408 research outputs found

    Sugar-hydrolysing enzymes in gustatory mutants of Drosophila

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    The distribution of the isozymes of α-glucosidase in different parts of Drosophila melanogaster was examined. Two of the eight glucosidase bands are associated with tarsi. The gustatory mutations in the genes gustB and gustC greatly reduce tarsal glucosidase activity, but the enzyme deficiency is not correlated with inability to taste sugars

    A Comparative Study of Text Classification Methods: An Experimental Approach

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    Text classification is the process in which text document is assigned to one or more predefined categories based on the contents of document. This paper focuses on experimentation of our implementation of three popular machine learning algorithms and their performance comparative evaluation on sample English Text document categorization. Three well known classifiers namely Naïve Bayes (NB), Centroid Based (CB) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) were implemented and tested on same dataset R-52 chosen from Reuters-21578 corpus. For performance evaluation classical metrics like precision, recall and micro and macro F1-measures were used. For statistical comparison of the three classifiers Randomized Block Design method with T-test was applied. The experimental result exhibited that Centroid based classifier out performed with 97% Micro F1 measure. NB and KNN also produce satisfactory performance on the test dataset, with 91% Micro F1 measure and 89% Micro F1 measure respectively

    30 Years on: How the Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis of Schizophrenia Morphed into the Developmental Risk Factor Model of Psychosis

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    At its re-birth 30 years ago, the neurodevelopment hypothesis of schizophrenia focussed on aberrant genes and early neural hazards, but then it grew to include ideas concerning aberrant synaptic pruning in adolescence. The hypothesis had its own stormy development and it endured some difficult teenage years when a resurgence of interest in neurodegeneration threatened its survival. In early adult life, it over-reached itself with some reductionists claiming that schizophrenia was simply a neurodevelopmental disease. However, by age 30, the hypothesis has matured sufficiently to incorporated childhood and adult adversity, urban living and migration, as well as heavy cannabis use, as important risk factors. Thus, it morphed into the developmental risk factor model of psychosis and integrated new evidence concerning dysregulated striatal dopamine as the final step on the pathway linking risk factors to psychotic symptoms

    A Multi-featured Approach by Integrating Digital Hand and Dental X-Ray for Human Age Estimation

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    Traditionally, human bone age is estimated manually by inspecting the multiple body part X-ray images, which is extremely time-consuming and prone to error. The accuracy of the human estimate depends on the experience of the medical practitioner, and thus it suffers from intra- and inter-observer variability. Hence, efficient automatic approaches are required to determine human age with high accuracy. In this work, we propose a human age estimation technique using Deep Learning (DL) technique based on hand X-ray images combined with dental orthopantomographs (OPGs) is proposed. Here, the input X-ray image is pre-processed first using Non-Local Means (NLM) first, followed by Region of Interest (RoI) extraction. Later, color and position image augmentation are performed in order to balance the dataset. Thereafter, the salient features in the image are determined, and based on these features, human age estimation is carried out using the Deep Residual Network (DRN). Here, the DRN is trained using the Beluga whale lion optimization (BWLO) algorithm. Furthermore, the BWLO_DRN is examined for its superiority considering the model accuracy and is found to obtain value of 90.1% on hand-wrist and 89.9% OPG real time dataset, thus showing superior performance for hand-wrist images

    A single compartment simulation model of pharmacokinetics

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    For better understanding about derivation of various parameters related to pharmacokinetics, this model is developed. Animals or human volunteers are not used in this model but the principles used in pharmacokinetic studies in volunteers are incorporated. There is detailed description about setting of the model and derivation of various parameters step by step. An example is followed to illustrate the calculations involved. Possibilities of further extension of model to derive additional parameters and variations are discussed. The experience indicates that the model serves as a good demonstration to undergraduate students and a meaningful experiment for PG-students for learning and as a practical-examination exercise. The purpose of the article is to widen the use of this simple teaching tool at various centers

    Clinical evaluation of subepithelial connective tissue graft and guided tissue regeneration for treatment of Miller's class 1 gingival recession: comparative, split mouth, six months study

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    Objectives: The present study aims to clinically compare and evaluate subepithelial connective tissue graft and the GTR based root coverage in treatment of Miller's Class I gingival recession. Study Design: 30 patients with at least one pair of Miller's Class I gingival recession were treated either with Sube - pithelial connective tissue graft (Group A) or Guided tissue regeneration (Group B). Clinical parameters monitored included recession RD, width of keratinized gingiva (KG), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), attached gingiva (AG), residual probing depth (RPD) and % of Root coverage(%RC). Measurements were taken at baseline, three months and six months. A standard surgical procedure was used for both Group A and Group B. Data were recorded and statistical analysis was done for both intergroup and intragroup. Results: At end of six months % RC obtained were 84.47% (Group A) and 81.67% (Group B). Both treatments resulted in statistically significant improvement in clinical parameters. When compared, no statistically significant difference was found between both groups except in RPD, where it was significantly greater in Group A. Conclusions: GTR technique has advantages over subepithelial connective tissue graft for shallow Miller's Class I defects and this procedure can be used to avoid patient discomfort and reduce treatment time

    A double blind controlled trial comparing three treatment modalities for dentin hypersensitivity

