372 research outputs found

    From Tech Skills to Life Skills: Google Online Marketing Challenge and Experiential Learning

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    The Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC) is a global, online student competition sponsored by Google. It is a prime example of an experiential learning activity that includes using real money ($250 sponsored by Google) with a real client. The GOMC has yielded compelling results in student engagement and learning objectives related to the direct digital marketing skills addressed. However, few studies have systematically scrutinized the broader personal and life skills inherent in experience-based learning. The current study explores learning outcomes of the GOMC from a student perspective including both the direct technical skills as well as broader, multidisciplinary life skills that are developed or enhanced. The study takes an inductive approach to examine the life skills endorsed by a pilot group of GOMC participants and subsequently examines these learning outcomes in a preliminary quantitative survey of 15 GOMC participants from an undergraduate Information Systems course. Study findings yielded perceived learning outcomes in the following areas: interpersonal life skills, digital technical skills directly related to course and challenge content, intrapersonal life skills (self-awareness, reflection, and strategic planning), and adaptive applied skills. The students’ overall perceptions, challenges experienced, and reported implementation preferences are also discussed

    Time-based selection in complex displays : visual marking does not occur in multi-element asynchronous dynamic (MAD) search

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    In visual search, a preview benefit occurs when half of the distractor items (the preview set) are presented before the remaining distractor items and the target (the search set). Separating the display across time allows participants to prioritize the search set, leading to increased search efficiency. To date, such time-based selection has been examined using relatively simple types of search displays. However, recent research has shown that when displays better mimic real-world scenes by including a combination of stationary, moving and luminance-changing items (Multi-element Asynchronous Dynamic [MAD] displays), previous search principles reported in the literature no longer apply. In the current work, we examined time-base selection in MAD search conditions. Overall the findings illustrated an advantage for processing new items based on overall RTs but no advantage in terms of search rates. In the absence of a speed–accuracy trade-off no preview benefit emerged when using more complex MAD stimuli

    Techniques in Endovascular Aneurysm Repair

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    Endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVARs) has revolutionized the treatment of aortic aneurysms, with over half of elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repairs performed endoluminally each year. Since the first endografts were placed two decades ago, many changes have been made in graft design, operative technique, and management of complications. This paper summarizes modern endovascular grafts, considerations in preoperative planning, and EVAR techniques. Specific areas that are addressed include endograft selection, arterial access, sheath delivery, aortic branch management, graft deployment, intravascular ultrasonography, pressure sensors, management of endoleaks and compressed limbs, and exit strategies

    Painted Slang: The Caricatural Aspects of French Painting, 1850–1880

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    A complicated relationship between painting and caricature emerged in France in the 1850s and 1860s when writers like Baudelaire and Champfleury, who were known for their work on painting and painters, produced a number of texts focusing on caricature and caricaturists. Such writings legitimized imagery previously relegated to the realm of low art by declaring caricature integral to the aesthetic discourses of the nineteenth century. The legitimization of caricature also involved a concurrent effort by artists like Honore Daumier, Gustave Courbet, and Paul Cezanne, who incorporated caricatural elements within their painted works. Rather than adopting the traditional strategy of marginalizing their caricatural interests by keeping such endeavors private, these artists integrated painting and caricature—essentially making painted caricatures. These painted caricatures redefined a sometimes oppositional relationship between painters and caricaturists established in the press through decades of visual and verbal caricaturing of Salon exhibitors and their works. When painters appropriated the formal terms used to poke fun at their works, they responded to and extended an aesthetic dialogue carried on in the language of caricature to the point where this very language became the subject of their painted discourse. That discourse, which is comprised of the painted caricatures produced by French painters from 1850 to 1880, is the subject of this dissertation. Focusing on the painted caricatures of Daumier, Courbet and Cezanne, I argue that painters who employed the formal language of caricature necessarily associated their paintings with the issues integral to the practice of printed caricature in the period—issues including censorship, political and social criticism, and the blurring of artistic boundaries. I also consider the ways in which painted caricature is a distinctly modern phenomenon, noting that the criticism that underscores the process of caricaturing becomes a more viable option in a post-Revolutionary era when Republicanism is alternately a possibility and a reality. Finally, in highlighting the unstable boundary between caricature and other forms of distortion, exaggeration, and manipulation that are part and parcel of much twentieth-century avant-garde production, I argue the significance of painted caricature to our understanding of the formation of modernist painting

    Diseño y aplicación de un paquete de intervención conductual para reducir conductas de autoestimulación en una niña ciega

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    Especialista en Psicología ClínicaEspecializació

    A systematic quantitative determination of the antimicrobial efficacy of grape seed extract against foodborne bacterial pathogens

