73 research outputs found

    Political Novel-Anecdote in the Works of Vasyl Koshelyanko and Perfect Genre Option: Signs and Modification

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    Розглядаючи творчість Василя Кожелянка, неминуче приходимо до з’ясування жанрових маркерів та мо¬ди¬фікацій видів неомодерного роману. Вияви хронотопу й концепт національного героя навіть іноді слугують маркерами жанрово-стильвих ознак твору. Реалізація національно-ментальних особливостей психології українців, яку висміює у фантасмагоричному світлі автор, на сторінках романів Кожелянка вказаного типу ві¬дображає сві¬тоглядну модель, що її письменник застосовує як контекст конкретного роману. Порівняльне розкриття ознак політичного роману-анекдоту у творчості буковинського письменника та ідеального жанро¬вого інваріанту, спроектоване на естетичні обриси неомодерного та постмодерного роману, дає змогу прогно¬зувати подальший розвиток під-жанрів іронічного роману в українській літературі.Studing of the work of Vasyl Koshelyanko inevitably come to clarify the genre markers and modifications species newmodern novel. Expressions of time-space and the concept of national hero sometimes going as a markers of genre signs. The implementation of the national mental psychology Ukrainian features that ridicules in phantasmagoric light by the pages of novels Koshelyanko specified type reveals an ideological model that author uses as context specific novel. Comparative disclosures signs political novel in the works Bukovynian writers and ideal genre invariant, designed for aesthetic shape newmodern and postmodern novel, you can predict the subsequent development under genres ironic novel in Ukrainian literature.Аністратенко А. В. Політичний роман-анекдот у творчості Василя Кожелянка та ідеальний жанровий варіант: ознаки й модифікації / А. В. Аністратенко // Науковий вісник Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки. Філологічні науки. Літературознавство. – Луцьк : Волин. нац. ун-т ім. Лесі Українки. – 2012. – № 13 (238). – С. 4-8

    Theoretical approaches to evaluation of meta-subject ‘noncognitive skills’

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    The paper presents formulation of the problem of evaluation of meta-subject and ‘noncognitive’ skills in view of increasing requirements to their development at all levels of education in Russia. We have conducted a comparative assessment of classification features of meta-subject skills found in Russian and foreign literature, formulated objects of evaluation of ‘noncognitive’ skills and basic requirements to results of evaluation. The article presents main forms of inspection of development of universal learning activities.peer-reviewe

    On some approaches to evaluation of well-formedness of noncognitive skills

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    The article describes approaches to evaluation of noncognitive skills on the basis of formalisation of certain definitions allowing to render this process automatic.peer-reviewe


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    The surface hardening of laser of powder coat the system Fe-Cr-B-Si to permit lower wear of the coat. The theory of resistence of wear of the laser based an analisis strengthening of interection of atoms complex particles of the powder and detail we showed the influence of the speed of ray and diameter of stain of the laser. The theory and experiments of BNTU (Minsk) showed satisfactorily agreement for the system Fe-Cr-B-Si. This theory is the base of nanotechnology of the laser.The surface hardening of laser of powder coat the system Fe-Cr-B-Si to permit lower wear of the coat. The theory of resistence of wear of the laser based an analisis strengthening of interection of atoms complex particles of the powder and detail we showed the influence of the speed of ray and diameter of stain of the laser. The theory and experiments of BNTU (Minsk) showed satisfactorily agreement for the system Fe-Cr-B-Si. This theory is the base of nanotechnology of the laser

