24 research outputs found

    Op weg naar Park Essenburg : advies aan Bewonersgroep ProGroen Rotterdam

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    Bewonersgroep ProGroen in Rotterdam is voor het behoud van een miskende groenstrook van circa twaalf hectare tussen de spoordijk en Essenburgsingel. Ze wil dat het gebied in de deelgemeente Delfshaven het groene en duurzame karakter behoudt en dat het in de toekomst goed bruikbaar is en blijft voor alle mensen uit de buurt en de stad. De Wetenschapswinkel ziet voor ProGroen de opgave weggelegd om aan te tonen dat de strook een waardevol groenelement is in de stad. Het park draagt bij aan de sociale cohesie: het vergroot het aantal ontmoetingsplekken in de wijk, biedt laagdrempelige aanleidingen om contact te leggen en motiveert bewoners te investeren in relaties in de buurt. Daarnaast biedt het park de wijkbewoners nieuwe mogelijkheden om in contact te komen met groen, met natuur. De eerste concrete invulling van het park is PlukTuin Essenburg RFC. Deze PlukTuin, een buurttuin, wordt aangelegd op een voormalige parkeerplaats. Opzet is dat bewoners de PlukTuin zelf aanleggen en onderhoude

    The Role of CO2-EOR for the Development of a CCTS Infrastructure in the North Sea Region: A Techno-Economic Model and Application

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    Scenarios of future energy systems attribute an important role to Carbon Capture, Transport, and Storage (CCTS) in achieving emission reductions. Using captured CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) can improve the economics of the technology. This paper examines the potential for CO2-EOR in the North Sea region. UK oil fields are found to account for 47% of the estimated additional recovery potential of 3739 Mbbl (1234 MtCO2 of storage potential). Danish and Norwegian fields add 28% and 25%, respectively. Based on a comprehensive dataset, the paper develops a unique techno-economic market equilibrium model of CO2 supply from emission sources and CO2 demand from CO2-EOR to assess implications for a future CCTS infrastructure. A detailed representation of decreasing demand for fresh CO2 for CO2-EOR operation is accomplished via an exponential storage cost function. In all scenarios of varying CO2 and crude oil price paths the assumed CO2-EOR potential is fully exploited. CO2-EOR does add value to CCTS operations but the potential is very limited and does not automatically induce long term CCTS activity. If CO2 prices stay low, little further use of CCTS can be expected after 2035

    A Place to Rest Your (Burnt) Bones? Mortuary Houses in Early Anglo-Saxon England

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Archaeological Journal on 5th October 2017, available online: doi: 10.1080/00665983.2017.1366704This article presents a fresh interpretation of square and rectangular mortuary structures found in association with deposits of cremated material and cremation burials in a range of early Anglo-Saxon (fifth-/sixth-century AD) cemeteries across southern and eastern England. Responding to a recent argument that they could be traces of pyre structures, a range of ethnographic analogies are drawn upon, and the full-range of archaeological evidence is synthesized, to re-affirm and extend their interpretation as unburned mortuary structures. Three interleaving significances are proposed: (i) demarcating the burial place of specific individuals or groups from the rest of the cemetery population, (ii) operating as ‘columbaria’ for the above-ground storage of the cremated dead (i.e. not just to demarcate cremation burials), and (iii) providing key nodes of commemoration between funerals as the structures were built, used, repaired and eventually decayed within cemeteries. The article proposes that timber ‘mortuary houses’ reveal that groups in early Anglo-Saxon England perceived their cemeteries in relation to contemporary settlement architectures, with some groups constructing and maintaining miniaturized canopied buildings to store and display the cremated remains of the dead

    ATR-FTIR spectroscopy non-destructively detects damage-induced sour rot infection in whole tomato fruit

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    Main conclusion ATR-FTIR spectroscopy with subsequent multivariate analysis non-destructively identifies plant–pathogen interactions during disease progression, both directly and indirectly, through alterations in the spectral fingerprint. Plant–environment interactions are essential to understanding crop biology, optimizing crop use, and minimizing loss to ensure food security. Damage-induced pathogen infection of delicate fruit crops such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) are therefore important processes related to crop biology and modern horticulture. Fruit epidermis as a first barrier at the plant–environment interface, is specifically involved in environmental interactions and often shows substantial structural and functional changes in response to unfavourable conditions. Methods available to investigate such systems in their native form, however, are limited by often required and destructive sample preparation, or scarce amounts of molecular level information. To explore biochemical changes and evaluate diagnostic potential for damage-induced pathogen infection of cherry tomato (cv. Piccolo) both directly and indirectly, mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy was applied in combination with exploratory multivariate analysis. ATR-FTIR fingerprint spectra (1800–900 cm−1) of healthy, damaged or sour rot-infected tomato fruit were acquired and distinguished using principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis (PCA–LDA). Main biochemical constituents of healthy tomato fruit epidermis are characterized while multivariate analysis discriminated subtle biochemical changes distinguishing healthy tomato from damaged, early or late sour rot-infected tomato indirectly based solely on changes in the fruit epidermis. Sour rot causing agent Geotrichum candidum was detected directly in vivo and characterized based on spectral features distinct from tomato fruit. Diagnostic potential for indirect pathogen detection based on tomato fruit skin was evaluated using the linear discriminant classifier (PCA–LDC). Exploratory and diagnostic analysis of ATR-FTIR spectra offers biological insights and detection potential for intact plant–pathogen systems as they are found in horticultural industries

