303 research outputs found

    Maternal mortality at Gulbarga district hospital, a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Pregnancy, although being considered a normal physiological state, carries serious risk of morbidity and at times maternal death. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is a very sensitive index that reflects the quality of health care provided by the country to the women population. It also reflects the educational and socioeconomic state of a country as well as public health consciousness. This study was carried out to determine the causes of maternal deaths at Gulbarga district hospital, a tertiary care hospital.Methods: This is a cohert of prospective and retrospective hospital based study of 2 years. IPD case records of maternal deaths were studied. A total of 25 maternal deaths were analyzed using percentage.Results: In the maternal deaths studied, the leading direct causes of death were haemorrhage (32%), followed by eclampsia (15%). Anaemia (8%) and cerebrovascular accidents (9%) were the common indirect causes of maternal death in our study. Most women (72%) died within 12 hours of admission suggesting majority patients reach the tertiary care hospital late.Conclusions: Most of the maternal deaths were preventable by optimal antenatal, intranatal and perinatal care. Most effective intervention to reduce pregnancy related mortality is education of family planning methods and safe abortion methods, increasing the number of skilled birth attendants, reducing home births and improving emergency obstetric care (EOC)

    A study of urinary tract infection in pregnancy and its effect on maternal and perinatal outcome

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    Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) during pregnancy is very common in developing countries like India. UTI is caused by the growth of micro-organisms in the urinary tract. This study aims to determine the incidence of UTI in whole pregnancy and its adverse effects on mother and fetus. Methods: This is a prospective study conducted in outpatient department of ESIC medical college for one year from January 2017 to December 2017. A total of 182 pregnant women attending OBG OPD for ANC check-up without any medical disorders or previous adverse pregnancy outcomes of 18-35 years of age were included in the study. Urine routine and urine culture sensitivity were done for all. Results: Out of 182 pregnant women tested for UTI, the incidence of UTI in pregnancy was found to be 19%. Asymptomatic UTI was noted in 65% patients with UTI. Primigravida were commonly affected (56%). Highest cases were in 18 to 25 years (63%) age group. 56% cases showed 6-10 pus cells/HPF. Prevalence of UTI was more common in winter seasons. Commonest causative organism was E. coli in 38% cases. Maternal complications like anaemia (26%) and puerperal pyrexia (23%) were observed. Adverse fetal outcomes like preterm birth (35%) and fetal growth restriction (15%) were observed. Conclusions: In this study, the prevalence rate of UTI during pregnancy is high (19%). The physiological changes of pregnancy predispose the women to UTI so does the other factors such as age, sexual activity, hygiene, multiparty, previous history of UTI and socio-economic conditions. All pregnant women should be screened for UTI with a urine routine and urine culture, treated with antibiotics if the culture is positive and then retested for cure. Awareness has to be created about good hygienic practices and adequate hydration among pregnant women

    A study on health profile of geriatric population in an urban slum of bijapur

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    Background: Advances in medical field have increased the longevity of people by reducing morbidity and mortality to a great extent. With the increase in longevity, problems related to old age have also increased. These problems are more confounded by social factors. Objective: To assess the various health problems faced by elderly people and suggest the remedial measures so that effective preventive and promotive measures can be implemented. Methodology: Community based cross-sectional study of the elderly persons residing in an urban slum of Bijapur. Results: Among acute health problems most common were arthritis (39%) and bronchitis (20.8%). Most common chronic illness observed was respiratory illness 19% (COPD and asthma) fallowed by visual impairment (11.5%), arthritis (11.1%), and hypertension (9.1%) Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) showed that majority of respondents 297 (60%) were having the normal score. Conclusion: The pattern of geriatric health problems have different characteristics and hence require a specific type of screening programme based on the finding of various geriatric health studies

