8,365 research outputs found

    A Painless Automatic hp-Adaptive Strategy for Elliptic Problems

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    In this work, we introduce a novel hp-adaptive strategy. The main goal is to minimize the complexity and implementational efforts hence increasing the robustness of the algorithm while keeping close to optimal numerical results. We employ a multi-level hierarchical data structure imposing Dirichlet nodes to manage the so-called hanging nodes. The hp-adaptive strategy is based on performing quasi-optimal unre finements. Taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the basis functions both in terms of the element size h and the polynomial order of approximation p, we mark those with the lowest contributions to the energy of the solution and remove them. This straightforward unrefi nement strategy does not need from a fi ne grid or complex data structures, making the algorithm flexible to many practical situations and existing implementations. On the other side, we also identify some limitations of the proposed strategy, namely: (a) data structures only support isotropic h-re nements (although p-anisotropic re nements are enabled), (b) we assume certain quasi-orthogonality properties of the basis functions in the energy norm, and (c) in this work, we restrict to symmetric and positive defi nite problems. We illustrate these and other advantages and limitations of the proposed hp-adaptive strategy with several one-, two- and three-dimensional Poisson examples

    Dynamic Control of a Novel Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with a Large Wrench Feasible Workspace

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) are special manipulators where rigid links are replaced with cables. The use of cables offers several advantages over the conventional rigid manipulators, one of the most interesting being their ability to cover large workspaces since cables are easily winded. However, this workspace coverage has its limitations due to the maximum permissible cable tensions, i.e., tension limitations cause a decrease in the Wrench Feasible Workspace (WFW) of these robots. To solve this issue, a novel design based in the addition of passive carriages to the robot frame of three degrees-of-freedom (3DOF) fully-constrained CDPRs is used. The novelty of the design allows reducing the variation in the cable directions and forces increasing the robot WFW; nevertheless, it presents a low stiffness along the x direction. This paper presents the dynamic model of the novel proposal together with a new dynamic control technique, which rejects the vibrations caused by the stiffness loss while ensuring an accurate trajectory tracking. The simulation results show that the controlled system presents a larger WFW than the conventional scheme of the CDPR, maintaining a good performance in the trajectory tracking of the end-effector. The novel proposal presented here can be applied in multiple planar applications

    Phenotypes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and all-cause mortality: Unsupervised machine learning analysis of NHANES III

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    Objectives: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a non-communicable disease with a rising prevalence worldwide and with large burden for patients and health systems. To date, the presence of unique phenotypes in patients with NAFLD has not been studied, and their identification could inform precision medicine and public health with pragmatic implications in personalised management and care for patients with NAFLD. Design: Cross-sectional and prospective (up to 31 December 2019) analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (1988–1994). Primary and secondary outcomes measures: NAFLD diagnosis was based on liver ultrasound. The following predictors informed an unsupervised machine learning algorithm (k-means): body mass index, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure (SBP), plasma glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, liver enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transferase. We summarised (means) and compared the predictors across clusters. We used Cox proportional hazard models to quantify the all-cause mortality risk associated with each cluster. Results: 1652 patients with NAFLD (mean age 47.2 years and 51.5% women) were grouped into 3 clusters: anthro-SBP-glucose (6.36%; highest levels of anthropometrics, SBP and glucose), lipid-liver (10.35%; highest levels of lipid and liver enzymes) and average (83.29%; predictors at average levels). Compared with the average phenotype, the anthro-SBP-glucose phenotype had higher all-cause mortality risk (aHR=2.88; 95% CI: 2.26 to 3.67); the lipid-liver phenotype was not associated with higher all-cause mortality risk (aHR=1.11; 95% CI: 0.86 to 1.42). Conclusions: There is heterogeneity in patients with NAFLD, whom can be divided into three phenotypes with different mortality risk. These phenotypes could guide specific interventions and management plans, thus advancing precision medicine and public health for patients with NAFLD

    Assessing Community Health Workers perceptions of their participation in COVID-19 related projects implemented throughout South Texas and their alignment to the Dimensions of Community Capacity

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Health Workers (CHWs) have been vital in helping to mitigate health disparities as they have helped serve as a bridge for communities and needed resources. In addition, they have been vital in improving health as they help build community capacity through their outreach, community education, and advocacy. Thus, the purpose of this project was to assess CHW’s perceptions of their participation in COVID-19 related projects implemented by the South Texas AHEC Program, throughout South Texas, and their alignment to Goodman et al.’s Dimensions of Community Capacity. Methods: Using qualitative description, five individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with CHWs in either English or Spanish based on the participant’s preference. The questions in the interview guide were created based on the Dimensions of Community Capacity and then qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Data were then categorized based on their alignment with the Dimensions of Community Capacity. Results: In this project, CHW’s perceptions aligned well to the following Dimensions of Community Capacity: 1) Social and Interorganizational Networks, 2) Community Values, 3) Community History, 4) Community Power, 5) Leadership, 6) Resources, and 7) Sense of Community. Conclusions: These findings highlight the importance of capturing CHWs perceptions when working with CHWs on public health projects. Moreover, their perceptions of the COVID-19 projects implemented across South Texas provide examples of how their work aligned with seven dimensions that are essential to community capacity building

    Observation of dipole-mode vector solitons

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    We report on the first experimental observation of a novel type of optical vector soliton, a {\em dipole-mode soliton}, recently predicted theoretically. We show that these vector solitons can be generated in a photorefractive medium employing two different processes: a phase imprinting, and a symmetry-breaking instability of a vortex-mode vector soliton. The experimental results display remarkable agreement with the theory, and confirm the robust nature of these radially asymmetric two-component solitary waves.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures; pictures in the PRL version are better qualit

    Extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis in the United States: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Neurocysticercosis is endemic in the developing world, but is becoming more common in the United States due to immigration.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 26-year-old Caucasian man presented with headache, nausea and vomiting and was found to have hydrocephalus and meningitis. Brain imaging and immunological studies were suggestive of neurocysticercosis. Endoscopic removal of the cyst resulted in resolution of symptoms. This case represents a combination of two rare presentations of extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis; intraventricular neurocysticercosis and subarachnoid neurocysticercosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although neurocysticercosis is pleomorphic in its presentation, extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis may be challenging to diagnose and treat. Clinicians should be aware of this condition given increasing incidence in the United States.</p

    Identification of circulating miRNA profiles that distinguish malignant pleural mesothelioma from lung adenocarcinoma

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    Accurate diagnosis of malignant pleura mesothelioma (MPM) is challenging. Differential diagnosis of MPM versus lung adenocarcinoma (AD) is particularly difficult, yet clinically important since the two neoplasias call for different treatment approaches. Circulating miRNA-profiling to identify miRNAs that can be used to distinguish MPM from AD has not been reported. We conducted a wide screening study of miRNA profiles in serum pools of MPM patients (N = 11), AD patients (N = 36), and healthy subjects (N = 45) to identify non-invasive biomarkers for differential diagnosis of MPM and AD, using deep sequencing. Sequencing detected up to 300 known miRNAs and up to 25 novel miRNAs species in the serum samples. Among known miRNAs, 7 were upregulated in MPM and 12 were upregulated in AD compared to healthy controls. Of these, eight were distinctive for AD and three were unique for MPM. Direct comparison of the miRNA profiles for MPM and AD revealed differences in miRNA levels that could be useful for differential diagnosis. No differentially expressed novel miRNAs were found. Further bioinformatics analysis indicated that three upregulated miRNAs in MPM are associated with the p38 pathway. There are unique alterations in serum miRNAs in MPM and AD compared to healthy controls, as well as differences between MPM and AD profiles. Differing miRNA levels between MPM and AD may be useful for differential diagnosis. A potential association to p38 pathway of three upregulated miRNAs in MPM was revealed

    A Very Young Radio-loud Magnetar

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    The magnetar Swift J1818.0–1607 was discovered in 2020 March when Swift detected a 9 ms hard X-ray burst and a long-lived outburst. Prompt X-ray observations revealed a spin period of 1.36 s, soon confirmed by the discovery of radio pulsations. We report here on the analysis of the Swift burst and follow-up X-ray and radio observations. The burst average luminosity was L burst ~ 2 × 1039 erg s−1 (at 4.8 kpc). Simultaneous observations with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR three days after the burst provided a source spectrum well fit by an absorbed blackbody (NH{N}_{{\rm{H}}} = (1.13 ± 0.03) × 1023 cm−2 and kT = 1.16 ± 0.03 keV) plus a power law (Γ = 0.0 ± 1.3) in the 1–20 keV band, with a luminosity of ~8 × 1034 erg s−1, dominated by the blackbody emission. From our timing analysis, we derive a dipolar magnetic field B ~ 7 × 1014 G, spin-down luminosity E˙rot1.4×1036{\dot{E}}_{\mathrm{rot}}\sim 1.4\times {10}^{36} erg s−1, and characteristic age of 240 yr, the shortest currently known. Archival observations led to an upper limit on the quiescent luminosity <5.5 × 1033 erg s−1, lower than the value expected from magnetar cooling models at the source characteristic age. A 1 hr radio observation with the Sardinia Radio Telescope taken about 1 week after the X-ray burst detected a number of strong and short radio pulses at 1.5 GHz, in addition to regular pulsed emission; they were emitted at an average rate 0.9 min−1 and accounted for ~50% of the total pulsed radio fluence. We conclude that Swift J1818.0–1607 is a peculiar magnetar belonging to the small, diverse group of young neutron stars with properties straddling those of rotationally and magnetically powered pulsars. Future observations will make a better estimation of the age possible by measuring the spin-down rate in quiescence

    CALIFA : a diameter-selected sample for an integral field spectroscopy galaxy survey

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    JMA acknowledges support from the European Research Council Starting Grant (SEDmorph; P.I. V. Wild).We describe and discuss the selection procedure and statistical properties of the galaxy sample used by the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey, a public legacy survey of 600 galaxies using integral field spectroscopy. The CALIFA "mother sample" was selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR7 photometric catalogue to include all galaxies with an r-band isophotal major axis between 45 '' and 79 : 2 '' and with a redshift 0 : 005 M-r > -23 : 1 and over a stellar mass range between 10(9.7) and 10(11.4) M-circle dot. In particular, within these ranges, the diameter selection does not lead to any significant bias against - or in favour of - intrinsically large or small galaxies. Only below luminosities of M-r = -19 (or stellar masses <10(9.7) M-circle dot) is there a prevalence of galaxies with larger isophotal sizes, especially of nearly edge-on late-type galaxies, but such galaxies form <10% of the full sample. We estimate volume-corrected distribution functions in luminosities and sizes and show that these are statistically fully compatible with estimates from the full SDSS when accounting for large-scale structure. For full characterization of the sample, we also present a number of value-added quantities determined for the galaxies in the CALIFA sample. These include consistent multi-band photometry based on growth curve analyses; stellar masses; distances and quantities derived from these; morphological classifications; and an overview of available multi-wavelength photometric measurements. We also explore different ways of characterizing the environments of CALIFA galaxies, finding that the sample covers environmental conditions from the field to genuine clusters. We finally consider the expected incidence of active galactic nuclei among CALIFA galaxies given the existing pre-CALIFA data, finding that the final observed CALIFA sample will contain approximately 30 Sey2 galaxies.Peer reviewe