200 research outputs found

    Necesidades hídricas de dos variedades de fríjol (phaseolus vulgaris l.) en condiciones de invernadero

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    Se analizó el efecto de diferentes láminas de agua, determinados con base en la evaporación del tanque evaporímetro tipo A, colocado fuera del invernadero. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos húmedos y secos, incrementándose el desarrollo vegetativo a medida que aumentaban las cantidades de agua presente en el suelo. Las mayores producciones de fríjol en las variedades Porrillo y Calima se obtuvieron con láminas de 229 mm y 199 mm respectivamente.The effect of different water sheets, determined by the evaporation in a type A evaporimeter tank, on the yield of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was analyzed. Significant differences were found between the humid and dry treatments with an increasing plant development as the amount of water in the soils rised. The highest bean yields in the Porrillo and Calima varieties were obtained with water sheets of 229 mm and 199 mm respectively

    Identificación de la especie de colletotrichum responsable de la antracnosis en la mora de castilla en la región cafetera

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    La antracnosis, causada por diferentes especies del género Colletotrichum, es una enfermedad que ocasiona pérdidas entre 53% y 70% en cultivos de mora (Rubus glaucus) en Colombia. Para el control de esta enfermedad se requiere conocer la sintomatología en los cultivos e identificar y caracterizar el agente causal. Se llevó a cabo la colecta, cultivo y aislamiento del hongo, obtenido en cultivos de los departamentos de Risaralda, Caldas y Quindío, se inició la caracterización de 7 aislamientos de Colletotrichum spp, mediante la utilización de marcadores ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacers), y la evaluación de la patogénicidad de los aislamientos

    Uso de quelonios continentales en el golfo de Morrosquillo, Sucre, Colombia

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    At Morrosquillo gulf, in Sucre, Colombia it is possible to find many waterholes which are occupied by freshwater turtles of which were selected 65 with an area greater than 1,000m2; a representative sample of 12 randomly selected cattle ponds that were not linked was used. The population data were collected with samples taken between January and March of 2014. Interactive dialogues were held with members of the community in order to identify people who are engaged in hunting, trading or consuming turtles of economic interest; surveys were carried out to gather information on the availability and use of captured turtles. The users of this resource were all male with 30% illiteracy, opportunistic exploiters of the turtles that obtain an annual income of between 300,000.00and300,000.00 and 400,000.00 Colombian Pesos. The most widely used turtle was T. callirostris, which was sold or consumed by the families.En el Golfo de Morrosquillo, Sucre, Colombia, se encuentran un gran número de jagüeyes que son ocupados por quelonios continentales, de los cuales se seleccionaron 65 con área mayor a 1.000 m2, se trabajó con una muestra de 12 jagüeyes escogidos al azar y sin comunicación alguna entre ellos. Los muestreos se realizaron entre enero y marzo de 2014. En la comunidad se llevaron a cabo diálogos interactivos para identificar a los pobladores que se dedican a la cacería, comercio o consumo de quelonios de interés económico; se les aplicaron encuestas para recopilar la información sobre la disponibilidad y patrones de uso de los quelonios capturados. Los usuarios del recurso son en su totalidad hombres con un 30% de analfabetismo, realizan aprovechamiento opor­tunista de los quelonios y derivan ingresos anuales entre Col. $ 300.000.oo y 400.000.oo. El quelonio de mayor uso es T. callirostris, cuyos ejemplares son vendidos vivos o consumidos en el entorno familiar

    Bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfato y sus potencialidades de uso en la promoción del crecimiento de cultivos de importância económica

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    La mayoría de los suelos tropicales y subtropicales son deficientes en fósforo biodisponible, por lo que el empleo de bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal, principalmente las solubilizadoras de fosfato, pueden reducir el uso de fertilizantes químicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una panorámica actual acerca de los principales géneros y mecanismos de acción de las bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfatos (BSF), así como analizar su posible empleo en cultivos de importancia económica. La utilización de géneros bacterianos con mayores potencialidades de uso como Pseudomonas y Bacillus unido a aislados promisorios de Azospirillum y Herbaspirilum en cultivos como arroz y café permitiría reducir a largo plazo el uso de productos químicos en la agricultura, así como desarrollar estrategias agronómicas que preserven el medio ambiente. El éxito de estos inoculantes bacterianos depende de la selección de cepas autóctonas eficientes por tipo de suelo, su capacidad de colonizar la rizosfera y de mantener la actividad biológica

