164 research outputs found

    On the thermodynamic path enabling a room-temperature, laser-assisted graphite to nanodiamond transformation

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    Nanodiamonds are the subject of active research for their potential applications in nano-magnetometry, quantum optics, bioimaging and water cleaning processes. Here, we present a novel thermodynamic model that describes a graphite-liquid-diamond route for the synthesis of nanodiamonds. Its robustness is proved via the production of nanodiamonds powders at room-temperature and standard atmospheric pressure by pulsed laser ablation of pyrolytic graphite in water. The aqueous environment provides a confinement mechanism that promotes diamond nucleation and growth, and a biologically compatible medium for suspension of nanodiamonds. Moreover, we introduce a facile physico-chemical method that does not require harsh chemical or temperature conditions to remove the graphitic byproducts of the laser ablation process. A full characterization of the nanodiamonds by electron and Raman spectroscopies is reported. Our model is also corroborated by comparison with experimental data from the literature

    Dynamical description of quantum computing: generic nonlocality of quantum noise

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    We develop dynamical non-Markovian description of quantum computing in weak coupling limit, in lowest order approximation. We show that long range memory of quantum reservoir produces strong interrelation between structure of noise and quantum algorithm, implying nonlocal attacks of noise. We then argue that the quantum error correction method fails to protect quantum computation against electromagnetic or phonon vacuum which exhibit 1/t41/t^4 memory. This shows that the implicit assumption of quantum error correction theory -- independence of noise and self-dynamics -- fails in long time regimes. We also use our approach to present {\it pure} decoherence and decoherence accompanied by dissipation in terms of spectral density of reservoir. The so-called {\it dynamical decoupling} method is discussed in this context. Finally, we propose {\it minimal decoherence model}, in which the only source of decoherence is vacuum. We optimize fidelity of quantum information processing under the trade-off between speed of gate and strength of decoherence.Comment: 12 pages, minor corrections, softened interpretation of the result

    Ultrahard carbon film from epitaxial two-layer graphene

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    Atomically thin graphene exhibits fascinating mechanical properties, although its hardness and transverse stiffness are inferior to those of diamond. To date, there hasn't been any practical demonstration of the transformation of multi-layer graphene into diamond-like ultra-hard structures. Here we show that at room temperature and after nano-indentation, two-layer graphene on SiC(0001) exhibits a transverse stiffness and hardness comparable to diamond, resisting to perforation with a diamond indenter, and showing a reversible drop in electrical conductivity upon indentation. Density functional theory calculations suggest that upon compression, the two-layer graphene film transforms into a diamond-like film, producing both elastic deformations and sp2-to-sp3 chemical changes. Experiments and calculations show that this reversible phase change is not observed for a single buffer layer on SiC or graphene films thicker than 3 to 5 layers. Indeed, calculations show that whereas in two-layer graphene layer-stacking configuration controls the conformation of the diamond-like film, in a multilayer film it hinders the phase transformation.Comment: Published online on Nature Nanotechnology on December 18, 201

    Rational design and validation of a Tip60 histone acetyltransferase inhibitor

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    Histone acetylation is required for many aspects of gene regulation, genome maintenance and metabolism and dysfunctional acetylation is implicated in numerous diseases, including cancer. Acetylation is regulated by histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases and currently, few general HAT inhibitors have been described. We identified the HAT Tip60 as an excellent candidate for targeted drug development, as Tip60 is a key mediator of the DNA damage response and transcriptional co-activator. Our modeling of Tip60 indicated that the active binding pocket possesses opposite charges at each end, with the positive charges attributed to two specific side chains. We used structure based drug design to develop a novel Tip60 inhibitor, TH1834, to fit this specific pocket. We demonstrate that TH1834 significantly inhibits Tip60 activity in vitro and treating cells with TH1834 results in apoptosis and increased unrepaired DNA damage (following ionizing radiation treatment) in breast cancer but not control cell lines. Furthermore, TH1834 did not affect the activity of related HAT MOF, as indicated by H4K16Ac, demonstrating specificity. The modeling and validation of the small molecule inhibitor TH1834 represents a first step towards developing additional specific, targeted inhibitors of Tip60 that may lead to further improvements in the treatment of breast cancer

    CARMENES input catalog of M dwarfs: VII. New rotation periods for the survey stars and their correlations with stellar activity