    Current Status of Stylosanthes Seed Production in Southern India

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    India is a significant producer of Stylosanthes (stylo) seed (principally S. hamata). Most of this seed is produced by villagers and small farmers in the Anantpur district, Andhra Pradesh, southern India. This is one of the poorest regions in the State, with harsh climatic conditions, poor, zinc-deficient soils, and (in the stylo seed production area) farm sizes averaging less than 2 ha. Marketing is handled by an informal network of seed traders who distribute stylo seed within a 25-30 km radius and, via the next level of traders, to other parts of India. A survey of seed production in this area in 2002/03 indicated that stylo seed production in 2001 was about 800 t from more than 400 ha (Rao et al. 2004). A second survey, conducted in 2012, showed that the stylo seed production area had declined to 150 ha, and that annual seed production had declined to about 300 t. Most of the decline had occurred since 2007, when the purchase of seed for watershed rehabilitation in the States of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh was discontinued. In addition to the loss of this major market, other factors influenced the reduction in stylo seed production. These included the low price of stylo seed compared with groundnut (the crop mainly competing for land use); sales of land for other purposes, and diversion of one area as a Special Economic Zone; reduced availability and increased costs of labour, particularly after the establishment in 2005 of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Agency (NREGA) which provided an attractive employment option for rural workers; lack of technical support; and, in one case, delays in payment. Poor seed quality is another issue constraining prices. Despite these challenges, many farmers in the region remain positive and would continue to produce stylo seed if profitability could be improved

    Asymptomatic secondary abdominal pregnancy diagnosed 12 years after tubectomy

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    Abdominal pregnancy is a rare obstetric complication with high maternal mortality. Advanced abdominal pregnancy is rare and accounts for 1 in 25,000 pregnancies. 32 years’ lady, P2L2, last child birth and interval tubectomy by modified Pomeroy’s method 12 years ago, reported with Amenorrhoea of two months with vague lower abdominal pain since 2 days. Ultrasonography (USG) abdomen and pelvis showed an extrauterine viable pregnancy of 20+ weeks POG with no hemoperitoneum. she travelled 4 hours by road to her hometown, for second opinion and was referred back to our institution. A laparotomy was done; hemoperitoneum of 1.5 litres was noted. The sac with the live foetus inside with placental implantation seen on entire left fallopian tube except the fimbrial end and a small portion of omentum was noted. Left salpingectomy with excision of the sac with the foetus along with partial omentectomy was performed. Patient received two units of PRBC postoperatively

    Retrospective Analysis of Hanging Cases Between 2016 and 2020 in Urban India

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    Background: Death by hanging is a vital health hazard worldwide; it is classified as violent mechanical deaths resulting from asphyxia. The manner of death in hanging is suicide in the majority of the cases, and accidental hanging is less common, and homicidal hanging is still less common. The study was aimed towards analyzing sociodemographic patterns, precipitating factors for committing hanging at Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS), Ballari, India.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at the mortuary of VIMS, Ballari, Karnataka, India. From January 01, 2016, to December 31, 2020, 356 alleged hanging cases were brought to the mortuary for postmortem examination, and the cause of death was attributed to hanging. The necessary data were collected with the help of history, inquest reports, meticulous postmortem examination, etc. The results were obtained after tabulating and data analyzed with a cross-sectional study.Results: Of 356 cases of hanging, the majority of the cases were in the age group of 31-40 years (140 patients; i.e., 39.32%). Male preponderance was detected in 235(66%) cases, and most victims have married 199(56%) subjects. Concerning seasonal variation, we noted that the maximum number of suicides by hanging was reported in July to September 141(39.60%). Out of 356 hanging cases, 178(50%) were employed. The predisposing factor was Chronic illness in 136(38.20 %) cases, followed by financial stress and psychological problems in 120(33.70%) and 50(14.04%) cases, respectively. Most of the victims belonged to the Hindu religion, 290(82%) cases. Moreover, 320(90%) of cases had no suicide note.Conclusion: Hanging is challenging to prevent due to numerous concomitant factors, but psychological counseling, economic support, and education can reduce the incidence of hanging


