393 research outputs found

    Gospodarski učinak zabrane državne pomoći rumunjskoj čeličnoj industriji

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    The adjustment of the Romanian steel industry restructuring programmes to the requirements of the EU and the implementation of such programmes has supported the development and growth of Romanian steel companies.The total amount of State aid allowed in Romania has been of € 1,2 billion and was mainly awarded for financial restructuring and to a smaller extent for exemption from VAT and corporation tax. The EC has constantly monitored the Romanian steel industry and the way in which State aid has been granted by the Romanian government. As a consequence of the restructuring process– whit entry into force the EU Association Agreement was enforced – several obsolescent plants have been shut down because of physical and moral wear and tear, and the total number steelworkers has decreased significantly.Prilagodba programa preustroja rumunjske čelične industrije zahtjevima Europske unije i provedba tih programa pripomogle su razvitku i rastu rumunjskih poduzeća djelatnih u čeličnoj industriji. Državna pomoć odobrena u Rumunjskoj ukupno je iznosila 1,2 milijarde US dolara i uglavnom se dodjeljivala za financijski preustroj, a u manjoj mjeri za izuzeće od PDV-a i poreza na dobit. EK je stalno pratila rumunjsku čeličnu industriju i način na koji je rumunjska vlada dodjeljivala državna pomoć. Kao posljedak procesa preustroja – stupanjem na snagu Sporazuma o pridruživanju EU – zatvoreno je nekoliko zastarjelih tvornica zbog istrošenosti te je broj radnika u čeličnoj industriji značajno smanjen

    Financijska revizija poduzeća djelatnih u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji

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    In light of the effects of the economic-financial crisis and of the numerous changes occurring both on a European and a global level and altering the environment of the metalworking sector, the aim of the present paper is to focus on the specific alterations performed in the audit of the economic and financial activity and of the financial statements of each entity under consideration. Moreover, high quality audit is essential, especially in light of the numerous cases of fraud and corruption that have been documented in the past few years – occurrences we make reference to – and involving companies operating in this particular sector.U svjetlu posljedica gospodarsko-financijske krize i mnogih promjena kako u Europi tako i na globalnoj razini, čime se promijenilo i okružje metaloprerađivačkog sektora, cilj je ovog priloga osvrnuti se na specifične promjene izvršene u reviziji gospodarsko-financijske aktivnosti i financijskih izvješća svakog razmatranog subjekta. Visokokvalitetna revizija od bitne je važnosti, posebice u svjetlu brojnih slučajeva prijevare i korupcije zabilježenih u proteklih nekoliko godina – o čemu vodimo evidenciju – u koje su bile umiješane tvrtke djelatne u konkretno ovome sektoru

    Revascularization of the myocardium with the use of both internal thoracic arteries in the multivascular diseases of the coronary arteries