    Jagüeyes y su papel potencial en la conservación de tortugas continentales en el golfo de Morrosquillo, Sucre, Caribe colombiano

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    This study analyzed the territorial occupation of cattle ponds by turtles and established the relationship that this habitat has with local conservation in a human impacted zone in the Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre, Colombia. Sixty-five cattle ponds were selected, with an area greater than 1,000 m2; and a representative sample of 12 randomly selected waterholes that were not connected was used. The population data were collected with samples taken between January and March of 2014, between 08:00 and 12:00 p.m., using a trammel net that was100 m long and 6 m wide with 5 cm mesh. Two sweeps were carried out for each session, covering 90 % of the area of each pond. A population of 383 individuals was obtained: 241 Trachemys callirostris, 66 Kinosternon scorpioides, and 76 Mesoclemmys dahli. The estimated population calculated for each species was obtained with the Lincoln-Petersen method, obtaining estimated populations of 259 for T. callirostris, 82 for K. scorpiodes and 62 for M. dahli.El presente trabajo analiza la ocupación territorial de jagüeyes (pequeñas lagunas de origen antrópico) porquelonios, discute y plantea la relación que este hábitat tiene con la conservación local en una zona antropizadadel golfo de Morrosquillo, Sucre, Colombia. Se seleccionaron 65 jagüeyes con área mayor a 1.000 m2, y setrabajó con una muestra representativa de 12 jagüeyes escogidos al azar y sin comunicación entre ellos. Latoma de información poblacional se realizó mediante muestreos llevados a cabo entre enero y marzo de 2014,entre las 08:00 y las 12:00 horas, utilizando un trasmallo 100 m de largo por 6 m de ancho y ojo de 5 cm yen cada sesión se hicieron dos barridos, manteniendo un cubrimiento del 90 % en los arrastres del área decada jagüey. Se capturó una población total de 383 quelonios, 241 Trachemys callirostris; 66 Kinosternonscorpiodes y 76 Mesoclemmys dahli. El cálculo de población estimada para cada especie mediante el Métodode Lincoln Petersen dio como resultado un tamaño estimado de 259 T. callirostris, 82 K. scorpiodes y 62 M.dahli

    Jagüeyes y su papel potencial en la conservación de tortugas continentales en el golfo de Morrosquillo, Sucre, Caribe colombiano

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    El presente trabajo analiza la ocupación territorial de jagüeyes (pequeñas lagunas de origen antrópico) por quelonios, discute y plantea la relación que este hábitat tiene con la conservación local en una zona antropizada del golfo de Morrosquillo, Sucre, Colombia. Se seleccionaron 65 jagüeyes con área mayor a 1.000 m2, y se trabajó con una muestra representativa de 12 jagüeyes escogidos al azar y sin comunicación entre ellos. La toma de información poblacional se realizó mediante muestreos llevados a cabo entre enero y marzo de 2014, entre las 08:00 y las 12:00 horas, utilizando un trasmallo 100 m de largo por 6 m de ancho y ojo de 5 cm y en cada sesión se hicieron dos barridos, manteniendo un cubrimiento del 90 % en los arrastres del área de cada jagüey. Se capturó una población total de 383 quelonios, 241 Trachemys callirostris; 66 Kinosternon scorpiodes y 76 Mesoclemmys dahli. El cálculo de población estimada para cada especie mediante el Método de Lincoln Petersen dio como resultado un tamaño estimado de 259 T. callirostris, 82 K. scorpiodes y 62 M. dahli

    Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules (THYCOVID): a retrospective, international, multicentre, cross-sectional study