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    In Ayurveda Classics Sankha Vati seems with two names Sankha Vati and Maha Shankha Vati.  Both these preparations are selected for the present study are comes under Khalveeya Rasa Kalpana & Sagandha and Niragni Moorchhana preparation. This study having the aim of detailed literary study of Maha Sankha Vati & Sankha Vati. In Ayurveda classics Four different references of MahaSankha vati & ten references of Sankha Vati found. In Ayurveda Formulary of India Maha Shankha Vati is prescribed from Bhaishjya Ratnavali, but this reference actually originated from Rasendra Chintamani. After considering various reference in text, it was found that fourteen drugs are common according to all the references, these are Parada, Gandhaka, Vatsanabha, Shankha Bhasma, Hingu, Chincha Kshara, Panchalavana, Maricha, Pippali & Sunthi. In Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakar mentioned that, if Loha & Vanga added in Sankha Vati formulation it can be called as Maha Shankha Vati. After studying various reference mentioned in Ras Shastra, Standard operative procedure of Maha Shankha Vati can be classified into two types:- In above two SOP only difference in Shankha Processing, in first SOP Shankha Bhasma is prepared by giving Gaja Puta and in second SOP Shankha Marana has been done by Quenching method. Variations found in Bhavana Dravya, Bhavana Sankhya, Size, Anupana, Grahan Kala of Maha Sankha Vati among all classics. like There are found references about Apamarga Patra Swaras, Apamarga Mula Kwath. In AFI Chitrak Mula & Apamarga Panchanga, mentioned in the form of Kwatha. Bhavana of Amlavarga Dravya must be given upto it becomes Amla in test. To go to details go through this Study which having mentioned all the details

    An overview of health concerns among elderly population

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    Background: Urbanisation, nuclearisation of family, migration, and dual career families are making care of the elderly more and more of a personal and social problem in India. Objective: Assess the concerns about health issues among elderly people. Methodology: Community based cross-sectional study. Results: 64.4% of the elders were treated well and about 22.9% were treated very well during illness. 86.3% were consulted during illness. Son was the care taker in 55.6% of study subjects. 70.6% of elderly were consulted to allopathic practitioners / Govt Hospitals. Conclusion: It is the responsibility of family to look after elderly in respectful manner, especially during illness. The government should frame policies and provide social and economical security to elders

    A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Dashamoola Trivrit Taila Paana in Kashtartava w.s.r. Dysmenorrhoea

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    Dysmenorrhoea means difficult menstruation but the term is used to mean painful menstruation, but a more practical definition includes cases of painful menstruation of sufficient magnitude so as to incapacitate day to day activities.[1] Kashtartava is Pratyama Laxana of various Yonivyapads like - Vatala, Paripluta, Udavartini, Mahayoni, Antarmukhi, Sukimukki and also in Vataja Artava Dhushti, Khsina Artava Dhushuti, Asrgdara that affects approximately 50% of menstruating women. It is common reason for losing time at school or work or for visiting the family doctor. Pain is the biggest problem since the beginning of mankind. Morbid Vata Dosha especially Apana Vata is causative factor of Kashtartava. Drugs which have Vatahara Artava Doshahara properties are beneficial. Considering the morbidity and the complications that are caused by Kashtartava, combination of above herbal preparation has been tried here. Here, in this study Dashmoola Trivrit Taila having property of Shula Prashamana Vatanulomana and Vatashamaka is indicated in the form of Paana

    Estimation of mortality rates, exploitation rates and ratios of Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier) and Eupleurogrammus muticus (Gray)

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    The contribution of ribonfish to the total fish catch in the world has gone up from 1.1% in 1990 to 1.8% in 1998. However, ever since the pressure has increased in the coastal waters, the catches have started showing signs of decline. The same is also reflected in two species, Lepturacanthus savala and Eupleurogrammus muticus recorded from the dol net in Mumbai waters. In the present investigation the mortality rates and ratios of two species of ribbonfish are recorded. The pooled total, natural and fishing mortality of the former species is 4.15, 1.30, and 2.86 respectively whereas that of the latter species is 4.31, 1.15 and 3.16 respectively. The pooled exploitation ratio (E) and exploitation rate (U) of L. savala and E. muticus were 0.68 & 0.66 and 0.73 & 0.72 respectively. Though for both the species the E is well beyond the optimum E of 0.5, for E.muticus it is very much on the higher side. Thus, a reduction in the fishing effort is required to prevent future damage to the stock