75 research outputs found


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    Respiratory diseases in horses are common, and with the increase in the population of this species, they pose a serious challenge to practicing veterinarians. In the case of respiratory diseases, a primary factor in determining the correct diagnosis is the skillful combination of data collected from the patient history, a detailed clinical examination and the results of additional tests. Auscultation of the lungs in horses is performed routinely, if respiratory diseases are suspected, but still an underestimated source of information is the percussion of the chest. With the development of diagnostic techniques applicable in human medicine, new opportunities have also emerged to examine the respiratory tract in horses. Increasingly, standard diagnostics performed in these animals include endoscopy, radiology, ultrasound, blood gas testing and collecting material to microbial culture. Some diseases can be diagnosed only during endoscopy while the animal is moving. For this purpose, a treadmill with a variable speed is used. Currently, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), tracheal wash (TW) and centesis of the thorax are applied more often. An examination of high diagnostic value is lung scintigraphy, but due to the price of the equipment and isotope storage problems it is not available in most developing countries. These tests are aimed at both a correct diagnosis and monitoring the course of treatment.Захворювання органів дихання у коней широко розповсюджені, що пов’язано зі збільшенням популяції цього виду тварин. Хвороби органів дихання являють собою серйозну проблему для практикуючих лікарів ветеринарної медицини. У випадку появи захворювань дихальних шляхів, головним фактором при постановці правильного діагнозу є вміле поєднання даних, зібраних з історії хвороби тварини, повне клінічне дослідження і результати застосування додаткових методів.При підозрінні на захворювання органів дихання проводиться аускультація легень, проте на сьогодні недооцінюється інформативна цінність перкусії грудної клітки в коней.З розвитком методів візуальної діагностики, що застосовуються в гуманній медицині, вони стали також широко впроваджуватися у ветеринарну медицину, зокрема і для дослідження дихальних шляхів у коней. Все частіше базові дослідження у цього виду тварин включають ендоскопічне, рентгенологічне та ультразвукове дослідження, визначення кислотно-основного балансу крові, мікробіологічне дослідження. Окремі захворювання можуть діагностуватися тільки за допомогою ендоскопії під час руху тварини. З цією метою використовується бігова доріжка зі змінною швидкістю.В даний час з діагносчтичною метою все частіше застосовується бронхоальвеолярний лаваж (БАЛ), аспірація трахеї (tracheal wash, TW) і центез грудної клітки. Високоінформативним методом дослідження є сцинтиграфія легень, однак через високу вартість обладнання і зберігання ізотопів цей метод недоступний в більшості ветеринарних клінік.Застосування візуальних методів дослідження коней спрямовані на постановку правильного діагнозу та контролю за ефективністю лікування

    A Method to Improve the Early Stages of the Robotic Process Automation Lifecycle

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    The robotic automation of processes is of much interest to organizations. A common use case is to automate the repetitive manual tasks (or processes) that are currently done by back-office staff through some information system (IS). The lifecycle of any Robotic Process Automation (RPA) project starts with the analysis of the process to automate. This is a very time-consuming phase, which in practical settings often relies on the study of process documentation. Such documentation is typically incomplete or inaccurate, e.g., some documented cases never occur, occurring cases are not documented, or documented cases differ from reality. To deploy robots in a production environment that are designed on such a shaky basis entails a high risk. This paper describes and evaluates a new proposal for the early stages of an RPA project: the analysis of a process and its subsequent design. The idea is to leverage the knowledge of back-office staff, which starts by monitoring them in a non-invasive manner. This is done through a screen-mousekey- logger, i.e., a sequence of images, mouse actions, and key actions are stored along with their timestamps. The log which is obtained in this way is transformed into a UI log through image-analysis techniques (e.g., fingerprinting or OCR) and then transformed into a process model by the use of process discovery algorithms. We evaluated this method for two real-life, industrial cases. The evaluation shows clear and substantial benefits in terms of accuracy and speed. This paper presents the method, along with a number of limitations that need to be addressed such that it can be applied in wider contexts.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-