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    Background Since its outbreak in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has diverted resources from non-urgent and elective procedures, leading to diagnosis and treatment delays, with an increased number of neoplasms at advanced stages worldwide. The aims of this study were to quantify the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic; and to evaluate whether delays in surgery led to an increased occurrence of aggressive tumours.Methods In this retrospective, international, cross-sectional study, centres were invited to participate in June 22, 2022; each centre joining the study was asked to provide data from medical records on all surgical thyroidectomies consecutively performed from Jan 1, 2019, to Dec 31, 2021. Patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules were divided into three groups according to when they underwent surgery: from Jan 1, 2019, to Feb 29, 2020 (global prepandemic phase), from March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021 (pandemic escalation phase), and from June 1 to Dec 31, 2021 (pandemic decrease phase). The main outcomes were, for each phase, the number of surgeries for indeterminate thyroid nodules, and in patients with a postoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancers, the occurrence of tumours larger than 10 mm, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases, vascular invasion, distant metastases, and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence. Univariate analysis was used to compare the probability of aggressive thyroid features between the first and third study phases. The study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT05178186.Findings Data from 157 centres (n=49 countries) on 87 467 patients who underwent surgery for benign and malignant thyroid disease were collected, of whom 22 974 patients (18 052 [78 center dot 6%] female patients and 4922 [21 center dot 4%] male patients) received surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules. We observed a significant reduction in surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the pandemic escalation phase (median monthly surgeries per centre, 1 center dot 4 [IQR 0 center dot 6-3 center dot 4]) compared with the prepandemic phase (2 center dot 0 [0 center dot 9-3 center dot 7]; p<0 center dot 0001) and pandemic decrease phase (2 center dot 3 [1 center dot 0-5 center dot 0]; p<0 center dot 0001). Compared with the prepandemic phase, in the pandemic decrease phase we observed an increased occurrence of thyroid tumours larger than 10 mm (2554 [69 center dot 0%] of 3704 vs 1515 [71 center dot 5%] of 2119; OR 1 center dot 1 [95% CI 1 center dot 0-1 center dot 3]; p=0 center dot 042), lymph node metastases (343 [9 center dot 3%] vs 264 [12 center dot 5%]; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 2-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0001), and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence (203 [5 center dot 7%] of 3584 vs 155 [7 center dot 7%] of 2006; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 1-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0039).Interpretation Our study suggests that the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic period could have led to an increased occurrence of aggressive thyroid tumours. However, other compelling hypotheses, including increased selection of patients with aggressive malignancies during this period, should be considered. We suggest that surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules should no longer be postponed even in future instances of pandemic escalation.Funding None.Copyright (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Perioperative management and anaesthetic considerations in pelvic exenterations using Delphi methodology: Results from the PelvEx Collaborative

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    Background: The multidisciplinary perioperative and anaesthetic management of patients undergoing pelvic exenteration is essential for good surgical outcomes. No clear guidelines have been established, and there is wide variation in clinical practice internationally. This consensus statement consolidates clinical experience and best practice collectively, and systematically addresses key domains in the perioperative and anaesthetic management. Methods: The modified Delphi methodology was used to achieve consensus from the PelvEx Collaborative. The process included one round of online questionnaire involving controlled feedback and structured participant response, two rounds of editing, and one round of web-based voting. It was held from December 2019 to February 2020. Consensus was defined as more than 80 per cent agreement, whereas less than 80 per cent agreement indicated low consensus. Results: The final consensus document contained 47 voted statements, across six key domains of perioperative and anaesthetic management in pelvic exenteration, comprising preoperative assessment and preparation, anaesthetic considerations, perioperative management, anticipating possible massive haemorrhage, stress response and postoperative critical care, and pain management. Consensus recommendations were developed, based on consensus agreement achieved on 34 statements. Conclusion: The perioperative and anaesthetic management of patients undergoing pelvic exenteration is best accomplished by a dedicated multidisciplinary team with relevant domain expertise in the setting of a specialized tertiary unit. This consensus statement has addressed key domains within the framework of current perioperative and anaesthetic management among patients undergoing pelvic exenteration, with an international perspective, to guide clinical practice, and has outlined areas for future clinical research

    Contemporary Management of Locally Advanced and Recurrent Rectal Cancer: Views from the PelvEx Collaborative

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    Pelvic exenteration is a complex operation performed for locally advanced and recurrent pelvic cancers. The goal of surgery is to achieve clear margins, therefore identifying adjacent or involved organs, bone, muscle, nerves and/or vascular structures that may need resection. While these extensive resections are potentially curative, they can be associated with substantial morbidity. Recently, there has been a move to centralize care to specialized units, as this facilitates better multi-disciplinary care input. Advancements in pelvic oncology and surgical innovation have redefined the boundaries of pelvic exenterative surgery. Combined with improved neoadjuvant therapies, advances in diagnostics, and better reconstructive techniques have provided quicker recovery and better quality of life outcomes, with improved survival This article provides highlights of the current management of advanced pelvic cancers in terms of surgical strategy and potential future developments