    До питання проблем акцизного оподаткування в Україні

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    Чорна, А. М. До питання проблем акцизного оподаткування в Україні / Аліна Миколаївна Чорна, Валерія Максимівна Аністратенко // Актуальні проблеми сучасної науки в дослідженнях молодих учених : матеріали наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 14 трав. 2015 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків : ХНУВС, 2015. – С. 235-237.Запропоновано напрями акцизного оподаткування, які призведуть до формування прозорого і стабільного правового поля діяльності платників цього платежу, сприятимуть становленню справедливого конкурентного середовища та, одночасно, спричинять зростання обсягів надходжень акцизного податку до державного бюджету, що буде наслідком розширення бази його справляння.The directions of excise taxation are proposed, which will lead to the formation of a transparent and stable legal field of activity for payers of this payment, will contribute to the formation of a fair competitive environment and, at the same time, will cause an increase in the volume of excise tax revenues to the state budget, which will be a consequence of the expansion of the basis of its collection.Предложены направления акцизного налогообложения, которые приведут к формированию прозрачного и стабильного правового поля деятельности плательщиков этого платежа, будут способствовать становлению справедливой конкурентной среды и, одновременно, повлекут за собой рост объемов поступлений акцизного налога в государственный бюджет, что будет следствием расширения базы его взимания


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    The article deals with the worldview and memories in the alternative history novels meta-genre, its stylistic, genre markers and common plot characteristics, which realize the concept of the “insight emigration”. Alternate history meta-genre is presented here as the basic genre formation which derivate own subgenres with similar and different markers, that all works as a basis of the “insight emigration” concept. The text research is based on the novels of V. Tarnavsky “Empty Pedestal”, V. Aksyonov “Island of Crimea”, D. Odiya “Tartak”, V. Kozhelyanko “Children of the stagnation” and Pierre DBC “Light out in Wonaerland”. The article’s goal is to determine the identify the way of the special complex of genre and stylistic markers forming the concept of “insight emigration”of alternative history meta-genre novels and this finding means article’s novelty. In the novel “Tartak” D. Odiya describes the “Post-Pegeerian” Poland in its category B, as indicative marker of the novel’s space. In the novel we see the pessimistic mode of the ashes, in which the characters are mostly unemployed and homeless, alcoholics, drug addicts, small criminals and cheap prostitutes. Outsiders and marginalized generations are lost in time and space between a joyous past and a hopeless future. Their migration takes place without any prefixes, since it has no direction of movement, because these people do not have a place to go to in the outside world (where nobody expects them), nor in the inner world (which is devoid of memory – the last travel guide). In contrast to “Tartak” the poetics of the novel “Children of Stagnation” by V. Tarnavskiy is inextricably linked with the facts of the USSR’s finish and the already mentioned “repressive discourse”, which remained as a trail of history in history. In the performance of Pierre DBC, in the novel “Lights out in Wonderlan” we can see depressive urban space, even similar to the the fiction world of Russian writer E. Zamyatin, who wrote novel “We” about the communist world with his repressive discourse with only single escape – the “internal emigration”. The author catches into field of sarcasm the real Soviet reality. And Peter Warren Finley (the real name of Pierre DBC), and the Soviet citizen of Russia E. Zamyatin, in fact intend in the novels blaming position to the British Empire and the “Empire of Evil”. Methods of research. For analyzing is used descriptive method, comparative method and analytical principle. The cultural method is also used to indicate the cultural status of the antinomy “memory‑forgetting”, determine its range of control in the plot of fiction literature works and compare the result to different national literature on the basis of some novels. The novelty of the article is that, it is realized for the first time the comparison of “internal emigration” in West-European, Slavic literatures and Russian literature as the concept of post-colonial studies. Textually the research is based on the five novels. Conclusions. Consequently, worldview and memory are often embodied in intellectual characters (sometimes marginal status) and as expressions of the internal emigration of an intellectual person who in today’s consumer society finds no place in either the homeland or emigration in the works of alternative history meta-genre. The “internal emigration” in the literature of the alternative history appears to be a specific mechanism for implementing the antinomy of “memory-forgetting” on the side of forgetting in the Western Slavic literature and literature of the Slavic world (Polish, Ukrainian, and Czech) and on the side of memory in Russian literature. The divergence of this discourse vector is related to the functioning of artistic systems in postcolonial and anti-colonial spaces