    Emotional processing deficits in chronic cannabis use: A replication and extension

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    Heavy cannabis use is associated with interpersonal problems that may arise in part from the inaccurate perception of emotional faces. Only one study reports impairments in emotional facial affect processing in heavy cannabis users; however, it is not clear whether these findings were attributable to differences between cannabis users and controls in schizotypy or gender, rather than from cannabis use itself. A total of 25 frequent cannabis users and 34 non-using controls completed an emotional processing task in an independent groups design. We asked participants to identify the emotions on faces morphed from neutral to 100% intensity, for six basic emotions. We measured percentage hit rate, sensitivity and response bias. Schizotypy was indexed using the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire. Cannabis users showed lower accuracy and sensitivity on the emotional recognition task. Gender and schizotypy did not differ between the two groups. Men showed lower accuracy on the emotional processing task, but impairments in cannabis users remained when covarying for gender. Schizotypy negatively correlated with sensitivity scores, but this was unreliable when accounting for the groups. Chronic cannabis users showed generalised impairment in emotional processing. These results appeared as independent of the emotional processing deficits amongst men, and were not related to schizotypy

    Description of the Nematode Dirofilaria repens (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) Parasitic in Dogs in Ukraine

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    Dirofilariasis is a zoonotic disease of domestic and wild carnivores and humans. Subcutaneous migration of the parasite Dirofilaria repens Railliet & Henry, 1911 may cause local swelling with variable localisation. In humans, this parasite can cause damage to the lungs, male genitalia and eyes. The range of D. repens is constantly expanding into new areas and, considering the zoonotic potential of this parasite, it is important to extend the existing data on the morphology of D. repens. The present study provides a morphometric description of D. repens nematodes obtained from subcutaneous tissues of dogs in Ukraine. The aim of this study was to highlight the key features for the identification of parasites of this species. For males, 27 morphometric characteristics were identified, characterising the overall size of the body and the oesophagus, the thickness of the cuticle in the region of the mouth opening, the localisation of the nerve ring and the cloaca, the morphological structure and metric parameters of the spicules, and the length of the tail. For females, 18 morphometric traits were identified that, in addition to common parameters, characterize cuticle thickness in the region of the vulva, localisation of the vulva and anus, body width in the regions of the anus and vulva, and tail length. This report adds to the existing data on the morphological and metric characteristics of D. repens nematodes

    A prospective study of associations between early fearfulness and perceptual sensitivity and later restricted and repetitive behaviours in infants with typical and elevated likelihood of Autism

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    Autism is diagnosed based on social and communication difficulties, restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRB) and sensory anomalies. Existing evidence indicates that anxiety and atypical sensory features are associated with RRB, but cannot clarify the order of emergence of these traits. This study uses data from a prospective longitudinal study of infants with and without a family history of autism (N=247; Elevated Likelihood N=170, Typical Likelihood N=77). Longitudinal cross-lag models tested bidirectional pathways between parent-rated infant fear/shyness and perceptual sensitivity at 8, 14 and 24 months, and associations between these domains and parent-rated RRB and social communication scores at 36 months. In addition to within-domain continuity, higher levels of fear/shyness at 14 months were associated with higher levels of perceptual sensitivity at 24 months. Higher levels of both fear/shyness and perceptual sensitivity at 24 months were associated with greater RRB and social communication scores at 36 months. Results demonstrate the directionality of developmental pathways between fear/shyness and perceptual sensitivity in infancy and toddlerhood, but question theories that argue that these domains specifically underlie RRB rather than autism. Identifying how early emerging anxiety and sensory behaviours relate to later autism is important for understanding pathways and developing targeted support for autistic children. Lay abstract Restricted interests and repetitive behaviours are central to the diagnosis of autism and can have profound effects on daily activities and quality of life. These challenges are also linked to other co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and sensory sensitivities. Here, we looked at whether early emerging signs of anxiety and sensory problems appear before symptoms of autism by studying infants with a family history of autism, as these infants are more likely to develop autism themselves. Studying infant siblings provides an opportunity for researchers to focus on early developmental markers of autism as these infants can be followed from birth. This study found that early infant signs of anxiety (e.g. fear/shyness) predicted later perceptual sensitivity, and those infants who scored higher on fear/shyness and sensitivity were more likely to experience more persistent repetitive behaviours, but also social and communication difficulties in toddlerhood. Early signs of anxiety and perceptual sensitivity may thus relate to both later social difficulties and repetitive behaviours. These findings support the importance of further research exploring the causal links between these domains in relation to autism, resulting in increased understanding of children who go onto develop autism in the future and guiding early interventions and supports