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    Secția Chirurgie Cardiacă a Viciilor Dobândite, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican ”Timofei Moșneaga”, Chișinau, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Artera toracica internă are cea mai buna permeabilitate din grefele folosite pentru bypass coronarian, cu permeabilitate 95-98% la 10 ani dupa intervenție. Folosirea a două aa. toracice interne asigura un rezultat bun și de durată a operațiilor de revascularizare a miocardului. Dar ponderea operațiilor cu utilizarea a două aa. toracice interne in toată lumea nu depașește 10% din toate operațiile de bypass coronarian. Material și metode: Din a.2013 pînă la 30 martie 2019 în clinica au fost efectuate 762 cazuri de bypass coronarian în afecțiunile coronariene, în 110 (14,4%) cazuri au fost folosite ambele aa. toracice interne, 104 (95%) bărbați și 6 (5%) femei, vârsta de 54±7,8 ani. Majoritatea aveau angină pectorală cl.f. III-IV, 58 (53%) infarct miocardic în anamneză. Stenoză critică de trunchi a.coronară stângă 24 (22%). Rezultate: Arterele toracice au fost montate ca T-Graft 81 (73,6%) cazuri și ˶in situ˵ 29 (26,4%). Indicele de revascularizare 3,14. Revascularizare arterială efectuată în 39 (35,4%) de cazuri. În 71 (64,5%) de cazuri a fost folosită autovena, 7 (6,4%) cazuri a.radială. A.toracică internă montată secvențial în 19 (17,3%) cazuri. 16 (14,5%) pacienți operați pe cord bătând. În 4 cazuri efectuată endarterectomie din a.carotidă internă. Letalitate 0 cazuri, infarct miocardic perioperator 1 caz, hemoragie postoperatorie 2 (1,8%), mediastenită 2 (1,8%). Concluzii: Bypass coronarian cu folosirea ambelor aa.toracice interne este o metodă contemporană și sigură în revascularizarea miocardului în afecțiunile arterelor coronare, nu mărește riscul complicațiilor perioperatorii. În prezent aceata trebuie considerată operație de alegere la majoritatea pacienților cu cardiopatie ischemică cu afectarea multivasculară aa. coronare.Background: Internal thoracic arteries have the best permeability of the grafts used for coronary bypass grafting, with 95-98% permeability 10 years after surgery. Using bilateral internal thoracic arteries has been shown to significantly improve clinical outcomes and increase long-term survival. But the proportion of operations with the use of two internal thoracic arteries worldwide does not exceed 10% of all coronary bypass surgery. Methods and materials: From 2013 to 30 March 2019 in the our clinic 762 cases of coronary artery bypass grafting in coronary diseases were performed in 110 (14.4%) cases were used bilateral internal thoracic arteries, 104 (95%) men and 6 (5%) women, 54 ± 7.8 years of age. Most had angina pectoral cl. III-IV, 58 (53%) history of myocardial infarction. Critical stenosis of left coronary artery - 24 (22%). Results: The thoracic arteries were assembled as T-Graft 81 (73.6%) cases and in situ 29 (26.4%). Revascularization Index 3.14. Blood revascularization performed in 39 (35.4%) cases. In 71 (64.5%) cases autovena was used, 7 (6.4%) cases radial artery. A. internal thoracic arteries sequentially mounted in 19 (17.3%) cases. 16 (14.5%) patients were operated off pump. In 4 cases were done endarterectomy from intern carotid artery. Lethality 0 cases, perioperative myocardial infarction 1 case, deep sternal wound infection 2 (1.8%). Conclusion: Coronary bypass with the use of bilateral internal thoracic arteries is a contemporary and safe method in the myocardial revascularization in coronary artery disease; it does not increase the risk of perioperative complications. Currently, this should be considered as a surgery for choice for the most patients with coronary artery disease

    On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane

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    Models of spatially homogeneous walks in the quarter plane Z+2{\bf Z}_+^{2} with steps taken from a subset S\mathcal{S} of the set of jumps to the eight nearest neighbors are considered. The generating function (x,y,z)Q(x,y;z)(x,y,z)\mapsto Q(x,y;z) of the numbers q(i,j;n)q(i,j;n) of such walks starting at the origin and ending at (i,j)Z+2(i,j) \in {\bf Z}_+^{2} after nn steps is studied. For all non-singular models of walks, the functions xQ(x,0;z)x \mapsto Q(x,0;z) and yQ(0,y;z)y\mapsto Q(0,y;z) are continued as multi-valued functions on C{\bf C} having infinitely many meromorphic branches, of which the set of poles is identified. The nature of these functions is derived from this result: namely, for all the 51 walks which admit a certain infinite group of birational transformations of C2{\bf C}^2, the interval ]0,1/S[]0,1/|\mathcal{S}|[ of variation of zz splits into two dense subsets such that the functions xQ(x,0;z)x \mapsto Q(x,0;z) and yQ(0,y;z)y\mapsto Q(0,y;z) are shown to be holonomic for any zz from the one of them and non-holonomic for any zz from the other. This entails the non-holonomy of (x,y,z)Q(x,y;z)(x,y,z)\mapsto Q(x,y;z), and therefore proves a conjecture of Bousquet-M\'elou and Mishna.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    The Elaboration of Multiple Precessional Gear Theory and Modern Manufacturing Technology

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    The engineering complex study of the triad “gear-technology-transmission” has permitted to elaborate a new type of precessional transmissions with multicouple gear. In this paper, the authors present the mathematic model of the multicouple gear. A computer program for doing this it is also elaborated. It is shown a block-scheme of the algorithm of the program modules including the calculus modalities exposed in the paper

