2,916 research outputs found

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    Although the current knowledge about cattle olfaction is limited, it is important to understand how this sense works and affects their behaviour. Information about dairy cows’ use of their sense of smell can lead to better understanding about their perceptual abilities. Knowledge about which types of odours dairy cows are able to detect and how they might react to certain odours could play a key role in optimisation of housing systems and husbandry management. If a particular odour can evoke aversion, it is important to avoid those kinds of odours in the barn environment. On the other hand, if some kinds of odours evoke attraction or have a calming effect on dairy cows, using such odours could be beneficial for highly stressed individuals. To summarise, better understanding about dairy cows’ perceptual abilities might improve the current housing and husbandry management in dairy farms. Improved housing and husbandry management could in turn contribute to better animal welfare, and thus improve the current dairy production system. This study was conducted as part of a research project with an overarching aim to improve current knowledge on cattle olfaction and to research how olfaction, cognition and stress affect dairy cows’ welfare. The aim of this study was to investigate if dairy cows can detect and differentiate the following odours: lavender, orange, cedarwood and peppermint, and if any of the odours elicit more interest than others. Another aim of this study was to investigate how dairy cows react to the aforementioned odours and if the presence of any of these odours may elicit specific behaviours. The study used an olfactory Habituation/Dishabituation test to investigate if dairy cows were able to detect and differentiate the odours. Results showed that dairy cows were able to detect all of the tested odours. This finding was significant. However, the results regarding differentiation of the odours were not significant in entirety. The dairy cows were able to differentiate certain odours but not all of them. The results also showed that dairy cows smelled cedarwood the longest and orange the shortest amount of time. These findings were significant. Results indicated that parity had a significant effect on sniffing duration with younger cows sniffing longer than older cows. Behaviours such as licking, biting and pushing occurred the most when dairy cows were presented with orange odour. This finding was however not significant. Licking, biting and pushing was mostly performed by younger parities and this finding was significant. More studies are needed to gain knowledge about how different odours may affect dairy cows’ behaviour and whether odours could be used as a calming agent for highly stressed individuals. This could play a key role in making dairy production more sustainable and increase the welfare of dairy cows

    Degree of Fault Tolerance as a Comprehensive Parameter for Reliability Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Electric Traction Drives

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    This paper describes a new approach and methodology of quantitative assessment of the fault tolerance of electric power drive consisting of the multi-phase traction electric motor and multilevel electric inverter. It is suggested to consider such traction drive as a system with several degraded states. As a comprehensive parameter for evaluating of the fault tolerance, it is proposed to use the criterion of degree of the fault tolerance. For the approbation of the proposed method, the authors carried out research and obtained results of its practical application for evaluating the fault tolerance of the power train of an electrical helicopter

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    Treinta años de investigación y desarrollo de boyas Lagrangianas en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar

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    Since the mid-1980s, physical oceanographers at the Institute of Marine Sciences have been involved in the use of Lagrangian drifters as a complementary technology for their oceanographic research. As Lagrangian observations became more feasible, these researchers continued developing their own drifters in what was to be the seed of current technological activities at the Physical and Technological Oceanography Department. In this paper we overview the work done during the last 30 years with special focus on Lagrangian developments from the initial activities to the latest developments. In addition to basic oceanography research applications, Lagrangian technological developments include prototypes for measuring surface and subsurface ocean properties, for tracking purposes in search and rescue operations and pollution events, and for monitoring ice motion and thickness in the Arctic. The paper emphasizes original and unpublished technical aspects related to the latest developments.Desde mediados de la década de los 80, los oceanógrafos físicos en el Instituto de Ciencias del Mar se involucraron en el uso de boyas Lagrangianas como una tecnología complementaria para su investigación oceanográfica. A medida que las observaciones Lagrangianas se volvieron más factibles, los investigadores continuaron desarrollando sus propios flotadores en lo que se convirtió en la semilla de las actuales actividades tecnológicas llevadas a cabo en el Departamento de Oceanografía Física y Tecnológica. En este artículo se presenta una visión general del trabajo realizado durante los últimos 30 años, con especial énfasis en el uso de flotadores a la deriva y desarrollos propios desde su inicio hasta las aplicaciones más recientes. Además de estudios básicos de investigación oceanográfica, los desarrollos tecnológicos llevados a cabo incluyen prototipos para medir las propiedades superficiales y sub-superficiales, para tareas de seguimiento en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate y eventos de contaminación marina o para monitorizar el grosor de la capa de hielo y su movimiento en el Ártico. En este trabajo se hace hincapié en aspectos técnicos originales e inéditos relacionados con los últimos desarrollos

    Perancangan Mebel Knockdown Yang User-Friendly Untuk Ruang Tamu

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    In America, the price of land for a dwelling house is very high, so many new families or who can be called as a gen x and gen y choose to stay in the apartment, but most of them have goal to move into a landed house. Overseeing that issue, it needs a furniture that is durable and easily moved. Based on that, came an idea to create a furniture which has a light weight and easy to assembly. In this thesis, the furniture is mainly created for the living room area, because according to a research held by IKEA, living room's furniture is ranked first for the most favourable furniture in public. Living room also regarded as one of the most important rooms in a house. As a basic for workmanship, this design is pass through several stages, i.e. the study of literature, data and qualitative observations, programming, design concepts, sketches and schematic design, mock-up, development, final design, and manufacture of prototype 1: 1. This design has five sets of options with differences in knockdown construction that is used in each furniture. The fifth set is intended to ease in disassembling the furniture for users. Apart from that, safety for users is also considered while designing this furniture

