337 research outputs found

    Bimodule structure of the mixed tensor product over Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1) and quantum walled Brauer algebra

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    We study a mixed tensor product 3m3n\mathbf{3}^{\otimes m} \otimes \mathbf{\overline{3}}^{\otimes n} of the three-dimensional fundamental representations of the Hopf algebra Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1), whenever qq is not a root of unity. Formulas for the decomposition of tensor products of any simple and projective Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1)-module with the generating modules 3\mathbf{3} and 3\mathbf{\overline{3}} are obtained. The centralizer of Uqs(21)U_{q} s\ell(2|1) on the chain is calculated. It is shown to be the quotient Xm,n\mathscr{X}_{m,n} of the quantum walled Brauer algebra. The structure of projective modules over Xm,n\mathscr{X}_{m,n} is written down explicitly. It is known that the walled Brauer algebras form an infinite tower. We have calculated the corresponding restriction functors on simple and projective modules over Xm,n\mathscr{X}_{m,n}. This result forms a crucial step in decomposition of the mixed tensor product as a bimodule over Xm,nUqs(21)\mathscr{X}_{m,n}\boxtimes U_{q} s\ell(2|1). We give an explicit bimodule structure for all m,nm,n.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figure

    Problems of Threats to Russia’s Economic Security in Cooperation with the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of Administrative and Legal Regulation

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    The paper examines topical the problems of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation, problems arising in the organization of this work and the direction of their improvement. The objective of the study is to comprehensively study, analyze and summarize the theoretical provisions and results of practical activities in the sphere of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation. Methodology: Approved scientific methods for the comprehensive study of phenomena and processes in their interdependence and, above all, the didactic method of cognition. In the process of collection and processing of empirical material, the author used a comprehensive, systemic, axiological and synergetic approaches that ensure a comprehensive study of the problems of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation. Results: it is necessary to confess that government activity on providing of economic security and defense of national interests of country in area of economy must come true on permanent basis.     Keywords: minimization of threats of economic security to Russia; Eurasian Economic Union; administrative legal regulation; system of theoretical knowledge and practical recommendations of minimization of threats of economic security to Russia at cooperating with the countries of the Eurasian economic union; assistance to development of small and middle enterprise due to the decline of financial and administrative expenses; diagnostics and monitoring of economic strength security

    The Technique of Fitball Aerobics in Physical Culture Classes for Female Students

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    The article sheds some light upon the technique of using fitball, a type of health-improving aerobics. The technique of fitball aerobics in classes touches upon physical education of the first and the second year female students. Development and implementation of the technique includes three stages. The first stage is the organization, methodological approaches, the second - the introduction into the educational process of students, the third is the method testing in a pedagogical experiment. The experimental material confirms that the methodology of fitball aerobics is effective for the development of motor characteristics, aims at the harmonious development of individual students, helps to improve overall fitness and is aimed at the preservation of health. In addition, the results suggest a fundamentally new approach to organizing and conducting of physical training in higher educational institutions. The technique of fitball is an alternative to the traditional means of physical education used in the classroom for physical education in higher educational institutions that do not satisfy the needs of female students. Exercises developed by the author, the use of a line method when performing exercises in the main classes according to musical accompaniment, allows to create a positive emotional background on lessons and a motivation to continue this type of exercises after graduation from the university.В статье рассматривается методика использования фитбола, одного из видов оздоровительной аэробики. Разработана методика применения фитбол-аэробики на занятиях по физической культуре со студентками первого, второго курсов. Разработка и внедрение методики предусматривает три этапа. Первый этап - организация, методологические подходы, второй - внедрение в учебный процесс студенток, третий апробация методики в условиях педагогического эксперимента. Представленные экспериментальные материалы подтверждают, что методика фитбол- аэробики является эффективной для развития двигательных качеств, направлена на гармоничное развитие личности студенток, способствует повышению уровня общей подготовленности и направлена на сохранение здоровья. Кроме того, полученные результаты указывают на принципиально новый подход к организации и проведению занятий по физической культуре в высшем образовательном учреждении. Методика фитбола является альтернативной по отношению к традиционным средствам физического воспитания, используемых на занятиях по физической культуре в высших учебных заведениях, которые не удовлетворяют запросы студенток. Разработанные автором комплексы упражнений, применение поточного метода при выполнении упражнений в основной части занятия с музыкальным сопровождением, позволяет на занятии создать положительный эмоциональный фон и сформировать мотивацию к продолжению занятий после окончания вуза