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    Aim: This randomized, double blind, split mouth study was aimed to compare three dentin desensitizing treatment modalities. Methods: Two hundred sixty teeth of 25 patients; each having at least 2 hypersensitive teeth in each quadrant, were included. Teeth were randomized to 4 groups: Group A treated with 2% NaF solution, Group B received GLUMA®; an aqueous solution of Hydroxy-Ethyl-Methacrylate and Glutarldehyde, (HEMA-G), Group C received iontophoresis with distilled water (placebo) and Group D was treated with NaF-iontophoresis. Pain response was evaluated on a visual analogue scale (VAS), by using tactile, air blast and cold-water stimuli at 0-day, 15-day, 1-month and 3-months interval. Results: All treatments were effective in reducing dentinal hypersensitivity significantly, Group D and Group B were more effective than Group A and Group C at all time intervals. Group D and Group B were equally effective in reducing dentinal hypersensitivity at 15-day and 1-month interval but Group D was more effective at 3-months. Conclusion: All treatment modalities were more effective in reducing hypersensitivity than placebo. 2% NaF-iontophoresis and HEMA-G were more effective than 2% NaF local application at all time intervals. But at 3-months, 2% NaF-iontophoresis was more effective than HEMA-G, while placebo produced no significant effect in reduction of hypersensitivity

    Assessment of utilization of child health services (under RCH program) and incorrect practices related to perinatal events in Jamnagar district, Gujarat, India

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    Background: India contributes to 25% of the over 6.9 million under-five deaths occurring worldwide every year with nearly half of them in neonatal period .This study is related indirectly with the causes of U5MR (e.g. Neonatal sepsis, prematurity-LBW) through focusing on service utilization related to perinatal events & incorrect practices of essential Newborn care (e.g. initiation of breast feeding and exclusive breastfeeding). Objectives: (1) Assess utilization of child health services related to perinatal events (2) Assess incorrect practices related to perinatal events (3) Assess effect of demographic variables on service utilization and association of these variables with practices.Methods: A cross-sectional study of 400 children (12 to 59 months) was done using multistage sampling technique in Jamnagar district. 120 children were selected from urban and 280 from rural areas as urban: rural ratio is 3:7 in India.Results: 93.55% children having umbilical infection. Birth weights were taken in majority of children (95.75%), 15.83% of those weighed were having low birth weight (LBW). Application on umbilical cord after birth was seen in 10.25% & prelacteal feed in about 1/3rd children. Breastfeeding immediately or within 4 hours after birth was seen in 3/4th, exclusive breastfeeding in 2/3rd children.Conclusions: Children having umbilical infection were treated indicating better utilization of curative services. Taking of birth weights in majority of children indicating good functioning of healthcare professionals but some of those weighed were having low birth weight (LBW) indicating underutilization of preventive-antenatal services indirectly affecting child health. Incorrect practices like application on umbilical cord after birth and prelacteal feed were seen in children. Recommended practices like breastfeeding immediately or within 4 hours after birth, exclusive breastfeeding were seen in children. Colostrum giving was more prevalent and low birth weight was less prevalent in rural areas compared to urban areas which indicated better health care utilization in rural areas.

    Farmakokinetika ceftriaksona u teladi

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    The pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone was determined after a single intravenous and intramuscular administration at the dose rate of 10 mg/kg in crossbred cow calves. The drug concentration in plasma was quantified through High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection. Following intravenous administration the drug was rapidly distributed (t1/2α: 0.13 ± 0.01 h; Vd(area); 0.44 ± 0.07 L/kg) and eliminated (t1/2β: 1.58 ± 0.06 h) from the body with a clearance rate of 3.15 ± 0.41 mL/min/kg. Following intramuscular administration, the peak plasma drug concentration (Cmax) was 15.34 ± 2.39 μg/mL at 0.25 hours (Tmax) suggesting very rapid absorption. The drug was extensively distributed (Vd(area): 1.16 ± 0.15 L/kg) and slowly eliminated (t1/2β: 5.02 ± 0.51 hours; Cl(B): 2.71 ± 0.29 mL/min/kg) following intramuscular administration. The absolute bioavailability of ceftriaxone was 47.0 ± 5.0% following intramuscular injection. However, it can be used at a dosage of 10 mg/kg intramuscularly, repeated at twelve-hourly intervals, for the treatment of susceptible bacteria infections in calves.Farmakokinetika ceftriaksona određivana je u križane teladi nakon njegove jednokratne intravenske i intramuskularne primjene u dozi od 10 mg/kg. Koncentracija lijeka u plazmi određivana je tekućinskom kromatografifi jom visokog učinka s UV zrakama. Raspodjela lijeka bila je brza nakon intravenske primjene (t1/2α: 0,13 ± 0,01 h; Vd(area): 0,44 ± 0,07 L/kg), a izlučivanje (t1/2β: 1,58 ± 0,06 h) iz tijela s klirensom od 3,15 ± 0,41 mL/min/kg. Nakon intramuskularne primjene vršna koncentracija u plazmi iznosila je (Cmax) 15,34 ± 2,39 μg/mL tijekom 0,25 sati (Tmax) što upućuje na vrlo brzu apsorpciju. Raspodjela lijeka bila je izrazito dobra (Vd(area) 1,16 ± 0,15 L/kg), a izlučivanje sporo (t1/2β: 5,02 ± 0,51 sati; Cl(B): 2,71 ± 0,29 mL/min/kg) nakon intramuskularne primjene. Apsolutna biološka raspoloživost nakon intramuskularne primjene ceftriaksona iznosila je 47,0 ± 5,0%. Međutim, on se može rabiti u dozi od 10 mg/kg i.m. te ponavljati u razmacima od 12 sati radi liječenja bakterijskih zaraza u teladi