    Creating sensory impressions beyond the visual : a design proposal for a work area in Uppsala City Garden

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    Tillgänglighet är grundläggande för att personer med en funktionsnedsättning ska uppleva frihet och delaktighet i ett samhälle. Tillgodoses inte behovet av tillgänglighet kan planeringen anses vara juridiskt diskriminerande. Offentliga miljöer lägger ofta sitt fokus i vad som är funktionellt samt estetiskt visuellt tilltalande. Syftet med arbetet är att utforma en plats där personer med synnedsättning kan uppleva sinnena doft, känsel och hörsel samt kontraster. Ett samhälle där alla är inkluderade bör innefatta mer än bara tillgänglighet och olika aktivitetsformer. Det är en utmaning och ett ansvar för oss utan synnedsättning att göra världen tillgänglig och upplevelserik även för dem med synnedsättning. Förhållningssättet universell utformning, ger möjlighet att skapa lösningar som är anpassade åt mångfalden i samhället. Att skapa självständighet för alla är en avgörande faktor vid gestaltning. Arbetet undersöker hur en plats kan utformas med avseende åt rikare sinnesupplevelser och främjande av självständig vistelse i parkmiljöer för personer med synnedsättning. För att besvara arbetets syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes en inventering och analys av Uppsala stadsträdgård. Metoderna för genomförandet grundades i analys-teoretikerna Kevin Lynch, Inger Bergström och Rob Roggema. För att lyfta målgruppens tankar och idéer genomfördes en intervju av personer med synnedsättning. Intervjutekniken grundade sig i Jan Trost kvalitativa intervjumetod, Steinar Kvales samtalsteknik och Björn Hägers semistrukturerade metod. Även en litteraturöversikt genomfördes i syfte att ge information om tidigare forskning inom ämnesfältet. Arbetet resulterade i ett gestaltningsförslag som visar hur sinnesstimulerande parker kan utformas. Sektioner på växtkomposition visar hur olika sinnesintryck kan kombineras för en sinnesstimulering. Slutligen konstateras det att universell utformning är komplicerat att uppnå eftersom många faktorer har betydelse för en god gestaltning. För att en sinnesstimulerande park ska upplevas som attraktiv, är det betydelsefullt att anläggningen är trygg, orienterbar och har tillgänglig information.Accessibility is fundamental for people with a disability to experience freedom and participation in a society. If the need for accessibility is not met, the planning can be considered legally discriminatory. Public environments often focus on what is functional and aesthetically visually appealing. The purpose of the work is to design a place where people with a visual impairment can experience the senses smell, touch and hearing as well as contrasts. A society where everyone is included should generally include more than just accessibility and various forms of activity. It is a challenge and a responsibility for us without visual impairment to make the world accessible and rich in experience even for those with visual impairment. The approach of universal design provides the opportunity to create solutions that are adapted to the diversity in society. Creating independence for all is a crucial factor in design. The work examines how a place can be designed with regard to richer sensory experiences and the promotion of independent living in park environments for people with visual impairments. To answer the work's purpose and questions, an inventory and analysis of Uppsala City Garden was carried out. The methods for the implementation were based on analysis theorists Kevin Lynch, Inger Bergström and Rob Roggema. To highlight the target group's thoughts and ideas, an interview was conducted with people with visual impairments. The interview technique was based on Jan Trost's qualitative interview method, Steinar Kvale's conversation technique and Björn Häger's semi-structured method. A literature review was also conducted in order to provide information on previous research in the field. The work resulted in a design proposal that shows how sense-stimulating parks can be designed. Sections on plant composition show how different sensory impressions can be combined for a sensory stimulation. Finally, it is stated that universal design is complicated to achieve because many factors are important for good design. For a sense-stimulating park to be perceived as attractive, it is important that the facility is safe, orientable and has available information

    Penerapan Operation Costing Dan Kaitannya Dengan Keakuratan Penetapan Harga Jual (Case Study at PT X — a Finishing Company in Printing Industries in Bandung)

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    Pricing Decision is influenced by several factors, Le: cost, competitor and customer. In pricing decision process, it\u27s really important for companies to be able to accurately calculate its product costs so that the profile of product profitability could be figured. Many methods are available to be used in calculating product costs. One of the methods is Operation costing method, which is a hybrid costing system that is applied to batch of similar but not identic products. Operation costing is a combination of process costing and job-order costing methods. Operation costing assigns direct material cost to the products using job-order costing method and conversion cost assigned using process costing method. With the application of operation costing at this finishing company, the cost assignment process to the products could be more accurate and also the pricing decision

    Discrete Cylindrical Vector Beam Generation from an Array of Optical Fibers

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    A novel method is presented for the beam shaping of far field intensity distributions of coherently combined fiber arrays. The fibers are arranged uniformly on the perimeter of a circle, and the linearly polarized beams of equal shape are superimposed such that the far field pattern represents an effective radially polarized vector beam, or discrete cylindrical vector (DCV) beam. The DCV beam is produced by three or more beams that each individually have a varying polarization vector. The beams are appropriately distributed in the near field such that the far field intensity distribution has a central null. This result is in contrast to the situation of parallel linearly polarized beams, where the intensity peaks on axis