    Penetrating heart injuries – our experience

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr.1 ”N.Anestiadi”, Laboratorul Chirurgie Hepato-pancreato-biliară, USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Secția Chirurgie nr.1 IMSP IMU, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Plăgile inimii care au reușit să fie transportate spre spital, fac parte din urgențele chirurgicale majore. Reprezintă 3,1% din toate traumatismele toracice conform EACTS. Cardiorafia care asigură hemostaza și vindecarea cordului poate avea rezultat bun și pentru o plagă cu dimensiuni importante. Scopul lucrării: Revizuirea conduitei intraspitalicești la pacienții cu plagă de cord cu evidențierea aspectelor intraoperatorii și a rezultatelor precoce ale tratamentului.Material și metode: Per total 36 de pacienți au fost internați cu plagă de cord (B:F – 35:1) în perioada: ianuarie 2005-mai 2015; dintre care 2 pacienți au avut plagă pericardică și unul – plagă cardiacă nepenetrantă. S-au analizat datele demografice, intervalul de timp de la traumatism până la operație, afectarea cavităților cardiace, examenele paraclinice efectuate preoperator în funcție de instabilitatea hemodinamicii. Pacienții au fost repartizați în două loturi: I – “răniții albi” (n=14), cu șoc hipovolemic și II – “răniții albaștri” (n=22) cu șoc cardiogen. Toți pacienții au fost operați de urgență prin toracotomie antero-laterală stângă (24) și dreaptă (12). Intraoperator s-a depistat plagă a VS (18), VD (8), AS (6), AD (3), VCS (1); în toate cazurile însoțite de hemopericard și hemopneumotorace. Rezultate: Durata medie de spitalizare – 17,6±3,6 zile, inclusiv în ATI – 2,4±1,2 zile. Au decedat 7 (19,4%) pacienți după stop cardiac pe masa de operație: lotul I – 4 (28,6%), iar lotul II – 3 (13,6%). Concluzii: Cardiorafia aplicată în timp reușit și gradul de agresivitate a plăgilor pe camerele cordului s-au soldat la pacienții cazuisticii prezentate cu o rată de supraviețuire de 80,6%, șocul hipovolemic fiind asociat cu pronostic mai rezervat, deşi fără diferenţă statistic semnificativă.Introduction: Cardiac injuries, in patients surviving until transportation to the hospital, represent major surgical emergencies. According to EACTS heart injuries account for 3.1% of all thoracic traumas. Cardiorrhaphy which provides heart wound closure and haemostasis may provide good results even for a large lesion. The purpose: Review of in hospital management of the patients with heart injury, highlighting intraoperative issues and early results of treatment. Material and methods: In the period January 2005-May 2015 there were 36 hospitalized patients (M:F – 35:1) with heart injury, out of which 2 patients have had pericardial injury and one – nonpenetrating cardiac injury. The following parameters were analyzed: demographic data, the time from injury to surgery, injured cardiac chambers, preoperative paraclinical examinations depending on the hemodynamic instability. Patients were distributed into two groups: I – “white injured” (n=14) with hypovolemic shock and II – “blue injured” (n=22) with cardiogenic shock. All patients were operated by emergency anterolateral thoracotomy: left (24) and right (12). Intraoperatively injury of LV (18), RV (8), LA (6), RA (3), SCV (1) were detected, in all cases accompanied by haemopericardium and haemopneumothorax. Results: The median hospital stay – 17.6±3.6 days, including in ICU – 2.4±1.2 days. Seven (19.4%) patients died after cardiac arrest on the operating table: in group I – 4 (28.6%), and in group II – 3 (13.6%). Conclusions: Cardiorrhaphy performed at proper time and degree of heart chambers injuries resulted in 80.6% survival in our case series; hypovolemic shock was associated with worse outcomes, though without statistically significant difference

    Algorithms for zero-dimensional ideals using linear recurrent sequences

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    Inspired by Faug\`ere and Mou's sparse FGLM algorithm, we show how using linear recurrent multi-dimensional sequences can allow one to perform operations such as the primary decomposition of an ideal, by computing the annihilator of one or several such sequences.Comment: LNCS, Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing CASC 201

    Form factor expansions in the 2D Ising model and Painlev\'e VI

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    We derive a Toda-type recurrence relation, in both high and low temperature regimes, for the λ\lambda - extended diagonal correlation functions C(N,N;λ)C(N,N;\lambda) of the two-dimensional Ising model, using an earlier connection between diagonal form factor expansions and tau-functions within Painlev\'e VI (PVI) theory, originally discovered by Jimbo and Miwa. This greatly simplifies the calculation of the diagonal correlation functions, particularly their λ\lambda-extended counterparts. We also conjecture a closed form expression for the simplest off-diagonal case C±(0,1;λ)C^{\pm}(0,1;\lambda) where a connection to PVI theory is not known. Combined with the results for diagonal correlations these give all the initial conditions required for the \l-extended version of quadratic difference equations for the correlation functions discovered by McCoy, Perk and Wu. The results obtained here should provide a further potential algorithmic improvement in the \l-extended case, and facilitate other developments.Comment: 23 pages, references added, introduction extended, abstract modified, misprints correcte