    Age peculiarities of the pro-inflammatory component of cytokine profile in chronic odontogenic infection affected by polymorbid pathology

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    This study aimed to study the features of pro-inflammatory component of the cytokine profile in chronic odontogenic infection affected by polymorbid patholog

    Experimental Verification of Internal Convergence of Iterative GMDH Algorithms

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    The availability of so-called internal convergence of some iterative GMDH algorithms is verified in this paper using computational experiments.В статті за допомогою обчислювальних експериментів перевіряється наявність так званої внутрішньої збіжності деяких ітераційних алгоритмів МГУА.В статті за допомогою обчислювальних експериментів перевіряється наявність так званої внутрішньої збіжності деяких ітераційних алгоритмів МГУА

    Environmentally Friendly Improvement of Plasmonic Nanostructure Functionality towards Magnetic Resonance Applications

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    Plasmonic nanostructures have attracted a broad research interest due to their application perspectives in various fields such as biosensing, catalysis, photovoltaics, and biomedicine. Their synthesis by pulsed laser ablation in pure water enables eliminating various side effects originating from chemical contamination. Another advantage of pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL) is the possibility to controllably produce plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) in combination with other plasmonic or magnetic materials, thus enhancing their functionality. However, the PLAL technique is still challenging in respect of merging metallic and semiconductor specific features in nanosized objects that could significantly broaden application areas of plasmonic nanostructures. In this work, we performed synthesis of hybrid AuSi NPs with novel modalities by ultrashort laser ablation of bulk gold in water containing silicon NPs. The Au/Si atomic ratio in the nanohybrids was finely varied from 0.5 to 3.5 when changing the initial Si NPs concentration in water from 70 µg/mL to 10 µg/mL, respectively, without requiring any complex chemical procedures. It has been found that the laser-fluence-insensitive silicon content depends on the mass of nanohybrids. A high concentration of paramagnetic defects (2.2·× 1018 spin/g) in polycrystalline plasmonic NPs has been achieved. Our findings can open further prospects for plasmonic nanostructures as contrast agents in optical and magnetic resonance imaging techniques, biosensing, and cancer theranostics

    Course of acute coronary syndrome in patients with fraillty

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    The goal of this study was to study the course and outcome of acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation and without ST-segment elevation in patients of older age groups with frailt

    Comparative analysis of indicators of physical development and physical fitness of university students of various educational physical culture groups during the СOVID-19 pandemic

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    The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of some indicators of physical development and physical fitness of university students of various physical education groups before and after the restrictions of COVID-19. The article presents the experience of monitoring the physical development of higher school students by the Laboratory of Sports and Tourism (LS&T) of the Institute of Physical Culture of Sports and Tourism (IFKSiT) of the Siberian Federal University (SFU).The indicators of physical development and physical fitness of students of 1–3 courses, boys and girls aged 17–22 years of physical education groups: aerobics, basketball and special medical group (SMG) of various institutes of SFU are represented, the analysis shows that these indicators in the groups under study during the predominance of distance learning are insignificantly reduced. The most reduced indicator is the relative strength indicator. The lowest indicators of physical development and physical fitness for all the considered parameters are characteristic of SMG students. The least reduced indicators of physical development and physical fitness were characteristic of the representatives of the aerobics groups, while the flexibility indicator was improved. The current unfavorable epidemiological situation has confirmed the need for the development of various systems for monitoring indicators of physical and functional conditions, physical development, health and physical fitness for higher education, both in the context of the implementation of the subject of physical culture in the educational process and correction of developmental influences during classes, and in the formation of a health-preserving environment of educational institutions