76 research outputs found

    Double barrier potentials for matter-wave gap solitons

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    We investigate collisions of solitons of the gap type, supported by a lattice potential in repulsive Bose-Einstein condensates, with an effective double-barrier potential that resembles a Fabry-Perot cavity. We identify conditions under which the trapping of the entire incident soliton in the cavity is possible. Collisions of the incident soliton with an earlier trapped one are considered too. In the latter case, many outcomes of the collisions are identified, including merging, release of the trapped soliton with or without being replaced by the incoming one, and trapping of both solitons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental observation of parametric effects near period doubling in a loss-modulated CO2 laser

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    A number of parametric effects, such as suppression of period doubling, shift of the bifurcation point, scaling law relating the shift and the perturbation amplitude, influence of the detuning on the suppression, reaching of the maximum gain between the original and shifted bifurcation points, and scaling law for idler power are experimentally observed near period doubling bifurcation in a loss-driven CO2 laser that is subjected to periodic loss perturbations at a frequency that is close to a parametric resonance of the unperturbed system

    Conical refraction healing after partially blocking the input beam

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    In conical refraction, when a focused Gaussian beam passes along one of the optic axes of a biaxial crystal it is transformed into a pair of concentric bright rings at the focal plane. We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that this transformation is hardly affected by partially blocking the Gaussian input beam with an obstacle. We analyze the influence of the size of the obstruction both on the transverse intensity pattern of the beam and on its state of polarization, which is shown to be very robust

    Investigation of a CO2 laser response to loss perturbation near period doubling

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    We have observed, in experiments with a loss-driven CO2 laser operating near the onset of a period-doubling bifurcation, strong amplification of a perturbation signal at half the driving frequency. However, deamplification has been observed above the bifurcation point. Using a two-level laser model we have obtained reasonably good agreement between numerical and experimental results

    Conical refraction healing after partially blocking the input beam

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    In conical refraction, when a focused Gaussian beam passes along one of the optic axes of a biaxial crystal, it is transformed into a pair of concentric bright rings at the focal plane. We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that this transformation is hardly affected by partially blocking the Gaussian input beam with an obstacle. We analyze the influence of the size of the obstruction both on the transverse intensity pattern of the beam and on its state of polarization, which is shown to be very robust

    Quantum switches and quantum memories for matter-wave lattice solitons

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    We study the possibility of implementing a quantum switch and a quantum memory for matter wave lattice solitons by making them interact with "effective" potentials (barrier/well) corresponding to defects of the optical lattice. In the case of interaction with an "effective" potential barrier, the bright lattice soliton experiences an abrupt transition from complete transmission to complete reflection (quantum switch) for a critical height of the barrier. The trapping of the soliton in an "effective" potential well and its release on demand, without loses, shows the feasibility of using the system as a quantum memory. The inclusion of defects as a way of controlling the interactions between two solitons is also reported

    Lasing without inversion in three-level systems : self-pulsing in the cascade schemes

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    Lasing without inversion (LWI) in specific models of closed three-level systems is analyzed in terms of nonlinear dynamics. From a linear stability analysis of the trivial nonlasing solution of the homogeneously broadened systems with on-resonance driving and laser fields, we find that, near lasing threshold, resonant closed Λ and V schemes yield continuous-wave LWI while resonant cascade schemes can give rise to self-pulsing LWI. The origin of this different behavior is discussed. For parameters of a real cascade system in atomic 138Ba we check numerically that the self-pulsing solution is stable in a broad range of nonzero detunings. It is shown that the self-pulsing emission can still be observed when the typical residual Doppler broadening of an atomic beam is taken into account

    Endocardial Approach for Substrate Ablation in Brugada Syndrome: Epicardial, Endocardial or Transmural Substrate?

