291 research outputs found

    La libertà di espressione nella società multiculturale.

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    En la sociedad multicultural la libertad de expresión juega un papel fundamental a la hora de facilitar la comunicación y el respeto entre identidades colectivas diferentes, al igual que el diálogo intercultural para garantizar el núcleo duro de los derechos no negociables. Un ejercicio incorrecto de la libertad de expresión amenaza el corazón de la democracia al poder lesionar la dignidad humana; mientras que su uso correcto favorece la integración. Esta última comporta un enriquecimiento, pues, si se recurre a a la ética del diálogo, se favorece la valoración de las diversas identidades culturales, sin privarlas de su especiftcidad. De ahi la importancia de los posibies límites de la libertad de expresión en relación con e¡ derecho al honor y a la tutela de la moral. El derecho a satirizar ofrece ejemplos muy claros: como el caso Rushdie o el de las viñetas danesas. Del mismo modo, el derecho de información en las sociedades multiculturales puede transformarse de "condición prejudicial" de la democracia a medio para difundir mensajes de intolerancia o instigaciones al odio. En estos casos resucitan patentes las ambigüedades de la jurisprudencia nacional y supranacional a la hora de ponderar estos derechos

    Attitudes of healthcare personnel towards vaccinations before and during the covid-19 pandemic

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    Vaccines constitute highly effective tools for controlling and eliminating vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) and are assessed to avert between two to three million deaths per year globally. Healthcare personnel (HCP) constitute a priority group for several vaccinations. However, studies indicate significant rates of vaccine hesitancy among them and, therefore, of acceptance of vaccination recommendations. This cross-sectional study was conducted in a university hospital in Southern Italy to assess the knowledge and attitudes of HCP about VPDs before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, estimate their intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and search for determinants that may influence their choice. A self-administered questionnaire was used. HCP improved their knowledge about VPDs and were more favorable to vaccinations in September\u2013December 2020 compared to January\u2013December 2019. Overall, 75% of respondents would get a COVID-19 vaccine. Our findings indicate a potential role of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on Italian HCP\u2019s knowledge and attitudes towards vaccines

    Nuclear techniques and the particulate matter pollution in big harbours

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    The impact of big harbours on the air quality is an important issue both from the environmental and the economical point of view. The harbour of Genoa is the largest in Italy and one of the major ports of the Mediterranean. We have determined the fraction of Particulate Matter (PM) concentration in town due to the heavy oil combustion of the diesel engines of the vessels in the harbour. This turned out to be 12% in PM10 and 25% in PM2.5 and PM1, with about 85% of the PM from this source concentrated in particles with aerodynamic diameter, Dae < 1 μm. We could also point out a link between concentration peaks of the tracers of heavy oil combustion (V and Ni) and the ferryboats traffic. The key tool in this work was the coupling between particular sampling devices and some Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques, in particular Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), which belong to the broader category of nuclear techniques in applied physics

    Spatial and temporal variability of carbonaceous aerosols: assessing the impact of biomass burning in the urban environment

