeks to capture students’ interest. One of the most popular games in recent years is the Escape Room, but the study of its use in education and with health professionals is still limited. The aim of this study was to find out the perceptions and experiences of final year nursing students in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) by means of an Escape Room. Methods: In January 2019, 9 focus groups (FG) were held, with a total of 95 final year nursing students. We applied a qualitative content analysis approach and ATLAS.ti version 8 was used for data analysis. Results: The data revealed 3 main themes and 8 sub-themes. The three main themes, which were mapped to the conceptual framework, were student learning outcomes, emotional impact on students and conclusions on the serious games experience. Both the main themes and the sub-themes were illustrated using representative quotes from the participants. Conclusions: These results can help to apply these methodologies, such as the Escape Room, alongside other pre-existing ones, complementing the way in which students are assessed and the development of important nursing skills, such as teamwork and communication

    Palaeoenvironments, relative sea-level changes and tectonic influence on the Quaternary seismic units of the Huelva continental shelf (Gulf of Cadiz, southwestern Iberian Peninsula)

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    A seismic stratigraphical study was conducted on the Huelva continental shelf (southwestern Iberian Peninsula) between the mouths of the Guadalquivir and Guadiana Rivers. Applying the basic concepts of seismic stratigraphy, 13 seismic units bound by erosive discontinuities have been identified. Two main kinds of seismic units can be distinguished: a) Units that internally show a wide variability of seismic configurations and sheet to lensoidal external shape, located in inner-to-middle shelf settings. These units are considered high-energy units (HEU), deposited during intervals of rising and highstand sea levels. They represent coastal deposits comprising two main depositional systems: coastal barriers in the form of shoreface deposits and landward lagoonal and tidal deposits. b) Units displaying low-angle oblique seismic configurations, with reflectors exhibiting good lateral continuity and amplitude. Their thickness increases seaward, with the largest depocentres located near the shelf-break, displaying therefore a typical wedge external shape. These units are located very frequently from middle shelf emplacements to outer shelf and upper slope settings, and are considered low-energy units (LEU). They are believed to have been formed during periods of falling sea level, representing the distal portions of coastal and deltaic bodies that have been preserved from erosion. The stacking pattern of the units shows three different tectonic settings: a central subsiding sector, bounded laterally by two tectonic highs, one of them structurally controlled (the western one) and the other conditioned by diapiric uplifting (the eastern one).Un análisis de estratigrafía sísmica se ha realizado en la plataforma continental de Huelva (suroeste de la península Ibérica) entre las desembocaduras de los ríos Guadiana y Guadalquivir. Aplicando los concep tos básicos de la estratigrafía sísmica, han sido identificadas 13 unidades sísmicas limitadas por discontinuidades erosivas. Dos tipos principales de unidades sísmicas han sido identificadas: a) Unidades que internamente muestran una gran variabilidad de facies sísmicas y forma externa de lámina o lenticular, localizadas en la plataforma interna-media. Estas unidades son consideradas de alta energía (high- energy units, HEU), depositadas durante intervalos de ascenso y alto nivel del mar. Se relacionan con depósitos costeros compuestos de dos sistemas deposicionales principales: barreras costeras formadas por depósitos de frente de playa y, hacia tierra, depósitos mareales y de laguna. b) Unidades caracterizadas por clinoformas progradacionales de bajo ángulo, con reflectores de alta amplitud y continuidad. Su espesor aumenta hacia el borde de plataforma, adquiriendo una forma típica de cuña. Estas unidades están localizadas frecuentemente desde la plataforma media hasta el talud superior y son consideradas como unidades de baja energía (low-energy units, LEU). Se interpreta que representan las porciones distales de cuerpos costeros y deltaicos que se han formado durante periodos de descenso relativo del nivel del mar, y que han sido preservadas de la erosión que sufrieron las capas más someras. El patrón de apilamiento de las unidades muestra tres emplazamientos tectónicos diferentes: un sector central subsidente limitado lateralmente por dos altos tectónicos, uno controlado estructuralmente (sector oeste) y otro condicionado por un levantamiento de origen diapírico (sector este).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Interplay of deep-marine sedimentary processes with seafloor morphology offshore Madeira Island (Central NE-Atlantic)

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    The deep-water sedimentary processes and morphological features offshore Madeira Island, located in the Central-NE Atlantic have been scantly studied. The analysis of new multibeam bathymetry, echo-sounder profiles and few multichannel seismic reflection profiles allowed us to identify the main geomorphologies, geomorphic processes and their interplay. Several types of features were identified below 3800 m water depth, shaped mainly by i) the interplay between northward-flowing Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and turbidity currents and ii) interaction of the AABW with oceanic reliefs and the Madeira lower slope. Subordinate and localized geomorphic processes consist of tectono-magmatic, slope instability, turbidity currents and fluid migration. The distribution of the morphological features defines three regional geomorphological sectors. Sector 1 represents a deep seafloor with its abyssal hills, basement highs and seamounts inherited from Early Cretaceous seafloor spreading. Sector 2 is exclusively shaped by turbidity current flows that formed channels and associated levees. Sector 3 presents a more complex morphology dominated by widespread depositional and erosional features formed by AABW circulation, and localized mixed contourite system developed by the interplay between the AABW circulation and WNW-ESE-flowing turbidite currents. The interaction of the AABW with abyssal hills, seamounts and basement ridges leads to the formation of several types of contourites: patch drifts, double-crest mounded bodies, and elongated, mounded and separated drifts. The patch drifts formed downstream of abyssal hills defining an previously unknown field of relatively small contourites. We suggest they may be a result of localized vortexes that formed when the AABW’s flow impinges these oceanic reliefs producingthe erosional scours that bound these features. The bottom currents in the area are known to be too weak (1–2 cm s− 1) to produce the patch drifts and scours. Therefore, we suggest that these features could be relics at present, having developed when the AABW was stronger than today, as during glacial/end of glacial stages

    Escape Rooms as a Clinical Evaluation Method for Nursing Students

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    Background: There are currently no studies available about the possible use of gamification in the evaluation of nursing students’ clinical skills. The purpose of this study was to understand the gameful experience and satisfaction of nursing students in the evaluation of their clinical skills using an escape room. Methods: A quasiexperimental study was carried out. The participants were divided into an experimental group (escape room) and a control group. Results: The experimental group had higher than average scores in all dimensions of the gameful experience scale, except in the dimension of negative effects. Conclusions: Escape rooms are a useful tool for the evaluation of nursing students compared with using the objective structured clinical evaluation

    Relationship between the offlap-break location of Holocene prograding wedges on wave climate in southeastern Iberian Peninsula

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    Wave climate exerts a significant influence on the development of Holocene sedimentary prograding wedges. This is demonstrated by the fact that near-bed orbital velocities between 0.10 and 0.14 m/s (threshold for resuspension) occur in the vicinity of the infralittoral prograding wedges (IPW) offlap-breaks during storm-weather conditions, but during medium wave energy conditions in the case of prodeltaic wedges
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