169 research outputs found

    Electrochemical recovery of zinc from the spent pickling baths coming from the hot dip galvanizing industry. Potentiostatic operation

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    An electrochemical reactor was developed to recover zinc from the spent pickling solutions coming from the hot dip galvanizing industry. These solutions mainly contain ZnCl2 and FeCl2 in aqueous HCl media. The effect of the applied potential on the figures of merit (fractional conversion, current efficiency, space-time yield and specific energy consumption) of the electrochemical reactor was analysed. Voltammetric experiments were performed previously in order to select the optimum conditions to be applied in the electrolysis experiments. From the I-V curves it was inferred that bulk zinc deposition started from potential values more cathodic than -0.99 V. The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) appeared from -0.45 V and masked the zinc cathodic peak C1, related to bulk zinc deposition, at high HCl concentrations. The presence of HCl inhibited iron deposition in synthetic samples. The additives present in the real baths, which diminish the massive hydrogen generation, allowed the observation of peak C1. The potential values to be applied in the electrolysis experiments were chosen from the voltammetric experiments and ranged between -1 V and -1.75 V. In the absence of iron in solution, as the electrode potential was shifted towards more negative values, the space-time yield of zinc and its fractional conversion increased because of the increase in the electrode roughness and the hydrogen turbulence-promoting action. Simultaneously, the specific energy consumption decreased initially due to the increase in the zinc conversion rate but decreased for the most cathodic potential value due to HER. The presence of iron in synthetic solutions led to a decrease in current efficiency associated with the reverse redox Fe 2+/Fe3+ system and to the enhancement of the HER, which also induced increments in the local pH and the subsequent zinc redissolution for the most cathodic potential values. On the contrary, the additives present in the real spent pickling baths avoided the adverse effects of iron, and zinc electrodeposition was possible even at high cathodic potential values. In fact, a potential value of -1.75 V was selected as the optimum since the conversion, the current efficiency and the space time yield obtained in the real baths were relatively high.Authors want to express their gratitude to the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for the economical support in the project reference PAID-06-08, and to the Generalitat Valenciana for the financing of the project reference GV/2010/029.Carrillo Abad, J.; García Gabaldón, M.; Ortega Navarro, EM.; Pérez-Herranz, V. (2011). Electrochemical recovery of zinc from the spent pickling baths coming from the hot dip galvanizing industry. Potentiostatic operation. Separation and Purification Technology. 81(2):200-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2011.07.029S20020781

    Recovery of zinc from spent pickling solutions using an electrochemical reactor in presence and absence of an anion-exchange membrane: Galvanostatic operation

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    The performance of a one- and two-compartment electrochemical reactor under galvanostatic control for zinc recovery present in the spent pickling solutions is studied in this paper. These solutions, which mainly contain ZnCl 2 and FeCl 2 in aqueous HCl media, come from the hot dip galvanizing industry. The effect of the anion-exchange membrane (AEM) on the figures of merit of the electrochemical reactor is analyzed. In the absence of iron in solution, as the current value was shifted towards more negative values, the zinc fractional conversion increased because of the increase in the zinc reduction rate. However, the increase in current values made current efficiency decrease due to the hydrogen-reduction side reaction, which caused an increment in the specific energy consumption. The presence of iron in synthetic solutions led to a decrease in current efficiency associated with the reverse redox Fe 2+/Fe 3+ system and to the enhancement of the HER, which also induced increments in the local pH and the subsequent zinc redissolution. These adverse effects related to the presence of iron could be minimized by the interposition of an AEM. In this case, the zinc redissolution was eliminated which enabled zinc conversion values close to 100% together with higher current efficiencies as the consumption of current by the system Fe 2+/Fe 3+ was diminished. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Authors want to express their gratitude to the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for the economic support in the Project Reference PAID-06-08, and to the Generalitat Valenciana for the financing of the Project Reference GV/2010/029.Carrillo Abad, J.; García Gabaldón, M.; Ortega Navarro, EM.; Pérez-Herranz, V. (2012). Recovery of zinc from spent pickling solutions using an electrochemical reactor in presence and absence of an anion-exchange membrane: Galvanostatic operation. Separation and Purification Technology. 98:366-374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2012.08.006S3663749

    Performance of peat biofilters treating ethyl acetate and toluene mixtures under non-steady-state conditions