    Clathrocaspia isseli

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    Clathrocaspia isseli (Logvinenko & Starobogatov, 1969) Fig. 2a–d Pyrgula (Caspia) isseli Logv. et Star. sp. n. — Logvinenko & Starobogatov 1969: 378, fig. 367(6). Pyrgula isseli Logvinenko et Starobogatov, 1968 — Kantor & Sysoev 2006: 100, pl. 45, fig. P. Clathrocaspia isseli (Logvinenko & Starobogatov, 1969) — Wesselingh et al. 2019: 70. Clathrocaspia isseli (Logvinenko & Starobogatov, 1969) — Anistratenko et al. 2021: 174, fig. 12i–l, q. Type material. Holotype (ZIN 1 /532-2021) and 32 paratypes (ZIN 2 /532-2021) derive from the same lot, labeled “50/1957” (Tab. 1, locality 16), collected by B.M. Logvinenko off Cheleken Peninsula on 4 August 1957. Further 128 paratypes (ZIN 3 /532-2021–8/532-2021, 11/532-2021 and 12/532-2021) are stored in eight separate tubes, labels only marked with the number of station and year, collected in various parts of the Middle (Tab. 1, locality 2) and South (localities 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 42) Caspian Sea between 26 June 1956 and 2 August 1957 (Fig. 1). Type locality. Originally given as “Southern Caspian Sea between 40–75 m water depth” without further details (Logvinenko & Starobogatov 1969). The holotype was collected in the Caspian Sea off the Cheleken Peninsula, Turkmenistan (Table 1, locality 16) from 71 m depth. Remarks. Recently rediscovered material determined by Starobogatov as the paratypes of C. isseli contain a variety of morphologies. Some match the typical C. isseli as described by Logvinenko & Starobogatov (1969) and the morphology of the holotype (Fig. 2a, b). However, some paratypes (Fig. 2i, j, o–r) resemble C. pallasii (Clessin & W. Dybowski in W. Dybowski, 1887) closely and study of these and additional material confirms that some of the paratypes were classified under that species correctly (Anistratenko et al. 2021). Despite their overall similarity in shell shape, C. pallasii can be distinguished from C. isseli by the consistently lower whorl base, the less convex whorl profile, the slightly detached aperture and the larger and more bulbous protoconch. Clathrocaspia isseli differs from C. gmelinii (Clessin & W. Dybowski in W. Dybowski, 1887) in its more slender shape (see Anistratenko et al. 2021 for further details). Distribution. Endemic to the Caspian Sea, only known from 8 localities (see above) in the Middle and South Basins from water depths of 40 and 107 m. Also found in the Holocene deposits of the Kura delta (Anistratenko et al. 2021).Published as part of Anistratenko, Vitaliy V., Sitnikova, Tatiana Ya. & Anistratenko, Olga Yu., 2021, Holotypes for three Caspian gastropods of the family Hydrobiidae tracked down description and taxonomic interpretations, pp. 408-416 in Zootaxa 5027 (3) on page 412, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5027.3.6, http://zenodo.org/record/544976

    Limpet-shaped gastropods of the genus Diodora (Vetigastropoda: Fissurellidae) from the Middle Miocene of Western Ukraine

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    The genus Diodora Gray, 1821 is widely represented in the Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys with specimens usually attributed to D. graeca (Linnaeus, 1758) or D. italic (Defrance, 1820), well-known recent species of the Atlantic / Mediterranean Basin. In samples from the Upper Badenian of Western Ukraine we found two clusters of Diodora specimens, showing a similarity with these species, but a review of shell diagnostic characters using a statistical approach has revealed their clear conchological separateness. The first species from Varovtsi and Horodok is attributed herein to D. nodosa (Eichwald, 1830), whereas the second species from Maksymivka is described as a new species, D. stalennuyi sp. nov. We consider that these molluscs inhabited the Polish-Ukrainian marginal part of the Late Badenian Basin. Detailed descriptions of the protoconch and teleoconch morphology of the taxa involved, including SEM images, are presented