    Endogenous Shifts in OPEC Market Power: A Stackelberg Oligopoly with Fringe

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    This article proposes a two-stage oligopoly model for the crude oil market. In a game of several Stackelberg leaders, market power increases endogenously as the spare capacity of the competitive fringe goes down. This effect is due to the specific cost function characteristics of extractive industries. The model captures the increase of OPEC market power before the financial crisis and its drastic reduction in the subsequent turmoil at the onset of the global recession. The two-stage model better replicates the price path over the years 2003-2011 than a standard simultaneous-move, one-stage Nash-Cournot model with a fringe. I also discuss how most large-scale numerical equilibrium models, widely applied in the energy sector, over-simplify and misinterpret market power exertion. Furthermore, I show that this two-stage Stackelberg model can be solved numerically as a Mixed Complementarity Problem with heterogeneous firms and discuss uniqueness

    Experimental Evaluation of a Safety Augmentation System for Commercial Aircraft

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    Market Power, Fuel Substitution and Infrastructure: A Large-Scale Equilibrium Model of Global Energy Markets

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    Assessing and quantifying the impacts of technological, economic, and policy shifts in the global energy system require large-scale numerical models. We propose a dynamic multi-fuel market equilibrium model that combines endogenous fuel substitution within demand sectors and in power generation, detailed infrastructure capacity constraints and investment, as well as strategic behaviour and market power aspects by suppliers in a unified framework. This model is the first of its kind in which market power is exerted across several fuels. Using a data set based on the IEA (International Energy Agency) World Energy Outlook 2013 (New Policies scenario, time horizon 2010–2050, 30 regions, 10 fuels), we illustrate the functionality of the model in two scenarios: a reduction of shale gas availability in the US relative to current projections leads to an even stronger increase of power generation from natural gas in the European Union relative to the base case; this is due to a shift in global fossil fuel trade. In the second scenario, a tightening of the EU ETS emission cap by 80% in 2050 combined with a stronger biofuel mandate spawns a renaissance of nuclear power after 2030 and a strong electrification of the transportation sector. We observe carbon leakage rates from the unilateral mitigation effort of 60–70%

    Preclinical Profile of the HER2-Targeting ADC SYD983/SYD985: Introduction of a New Duocarmycin-Based Linker-Drug Platform

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    A linker-drug platform was built on the basis of a cleavable linker-duocarmycin payload for the development of new-generation antibody–drug conjugates (ADC). A leading ADC originating from that platform is SYD983, a HER2-targeting ADC based on trastuzumab. HER2-binding, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and HER2-mediated internalization are similar for SYD983 as compared with trastuzumab. HER2- expressing cells in vitro are very potently killed by SYD983, but SYD983 is inactive in cells that do not express HER2. SYD983 dose dependently reduces tumor growth in a BT-474 mouse xenograft in vivo. TheADCis stable in human and cynomolgus monkey plasma in vitro but shows relatively poor stability in mouse plasma due to mouse-specific carboxylesterase. SYD983 could be dosed up to 30 mg/kg in cynomolgus monkeys with high exposure, excellent stability in blood, and without severe toxic effects. The monkey safety study showed no SYD983-induced thrombocytopenia and no induction of peripheral sensory neuropathy, both commonly observed in trials and studies with ADCs based on tubulin inhibitors. Finally, to improve homogeneity, SYD983 was further purified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography resulting in an ADC (designated SYD985) predominantly containing DAR2 and DAR4 species. SYD985 showed high antitumor activity in two patient-derived xenograft models of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancers. In conclusion, the data obtained indicate great potential for this new HER2-targeting ADC to become an effective drug for patients with HER2- positive cancers with a favorable safety profile. More generally, this new-generation duocarmycin-based linker-drug technology could be used with other mAbs to serve more indications in oncology