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    Abridged: We measured photometric and spectroscopic ProtP_{\rm rot} for a large sample of nearby bright M dwarfs with spectral types from M0 to M9, as part of our continual effort to fully characterize the Guaranteed Time Observation programme stars of the CARMENES survey. We determine ProtP_{\rm rot} for 129 stars. Combined with the literature, we tabulate ProtP_{\rm rot} for 261 stars, or 75% of our sample. We evaluate the plausibility of all periods available for this sample by comparing them with activity signatures and checking for consistency between multiple measurements. We find that 166 of these stars have independent evidence that confirmed their ProtP_{\rm rot}. There are inconsistencies in 27 periods, which we classify as debated. A further 68 periods are identified as provisional detections that could benefit from independent verification. We provide an empirical relation for the ProtP_{\rm rot} uncertainty as a function of the ProtP_{\rm rot} value, based on the dispersion of the measurements. We show that published formal errors seem to be often underestimated for periods ≳10\gtrsim 10 d. We highlight the importance of independent verification on ProtP_{\rm rot} measurements, especially for inactive M dwarfs. We examine rotation-activity relations with emission in X-rays, Hα\alpha, Ca II H & K, and surface magnetic field strengths. We find overall agreement with previous works, as well as tentative differences in the partially versus fully convective subsamples. We show ProtP_{\rm rot} as a function of stellar mass, age, and galactic kinematics. With the notable exception of three transiting planet systems and TZ Ari, all known planet hosts in this sample have Prot≳15P_{\rm rot} \gtrsim 15 d. This indicates that important limitations need to be overcome before the radial velocity technique can be routinely used to detect and study planets around young and active stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Low-temperature plasma treatment induces DNA damage leading to necrotic cell death in primary prostate epithelial cells

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    Background:In recent years, the rapidly advancing field of low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasmas has shown considerable promise for future translational biomedical applications, including cancer therapy, through the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.Method:The cytopathic effect of low-temperature plasma was first verified in two commonly used prostate cell lines: BPH-1 and PC-3 cells. The study was then extended to analyse the effects in paired normal and tumour (Gleason grade 7) prostate epithelial cells cultured directly from patient tissue. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and staurosporine were used as controls throughout.Results:Low-temperature plasma (LTP) exposure resulted in high levels of DNA damage, a reduction in cell viability, and colony-forming ability. H2O2 formed in the culture medium was a likely facilitator of these effects. Necrosis and autophagy were recorded in primary cells, whereas cell lines exhibited apoptosis and necrosis.Conclusions:This study demonstrates that LTP treatment causes cytotoxic insult in primary prostate cells, leading to rapid necrotic cell death. It also highlights the need to study primary cultures in order to gain more realistic insight into patient response

    Sensitivity of Global Translation to mTOR Inhibition in REN Cells Depends on the Equilibrium between eIF4E and 4E-BP1

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    Initiation is the rate-limiting phase of protein synthesis, controlled by signaling pathways regulating the phosphorylation of translation factors. Initiation has three steps, 43S, 48S and 80S formation. 43S formation is repressed by eIF2α phosphorylation. The subsequent steps, 48S and 80S formation are enabled by growth factors. 48S relies on eIF4E-mediated assembly of eIF4F complex; 4E-BPs competitively displace eIF4E from eIF4F. Two pathways control eIF4F: 1) mTORc1 phosphorylates and inactivates 4E-BPs, leading to eIF4F formation; 2) the Ras-Mnk cascade phosphorylates eIF4E. We show that REN and NCI-H28 mesothelioma cells have constitutive activation of both pathways and maximal translation rate, in the absence of exogenous growth factors. Translation is rapidly abrogated by phosphorylation of eIF2α. Surprisingly, pharmacological inhibition of mTORc1 leads to the complete dephosphorylation of downstream targets, without changes in methionine incorporation. In addition, the combined administration of mTORc1 and MAPK/Mnk inhibitors has no additive effect. The inhibition of both mTORc1 and mTORc2 does not affect the metabolic rate. In spite of this, mTORc1 inhibition reduces eIF4F complex formation, and depresses translocation of TOP mRNAs on polysomes. Downregulation of eIF4E and overexpression of 4E-BP1 induce rapamycin sensitivity, suggesting that disruption of eIF4F complex, due to eIF4E modulation, competes with its recycling to ribosomes. These data suggest the existence of a dynamic equilibrium in which eIF4F is not essential for all mRNAs and is not displaced from translated mRNAs, before recycling to the next

    Detailed stellar activity analysis and modelling of GJ 832

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    Context. Gliese-832 (GJ 832) is an M2V star hosting a massive planet on a decade-long orbit, GJ 832b, discovered by radial velocity (RV). Later, a super Earth or mini-Neptune orbiting within the stellar habitable zone was reported (GJ 832c). The recently determined stellar rotation period (45.7 ± 9.3 days) is close to the orbital period of putative planet c (35.68 ± 0.03 days). Aims. We aim to confirm or dismiss the planetary nature of the RV signature attributed to GJ 832c, by adding 119 new RV data points, new photometric data, and an analysis of the spectroscopic stellar activity indicators. Additionally, we update the orbital parameters of the planetary system and search for additional signals. Methods. We performed a frequency content analysis of the RVs to search for periodic and stable signals. Radial velocity time series were modelled with Keplerians and Gaussian process (GP) regressions alongside activity indicators to subsequently compare them within a Bayesian framework. Results. We updated the stellar rotational period of GJ 832 from activity indicators, obtaining 37.5+1.4-1.5 days, improving the precision by a factor of 6. The new photometric data are in agreement with this value. We detected an RV signal near 18 days (FAP < 4.6%), which is half of the stellar rotation period. Two Keplerians alone fail at modelling GJ 832b and a second planet with a 35-day orbital period. Moreover, the Bayesian evidence from the GP analysis of the RV data with simultaneous activity indices prefers a model without a second Keplerian, therefore negating the existence of planet c
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