    Терапія післяопераційних ран армованими пов’язками на основі пекти-ну та їх протимікробна дія

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    A reinforced pectin-based dressing with a reinforcing element containing the antimicrobial agent chlorhexidine bigluconate has been developed. In vitro studies have shown that the hydrogel pectin dressing containing 0.03 ÷ 1.5 % chlorhexidine bigluconate inhibits the growth of both gram-positive (S. aureus) and gram-negative (P. aeruginosa) bacteria. The dressing can be used in the complex treatment of postoperative wounds with infectious-inflammatory process. The efficacy of different doses of chlorhexidine bigluconate was characterized by growth inhibition and increase of microorganism-free areas on the culture medium around the site of dressing localization, and regardless of the type of bacteria. Bacterial growth inhibition radius size depends on the dose of chlorhexidine in the hydrogel pectin dressing. The inhibition of growth of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa is directly proportional to chlorhexidine bigluconate content. The increase of dressing saturation with chlorhexidine to 1.0 and 1.5 % recorded the maximum inhibition of the growth of microorganisms. A veterinary clinical trial has shown a good therapeutic effect in the wound healing, in particular in the complex treatment of postoperative and accidental wounds both in the presence of infectious-inflammatory process and in its absence. The reinforced pectin-based dressing with cotton (or polypropylene) reinforcement element containing chlorhexidine bigluconate reduces the cost of dressings and bandaging frequency during wound healing. It protects the wound surface from contamination, mechanical irritation, bacterial contamination and the development of secondary infection. The dressing promotes good water, air and heat exchange between the wound and the environment, adsorbs excess exudate, maintains a moist environment and does not cause hyperosmotic damage and drying of the wound. Surgical wound healing occurred under the initial tension for 7 days. Considering the method of its application, this dressing is suitable for use on different parts of the animal's body (neck, withers, chest and abdomen, lower back, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, etc.).Розроблено армовану пов’язку на основі пектину з елементом армування, що містить антимікробний засіб хлоргексидин біглюконат. Проведені дослідження in vitro показали, що гідрогелева пектинова пов’язка з вмістом 0,03 ÷ 1,5 % хлоргексидину біглюконату пригнічує ріст як грампозитивних (S. aureus), так і грамнегативних (P. aeruginosa) бактерій. Завдяки цьому пов’язка може бути використана і за комплексного лікування післяопераційних ран з інфекційно-запальним процесом. Ефективність дії різних доз хлоргексидину біглюконату характеризувалася пригніченням росту та збільшенням вільного від мікроорганізмів зон середовища культивування навколо місця локалізації пов’язки з діючою речовиною, незалежно від виду бактерій. Однак величина діаметру зони пригнічення росту бактерій залежить від дози хлоргексидину в гідрогелевій пектиновій пов’язці. За пропорційного підвищення вмісту хлоргексидину біглюконату інгібування росту S. aureus і P. aeruginosa посилюється. Так, коли збільшували насичення пов’язки хлоргексидином до 1,0 і 1,5 %, реєстрували максимальне інгібування росту мікроорганізмів. Клінічне дослідження показало добрий лікувальний ефект у ветеринарній практиці за терапії ран, зокрема за комплексного лікування післяопераційних і випадкових ран як за наявності інфекційно-запального процесу, так і за його відсутності. Застосування армованої пов’язки на основі пектину з бавовняним (чи поліпропіленовим) елементом армування з вмістом хлоргексидину біглюконату скорочує витрати перев'язувального матеріалу і частоту перев’язок впродовж часу загоєння ран. Вона забезпечує захист ранової поверхні від забруднення, механічного подразнення, бактеріальної контамінації та розвитку вторинної інфекції. Пов’язка сприяє доброму водо-, повітро- та теплообміну між раною та зовнішнім середовищем, адсорбує надлишок ексудату, підтримує вологе середовище і не викликає гіперосмотичного ушкодження й висихання рани. Загоювання післяопераційної рани відбулося за первинним натягом впродовж 7 діб. Зважаючи на спосіб накладання, дана пов’язка може бути придатна для застосування у різних ділянках тіла тварини (шиї, холки, грудної й черевної стінок, попереку, крижів, стегна, плеча тощо)