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    Background: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in Brugada syndrome (BrS) has been performed both endocardially and epicardially. The substrate in BrS is thus unclear.Objectives: To investigate the functional endocardial substrate and its correlation with clinical, electrophysiological and ECG findings in order to guide an endocardial ablation.Methods: Thirteen patients (38.7±12.3 years old) with spontaneous type 1 ECG BrS pattern, inducible VF with programmed ventricular stimulation (PVS) and syncope without prodromes were enrolled. Before to endocardial mapping the patients underwent flecainide testing with the purpose of measuring the greatest ST-segment elevation for to be correlated with the size and location of substrate in the electro-anatomic map. Patients underwent endocardial bipolar and electro-anatomic mapping with the purpose of identify areas of abnormal electrograms (EGMs) as target for RFA and determine the location and size of the substrate.Results: When the greatest ST-segment elevation was in the 3rd intercostal space (ICS), the substrate was located upper in the longitudinal plane of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) and a greatest ST-segment elevation in 4th ICS correspond with a location of substrate in lower region of longitudinal plane of RVOT. A QRS complex widening on its initial and final part, with prolonged transmural and regional depolarization time of RVOT corresponded to the substrate locateded in the anterior-lateral region of RVOT. A QRS complex widening rightwards and only prolonged transmural depolarization time corresponded with a substrate located in the anterior, anterior-septal or septal region of RVOT. RFA of endocardial substrate suppressed the inducibility and ECG BrS pattern during 34.7±15.5 months. After RFA, flecainide testing confirmed elimination of the ECG BrS pattern. Endocardial biopsy showed a correlation between functional and ultrastructural alterations in two patients.Keywords: Brugada syndrome; Radiofrequency catheter ablation; Electrocardiography; Mapping; Biopsy.Conclusion: Endocardial RFA can eliminate the BrS phenotype and inducibility during PVS.Fil: Tauber, Pablo E.. Centro Modelo del Corazón; Argentina. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Centro de Salud "Zenón J. Santillán"; ArgentinaFil: Mansilla, Virginia. Centro Modelo del Corazón; ArgentinaFil: Brugada, Pedro. Free University of Brussels. Cardiovascular Division. Cardiovascular Institute; BélgicaFil: Sanchez, Sara Serafina del V.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Honore, Stella Maris. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Elizari, Marcelo. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Chain Molina, Sergio. Centro Modelo del Corazón; ArgentinaFil: Albano, Félix A.. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Centro de Salud "Zenón J. Santillán"; ArgentinaFil: Corbalán, Ricardo R.. Centro Modelo del Corazón; ArgentinaFil: Figueroa Castellanos, Federico. Clínica Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Alzugaray, Damián. Abbott; Argentin

    Lasing without inversion in three-level systems without external coherent driving

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    We have studied an incoherently pumped laser operating with a Doppler-broadened three-level system placed in a doubly resonant cavity. This system generates two laser fields, one of them without population inversion. Both ladder and V-type three-level schemes are considered with a ratio R=ωα/ωβ of inversionless laser frequency ωα to ordinary laser frequency ωβ of R=0.67 and R=1.88, respectively. Dual-wavelength lasing extends up to Doppler-broadening values for optical transitions of atoms in a vapor cell. Some considerations for the practical realization of this dual-wavelength laser are discussed

    Electromagnetically induced transparency with a standing-wave drive in the frequency up-conversion regime

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    We study electromagnetically induced transparency for a probe traveling-wave (TW) laser field in closed Doppler-broadened three-level systems driven by a standing-wave (SW) laser field of moderate intensity (its Rabi frequencies are smaller than the Doppler width of the driven transition). We show that probe windows of transparency occur for values of the probe to drive field frequency ratio R close to half-integer values. For optical transitions and typical values of Doppler broadening for atoms in a vapor cell, we show that for R>1 a SW drive field is appreciably more efficient than a TW drive in inducing probe transparency. As examples, we consider parameters for real cascade schemes in barium atoms with R≈1.5 and in beryllium atoms with R≈3.5 showing that probe transmission values well above 50% are possible for conditions in which it is almost negligible either without driving field or with only one of the TW components of the drive. We show that a strongly asymmetric drive having two TW components with unequal intensities is even more eficient than a symmetric SW drive in inducing probe transparency. The case of arbitrary probe intensity is also considered