2,877 research outputs found

    First tests of a Micromegas TPC in a magnetic field

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    Talk given by P. ColasSince the summer of 2003, a large Micromegas TPC prototype (1000 channels, 50 cm drift, 50 cm diameter) has been operated in a 2T superconducting magnet at Saclay. A description of this apparatus and first results from cosmic ray tests are presented. Additional measurements using simpler detectors with a laser source, an X-ray gun and radio-active sources are discussed. Drift velocity and gain measurements, electron attachment and aging studies for a Micromegas TPC are presented. In particular, using simulations and measurements, it is shown that an ArgonCF4Argon-CF_4 mixture is optimal for operation at a future Linear Collider

    MPGD's spatial and energy resolution studies with an adjustable point-like electron source

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    11th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (February 2007) , to appear in the Proceedings (NIM A)International audienceMicropattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD), like Micromegas or GEM, are used or foreseen in particle physics experiments for which a very good spatial resolution is required. We have developed an experimental method to separate the contribution of the transverse diffusion and the multiplication process by varying the number of primary electrons generated by a point-like source. A pulsed nitrogen laser is focused by an optical set-up on the drift electrode which is made of a thin metal layer deposited on a quartz lamina. The number of primary electrons can be adjusted from a few to several thousands on a spot which transverse size is less than 100μm100 \mu m RMS. The detector can be positioned with an accuracy of 1μm1\mu m by a motorized three dimensional system. This method was applied to a small Micromegas detector with a gain set between 10310^3 and 2.1042.10^4 and an injection of 60 to 2000 photoelectrons. Spatial resolutions as small as 5μm5\mu m were measured with 2000 primary electrons. An estimation of the upper limit of the relative gain variance can be obtained from the measurements

    Spatial Resolution of a Micromegas-TPC Using the Charge Dispersion Signal

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    The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for the International Linear Collider will need to measure about 200 track points with a resolution close to 100 μ\mum. A Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout TPC could achieve the desired resolution with existing techniques using sub-millimeter width pads at the expense of a large increase in the detector cost and complexity. We have recently applied a new MPGD readout concept of charge dispersion to a prototype GEM-TPC and demonstrated the feasibility of achieving good resolution with pads similar in width to the ones used for the proportional wire TPC. The charge dispersion studies were repeated with a Micromegas TPC amplification stage. We present here our first results on the Micromegas-TPC resolution with charge dispersion. The TPC resolution with the Micromegas readout is compared to our earlier GEM results and to the resolution expected from electron statistics and transverse diffusion in a gaseous TPC.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, to appar in the Proceedings of the 2005 International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS05), Stanford, 18-22 March 200

    Micromegas TPC studies at high magnetic fields using the charge dispersion signal

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    The International Linear Collider (ILC) Time Projection Chamber (TPC) transverse space-point resolution goal is 100 microns for all tracks including stiff 90 degree tracks with the full 2 meter drift. A Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout TPC can achieve the target resolution with existing techniques using 1 mm or narrower pads at the expense of increased detector cost and complexity. The new MPGD readout technique of charge dispersion can achieve good resolution without resorting to narrow pads. This has been demonstrated previously for 2 mm x 6 mm pads with GEMs and Micromegas in cosmic ray tests and in a KEK beam test in a 1 Tesla magnet. We have recently tested a Micromegas-TPC using the charge dispersion readout concept in a high field super-conducting magnet at DESY. The measured Micromegas gain was found to be constant within 0.5% for magnetic fields up to 5 Tesla. With the strong suppression of transverse diffusion at high magnetic fields, we measure a flat 50 micron resolution at 5 Tesla over the full 15 cm drift length of our prototype TPC.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Progress on a spherical TPC for low energy neutrino detection

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    The new concept of the spherical TPC aims at relatively large target masses with low threshold and background, keeping an extremely simple and robust operation. Such a device would open the way to detect the neutrino-nucleus interaction, which, although a standard process, remains undetected due to the low energy of the neutrino-induced nuclear recoils. The progress in the development of the fist 1 m3^3 prototype at Saclay is presented. Other physics goals of such a device could include supernova detection, low energy neutrino oscillations and study of non-standard properties of the neutrino, among others.Comment: 3 pages, talk given at the 9th Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Zaragoza, September 10-1

    Calibration and First light of the Diabolo photometer at the Millimetre and Infrared Testa Grigia Observatory

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    We have designed and built a large-throughput dual channel photometer, Diabolo. This photometer is dedicated to the observation of millimetre continuum diffuse sources, and in particular, of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and of anisotropies of the 3K background. We describe the optical layout and filtering system of the instrument, which uses two bolometric detectors for simultaneous observations in two frequency channels at 1.2 and 2.1 mm. The bolometers are cooled to a working temperature of 0.1 K provided by a compact dilution cryostat. The photometric and angular responses of the instrument are measured in the laboratory. First astronomical light was detected in March 1995 at the focus of the new Millimetre and Infrared Testa Grigia Observatory (MITO) Telescope. The established sensitivity of the system is of 7 mK_RJ s^1/2$. For a typical map of at least 10 beams, with one hour of integration per beam, one can achieve the rms values of y_SZ ~ 7 10^-5 and the 3K background anisotropy Delta T/T ~ 7 10^-5, in winter conditions. We also report on a novel bolometer AC readout circuit which allows for the first time total power measurements on the sky. This technique alleviates (but does not forbid) the use of chopping with a secondary mirror. This technique and the dilution fridge concept will be used in future scan--modulated space instrument like the ESA Planck mission project.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Serie

    Melanoma tumour vasculature heterogeneity: from mice models to human

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    Tumour angiogenesis is defined by an anarchic vasculature and irregularities in alignment of endothelial cells. These structural abnormalities could explain the variability in distribution of nanomedicines in various tumour models. Then, the main goal of this study was to compare and to characterize the tumour vascular structure in different mouse models of melanoma tumours (B16F10 and SK-Mel-28) and in human melanomas from different patients. Tumours were obtained by subcutaneous injection of 106 B16F10 and 3.106 SK-Mel-28 melanoma cells in C57BL/6 and nude mice, respectively. Tumour growth was evaluated weekly, while vasculature was analysed through fluorescent labelling via CD31 and desmin. Significant differences in tumour growth and mice survival were evidenced between the two melanoma models. A fast evolution of tumours was observed for B16F10 melanoma, reaching a tumour size of 100 mm3 in 7 days compared to SK-Mel-28 which needed 21 days to reach the same volumes. Important differences in vascularization were exposed between the melanoma models, characterized by a significant enhancement of vascular density and a significant lumen size for mice melanoma models compared to human. Immunostaining revealed irregularities in endothelium structure for both melanoma models, but structural differences of vasculature were observed, characterized by a stronger expression of desmin in SK-Mel-28 tumours. While human melanoma mainly develops capillaries, structural irregularities are also observed on the samples of this tumour model. Our study revealed an impact of cell type and tumour progression on the structural vasculature of melanoma, which could impact the distribution of drugs in the tumour environment