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    Concerns regarding the role of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in disease outbreaks are growing due to the excessive use of antibiotics. Moreover, consumers are demanding food products that are minimally processed and produced in a sustainable way, without the use of chemical preservatives or antibiotics. Grape seed extract (GSE) is isolated from wine industry waste and is an interesting source of natural antimicrobials, especially when aiming to increase sustainable processing. The aim of this study was to obtain a systematic understanding of the microbial inactivation efficacy/potential of GSE against Listeria monocytogenes (Gram-positive), Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium (Gram-negative) in an in vitro model system. More specifically, for L. monocytogenes, the effects of the initial inoculum concentration, bacterial growth phase and absence of the environmental stress response regulon (SigB) on the GSE microbial inactivation potential were investigated. In general, GSE was found to be highly effective at inactivating L. monocytogenes, with higher inactivation achieved for higher GSE concentrations and lower initial inoculum levels. Generally, stationary phase cells were more resistant/tolerant to GSE as compared to exponential phase cells (for the same inoculum level). Additionally, SigB appears to play an important role in the resistance of L. monocytogenes to GSE. The Gram-negative bacteria under study (E. coli and S. Typhimurium) were less susceptible to GSE as compared to L. monocytogenes. Our findings provide a quantitative and mechanistic understanding of the impact of GSE on the microbial dynamics of foodborne pathogens, assisting in the more systematic design of natural antimicrobial-based strategies for sustainable food safety

    Passively transferred human NMO-IgG exacerbates demyelination in mouse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    BACKGROUND: Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a devastating inflammatory disorder of the optic nerves and spinal cord characterized by frequently recurring exacerbations of humoral inflammation. NMO is associated with the highly specific NMO-IgG biomarker, an antibody that binds the aquaporin-4 water channel. Aquaporin-4 is present on glial endfeet in the central nervous system (CNS). In humans, the NMO-IgG portends more frequent exacerbations and a worse long-term clinical outcome. METHODS: We tested the longer-term outcome of mice with EAE injected with NMO-IgG and followed them for 60 days. Clinical exams and pathology of the spinal cord and optic nerves were compared to mice that received control human IgG. RESULTS: Passively transferred human NMO-IgG leads to more severe neurology disability over two months after onset of disease. Clinical worsening is associated with an increased concentration of large demyelinating lesions primarily to subpial AQP4-rich regions of the spinal cord. CONCLUSIONS: NMO-IgG is pathogenic in the context of EAE in mice

    Disappearance of the Progenitor of Supernova iPTF13bvn

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    Supernova (SN) iPTF13bvn in NGC 5806 was the first Type Ib SN to have been tentatively associated with a progenitor candidate in pre-explosion images. We performed deep ultraviolet (UV) and optical Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the SN site 740 days after explosion. We detect an object in the optical bands that is fainter than the pre-explosion object. This dimming is likely not produced by dust absorption in the ejecta; thus, our finding confirms the connection of the progenitor candidate with the SN. The object in our data is likely dominated by the fading SN, which implies that the pre-SN flux is mostly due to the progenitor. We compare our revised pre-SN photometry with previously proposed progenitor models. Although binary progenitors are favored, models need to be refined. In particular, to comply with our deep UV detection limit, any companion star must be less luminous than a late-O star or substantially obscured by newly formed dust. A definitive progenitor characterization will require further observations to disentangle the contribution of a much fainter SN and its environment.Comment: 8 pages, 3 tables, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Presencia de Aedes aegypti en predio de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Escuela Agrotécnica Libertador Gral. San Martín de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, año 2017

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    El Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti) es un insecto de gran relevancia para la salud pública, siendo el principal vector a nivel mundial de los virus del dengue, zika, chikungunya y fiebre amarilla. Con el objetivo de determinar la presencia del vector, mediante la colocación de ovitrampas, se llevó adelante un estudio observacional en el predio Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Escuela Agrotécnica Libertador General San Martín situado en la ciudad de Casilda. Se procedió a la colocación de 13 ovitrampas en distintos puntos estratégicos, considerando para su selección los hábitos y las características del ciclo del vector, la cercanía a diferentes fuentes de agua, la presencia de animales de producción y de personas que frecuenten el lugar, así como la disposición de los edificios en el predio. Durante el estudio se visualizaron huevos en seis de las zonas muestreadas. Pudo reconocerse al Hospital Escuela de Grandes y Pequeños animales como el lugar prevalente de oviposturas. De manera global, el método que resultó más eficiente en todos los muestreos con captura, fue el que utilizó papel secante como superficie de adherencia para los huevos. El monitoreo vectorial presenta para las instituciones una herramienta capaz de prevenir y controlar la reproducción del mosquito, así como determinar los factores asociados a su desarrolloFil: Cucchiari, Paulo. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Gay Melina V.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Faini, M. Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Rosari