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    Biomass burning (BB) is a significant source of atmospheric particles in many parts of the world. Whereas many studies have demonstrated the importance of BB emissions in central and northern Europe, especially in rural areas, its impact in urban air quality of southern European countries has been sparsely investigated. In this study, highly time resolved multi-wavelength absorption coefficients together with levoglucosan (BB tracer) mass concentrations were combined to apportion carbonaceous aerosol sources. The Aethalometer model takes advantage of the different spectral behaviour of BB and fossil fuel (FF) combustion aerosols. The model was found to be more sensitive to the assumed value of the aerosol Ångström exponent (AAE) for FF (AAEff) than to the AAE for BB (AAEbb). As result of various sensitivity tests the model was optimized with AAEff = 1.1 and AAEbb = 2. The Aethalometer model and levoglucosan tracer estimates were in good agreement. The Aethalometer model was further applied to data from three sites in Granada urban area to evaluate the spatial variation of CMff and CMbb (carbonaceous matter from FF or BB origin, respectively) concentrations within the city. The results showed that CMbb was lower in the city centre while it has an unexpected profound impact on the CM levels measured in the suburbs (about 40%). Analysis of BB tracers with respect to wind speed suggested that BB was dominated by sources outside the city, to the west in a rural area. Distinguishing whether it corresponds to agricultural waste burning or with biomass burning for domestic heating was not possible. This study also shows that although traffic restrictions measures contribute to reduce carbonaceous concentrations, the extent of the reduction is very local. Other sources such as BB, which can contribute to CM as much as traffic emissions, should be targeted to reduce air pollution.This research was partially supported by the Andalusia Regional Government through projects P10-RNM-6299 and P12-RNM-2409, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER through project CGL2013_45410-R; by EUREKA and the Slovenian Ministry of Economic Development and Technology grants (Eurostars grant E!4825 FC Aeth, JR-KROP grant 3211-11-000519); and by European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 654109, ACTRIS-2. The authors would like to thank Air Quality Service from Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio) and Vicerrectorado de Política Científica e Investigación from the University of Granada for their support in the installation of the Aethalometer at PC and GV, respectively.G. Titos was partially funded by Programa del Plan Propio de Investigación “Contrato Puente” of the University of Granada and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under postdoctoral program Juan de la Cierva – Formación (FJCI-2014-20819)

    Scaling of the buckling transition of ridges in thin sheets

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    When a thin elastic sheet crumples, the elastic energy condenses into a network of folding lines and point vertices. These folds and vertices have elastic energy densities much greater than the surrounding areas, and most of the work required to crumple the sheet is consumed in breaking the folding lines or ``ridges''. To understand crumpling it is then necessary to understand the strength of ridges. In this work, we consider the buckling of a single ridge under the action of inward forcing applied at its ends. We demonstrate a simple scaling relation for the response of the ridge to the force prior to buckling. We also show that the buckling instability depends only on the ratio of strain along the ridge to curvature across it. Numerically, we find for a wide range of boundary conditions that ridges buckle when our forcing has increased their elastic energy by 20% over their resting state value. We also observe a correlation between neighbor interactions and the location of initial buckling. Analytic arguments and numerical simulations are employed to prove these results. Implications for the strength of ridges as structural elements are discussed.Comment: 42 pages, latex, doctoral dissertation, to be submitted to Phys Rev

    Long-term treatment with deferiprone enhances left ventricular ejection function when compared to deferoxamine in patients with thalassemia major

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    Transfusion and iron chelation treatment have significantly reduced morbidity and improved survival of patients with thalassemia major. However, cardiac disease continues to be the most common cause of death. We report the left-ventricular ejection fraction, determined by echocardiography, in one hundred sixtyeight patients with thalassemia major followed for at least 5 years who received continuous monotherapy with deferoxamine (N = 108) or deferiprone (N = 60). The statistical analysis, using the generalized estimating equations model, indicated that the group treated with deferiprone had a significantly better left-ventricular ejection fraction than did those treated with deferoxamine (coefficient 0.97; 95% CI 0.37; 1.6, p = 0.002). The heart may be particularly sensitive to iron-induced mitochondrial damage because of the large number of mitochondria and its low level of antioxidants. Deferiprone, because of its lower molecular weight, might cross into heart mitochondria more efficiently, improving their activity and, thereby, myocardial cell function. Our findings indicate that the long-term administration of deferiprone significantly enhances left-ventricular function over time in comparison with deferoxamine treatment. However, because of limitations related to the design of this study, these findings should be confirmed in a prospective, randomized clinical trial

    Retrospective multicenter study on ‘real life’ experience on the use of two different hexavalent vaccines in 5 local health authorities of the sicilian region from 2016 to 2019