    Automatic business process model extension to repair constraint violations

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    Consider an artifact-centric business process model, containing both a data model and a process model. When executing the process, it may happen that some of the data constraints from the data model are violated. Bearing this in mind, we propose an approach to automatically generate an extension to the original business process model that, when executed after a constraint violation, repairs the contents of the data leaving it in a new consistent state.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Monitoring and current research of groundwater resources and recharge in the Doñana Natural area (SE Spain)

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    30 p. Incluye versión abreviada en castellanoThis chapter presents the monitoring and research of groundwater resources and natural recharge in the Doñana Natural Area. The subchapter “Monitoring networks for Groundwater Resources and Recent Management Issues of the Doñana” deals with the history and current state of the official monitoring networks for piezometry and hydrochemistry. In the second subchapter “Application of Models in Recent Management and Forecasting of Resources” the current research and the model based water management issues are presented. The third subchapter “Main Knowledge existing on Groundwater Natural Chemical Composition and Contaminant Processes in the Eolian Mantle Aquifer Sector of the Doñana (SW Spain)” provides an overview of hydrochemical research carried out in the eolian part of the aquifer. Subchapter 4 “Active Monitoring Network for Recharge Measurements in the Doñana National Park” presents the current monitoring network for groundwater recharge.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagena, EspañaUniversidad Politécnica de Cataluña, EspañaReal Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, EspañaInstituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera, EspañaUniversidad de Córdoba, Españ

    Ebola GP-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies Protect Mice and Guinea Pigs from Lethal Ebola Virus Infection

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    Ebola virus (EBOV) causes acute hemorrhagic fever in humans and non-human primates with mortality rates up to 90%. So far there are no effective treatments available. This study evaluates the protective efficacy of 8 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Ebola glycoprotein in mice and guinea pigs. Immunocompetent mice or guinea pigs were given MAbs i.p. in various doses individually or as pools of 3–4 MAbs to test their protection against a lethal challenge with mouse- or guinea pig-adapted EBOV. Each of the 8 MAbs (100 µg) protected mice from a lethal EBOV challenge when administered 1 day before or after challenge. Seven MAbs were effective 2 days post-infection (dpi), with 1 MAb demonstrating partial protection 3 dpi. In the guinea pigs each MAb showed partial protection at 1 dpi, however the mean time to death was significantly prolonged compared to the control group. Moreover, treatment with pools of 3–4 MAbs completely protected the majority of animals, while administration at 2–3 dpi achieved 50–100% protection. This data suggests that the MAbs generated are capable of protecting both animal species against lethal Ebola virus challenge. These results indicate that MAbs particularly when used as an oligoclonal set are a potential therapeutic for post-exposure treatment of EBOV infection