    Management treatment of thrombosis prostheses heart

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    Departamentul Chirurgie Cardiacă, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Institutul de Cardiologie, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Fenomenul de tromboză sau “pannus-tromboză” a protezelor valvulare cardiace rămâne o complicație gravă ce necesită o intervenție promptă în cardiochirurgie. Recent în arsenalul medical se implementează o metodă nouă - tromboliza medicamentoasă în trombozele valvulare. Scop. Analiza experienței noastre de tratament al trombozelor valvulare cardiace prin diverse metode care au fost aplicate pe parcursul ultimilor 9 ani. Materiale și metode. În lotul studiului (2007-2016) s-au operat 1411 pacienți cu patologii valvulare în IMSP SCR secţia VCD, la care s-au implantat 1315 valve cardiace: dintre care 173 - cu proteze biologice; 1142: proteze mecanice. Disfuncție de proteza prin tromboza s-a depistat la 34 pacienți, cu vârstă cuprinsă între 35 și 63 de ani. Tromboliza a fost efectuată la 22 pacienți. Tratamentului chirurgical au fost supusi 11 pacienți. Rezultate. Din 22 cazuri care au fost supuşi trombolizei cu Ateplaza si Reteplaza s-a reuşit restabilirea completă a funcţiei protezelor valvulare la 19 pacienţi. Doua cazuri letale: 1- hemoragie, 1–soc anafilactic. Într-un caz de tromboliză s-a obținut restabilire incompleta a funcției protezei, dar cu ameliorare hemodinamică, care peste 2 săptămâni a fost supusa intervenției chirurgicale Concluzii. Pacienții cu tromboza protezelor valvulare în stare critică pot fi rezolvaţi efectiv prin aplicarea trombolizei medicamentoase care poate vindeca pacientul complet sau poate servi drept un procedeu de salvare până la aplicarea tratamentului chirurgical de schimbare a protezei valvulare. Rata complicațiilor embolice este joasă, ceea ce poate fi implementat ca tratament de prima linie. La răspunsul parţial tratamentului de tromboliză, pacientul poate fi operat în condiții hemodinamice satisfăcătoare, cu un risc scăzut.Introduction: The phenomenon of thrombosis or "pannus-thrombosis" valve cardiac prostheses remains a serious complication requiring prompt intervention in cardiac surgery. Recently the medical arsenal implemented a new method of valve thrombosis in drug thrombolysis. Purpose: Analysis of our experience of treating heart valve thrombosis by various methods that have been applied over the last 9 years. Materials and Methods: The study group (2007-2016) was made in 1411 patients with valve pathologies of RCH department AHD, which were implanted heart valves 1315: of which 173 - with biological prostheses; 1142: mechanical prostheses. Dysfunction of prosthesis thrombosis was detected in 34 patients, aged between 35 and 63 years. Thrombolysis was performed on 22 patients. Surgical treatment of 11 patients were undergoing. Results: Of 22 cases who underwent thrombolysis with Ateplaza and Reteplase was able to restore full function prosthetic gradient transprotetic normalized in 19 patients. Two fatal cases: 1- hemorrhage, 1-anaphylactic shock. In a case of thrombolysis was obtained incomplete restoration of hearing function, but with hemodynamic improvement, more than 2 weeks has surgical reintervention. Conclusions: Patients with prosthetic valve thrombosis in critical condition can be effectively resolved by applying thrombolysis drug that can cure the patient completely or can serve as a method of saving surgery to change the application of a valve prosthesis. Embolic complication rate is low, which can be implemented as a first-line treatment. Partial response to thrombolysis treatment, the patient can be operated satisfactory hemodynamic conditions, with low risk

    Holonomic functions of several complex variables and singularities of anisotropic Ising n-fold integrals

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    Lattice statistical mechanics, often provides a natural (holonomic) framework to perform singularity analysis with several complex variables that would, in a general mathematical framework, be too complex, or could not be defined. Considering several Picard-Fuchs systems of two-variables "above" Calabi-Yau ODEs, associated with double hypergeometric series, we show that holonomic functions are actually a good framework for actually finding the singular manifolds. We, then, analyse the singular algebraic varieties of the n-fold integrals χ(n) \chi^{(n)}, corresponding to the decomposition of the magnetic susceptibility of the anisotropic square Ising model. We revisit a set of Nickelian singularities that turns out to be a two-parameter family of elliptic curves. We then find a first set of non-Nickelian singularities for χ(3) \chi^{(3)} and χ(4) \chi^{(4)}, that also turns out to be rational or ellipic curves. We underline the fact that these singular curves depend on the anisotropy of the Ising model. We address, from a birational viewpoint, the emergence of families of elliptic curves, and of Calabi-Yau manifolds on such problems. We discuss the accumulation of these singular curves for the non-holonomic anisotropic full susceptibility.Comment: 36 page