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    Background and Objective: Hexavalent vaccination (HV) is a priority for protecting infants against six potentially deadly infectious diseases. In Italy, Europe and recently in the U.S. there are three commercially authorised vaccines. HV is currently used in a primary immunisation regimen with three doses (3-5-11 months). A retrospective clinical study was conducted in Sicily, Italys fourth-most populated region (10% of national population and 9% of all newborns), in order to evaluate real life data on HV during 2016-2019. Methods: Data on the completion of the administration of HV, on interchangeability between the two vaccines that alternated between 2016 and 2019 (Infarix Hexa ®- Vaxelis ®), on use above the established age and on co-administration with Rotavirus and Pneumococcus vaccines were investiganted in five Local Health Unit of the Sicilian Region. Scientific coordination was in charge to the Clinical Epidemiology Unit of the University Hospital (UH) of Palermo, through a questionnaire approved by the ethics committee of the same UH. Results: Data collected from the LHUs of Agrigento, Catania, Palermo, Ragusa and Trapani, constituting 72.5% of the Sicilian population, showed an average of 91.5% completion of the HV cycle at 24 months of age. The average age of administration gradually increased in children who switched between the two vaccines compared to those who completed the vaccination cycle with the same product. Interchangeability with one or two doses of hexavalent was documented in 17.8% (2018) and 16% (2019) of infants. Co-administration was 93% with the 13-valent conjugate anti-pneumococcal vaccine and 70% with the anti-rotavirus vaccine. Conclusions: This retrospective analysis could contribute to demonstrate safety and sustainability of the interchangeability between different types of the same HV, helping Public Health Authorities to manage potential disruptions due to missed routine immunization opportunities pandemic-related or change of vaccines due to National or Regional tender

    Re-irradiation with carbon ion radiotherapy for pelvic rectal cancer recurrences in patients previously irradiated to the pelvis

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    Background/Aim: Re-irradiation of locally recurrent rectal cancer poses challenges due to the proximity of critical organs, such as the bowel. This study aimed at evaluating the safety and efficacy of re-irradiation with Carbon Ion Radiotherapy (CIRT) in rectal cancer patients with local recurrence. Patients and Methods: Between 2014 and 2018, 14 patients were treated at the National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO Foundation) with CIRT for locally recurrent rectal cancer. Results: All patients concluded the treatment. No G≥3 acute/late reaction nor pelvic infections were observed. The 1-year and 2-year local control rates were, 78% and 52%, respectively, and relapse occurred close to the bowel in 6 patients. The 1-year and 2-year overall survival rates were 100% and 76.2% each; while the 1-year and 2-year metastasis free survival rates were 64.3% and 43%. Conclusion: CIRT as re-irradiation for locally recurrent rectal cancer emerges as a safe and valid treatment with an acceptable rate of morbidity of surrounding healthy tissue

    Serial echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction measurements: a tool for detecting thalassemia major patients at risk of cardiac death

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    Cardiac damage remains a major cause of mortality among patients with thalassemia major. The detection of a lower cardiac magnetic resonance T2* (CMR-T2*) signal has been suggested as a powerful predictor of the subsequent development of heart failure. However, the lack of worldwide availability of CMR-T2* facilities prevents its widespread use for follow-up evaluations of cardiac function in thalassemia major patients, warranting the need to assess the utility of other possible procedures.In this setting,the determination of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)offers an accurate and reproducible method for heart function evaluation. These findings suggest a reduction in LVEF≥7%, over time, determined by 2-D echocardiography, may be considered a strong predictive tool for the detection of thalassemia major patients with increased risk of cardiac death. The reduction of LVEF≥7% had higher (84.76%) predictive value. Finally, Kaplan–Meier survival curves of thalassemia major patients with LVEF≥7% showed a statistically significant decreased probability of survival for heart disease (p=0.0022). However, because of limitations related to the study design, such findings should be confirmed in a large long-term prospective clinical trial