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    [Abstract] This paper presents the response of peat biofilters to loading changes corresponding to industrial practices such as overnight and weekend shutdowns, intermittent emission or inlet concentration peaks. Three laboratory-scale reactors fed with air contaminated with ethyl acetate, toluene or a 1:1 mixture of ethyl acetate and toluene were operated under 65 g m-3 h-1 inlet load and 60 s EBRT during 16 h/day, 5 days/week. Dynamic behavior after feed resumption after night and weekend closures showed a 1-2 h period of transient response to recover stable CO2 production values. No increase in VOC emission was observed, except for biofilters treating toluene for which a transient peak in VOC emission during 4-8 h after weekend closures was detected. More stressful conditions such as intermittent emissions (2 h-on/ 2 h-off, 16 h/day, 5 days/week), or inlet concentration peaks (40-min, 50% increase) were successfully handled in the biofilter treating only ethyl acetate; but deterioration in the operation was observed in presence of toluene. The system performance after 15-days starvation period was fully recovered in less than 8 h of re-acclimation period. Living and dead cells monitoring results are also presented

    Treatment of spent pickling baths coming from hot dip galvanizing by means of an electrochemical membrane reactor

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    The performance of a one (OCR) and a two-compartment electrochemical reactor in the presence of a cation-exchange membrane (CEM) for the zinc recovery present in the spent pickling baths is analyzed in this paper under galvanostatic control. These solutions, which mainly contain ZnCl2 and FeCl2 in aqueous HCl media, come from the hot dip galvanizing industry. The effect of the applied current, the dilution factor of the baths and the presence or absence of initial cathodic zinc is also studied. For the 1:50 diluted spent bath, OCR experiments initially present higher values of the figures of merit than those obtained in the presence of the CEM since zinc is close to the cathode from the first electrolysis instants. However, at long electrolysis times, OCR presents zinc redissolution for all the current values tested due to the chlorine and iron presence close to the zinc deposits. In addition, the iron codeposition phenomenon is also observed in the OCR experiments when pH values are close to 2. On the other hand, CEM experiments become very similar to the OCR experiments at long time values since the CEM under these experimental conditions prevents zinc redissolution phenomenon and also iron codeposition. When the 1:50 diluted bath is concentred to 1:10, OCR experiments present the same tendency as that observed for the 1:50 dilution factor but the effect of zinc redissolution is increased due to the greater amount of chlorine generated in the anode. Under these experimental conditions, iron deposition has also been observed in the presence of the cation-exchange membrane as the rate of zinc deposition is greater than that of zinc transport through the membrane, and the zinc/iron ratio in the cathodic compartment is not high enough to prevent iron codeposition. In both cases, the pH values when iron codeposits with zinc are close to 2 and the zinc/iron ratio is below 0.6. The presence of initial zinc in the cathodic compartment of the electrochemical reactor enhances the reactor performance since it allows the zinc–iron separation in one single step and avoids the zinc redissolution phenomenon.The authors want to express their gratitude to the Generalitat Valenciana for a postgraduate grant (GV/2010/029) and to the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for financing the project number CTQ2012-37450-C02-01/PPQ.Carrillo Abad, J.; García Gabaldón, M.; Pérez Herranz, V. (2014). Treatment of spent pickling baths coming from hot dip galvanizing by means of an electrochemical membrane reactor. Desalination. 343:38-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2013.11.040S384734

    Removal of a mixture of oxygenated VOCs in a biotrickling filter

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    [Abstract] Laboratory scale-studies on the biodegradation of a 1:1:1 wt mixture of three oxygenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ethanol, ethyl acetate and methyl-ethyl ketone (MEK) in a biotrickling filter were carried out using two identically sized columns, filled with different polypropylene rings. The reactors were seeded with a two-month preconditioned culture from activated sludge. The performance of the biotrickling filters was examined for a continuous period of 4 months at VOC concentration from 125 mg-C/m3 to 550 mg-C/m3 and at gas flow rates of around 1.0 m3/h, 2.0 m3/h and 4.6 m3/h, which correspond to gas empty bed residence times (EBRT) of 68 s, 33 s and 16 s, respectively. Similar performance was obtained for both supports. Intermittent flow rate of trickling liquid was shown as beneficial to improve the removal efficiency of the system. A stratification in the substrate consumption was observed from gas composition profiles, with MEK % in the emission greater than 78%. Continuous VOC feeding resulted in an excessive accumulation of biomass and high pressure drop was developed in less than 20-30 days of operation. Intermittent VOC loading with night and weekend feed cut-off periods passing dried air, but without water addition, was shown as a successful operational mode to control the biofilm thickness. In this case, operation at high inlet loads was extended for more than 50 days maintaining high removal efficiencies and low pressure drops